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Re: [aspectj-users] Testing Aspect Alone

Hi Nick,

Thank you for your helpful advice. I've already had a good idea suggested by Eric Bodden in [aosd-discuss]. His suggestion is to add another "test" aspect with higher precedence to advice the advices themselves, and additionally to use System.setOut() method to check the output stream. According to his suggestion, here I made a simple example to implement this kind of test:

//AspectToBeTested is the aspect to be tested
public aspect AspectToBeTested{
     public pointcut pc(): set(* TestCase.i)&&within(TestCase);
     before(): pc(){
System.out.println("Data"); }

//class TestCase provides the context for testing import*;
public class TestCase{
     private int i;
     public static void main(String[] args){
          TestCase t=new TestCase();

//SystemSetOutAspect is to redirect the output stream, with higher precedence //than AspectToBeTested import*;
public aspect SystemSetOutAspect{
   public static PrintStream TestCase.console;
   before(): set(* TestCase.i)&&within(TestCase){
PrintStream out= new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("setOut.txt")),true); System.setOut(out);
          }catch(IOException e){}

//ComparingResultAspect is to compare the output value with expected outcome, with //lower precedence than AspectToBeTested import*;
public aspect ComparingResultAspect{
   before(): set(* TestCase.i)&&within(TestCase){
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new FileReader("setOut.txt"));
         String in="";
                  System.out.println("Testing is successful.");
                  System.out.println("Testing fails.");
      }catch(IOException e){}

//PrecedenceAspect is to declare the precedence public aspect PrecedenceAspect{ declare precedence: SystemSetOutAspect, AspectToBeTested, ComparingResultAspect;

The simple test program above is to test the before() advice with System.out.println(...) in itself. If this is not the best method to do this kind of test, any suggestion is welcomed.

By the way, you mentioned "a helper class", which I could not find in Java API documentation. Could you please explain in detail what it is used for? Thank you very much.


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