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Re: [aspectj-users] coverage, decompile, recompile

Thanks for the suggestion, Ron.

I tried that. Things look a little better - I don't get the inner class problem first anymore - but this one instead :

/home/jgosnell/cvs/wadi/src/java/org/codehaus/wadi/shared/ error Syntax error, insert "AssignmentOperator ArrayInitializer" to complete Expression
/home/jgosnell/cvs/wadi/src/java/org/codehaus/wadi/shared/ error Syntax error on token "Invalid Character", throw expected
if(ajc$perSingletonInstance == null) goto _L2; else goto _L1

The code at this point has decompiled to :

    public static NameChecking aspectOf()
        ajc$perSingletonInstance;    // < line 33
        if(ajc$perSingletonInstance == null) goto _L2; else goto _L1
throw new NoAspectBoundException("org_codehaus_wadi_shared_NameChecking", ajc$initFailureCause);

    public static boolean hasAspect()
        return ajc$perSingletonInstance != null;

Line 33 looks very dodgy :-(. It looks like a variable declaration with no type... JAD bug ?

I'm using :

aspectj1.2 for the original compile and recompile step.
jad v1.5.8e for the decompilation.

Should this sort of thing work, or am I wasting my time ?

Thanks for any help.


DiFrango, Ron wrote:

This is a known problem with AspectJ.  The following link should get you to
the bug report:

One alternative approach you could take is to re-name your .aj files to
.java and the aspectj compiler will work fine.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jules Gosnell [mailto:jules@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 10:32 AM
To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aspectj-users] coverage, decompile, recompile

Because AspectJ compiles directly from .aj to .class with no intermediate .java stage, I am currently thwarted in my efforts to run e.g. Clover over my codebase to do coverage testing.

Clover only understands Java (AFAIK).

I guess this must be the situation for a number of useful tools.

I recently had the idea of compiling .aj to .class, decompiling .class to .java and then recompiling .java back to .class with clover...

Needless to say this was wishful thinking (I used the latest JAD, which wasn't happy with the version of my class files). The first recompilation error, of many, turned out to be an inner class that had got lost - further investiation revealed that jad had failed to decompile it : WEB-INF/classes/org/codehaus/wadi/jetty/Manager$HouseKeeper.class...The class file version is 48.0 (only 45.3, 46.0 and 47.0 are supported)
  Generating jad/org/codehaus/wadi/jetty/Manager$
Couldn't resolve all access$ methods in method run

Has anyone else tried anything like this ?

Is it possible to decompile Aspectj programs back into Java, or do they contain untranslatable bytecode ?

Is there a better decompiler around ?



 * Jules Gosnell
 * Partner
 * Core Developers Network (Europe)
 * Open Source Training & Support.

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