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[aspectj-users] code policy enforcement and AspectJ

I'm trying to write an aspect that helps me enforce that member values
should only be changed from methods named set*, and from the constructor(s),
in the same class that the member variable belongs to. Is it possible to do
this at compile time? The problem is to deny(flag warning)
constructors/methods in other classes from assigning variables. The aspect
should be generic, so !withincode(; doesn't help

Hopefully you understand my question, and have some ideas

aspect that try to explain my idea but doesn't work (doesn't compile):

pointcut notSelfCall(Object caller, Object callee) :
set (* *.* && ) !withincode(*.new(..))
this(caller) && target(callee) && caller != callee;
pointcut directMemberAssignment() :
set (* *.*) && !withincode(* set*(..)) &&
declare warning : directMemberAssignment() &&
notSelfCall(caller, callee) :
"Use a setter method for assignment. Constructors in other class can't
assign values";

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