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[aspectj-users] general tracing aspect

Hello all,

I have a bunch of classes each with its own static instance of a log4j
logger. This instances all have the same name 'logger'. I want to add
enter-leave tracing to each of the methods of all classes but would be
interested in making this with a single aspect. However I'm having trouble
with the sintax to refer to the logger in my advice, without using the class
name -which would defeat the purpose. I cannot use type patterns in advice,
rigth ? Can anyone provide any hints ? Using aspectJ, a sintatically wrong
expression of my needs would be:

package my.package;

privileged aspect TraceEnterLeave
	pointcut method(): within(my.package..*) && execution(* *(..));
	before(): method() 
) ,
	after() returning(Object o): method() 
), o);

A related question would be how to migrate the static logger declaration in
each class to that tracing aspect ? Could I use a type pattern to get the
class name to instatiate each logger ?

Thanks in advance.


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