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Re: [aspectj-dev] A little help with perthis/pertarget ...

In case this helps you I decompiled end extracted one of the advised methods:

    public List getPlanGrpPurpInfo(String dbName, long planId, String grpPurpose)
        throws Exception
        String s;
        long l;
        String s1;
        s = dbName;
        l = planId;
        s1 = grpPurpose;
        Connection conn;
        List results;
        CallableStatement cs;
        conn = null;
        results = new ArrayList();
        cs = null;
        List list1;
        List list;
            conn = getConnectionAdmin();
            cs = conn.prepareCall("{call " + dbName + ".." + "gPlanGrpPurp(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}");
            cs.setString(1, grpPurpose);
            cs.setLong(2, planId);
            cs.registerOutParameter(3, 2);
            cs.registerOutParameter(4, 1);
            cs.registerOutParameter(5, 1);
            results.add(new Long(cs.getLong(3)));
            list = results;
        catch(Exception e)
            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw e;
        DB.close(conn, cs);
        list1 = list;
        break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_306;
        Exception exception;
        DB.close(conn, cs);
        throw exception;
        Throwable throwable;
            Object aobj[] = new Object[3];
            aobj[0] = s;
            aobj[1] = Conversions.longObject(l);
            aobj[2] = s1;
ry.makeJP(ajc$tjp_10, this, this, aobj));
        throw throwable;
            Object aobj1[] = new Object[3];
            aobj1[0] = s;
            aobj1[1] = Conversions.longObject(l);
            aobj1[2] = s1;
ry.makeJP(ajc$tjp_10, this, this, aobj1));
        return list1;

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 1:48 PM, Dan Bush <dan.bush@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Probably ten more lines of code to your example would confirm. What about spawning off a few threads which simply to the System.out in run()?

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 1:44 PM, Eric Bodden <eric.bodden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 1) The methods are not static.
> 2) I am using a named point cut called "services()". Not sure if that
> matters at all or not. I was actually expecting / wondering why I not have
> tired something like:
> aspect ProfileAspect perthis(execution(services())) {

That does not work. You would need perthis(services()). But it should
not matter anyway.

> 3) The methods I am point cutting are EJB methods. So there are multiple
> threads of execution hitting them sanctimoniously. That's why I can't use
> the singleton aspect. The start time gets stomped on ... I am just detailing
> the actual scenario in case you thing there would be something special about
> it which precluded the advice from kicking in there since it obviously works
> as expected in your test.

I wonder what the semantics of perthis is w.r.t. multi-threading. I
have no idea. From what you reported so far, I almost think that you
hit a bug.


Eric Bodden
Sable Research Group
McGill University, Montréal, Canada
aspectj-dev mailing list

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