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[aperi-dev] Linux - /proc/scsi and ant build_plugins


I tried the latest interim build on a SLES10 sp1 Linux
box. The GUI installer is really great and a big improvement
over the Aperi 0.3 binary install experience. Two Linux
specific bugs (207882 and 208697) can be worked around.

I wanted to try Aperi on a server with SCSI disks: in
order to regress a fix for a bug that caused the agent to
core dump when trying to report an error from the C
code, calling back into the Java logger. That fix looks
good and I am now getting C code error messages logged

Unfortunately, those messages now reveal some Linux
specific issues. The agent's probeSCSI code doesn't work at
all on Linux - it's making assumptions about /proc/scsi
which are no longer valid in newer versions - e.g. the Qlogic
driver we have no longer creates /proc/scsi/qla2xxx, but
instead puts entries in /sys/class/scsi_host/host2/ ... 

I've been working on a fix on my laptop, but wanting to 
test on the target server machine - which doesn't have a full
development environment - only the agent JARs installed
by the new installer.

So I've been trying to run ant build_plugins on Linux, and
it get's so far, but then fails trying to compile Java code that
reference the Eclipse core runtime classes. E.g.

     [exec] @dot:
     [exec]     [mkdir] Created dir: /home/rawipfel/Aperi-Dev/Code/org.eclipse.aperi.common.utils/temp.folder/@dot.bin
     [exec]     [javac] Compiling 4 source files to /home/rawipfel/Aperi-Dev/Code/org.eclipse.aperi.common.utils/temp.folder/@dot.bin
     [exec]     [javac] /home/rawipfel/Aperi-Dev/Code/org.eclipse.aperi.common.utils/src/org/eclipse/aperi/util/extensions/ package org.eclipse.core.runtime does not exist
     [exec]     [javac] import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;

In for Linux, I have:

export CLASSPATH=$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar:$ANT_HOME/lib/ant.jar:$ANT_HOME/lib/ant-launcher.jar

compared to the Windows version:

set CLASSPATH=%ANT_HOME%\lib\ant-launcher.jar;%CLASSPATH%

I wonder if there is something already in CLASSPATH due to
Eclipse or Windows that I'm missing when running ant on the
command line in Linux? Not sure I understand the @dot in 
the ant output either? and the script is creating subdirectories 
with that name too...

How does this work on Windows? is the ant script called on
the command line, or from Eclipse?

I'm trying to create a new org.eclipse.aperi.agent.data_5.0.0.jar
that I can copy to my server and test - thanks in advance for help
or ideas for building plugins on Linux :-)

(I've entered bug 208708 to describe the agent failure on Linux
servers with SCSI disks).


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