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Re: [aperi-dev] Some issues about Aperi


thanks for the reply.

Is it possible to get a 'Good Build' ( -> )?
It would be nice for me to test the plugins not on Aperi 0.3.1, but on a
newer version of Aperi.
TODD> Aperi 0.3.1 is the newest build (a couple of weeks old) that has had a certain degree of testing and validation. Are you having problems with it? Please share any bugs or issues you have with it. http:// is the ideal place for posting bugs. It will be great to get additional feedback as our testing environments are limited and community validation is of upmost importance.

The version 0.3.1 is very good (though i can't do many things, because i have no SAN here (just a database ...)) The problem for me is that i have no binary build to test my plugins on other machines, and i have some problems with building it myself. The bug 191750 was opened after Aperi 0.3.1, so far i know.

It would be great to have a download possibility on the homepage at where is already an entry for
TODD> Eclipse uses mirroring (which is more scalable) for large file download Once you click on the 'download' link, it takes you directly to the file.

Sorry, it was not clear what i wrote. I know about the mirroring of Eclipse, but what I meant was a link
for the newer (weekly?) 'Interim Builds'.

Is it possible to get the installer not create an Aperi database, but
use an existing TPC Database?
TODD> Interesting requirement. If this is something you need, perhaps we can discuss further and you can help in designing that sort of integration. You and I could work on something like that. We'd have to spec
out all of the issues, but I'm sure it can be done.

I need this because we have no SAN, we just have a TPC database. For now, I changed some things (mostly in the configuration) to get it work with the TPC database. But perhaps it would be good for others, too. Think of a situation like this: A company wants to test Aperi and has TPC already working. They don't want to do a whole new discovery, because it costs time. So it would be great to use the existing data, wouldn't it?

Where can I find documentation for extensions and extension points of
Aperi (especially for the 0.3 versions)?
TODD> For which component do you need? The best bet here is to talk with some of the component experts. This sort of discussion will help flesh out the appropriate documentation.

The most difficult thing for me was the GUI (-> aperiMenuPath). I found no other way to get into the GUI, especially i couldn't get in the BaseTree ... The other thing is the dataserver. The documentation is good, but very short. Some examples would be great. Most of problems i had were with the Request/Response objects and my own RequestHandler. It's now working, but
it was hard to get it so.

Best regards,

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