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Re: [aperi-dev] The Launch Browser plugin

Awesome thanks!
Chris, sounds like yet another config instruction:

The report manager/viewer is a web application that requires a supported browser to be installed on the GUI client (I recommend Firefox or later).
On Windows the GUI will use the systems idea of the 'default' browser (whatever would be launched via the 'start' command. On XP its defined in the [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\http\shell\open\command] registry entry)
On  Linux the GUI will search for the following installed browsers in this order: mozilla, firefox, netscape, opera, and launch the first one it finds. To override this default  behavior set the environment variable DEFAULT_BROWSER to the resolvable name of the desired browser executable or an absolute path. For example if you have firefox installed in /usr/bin/firefox and you have /usr/bin in your PATH environment variable, you can set DEFAULT_BROWSER=firefox

We have tested on IE6/IE7, and several Mozilla 5.0 based browsers including Firefox 2.0 and SeaMonkey 1.0.8
I recommend Firefox or later.

Dave Wolfe/Portland/IBM (dwolfe@xxxxxxxxxx) TL: 775-3376 Office: 503-578-3376 Personal: 503-329-3960

UI Technical Lead, Aperi Open Source Storage Management

"A good composer does not imitate; he steals." - Igor Stravinsky


Rodica Ciurea <rodica_ciurea@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: aperi-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

04/30/2007 12:55 PM

Please respond to
Aperi Development <aperi-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Aperi Development <aperi-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Viorel Ciurea <viorel_ciurea@xxxxxxxxxx>
[aperi-dev] The Launch Browser plugin

We have added the new menu item Reports -> View Reports to the Classic View.

On Linux, it search for a browser, in this order:

- The value specified by the environment variable DEFAULT_BROWSER

- mozilla

- firefox

- netscape

- opera

The DEFAULT_BROWSER should contain the absolute path of the browser, or just the name (mozilla, firefox, etc) if the browser is on the PATH.


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