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[alf-req] AccuRev input on ALF SCM requirements

At the last ALF requirements meeting, AccuRev said we would submit some SCM use cases, to round out the existing list in the ALF requirements doc (which is rather thin). Below is our input.


Richard Title (developer) and Scott McGrath (product manager)




SCM Use Cases for ALF

For the list of ALF SCM use cases below, we have attempted to capture the core functionality of an SCM tool. These are intended as building blocks: The hope is that tools that want to integrate with an SCM system (e.g. IDE’s, issue-tracking tools, build tools) can create the SCM integrations they need out of these core capabilities. Of course, if we discover needed but missing use cases, we can extend this list.

A challenge of ALF will be defining the common vocabulary that the tools use to talk to each other. The vocabulary and model may vary from tool to tool. In particular, for SCM, we’ll want to talk about objects like “elements”, “versions”, “branches”, “streams”, “baselines”, “workspaces”, etc, and the precise meaning of these things will vary from SCM tool to SCM tool.

In the list of use cases below we deal with this by introducing new terms as we go (putting each new term in italics). If there’s more than 1 term for the concept we’ll put the 2nd / 3rd one(s) in parenthesis, as in workspace (sandbox) (view). We’ll let each term be defined functionally by its use case. This isn’t very rigorous, but for now it should be good enough. In most cases we give examples from existing SCM-tool command-line-interfaces to clarify what we mean.

1. Create a workspace(sandbox) (view)

    A workspace is characterized by a place on your local filesystem where the files correlate to objects under SCM control. Workspaces are a sharing mechanism: Different users have different workspaces (views) into the same set of underlying objects.

    “mkws” – AccuRev

    “co” – CVS (creates and populates the sandbox)

    “mkview” – ClearCase

2. Remove a workspace(sandbox) (view)

    Undoes #1

    “rmws” – AccuRev

     nothing – CVS (just delete the files)

    “rmview” – ClearCase

3. Put a set of files under source control.

    This create elements corresponding to each file, and creates an initial version of each element whose contents come from the file.

    "add" - AccuRev, CVS

     "mkelem" - ClearCase

4. Remove elements from source control

    Undoes #3. Could be implemented by just hiding the elements, if the SCM system doesn’t want to destroy information.

   "defunct" - AccuRev,

    "remove" - CVS

    "rmelem" - ClearCase

5. Mark a element as being worked on, either exclusively or non-exclusively

    “Exclusive” means you are preventing others from working on it at the same time. Non-exclusive may be a no-op in some systems, or it may have the effect of making the corresponding file writeable in some other systems.

   "co" – AccuRev (only needed for exclusive locking)

   "edit"  - CVS (only needed for exclusive locking)

    "checkout" – ClearCase (makes the file writeable, there are different switches for exclusive vs non-exclusive)

 6. Create a new version of an element

   The operation by which new versions come into existence. Takes the contents of a source file, creates a new version based on those contents, and puts the new version into the corresponding element’s version-history. Versions of an element are linked into a graph by predecessor/successor relationships.

   "keep" - AccuRev,

   "ci" - CVS,

   "checkin" - ClearCase

7. Create a new branch (stream) to support parallel development

    The general idea is that new versions are created on that branch. So for instance, a set of elements might have a maintenance branch/stream and a future-development branch/stream, each with its own sequence of versions.

    “mkstream” – AccuRev

    “tag –b” – CVS

    “mkbrtype”  - base ClearCase

    “mkstream” – ClearCase with UCM

8. Capture a baseline (snapshot)

     The general idea is to capture a fixed set of versions that can be re-materialized at a later time.

     "mksnap" – AccuRev

     "tag" – CVS

     "mklabel" - base ClearCase

     "mkbaseline" UCM ClearCase

9. Materialize a set of versions as files in a workspace

    The files correspond to one version of each element, typically the latest or whatever is selected by the workspace’s configuration.

    "update" – AccuRev, CVS, ClearCase (for snapshot/web views, implicit for dynamic views)

10. Get history of an element or set of elements

     Time-ordering listing of the history of changes.

    "hist"  - Accurev

    "history" - CVS

    "hist" - ClearCase

11. Compare versions of element(s)

   "diff" - AccuRev, CVS, ClearCase

12. Perform merges of versions, from one branch/stream to another

   "merge" – AccuRev, CVS, ClearCase

13. Promote versions up the stream hierarchy

    Modern SCM systems define a process by which changes propagate up a hierarchy of streams. This use-case is to support such a hierarchical model.

   "promote" – AccuRev

   “deliver” – ClearCase with UCM

14. Define a change-package (activity) 

    This is a set of changes that are logically tied together. It is typically defined to support associating the set of changes with a defect (see #15). A change-package is typically defined as a set of versions without gaps (though other definitions are possible).

    “cpkadd” - AccuRev

    “mkactivity”, “checkin” (specifying an activity) - ClearCase

15. Associate defect (issue) with a  change-package (activity)

    A 2-way association can be maintained between issues in an issue-tracking-system and sets of changes in an SCM system.

    Examples from existing systems:


    AccuRev/AccuWork – this integration is supported by the UI

    ClearCase/ClearQuest – this integration is supported by the UI


16. Create a trigger which fires on selected actions in the SCM system


    Many SCM systems support the notion of triggers, which typically are set up to fire when given element(s), stream(s), etc are changed.

    Traditionally these are associated with executable scripts on either the client machine or the server machine, though in the context of ALF they might instead be associated with firing an ALF service request.


    “mktrig” – AccuRev

    “mktrigger” - ClearCase






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