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[ajdt-dev] New aspect/in path management support in latest dev build of AJDT 3.5 stream

Hi all,

Based on some recent and not so recent comments on some bug reports, I
just added some better aspect/in path management for classpath

As before, it is possible to right click on a jar in your project and
add that jar to the aspect/in path.  However, now, if that jar is
contained in a classpath container (eg- ivy dependencies, or maven
dependencies), you get the option to specify adding that jar only (or
any subset of jars in the container) to your aspect/in path.

This is through the use of path restrictions.  You can specify a
string (a jar name, or a portion of a jar name) of which to restrict
the contents of the path to.  This feature has already been available
from the Aspect/In path pages in the project properties, but I have
now exposed it in the package explorer.

I am hoping that this will make classpath management of classpath
containers somewhat easier to manage.  Please try it out and let me
know what you think.

If you have any comments, please post here or add a comment to


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