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[ajdt-dev] AspectJ cflowbelow

As I understand it, the IDE shows static pointcuts, where dynamic pointcuts, like cflowbelow, may apply, but not necessarily where they will apply.
So it shows that the call to executeRules may be captured. But when it gets to that point in the execution of the program, it looks for the dynamic rule (am I within the control flow of a call to executeRules?), which fails, so you do not get a match.
As written, your pointcut will only capture calls to executeRules nested within a call to executeRules. If you meant to exclude nested calls, then Andy's succinct !cflowbelow should capture only the top level calls.
The other trails to pursue include the distinction between call and execute, and what code is being woven. You have used a call, which suggests you have control over (ie can weave into) your code but not the code being called. If that is the case, then if that code contains executeRules, the pointcut is not being woven into that call.
Hope this helps...


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