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[ajdt-dev] Fw: AJDT Developer Conf. Call minutes & actions

>> - AMC to post to aspectj-dev on failure of AspectJ build process when
using master Ant file

Good news: Just did a full refresh of the AspectJ modules from CVS, and was
able to **successfully build** a packaged version of AspectJ using Ant
1.5.1 from the command line.

----- Forwarded by Adrian Colyer/UK/IBM on 31/01/2003 20:50 -----
|         |           Adrian Colyer    |
|         |                            |
|         |           31/01/2003 20:27 |
  |                                                                                                                |
  |       To:       ajdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                                                       |
  |       cc:       Andrew Clement/UK/IBM                                                                          |
  |       From:     Adrian Colyer/UK/IBM@IBMGB                                                                     |
  |       Subject:  AJDT Developer Conf. Call minutes & actions                                                    |
  |                                                                                                                |
  |                                                                                                                |

Andy will act as the release manager for 0.6.0, targeted for release on the
same day as AspectJ 1,1 (Tue?), or failing that the following day.

We agreed the following:
* Mik to commit changes to CVS today (Fri) for full structure view,
incremental compilation, and structure change notification
* Mik to send/make available rebuilt AspectJ jars for weekend testing
      - AMC to post to aspectj-dev on failure of AspectJ build process when
using master Ant file
* Andy to pick up and test with 1.1 pre-release jars from aspectj-dev once
Jim posts their availability ( probably Mon.)
      - following instructions in FAQ to build ajde.jar from new AJ jars,
and to package a new plugin
* AMC to contact eclipse,org and ask about possibility of ajdt updatesite
hosted on [request sent]
* AMC to arrange for Julie to become full committer on AJDT [request sent]
* Andy to package final 1.1 jars when released into AJDT 0.6.0 full release
      - as a zip file available from our download site, with accompanying
instructions (see FAQ) on how to install using it
      - additionally as a live update site on if we
can get hosting space
      - update to release notes in org.eclipse.ajdt.ui plugin to reflect
new version and functions
* Andy to make website updates for release:
      - direct link to FAQ from AJDT homepage
      - update download page to point to new release
* Andy to post availability of AspectJ 1,1 feature for eclipse to ajdt-dev,
ajdt newsgroup, and aspectj-users
* AMC - fix refreshLocal bugs for build config editor and build output
* AMC - validate that JoinPoint probe is disabled in this release (will add
back in for future release) [done]
* Andy to investigate and fix if possible bug 30461 (can this be reproduced
in 0.6.0 base - we fixed something similar I seem to recall)

Post-release AJDT conference call will take place at 5pm GMT next Thursday
as usual... AMC will be absent as attending meeting in US.

-- Adrian.

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