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Re: [aether-users] Issues with Aether and Native Proxy Settings

Am 05.03.2014 um 20:48 schrieb Benjamin Bentmann <bentmann@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

>>> E.g. I'm not sure whether the old aether-connector-asynchttpclient was ever successfully used with NTLM proxies.
>> Well, this is an interesting question I’d like to know more about. How can I test this - or: does the new (eclipse) aether support NTLM?
> Recent Eclipse Aether versions employ Apache HttpClient 4.2.x as HTTP library. According to [2], Apache HttpClient generally supports NTLM/NTLMv2 and has been battle-tested in practice.
> Other than finding yourself a NTLM proxy to connect to, I don't see how you can test the aether-connector-asynchttpclient with it. Maybe Google knows something about the NTLM support in v1.6.5, I'm simply over-asked in this regard.
> At any rate, the username+password will have to be provided to Aether/HttpClient, it doesn't have native hooks into the OS to get those magically (though the username could probably be assumed to be the sys prop by the app).

Assuming that Apache Httpclient supports NTLM (somehow). How could I configure Aether (assuming you mean Eclipse Aether v0.9 when speaking about „a recent version“) and its httpclient to use NTLM authentication?

I may misunderstand the way how NTLM works, but I guess(!) one of the fundamental things of NTLM is that applications don’t get access to the username and password. Instead they use some kind of tokens provided by NTLM to authenticate the user. Thus specifying a username+password sounds impossible when an NTLM proxy is used.

FWIW, I’m waiting for details about the proxy settings.


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