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[aether-users] Getting an error when trying to use Aether M3


I'm trying to use Aether from EclipseScript.
I ported the FindAvailableVersions example to _javascript_, but when I run the example I get the following error:

Inline image 1

Research leads me to believe that there might be a version conflict in the org.apache.http package requested by the aether http transport. The OSGi headers indicate that aether does not express any version contraints for org.apache.http* and therefore might pick up the wrong version (it gets it from org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient_4.1.3).

osgi> headers 187
Bundle headers:
 Archiver-Version = Plexus Archiver
 Bnd-LastModified = 1375040107302
 Build-Jdk = 1.7.0_25
 Built-By = Benjamin
 Bundle-Description = A transport implementation for repositories using http:// and https:// URLs.
 Bundle-ManifestVersion = 2
 Bundle-Name = Aether Transport HTTP (Incubation)
 Bundle-SymbolicName = org.eclipse.aether.transport.http
 Bundle-Vendor = The Eclipse Foundation
 Bundle-Version = 0.9.0.M3
 Created-By = Apache Maven Bundle Plugin
 Export-Package = org.eclipse.aether.transport.http;uses:="javax.inject,org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations,org.eclipse.aether,org.eclipse.aether.repository,org.eclipse.aether.spi.connector.transport,org.eclipse.aether.spi.locator,org.eclipse.aether.spi.log,org.eclipse.aether.transfer";version="0.9.0.M3"
 Import-Package = javax.inject;resolution:=optional,,,org.apache.http,org.apache.http.auth,org.apache.http.auth.params,org.apache.http.client,org.apache.http.client.methods,org.apache.http.client.utils,org.apache.http.conn,org.apache.http.conn.params,org.apache.http.conn.scheme,org.apache.http.conn.ssl,org.apache.http.entity,org.apache.http.impl.auth,org.apache.http.impl.client,org.apache.http.impl.conn,org.apache.http.impl.cookie,org.apache.http.params,org.apache.http.protocol,org.apache.http.util,org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations;resolution:=optional,org.eclipse.aether;version="[0.9,1)",org.eclipse.aether.repository;version="[0.9,1)",org.eclipse.aether.spi.connector.transport;version="[0.9,1)",org.eclipse.aether.spi.locator;version="[0.9,1)",org.eclipse.aether.spi.log;version="[0.9,1)",org.eclipse.aether.transfer;version="[0.9,1)",org.eclipse.aether.util;version="[0.9,1)"
 Manifest-Version = 1.0
 Tool = Bnd-

osgi> which 187 org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory
Loaded from: org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient_4.1.3.v201209201135 [20]

I tried with eclipse 3.6.2 and eclipse 4.3.1 (3.6.2 needs Orbit to successfully install aether)

You can install EclipseScript from and run the sample from the attached project by pressing CTRL-4 and then F and then enter to select the FindAvailableVersions sample.

Any help is highly appreciated.

Lothar Werzinger

Principal Architect

Tradescape, Inc. - Enabling Efficient Digital Marketplaces

+1-650-931-6719 (direct)

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