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Re: [aether-users] Authorization Problem when Deploying

Timo Rohrberg wrote:

Yes, in the very beginning of implementing my Maven Plugin, I tried to do
exactly this. But somehow I messed up with the Maven 2.x, 3.0.x, and 3.1.0
dependencies and now I am unable to use the "old" ArtifactDeployer.

That sounds like a problem the Maven user list should be able to resolve.

Using Aether, it seems to work now. Is there any constraint that makes you
argue that this approach is "dangerous" or "not recommended"?

E.g. your code seems to ignore the snapshot distribution repository. Nothing that can't be fixed if it really affects your case, but it's something more you need to keep in mind.

Generally, employing the same code path as standard Maven plugins gives you greater confidence that things work the Maven-way and continue to work in new Maven versions.


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