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Re: [aether-users] Questions about Aether demo code

Thanks for your answer, responses inline.

On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 9:09 AM, Benjamin Bentmann <bentmann@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Lothar Werzinger wrote:

ManualRepositorySystemFactory uses a
class org.apache.maven.repository.internal.MavenRepositorySystemUtils that
is not installed/available when installing Aether from the p2 repository.

If this class is required to run Aether, then why is is it not being

As the package name suggess, this class belongs to the Apache Maven project and the Aether p2 repo only contains the bundles produced by Eclipse Aether, not by 3rd parties.

If it is not required, is there a code sample that shows "pure" Aether use?

The examples in aether-demo.git are all there is and all of them rely on the maven-aether-provider to access Maven-style repositories, i.e. repos using *.pom and maven-metadata.xml to describe contents.

On first glance it was not obvious that external software was needed to run the demo.
Accessing a Maven repository via an API was exactly what got me interested in Aether.
I am trying to use Aether from inside a 3rd party Eclipse based tool via
Eclipsescript and I can only access classes that
I can install via p2 into the (Helios based) tool.

In this case, you need to bundlelize the maven-aether-provider (and its dependencies) yourself or write a request to the Apache Maven project to produce a p2 update site for their artifacts. For the former, [0] might provide an inspiration.

I assumed (perhaps naively) that the Aether project's p2 site would host the *-aether-provider's.
Is there a technical or licensing issue that prevents you from offering the maven-aether-provider via your p2 update site? If there is a licensing issue, could you provide an auxiliary update site (like CDO does for the underlying database connectors)

Having users of Aether have to go and manually assemble critical pieces (and the fact that it is relatively elaborate to create a p2 repositories from those assembled pieces) could hamper adoption of what looks like a great project.


aether-users mailing list


Lothar Werzinger

Principal Architect

Tradescape, Inc. - Enabling Efficient Digital Marketplaces

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