Bug 563709 - Inline constructor code initialising final instance fields
Summary: Inline constructor code initialising final instance fields
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: AspectJ
Classification: Tools
Component: Compiler (show other bugs)
Version: 1.9.5   Edit
Hardware: PC Windows 10
: P3 normal (vote)
Target Milestone: ---   Edit
Assignee: aspectj inbox CLA
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Reported: 2020-05-29 06:27 EDT by Alexander Kriegisch CLA
Modified: 2021-12-23 04:30 EST (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:

Woven version of the FinalFieldConstructorExample (27.77 KB, text/plain)
2020-11-02 11:32 EST, David Georg Reichelt CLA
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Description Alexander Kriegisch CLA 2020-05-29 06:27:21 EDT
Andy and I had a discussion here from which I am quoting:

The requirement is simple (to explain, not to implement): I want to around-advise constructors in order suppress any side effects from happening there. The purpose would be to (ab)use AspectJ in order to create some kind of mock object which does not do anything expensive while being constructed. BTW, actually I am thinking about doing this with a library like ASM, but first I wanted to play with AspectJ in order to see what is possible there and create a proof of concept. But let me not get ahead of myself and set the stage first:


package de.scrum_master.app;

public class Base {
  protected final int id;

  public Base(int id) {
    System.out.println("Constructing Base -> " + this);
    this.id = id;


package de.scrum_master.app;

public class Sub extends Base{
  private final String name;

  public Sub(int id, String name) {
    System.out.println("Constructing Sub -> " + this);
    this.name = name;

  public String toString() {
    return "Sub@" + this.hashCode() + " [name=" + name + ", id=" + id + "]";


package de.scrum_master.app;

public class AnotherSub extends Base{
  private final String name;

  public AnotherSub(int id, String name) {
    System.out.println("Constructing AnotherSub -> " + this);
    this.name = name;

  public String toString() {
    return "AnotherSub@" + this.hashCode() + " [name=" + name + ", id=" + id + "]";


package de.scrum_master.aspect;

import de.scrum_master.app.Base;
import de.scrum_master.app.Sub;

public aspect ConstructorAspect {
  void around() : execution(Base+.new(..)) && target(Sub) {


package de.scrum_master.app;

public class Application {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println(new Sub(11, "Xander"));
    System.out.println(new AnotherSub(22, "Someone"));

As you can see, I did the following:

  -- Create a base class Base with two subclasses Sub and AnotherSub.

  -- The aspect tries to

       ** suppress constructor execution for one Sub (with the intent to "mock"
          it, just imagine its methods get advised by additional behaviour),

       ** but not for AnotherSub (not a mock target) of the subclasses.

The aspect does this by

  -- making sure that super class constructors are also suppressed via

  -- excluding anything that is not the target type via target(Sub)
     and finally

  -- simply not proceeding to the constructor by just returning from
     the around advice.

Now this works beautifully whenever creating a Sub instance, but fails whenever creating an AnotherSub instance:

Sub@1211076369 [name=null, id=0]
Constructing Base -> AnotherSub@1551870003 [name=null, id=0]
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalAccessError: Update to non-static final field de.scrum_master.app.Base.id attempted from a different method (init$_aroundBody0) than the initializer method <init> 
at de.scrum_master.app.Base.init$_aroundBody0(Base.java:8)
at de.scrum_master.app.Base.<init>(Base.java:6)
at de.scrum_master.app.AnotherSub.<init>(AnotherSub.java:7)
at de.scrum_master.app.Application.main(Application.java:7)

The explanation is pretty straightforward if we look at the console log and the class definitions:

The Base class has a final instance field.

  -- AspectJ factors the Base constructor code out into a private helper method Base.init$_aroundBody0 and dispatches to it from the instrumented constructor Base.<init> instead of initialising the field directly from there.

  -- While this does no harm for the "mock target" class Sub because there the helper method is never called (the no-op around advice kicks),

  -- it fails miserably when creating an AnotherSub instance because then the helper method does get called but a helper method must not violate the JVM rule that final fields can only be initialised directly from a constructor (or during declaration).

  -- Of course, this is hard to detect by a compiler such as Ajc, but if there was an option to force inlining the around advice for the constructor, this scheme would work.

UPDATE: The code runs under Java 8, but no longer on Java 11+ (probably 9+, but I did not test 9, 10).
Comment 1 Alexander Kriegisch CLA 2020-05-29 06:29:25 EDT
I forgot the actual aspect code:

package de.scrum_master.aspect;

import de.scrum_master.app.Base;
import de.scrum_master.app.Sub;

public aspect ConstructorAspect {
//  before() : preinitialization(Base+.new(..)) {
//    System.out.println("  " + thisJoinPoint);
//  }
//  before() : initialization(Base+.new(..)) {
//    System.out.println("  " + thisJoinPoint);
//  }
  void around() : execution(Base+.new(..)) && target(Sub) {
//    System.out.println("  " + thisJoinPoint);

The commented out stuff was just for my better understanding when tracing what was happening there.
Comment 2 Alexander Kriegisch CLA 2020-10-31 03:07:17 EDT
Andy, someone else hit the same problem in an different context. I think it needs fixing.

See https://stackoverflow.com/q/64611859/1082681 and my answer there.
Comment 3 David Georg Reichelt CLA 2020-11-01 09:17:16 EST
I am unsure whether inlining the methods will work.

I tried to always inline constructors, regardless of whether canInline is false: https://github.com/DaGeRe/org.aspectj/commit/3d184d1ab07638f0d69e0f9ce8be49495089339c While the inline-weaving seems to be finished (the System.out at the end of BcelShadow.weaveAroundInline is printed), the error still appears.

As far as I understand it, the problem seems to be that an extracted method is created, and that Java 11 does not allow modifications of final variables by this extracted method. Is this right?

Therefore, weaving into constructors of classes with final fields is theoretically only possible if proceed is only called once. To make it work, the original shadow would need to be re-inlined. Is this correct?
Comment 4 Alexander Kriegisch CLA 2020-11-01 22:17:31 EST
I did not analyse the AspectJ source code or your modification of same. But are you sure that your change actually led to inlining the constructor advice into the original constructor. That your log line is printed after instrumentation is done does not mean inlining was successful. I am not even sure if AspectJ can inline an constructor advice at present. Better check the resulting byte code, e.g. via javap.

Anyway, for now I posted a workaround in my answer to your StackOverflow question. I don't like it much, hence the name workaround. But it works in the context of your timing requirement.
Comment 5 David Georg Reichelt CLA 2020-11-02 11:32:29 EST
Created attachment 284635 [details]
Woven version of the FinalFieldConstructorExample
Comment 6 David Georg Reichelt CLA 2020-11-02 11:42:09 EST
Since I am not fully familiar with the internals of AspectJ and bytecode, my assumption was from the documentation, which states:

"AroundInline still extracts the instructions of the original shadow into an extracted method. This allows inlining of even that advice that doesn't call proceed or calls proceed more than once.
If only one call to proceed is made, we can re-inline the original shadow. We are not doing that presently."

Thanks to your hint, I checked what ajc is doing when I execute build-time weaving on my example (both with and without my changes to the inlining-part). In both cases, i.e. also using the standard 1.9.7 from github without modifications, I do not see a matching method declaration of init$_aroundBody2 in the bytecode of FinalFieldConstructorExample (see attachement, it can be created using https://github.com/DaGeRe/aspect-final-example/blob/main/woven-project/analyzeBytecode.sh). Only a static init$_aroundBody2 (without access to parameters) is present, but this seems to be fine to me, since it only concerns the static initializer.

Therefore, I do not understand why the error occurs, and do therefore not see how to fix this.
Comment 7 Alexander Kriegisch CLA 2020-11-02 23:37:49 EST
Well, the FinalFieldConstructorExample constructor according to Javap is:

  public de.scrum_master.app.FinalFieldConstructorExample();
       0: aload_0
       1: invokespecial #10                 // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
       4: getstatic     #82                 // Field ajc$tjp_1:Lorg/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint$StaticPart;
       7: aload_0
       8: aload_0
       9: invokestatic  #85                 // Method org/aspectj/runtime/reflect/Factory.makeJP:(Lorg/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint$StaticPart;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lorg/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint;
      12: astore        5
      14: invokestatic  #75                 // Method de/scrum_master/aspect/MyAspect.aspectOf:()Lde/scrum_master/aspect/MyAspect;
      17: iconst_2
      18: anewarray     #3                  // class java/lang/Object
      21: astore        6
      23: aload         6
      25: iconst_0
      26: aload_0
      27: aastore
      28: aload         6
      30: iconst_1
      31: aload         5
      33: aastore
      34: new           #90                 // class de/scrum_master/app/FinalFieldConstructorExample$AjcClosure3
      37: dup
      38: aload         6
      40: invokespecial #91                 // Method de/scrum_master/app/FinalFieldConstructorExample$AjcClosure3."<init>":([Ljava/lang/Object;)V
      43: dup
      44: astore        7
      46: ldc           #92                 // int 69648
      48: invokevirtual #69                 // Method org/aspectj/runtime/internal/AroundClosure.linkClosureAndJoinPoint:(I)Lorg/aspectj/lang/ProceedingJoinPoint;
      51: invokevirtual #79                 // Method de/scrum_master/aspect/MyAspect.aroundStuff:(Lorg/aspectj/lang/ProceedingJoinPoint;)Ljava/lang/Object;
      54: pop
      55: return

Please note that at the end it created a FinalFieldConstructorExample$AjcClosure3 object. Now what does that class look like?

Compiled from "FinalFieldConstructorExample.java"
public class de.scrum_master.app.FinalFieldConstructorExample$AjcClosure3 extends org.aspectj.runtime.internal.AroundClosure {
  public de.scrum_master.app.FinalFieldConstructorExample$AjcClosure3(java.lang.Object[]);
       0: aload_0
       1: aload_1
       2: invokespecial #10                 // Method org/aspectj/runtime/internal/AroundClosure."<init>":([Ljava/lang/Object;)V
       5: return

  public java.lang.Object run(java.lang.Object[]);
       0: aload_0
       1: getfield      #14                 // Field org/aspectj/runtime/internal/AroundClosure.state:[Ljava/lang/Object;
       4: astore_2
       5: aload_2
       6: iconst_0
       7: aaload
       8: checkcast     #16                 // class de/scrum_master/app/FinalFieldConstructorExample
      11: aload_2
      12: iconst_1
      13: aaload
      14: checkcast     #18                 // class org/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint
      17: invokestatic  #22                 // Method de/scrum_master/app/FinalFieldConstructorExample.init$_aroundBody2:(Lde/scrum_master/app/FinalFieldConstructorExample;Lorg/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint;)V
      20: aconst_null
      21: areturn

Here you see that the 'run' method calls method FinalFieldConstructorExample.init$_aroundBody2. That one looks as follows:

  static final void init$_aroundBody2(de.scrum_master.app.FinalFieldConstructorExample, org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint);
       0: aload_0
       1: iconst_5
       2: istore_2
       3: getstatic     #44                 // Field ajc$tjp_0:Lorg/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint$StaticPart;
       6: aload_0
       7: aconst_null
       8: iload_2
       9: invokestatic  #50                 // Method org/aspectj/runtime/internal/Conversions.intObject:(I)Ljava/lang/Object;
      12: invokestatic  #56                 // Method org/aspectj/runtime/reflect/Factory.makeJP:(Lorg/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint$StaticPart;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lorg/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint;
      15: astore        4
      17: invokestatic  #75                 // Method de/scrum_master/aspect/MyAspect.aspectOf:()Lde/scrum_master/aspect/MyAspect;
      20: iconst_3
      21: anewarray     #3                  // class java/lang/Object
      24: astore        6
      26: aload         6
      28: iconst_0
      29: aload_0
      30: aastore
      31: aload         6
      33: iconst_1
      34: iload_2
      35: invokestatic  #50                 // Method org/aspectj/runtime/internal/Conversions.intObject:(I)Ljava/lang/Object;
      38: aastore
      39: aload         6
      41: iconst_2
      42: aload         4
      44: aastore
      45: new           #60                 // class de/scrum_master/app/FinalFieldConstructorExample$AjcClosure1
      48: dup
      49: aload         6
      51: invokespecial #63                 // Method de/scrum_master/app/FinalFieldConstructorExample$AjcClosure1."<init>":([Ljava/lang/Object;)V
      54: dup
      55: astore        8
      57: sipush        4096
      60: invokevirtual #69                 // Method org/aspectj/runtime/internal/AroundClosure.linkClosureAndJoinPoint:(I)Lorg/aspectj/lang/ProceedingJoinPoint;
      63: invokevirtual #79                 // Method de/scrum_master/aspect/MyAspect.aroundStuff:(Lorg/aspectj/lang/ProceedingJoinPoint;)Ljava/lang/Object;
      66: checkcast     #13                 // class java/lang/Integer
      69: putfield      #18                 // Field parameters:Ljava/lang/Integer;
      72: return

And here we are! Look what happens before 'return':

      69: putfield      #18                 // Field parameters:Ljava/lang/Integer;

Write access to the final field, which is forbidden outside the constructor where it originally happens in the unwoven class. So your AspectJ patch by no means inlined what actually needed to be inlined, i.e. the whole around-aspect code into the original constructor. You still have a helper class + static helper method.

So if Andy would implement what I requested in this ticket, your problem would be solved. But whatever you patched in AspectJ does not do the job.
Comment 8 Jinya Namiki CLA 2021-12-23 04:07:33 EST
I'm using AspectJ 1.9.7.
Is this problem still remaining?
Comment 9 Alexander Kriegisch CLA 2021-12-23 04:30:17 EST