Bug 26990 - JDT dialogs do not honour dialog font [general issue] [1]
Summary: JDT dialogs do not honour dialog font [general issue] [1]
Alias: None
Product: JDT
Classification: Eclipse Project
Component: UI (show other bugs)
Version: 2.1   Edit
Hardware: PC Windows XP
: P3 normal (vote)
Target Milestone: ---   Edit
Assignee: JDT-UI-Inbox CLA
QA Contact:
Depends on: 28821
Blocks: 19346 41212
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2002-11-22 12:31 EST by Tod Creasey CLA
Modified: 2009-08-30 02:41 EDT (History)
7 users (show)

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Description Tod Creasey CLA 2002-11-22 12:31:24 EST

The dialog font is not honoured by the Java preference pages. Preference pages 
have the dialog font set as the font of the control sent to createContents - 
you can just copy the font from the parent to the children you create. Other 
dialogs can get it by calling JFaceResources.getDialogFont().

Also an issue for export jar file, javadoc preference and properties, compiler 
Comment 1 Dirk Baeumer CLA 2002-11-25 04:22:19 EST
Are you saying that we have to set the font to every widget we create in a 
dialog. Wouldn't it make sense that JFace provides more support for this. 
Otherwise I think that we always end up having preference pages and property 
pages with different fonts since not every plug-in writer will be aware of this.

Moving back to JFace to comment on more support for setting the dialog font 
Comment 2 Tod Creasey CLA 2002-11-25 08:11:14 EST
JFace is setting the font wherever we can but there are places where this 
can't be done as the widgets are created by the pages themselves (notably 
buttons and labels).

If you see somewhere where API from us would be of us please let us know and 
we would be happy to add it.
Comment 3 Dirk Baeumer CLA 2002-12-01 10:46:42 EST
One idea is that JFace sets the font to every wigdet created in a dialog and 
provides a special hook (applyFonts) to sent fonts that differ from the dialog 
font. This hook would be called after createContents. Doing so would solve the 
99% case.
Comment 4 Tod Creasey CLA 2002-12-02 08:22:47 EST
This is an interesting idea. Nick what implications do you see for this?

We can always walk the dialogs using getContents and see what widgets are set 
to the default font.
Comment 5 Tod Creasey CLA 2002-12-02 09:38:44 EST
public static applyDialogFont(Control control) has been added to Dialog. This 
can be called to apply the dialog font to the tree of a control whose font is 
the default font.

I could not hook this up by default because it causes some layout problems on 
many of the pages and dialogs we have if it is called after widget creation as 
sizing is frequently done in the creation code. We do not wish to generate any 
layout problems by the addition of this API.

I have also changed initializeBounds to use the dialog font for the 
calculations and not the font of the passed control. In the dialog provided by 
the workbench this will not do anything but for those dialogs provided by 
other components this will allow them to do the sizing before applying the 
dialog font.
Comment 6 Nick Edgar CLA 2002-12-02 16:22:16 EST
Agree we need to make this easier, and that we can't apply it by default since 
that will break many layouts.  The convenience method should probably be 
protected, not public.
Also, I'm wary of changing the behaviour of initializeBounds.  If the subclass 
hasn't changed to use the dialog font, then it's incorrect to initialize the 
conversion ratio assuming the dialog font.
Comment 7 Boris Pruessmann CLA 2002-12-20 03:36:27 EST
This is very annoying on MacOS X because the default font is quite big and the JDT 
preferences are nearly filling the whole screen.
Comment 8 Dirk Baeumer CLA 2002-12-20 09:19:27 EST
As Tod pointed out setting the font after the widget has been created always 
asked for trouble if the original font has already been used to do some 
calculation (for example for GridDatas). On the other hand always writing code 

Button button= new Button(parent, flags);

looks strange as well. 

And given the fact that WS* and other plugins have hundereds of dialogs and 
preference pages I think if we delegate this to the plugin provider we will 
never get a consistent UI.

IMO there should be more support from SWT to propagate fonts to children, but I 
agree that this can't be a general mechanism that takes place without a client 
asking for it.

An idea for a helpful SWT support is as follows: we define an additional style 
bit (lets call it PROPAGATE_FONT_ON_CREATION). If a client creates a new 
composite with this style bit its font is used as a default font for child 
widgets. An change of the font will not impact any already created children. 
May be we have to distinguish between deep and shallow propagation.

Sebastian Davids  posted some patches to automaically inherit the font from its 
parent (see bug 27386). May be we can resuscitate the code.

Carboning Steve Northover to get an SWT opinion on this as well.

Comment 9 Steve Northover CLA 2002-12-20 10:15:27 EST
Inheritance of font (and colors) has been debated back and forth for quite a 
while now.  Our position is that SWT should not be setting fonts (and colors) 
as this is generally done through the preferences mechanism of the platform.  
There is no native mechism for the inheritance of fonts on Windows and most 
other platforms.

Because fonts can be shared between controls, it's important to know when a 
font is in use so that it won't get disposed while in use.  Right now, 
Control.setFont() is the only way to set a font in a control and this makes it 
explicit that a font is in use.

Why does Eclipse have a dialog font in the first place?  It's just another 
place to get the font wrong on non-English platforms.
Comment 10 Dirk Baeumer CLA 2002-12-20 11:26:27 EST
I understand the argument that this ask for disposed font's that are still in 
use although the client has to request the feature "propagation feature" 
explicitly by passing a flag. 

Since the UI is managing the dialog font we should "somehow" set it to the 
widgets. But I still believe that this shouldn't be done by hand coding this 
all over the place.

Another idea how to "ease" this is to have an addChildListener. A client can 
install that listener on a composite and the listener is informed when a new 
children gets added to the composite. 

Relayout of composites could also profit from this feature (currently we call 
layout "by hand" pushing the knowledge of special layouters to the place where 
a child is created, not where the composite and layout is created).
Comment 11 Steve Northover CLA 2002-12-20 12:02:43 EST
Agree that addChildListener (or the equivalent) could be helpful.  Then the 
application program (ie. Eclipse) could decide the policy, not SWT.  Can the UI 
stop managing the dialog font?

NOTE: Layout "by hand" is by design.  The idea is that layout is expensive and 
calling layout every time a child is added or removed for each child will cause 
multiple layouts causing flashing and poor performance.  The idea is that the 
application knows when layout needs to happen and does this explicitly.  An 
alternative to this strategy is to implement a deferred layout mechansim 
(similar to the painting with redraw()/update()).  The problem with this is 
that clients who expect layout to happen right away and query coordinates from 
widgest, will have to wait until the event loop.  GTK does this internally in 
it's implementation and this is a huge source of bugs and problems.
Comment 12 Dirk Baeumer CLA 2002-12-23 04:07:13 EST
Opened new PR bug 28821 for the childAdded listener.

Regarding the "layout by hand" issue: I am not asking for a general support in 
SWT. The idea was that in the special cases where we need to relayout a parent 
when a child gets added the new listener could ease this relayouting.
Comment 13 Steve Northover CLA 2003-01-02 15:52:07 EST
Yes it could but using the addChildListener to do relayout in any general way 
would mean that you would need to implement a deferred layout strategy or risk 
the potential poor performance when multiple children are added or removed 
(which may not be an issue for your application).  In any case, the callback 
would allow you to decide both layout and font policy without changing SWT.
Comment 14 Dirk Baeumer CLA 2003-01-06 08:09:35 EST
OK, interpreting Steve's answer as a "yes, we will add a childAdded listener", 
JFace could implement a listener which propagates the font down to its 

IMO the default implementation should do a "deep font propagation" and clients, 
not interested in this should disable this either when creating a JFace dialog 
or when creating a property, perferences, wizard or other dialog page. This 
ensures that all the dialogs and all dialog pages will use the right dialog 

Since this must be implemented by JFace, it would be nice to get some feedback 
on the proposal from the JFace team members.
Comment 15 Tod Creasey CLA 2003-01-06 08:51:05 EST
This is something that we could add API for but not by default - it would be 
very similar to the applyDialogFont method we have right now so this is 
something we could easily provide, the main difference being we would set up 
the listener servicing code.

It is not something we want on by default as the dialog developer needs to 
decide when the font is dialog font the whole way down the tree. You typically 
cannot start at the shell and apply it everywhere as title labels etc. use 
different fonts.
Comment 16 Dirk Baeumer CLA 2003-01-06 11:05:52 EST
IMO it should be the default and here are my reasons:

- the behaviour differs from calling the method applyDialogFont in the
  following way: the widget has the correct font after it has been created.
  So if a client writes code like:

  Button button= new Button(parent, SWT.PUSH); <== button has the dialog font
  button.setFont(myButtonFont); <== button has my button font.

  So calculating any hints using the widget after it has been created will use
  the correct font metric.

- in the early days of SWT we had to set the platform font (the one settable
  using Window's Appearance dialog) by hand to all widget since it used some 
  old "Windows 3.x" default font. This resulted in a funny looking UI since 
  developers forgot to set the font to all widgets. Our current preference 
  pages already show this behavior: change the dialog font and open the pages 
  Workbench->Local Histroy. The Note label has the wrong font.
- since JFace introduces dialog fonts and manages dialog classes and dialog
  pages it should use the dialog font for all widgets created inside dialogs
  or inside dialog pages (if we dont't want to do it for all dialogs). So only 
  developers which need widgets having a font different from the dialog font
  have to write any code.
Comment 17 Dirk Baeumer CLA 2003-01-30 11:45:57 EST
While verifying bug 30616 I found an issue regarding dialog fonts. If you 
switch to high contrast mode in Window the fonts get enlarged. This also 
happens for dialogs, except for those were we apply a different font (dialog 
font) programmatically. Hence most of our preference pages still have a small 

Any comments ?
Comment 18 Tod Creasey CLA 2003-01-30 12:24:46 EST
This is a general issue with fonts and colours (the JDT text doesn't show up 
in a switch to High Contrast until you switch to white either).

We assume that the user will set up appropriate values when they do this - 
there is no way for us to know that High Contrast mode has been selected (and 
for that matter it is very different on different platforms).
Comment 19 Tod Creasey CLA 2003-02-06 13:45:05 EST
There is also an issue with wide fonts and buttons not spacing adequately. 
Andrew managed to select a very wide font on GTK using the KDE desktop and the 
buttons were cut off.

This same problem has been reported by Japanese testers in Bug 31080 
(referenced here)
Comment 20 Tod Creasey CLA 2003-02-06 13:48:50 EST
Problems with the button sizing were observed in the following pages

Java Appearance - Members Sort Order
Code Generation
Organize Imports
Task Tags
Comment 21 Dirk Baeumer CLA 2003-02-06 14:27:45 EST
Entered a separate bug for the button spacing issue since it is independend 
from the dialog font issue. http://dev.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=31143
Comment 22 Michael Van Meekeren CLA 2004-05-21 13:10:54 EDT
is this fixed?  that way we can close bug 19346
Comment 23 Dirk Baeumer CLA 2004-05-26 05:26:09 EDT
All our dialogs should show the correct font (I am running with a different 
dialog font and I didn't notice dialogs not showing the dialog font). However 
I kept this bug open since I still don't like the solution how we apply the 
dialog font. Clients have to call a special method which they very likely 
forget to call...

Nick, we had some discussion about a better solution in the past. Can you 
comment on the state. I searched for the bug but couldn't find it.
Comment 24 Nick Edgar CLA 2004-05-27 22:27:15 EDT
I think the discussion was centered around a suggestion you had made to
automatically propagate the dialog font to all children, which required the
addition of a child listener in SWT.

Post 3.0 I want to revisit this whole area, and look at how we can do the kinds
of propagations of fonts and colors we need in a easy-to-declare way, taking
inspiration from CSS and XUL.  I believe this will require some rethinking of
how we do layouts as well (i.e. width hints are bad).

Comment 25 Dirk Baeumer CLA 2004-09-14 08:57:17 EDT
Nick, is Platform/UI doing something here for 3.1 ?
Comment 26 Nick Edgar CLA 2004-09-14 11:48:29 EDT
We're currently debating whether to push further on this and try to make it more
transparent to plug-ins, or to pull it out entirely.
Comment 27 Dirk Baeumer CLA 2004-11-16 12:57:18 EST
Moving to later. 

IMO, we are not changing the way how this works for 3.1.
Comment 28 Eclipse Webmaster CLA 2009-08-30 02:41:06 EDT
As of now 'LATER' and 'REMIND' resolutions are no longer supported.
Please reopen this bug if it is still valid for you.