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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
514917 2 0 UI enhancement P5 --- [open type] Open Type dialog should ignore leading/trailing whitespace
455396 2 0 Automated Error Reporting Client (AERI) enhancement P5 --- [client][gsoc] add view to review logged error reports
424501 2 0 Text enhancement P5 --- [rulers] Text editors: Only show scroll bars when necessary
419411 2 0 Core enhancement P5 --- [content assist] should have option to prevent direct import of inner classes
326407 2 0 Xtext normal P5 --- ResourceSet is not an XtextResourceSet
306676 2 0 Core blocker P5 0.7.0 [Core] Corruption of diagram because of short cut diagram
306336 2 0 Text enhancement P5 --- [nls tooling] externalize String method with varargs
264924 2 0 p2 enhancement P5 3.6 M5 [reconciler] No diagnosis of dropin problems
251156 4 0 Text enhancement P5 4.7 M5 [content assist] Asynchronous code completion [with patch]
243030 2 0 Text enhancement P5 --- [typing] Offer different caret placing for Join lines
237236 3 0 Core enhancement P5 4.4 M5 [compiler][null] extending nonnull analysis to final fields
236558 2 0 BIRT normal P5 Future [Improve Report Layout Capabilities] PDF output does not obey inline property
233559 2 0 Text normal P5 3.5 M5 [implementation] NPE in DocumentAdapter
230307 3 0 Debug enhancement P5 --- I want a "Never" option for "Continue launch if project contains errors"
222945 2 0 UI major P5 3.5 M3 Can't force in new versions of installed plug-ins
221291 4 0 UI enhancement P5 --- [search] open method/field declaration dialog
211700 2 0 Eclipselink normal P5 --- Batch reading using EXISTS and IN
204563 3 0 Team enhancement P5 --- [Proxy] proxy internet connection with automatic configuration script
204063 2 0 Mylyn enhancement P5 --- add support for columns in the Task List
202172 5 0 IDE enhancement P5 --- [ViewMgmt] Language Switching should update language strings on tabs

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The Most Frequent Bugs page lists the known open bugs which are reported most frequently, counting the number of direct and indirect duplicates of bugs. This information is provided in order to assist in minimizing the amount of duplicate bugs entered into Bugzilla, which saves time for Quality Assurance engineers who have to triage the bugs.

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