Sat Jun 1 2024 01:20:23 EDT
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191 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
455321 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox UNCO --- Importing projects from repositories with maven archetypes can cause exceptions 2021-04-19
546801 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox UNCO --- Could not calculate build plan: Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved. 2021-04-19
564520 z_Archiv m2e jdt-core-inbox NEW --- Eclipse produced class files incompatible with OpenJDK compiler for java.nio.ByteBuffer.flip(). 2021-04-19
397354 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- New m2e connector for JavaCC 2021-04-19
407221 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- [conversion] Use latest maven-compiler-plugin version when converting to Maven 2021-04-19
421304 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- "New Maven Project" wizard should also be able to import 2021-04-19
426344 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Maven Update Project Configuration from pom.xml enabled by default 2021-04-19
427599 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Quick fix to create missing modules 2021-04-19
432048 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- m2e run as test 2021-04-19
433316 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Support variables in user settings preference page 2021-04-19
439020 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- m2e should disable edition Classpath and JDT settings 2021-04-19
439769 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Show a "Maven > Configure as Maven project" on pom.xml files whose parent is a project 2021-04-19
439780 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Allow to editor Lifecyle Mapping from Project Settings 2021-04-19
440127 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- [ui] Select Plugin: Allow Group Id to be blank for core plugins 2021-04-19
458127 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- POM Editor doesn't show anything about profiles. 2021-04-19
458848 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- [patch] Select execution runtime according to maven-toolchains-plugin 2021-04-19
459837 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Prepare for external null annotations 2021-04-19
462362 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- "Import as Maven project" context menu on pom.xml or folder containing pom.xml 2021-04-19
463763 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- m2e should propose to force update of local repository when "Could not calculate build plan: Failure to transfer xxx" happens 2021-04-19
464704 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Remember checkbox settings in UpdateMavenProjectsDialog 2021-04-19
469650 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Find <parent> to open from .. filesystem even if there is no Eclipse project open for it 2021-04-19
470138 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Support ability to run selective phases and goals 2021-04-19
470271 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- enabling m2e on a project should clean the bin/ folder 2021-04-19
471878 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Plug-in org.eclipse.m2e.core.ui was unable to load class org.eclipse.m2e.core.ui.internal.wizards.MavenProjectWizard. 2021-04-19
473134 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- M2E should provide the most important XML Schema Files and contribute those to the XML Catalog 2021-04-19
477505 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Show suggestions for dependencies when editing the pom.xml file 2021-04-19
480065 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Support dependency input via POM XML snippet 2021-04-19
494340 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Add filter to Import Maven project page 2021-04-19
496929 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Maven plugin connectors Install: Buttons Back and Next don't trigger an action 2021-04-19
500881 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Senseless build cycles in big complex project after git branch switch 2021-04-19
505600 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- m2e could contribute source discovery for any Java project 2021-04-19
506181 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Lets add a preference to enable workspace build view monitor per default 2021-04-19
507911 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Enabling source/javadoc download in the preferences should trigger download immediately 2021-04-19
512702 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- "Index disabled" messages should show link to enable index 2021-04-19
514993 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Maven archetype post generated script is not executed while creating from maven module wizard 2021-06-24
516163 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Automatic update of project should "pause" if there is at least one pom with "merge conflict" 2021-04-19
517082 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Propose addition of Mvn dep for types that cannot be resolved 2021-04-19
517823 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Cut dependency to nexus indexer runtime from m2e.core 2021-04-19
518186 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Run As/Maven build does not correctly populate path to pom file 2021-04-19
518991 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Enable password prompt for Maven 3.2.1+ 2021-04-19
521280 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- global toolchains not found - property maven.conf not set prior to invoking MavenCli 2021-04-19
521731 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Eclipse launch configuration: resolve active profiles in project 2021-04-19
525251 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- [9] The module flag should be set for classpath dependencies, according to 2021-04-19
527094 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Archive for required library ... cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file - after downloading by MAVEN 2021-04-19
528078 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- User settings: Add a way to specify a local repository as the CLI -Dmaven.repo.local=repository 2021-04-19
529607 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- When opening a pom file from a non-m2e project with m2e editor, propose to configure project 2021-04-19
532016 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Set default Java execution environment when creating a new project 2021-04-19
533170 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- A build providing quality dashboard on 2021-04-19
533176 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- After updating from Oxygen.2 to Oxygen.3 I get an exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender cannot be found by ch.qos.logback.classic_1.1.2.v20160208-0839 2021-04-19
533398 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Infer source encoding from embedded META-INF/IDE/encoding file 2021-04-19
533816 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- JDT annotation paths and source exclusion rules are lost when .classpath is regenerated 2021-04-19
534022 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Cannot use -pluginCustomization feature to define runtime nodes 2021-04-19
534072 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- With scala ide plugin, the Maven Pom Editor crashes. 2021-04-19
534772 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- m2e does not involve project's maven.config file when building the effective POM 2021-07-13
534792 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- OutOfMemory error when retrieving Maven Archetypes 2021-04-19
534873 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- M2E eclipse maven logger console doesn't work 2021-04-19
535302 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- NPE in maven classpath initializer on eclipse startup 2021-04-19
535334 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Cannot launch arbitrary pom file 2021-04-19
535410 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Duplicate maven-surefire classpath entry 2021-04-19
535432 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Invalid ZIP archive 2021-04-19
535491 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Convert to Maven Project ignores dependencies 2021-04-19
535534 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Share m2e index folder between diffrent workspace. 2021-04-19
535587 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- "Open XML page in the POM editor by default" not working on first opening, but ok on second 2021-04-19
535650 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Update Project removes add-export declarations in Java 9 projects 2021-04-19
535973 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Build order in eclipse is alphabetical ignoring dependencies between maven projects 2021-04-19
536178 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- [m2e] Unable to import maven projects which has name with special characters 2021-04-19
536179 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Maven errors on Eclipse start 2021-04-19
536195 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Enhancement - In POM.XML editor extract version to property in pom files 2021-04-19
536314 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- import of pom.xml with empty sourceDirectory creates incorrect path in .classpath file 2021-04-19
536748 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Rename artifact in project heriting values from parent pom 2021-04-19
536865 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Build order broken when AspectJ is used 2021-04-19
537003 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- [m2eclipse-mavenarchiver] pom.xml: "permission denied" for multi-user systems 2021-04-19
537301 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Import Existing Maven project throws IllegalArgumentException: Path for project must have only one segment 2021-04-19
537733 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Configuration to separate project JRE from launch JRE 2021-04-19
538076 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- artifactId is not respected when importing projects 2021-04-19
538461 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- MavenBuilder scheduling rule could be null 2022-04-01
538803 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- New Maven project does not have Java nature 2021-04-19
539064 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Transitive dependencies not added to the classpath 2021-04-19
539270 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Exception while setting up logging:BundleContext is no longer valid 2021-04-19
539290 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Add support for defining pom version in file .mvn/maven.config 2021-04-19
539474 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Using ${maven.multiModuleProjectDirectory} in a <filter> path in a multi-module project generate errors 2021-04-19
539715 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- PluginExecutionFilter.checkAllFieldsSet prevent from updating all m2e projects at once 2021-04-19
539975 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Unable to index repos. Log says "_0.csf unable to be deleted." 2021-04-19
540346 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Project dependencies of maven projects are put on the run configuration classpath instead of the modulepath 2021-04-19
540480 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Eclipse m2e sometimes not showing all available dependency versions when using auto-completion in pom.xml 2021-04-19
540534 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Test dependencies temporarily available during application run 2021-04-19
540860 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- M2E causes maven plugin running inside Eclipse not being able to resolve transitive dependencies correctly 2021-04-19
541200 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Consider parent of a MavenFacade/MavenProject as cache in ProjectRegistryManager.getMavenProject(facade, ...) 2021-04-19
542461 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Project cache should be invalidated synchronously (if possible) 2021-04-19
542485 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Dependency jars not scanned for JUnit tests 2021-04-19
542782 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Adding Maven Nature should add Maven directory structure 2021-04-19
543112 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Maven projects fail to build with "version must be a constant" 2021-04-19
543330 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- [Maven] Changes to the "test" and "Without test code" settings are not being persisted 2021-04-19
543436 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Build participant generated files are not available in the same build session (for the following participants). 2021-04-19
543444 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- m2e ignores maven-war-plugin explode configuration 2021-04-19
543582 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- During import maven project the download library should not block the UI 2021-04-19
543722 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Error when updating maven repo index 2021-04-19
543925 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Missing automatic module jar's in modulepath if workspace resolution is enabled 2021-04-19
544138 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Could not resolve archetype org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-webapp:1.0 2021-04-19
544150 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Import does not handle active profile properties from settings.xml completely 2021-04-19
546184 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Update Maven Project Dialog: Remember last used settings, especially "Force Update of Snapshots / Releases" 2021-05-28
546327 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Internal error in MavenClasspathContainerSaveHelper 2021-04-19
546417 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- [launch] Run Configurations: Always focus and select search filter field when opening, remember last used filter 2021-05-28
546604 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- NoSuchElementException when invoking yuicompressor plugin in M2E 2021-04-19
546667 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- NoSuchElementException - Unable to load the mojo 2021-04-19
546956 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Performance issues with resource filtering enabled 2021-04-19
547098 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- "Update Project..." modifies forbiddenReference-setting in project's org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs 2021-04-19
547880 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Make m2e able to produce/consume pre-built JDT indexes for artifacts 2021-04-19
548626 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Maven goals use default JRE rather than java.version for module with "pom" packaging 2021-04-19
548778 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- While running the system it is getting build error. 2021-04-19
549239 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- scrolling does not work and cuts information in pom "dependendy hierarchy"-viewer 2021-04-19
550333 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- if i enabled convert for loops to enhanced in code clean up i get this exception (in certain java files) 2021-04-19
550546 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Java heap space error - eclipse exits 2021-04-19
550587 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- "Download repository index on startup" cant be switched off 2021-04-19
550934 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Default used for forbiddenReference-setting in project's org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs is different from Eclipse default 2021-04-19
551150 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Slow import not taking advantage of available resources 2021-04-19
551475 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- If you have a pom.xml that is in for an archetype then exceptions are thrown as it can't find the variables 2021-04-19
551579 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Import of a pom does not always set the project with a java nature 2021-04-19
551729 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Automatic-Module-Name not taken into account when project is open 2021-04-19
552038 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Allow project specific settings and repository 2021-04-19
552343 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- An error has occurred. See error log for more details. org/eclipse/m2e/jdt/internal/MavenClasspathContainerSaveHelper 2021-04-19
552665 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Unable to retrieve dependencies from Nexus Repository Manager using https protocol 2021-04-19
553589 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- MavenConsole does not print stack traces emitted by logbook 2021-04-19
558202 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Eclipse does not load project properly when project has same name as module 2021-04-19
558291 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Support styled colors for levels and stacktraces in embedded maven output 2021-04-19
559120 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Multi-module test dependency with JPMS 2021-04-19
559194 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Long cannot be resolved to a type 2021-04-19
559624 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Eclipse not deploying Spring applicationContext.xml to tomcat with maven 2021-04-19
560308 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- MavenProjectFacade#getMavenProject (actually ProjectRegistry) returns different results when with monitor and w/o 2021-04-19
560341 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- User Library missing on Maven Build Classpath 2021-04-19
560764 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Discovery not possible after Maven switched to HTTPS only 2021-04-19
560830 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Eclipse IDE blocked after invoking content assist for Maven groupId 2021-04-19
561073 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Launch config with option to disable "Build automatically" 2021-04-19
561101 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Not able to perform Junit5 Test through shortcut "RunAs -> JUnit Test": ClassDefNotFound Error 2021-04-19
561276 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Run configurations on a project no longer automatically see the source of the project 2021-04-19
561362 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Lifecycle mapping via <?m2e ...?> does not work in profiles with file activation 2021-04-19
561606 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Strange index file missmatch 2021-04-19
561741 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Build freezes and makes Eclipse unresponsive 2021-04-19
561945 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- "Download repository update" burns CPU 2021-04-19
562508 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Open Parent POM - Dialog fails with ${revision} 2021-04-19
562585 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- [index] even after rebuilding the index there are not search results 2021-04-19
562666 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Issue warning when a dependency is added twice 2021-04-19
562830 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Configuring an automatic module as a project Maven dependency fails at runtime 2021-04-19
562847 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Deploy to JFrog Artifactory fails with 401 - Unauthorized 2021-06-24
562888 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- "Run As -> Java Application" doesn't work correctly for Maven Projects 2021-04-19
563012 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- "Maven -> Update Project" tries to build deploy goal 2021-04-19
563069 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Exceptions loading lemminx plugin when launching m2e from source 2021-04-19
563444 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Java module with two providers cannot be resolved. 2021-04-19
563579 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- source folders not configured as test only 2021-04-19
564259 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Add setting to always run Maven plugins 2021-04-19
564712 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Make It Easier To Select Subset of Projects in "Update Maven Project" dialog 2021-04-19
564713 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- M2E Bug: When source path is ALSO on resource path, then compiled java code is not compiled / exported 2021-04-19
564752 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- An internal error occurred during: "Updating Maven Project". 2021-04-19
564796 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Revision of parent POM leaks into project 2021-04-19
565024 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- [SSE Editor] Filesystem completion seems to ignore prefix with 2020-06 2021-04-19
565047 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- [LemMinx-Maven editor] completion for parent not working on m2e-core/m2e-maven-runtime/pom.xml 2021-04-19
565376 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- multimodule project plugin dependencies are not resolved 2021-04-19
565794 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Always tries to download xsd files, even when in cache 2021-04-19
566536 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Repository moved to another location 2021-04-19
566551 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- m2e - POM editor doesn't suggest artifacts from Global Repositories 2021-04-19
566822 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- NPE when importing/updating maven project with uncovered plugin lifecycle and variable in plugin groupId 2021-04-19
567157 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- lifecycle-mapping-metadata.xml not copied to the new workspace 2021-04-19
567894 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- when pom.xml is missing, when clickin on "Project" - "Build All" give user feedback 2021-04-19
568347 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Missing <directory> element inside <resource> element leads to NPE 2021-04-19
569265 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- "Connector install wizard" runs even though plugin execution is set to ignore 2021-04-19
569432 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- NPE in LifecycleMappingFactory.writeWorkspaceMetadata() 2021-04-19
570023 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- m2e breaks (all artifacts are "missing") after simple pom file change 2021-04-19
570602 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Different export package handling in OSGI bundles created from maven artifacts 2021-04-19
570880 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- toolchains.xml support 2021-04-19
571228 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Error while downloading external file to the lemminx cache 2021-04-19
571243 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Support hierarchical maven dependency view in package explorer 2021-04-19
571943 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Warning: NLS missing message: MavenImpl_error_lookup in: org.eclipse.m2e.editor.internal.messages 2021-04-19
572142 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox NEW --- setup connectors should use ignore option as default or provide a button 2021-04-19
329149 z_Archiv m2e m2e.ui-inbox NEW --- [refactoring] Participate in the project rename 2021-04-19
568385 z_Archiv m2e snjezana.peco NEW --- io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:1.9.0.Final is not executed 2021-04-19
543631 z_Archiv m2e fbricon ASSI --- Eclipse - Maven - JPMS 2021-08-23
427437 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox REOP --- OutOfMemoryError during retrieval of archetypes 2021-04-19
432992 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox REOP --- java.home of the Eclipse JRE is used instead of the build JRE 2021-04-19
439676 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox REOP --- Make the "execute" lifecycle mapping more accessible 2021-04-19
441987 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox REOP --- Snapshot sources/javadoc not updated with "Force Update of Snapshots/Releases" 2021-05-07
448059 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox REOP --- m2e won't connect to HTTPS Maven mirror with wildcard certificate 2021-04-19
464505 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox REOP --- project with different main/test java versions uses incorrect java version 2021-04-19
465514 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox REOP --- Unexpected URLConnection defaultUseCaches enabled 2021-04-19
485639 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox REOP --- Setting the Root folder during maven import to a shared top level directory causes the wrong projects to be imported 2021-04-19
495302 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox REOP --- Opening a "Maven Repositories" node while rebuilding freezes UI 2021-04-19
497910 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox REOP --- m2e should mark src/*/resource folders as optional in JDT description 2021-04-19
502349 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox REOP --- Failing to resolve dependency with 'classes' classifier 2021-04-19
526251 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox REOP --- Unhelpful comment auto-typing 2021-04-19
527256 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox REOP --- Conflicting model registrations 2022-08-26
534217 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox REOP --- Inconsistent capitalization in Add Dependency dialog 2021-04-19
544307 z_Archiv m2e m2e.core-inbox REOP --- Support for color in console 2021-11-08
191 bugs found.


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