Wed Jun 12 2024 14:16:08 EDT
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12 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
226008 z_Archiv SBVR mdt-sbvr-inbox NEW --- Load and Save XMI compliant with SBVR 1.0 2013-07-11
226011 z_Archiv SBVR mdt-sbvr-inbox NEW --- SBVR test cases 2013-07-11
226012 z_Archiv SBVR mdt-sbvr-inbox NEW --- Enhance model validation 2013-07-11
226013 z_Archiv SBVR mdt-sbvr-inbox NEW --- SBVR 1.1 compliance 2013-07-11
226017 z_Archiv SBVR mdt-sbvr-inbox NEW --- Sample SBVR editor and menus 2013-07-11
226018 z_Archiv SBVR mdt-sbvr-inbox NEW --- Project Explorer navigator view 2013-07-11
226019 z_Archiv SBVR mdt-sbvr-inbox NEW --- Import business vocabulary from UML 2013-07-11
226021 z_Archiv SBVR mdt-sbvr-inbox NEW --- Transform SBVR to Platform-Independent Models (PIM) 2013-07-11
277613 z_Archiv SBVR mdt-sbvr-inbox NEW --- Multi-valued composite association end must be unique 2013-07-11
397063 z_Archiv SBVR mdt-sbvr-inbox NEW --- For QVT-O EObject is not known to be supertype of EModelElement and EGenericType 2013-07-11
226006 z_Archiv SBVR dcarlson ASSI --- SBVR exchange document metamodel 2013-07-11
226010 z_Archiv SBVR dcarlson ASSI --- SBVR metamodel for tool developers 2013-07-11
12 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "SBVR" component of the "z_Archived" product