Thu Jun 13 2024 02:53:38 EDT
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95 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
291747 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- VoidType and AliasType override isValueType(), isRelation(), etc, and AbstractDataType overtides isNodeType() 2014-01-09
230699 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- IMP editor not entirely robust w.r.t. "New Editor" command 2014-01-09
297587 z_Archiv IMP jurgen.vinju NEW --- Storing annotated values in a hash-collection may inhibit performance 2014-01-09
331778 z_Archiv IMP jurgen.vinju NEW --- LanguageRegistry should not be a static class but possibly a singleton or a normal class 2014-01-09
337806 z_Archiv IMP jurgen.vinju NEW --- Enchancement: generic tuple type 2014-01-09
365188 z_Archiv IMP jurgen.vinju NEW --- Math functions for IReal 2014-01-09
230497 z_Archiv IMP pcharles NEW --- New JikesPG Grammar wizard + "no keywords" -> compile errors 2014-01-09
230638 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- Need to parameterize clauses and lists in service templates? 2014-01-09
230678 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- IMP editor does not respect key bindings in "Editing Text" context 2014-01-09
230685 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- Add necessary support for natureID from languageDescription schema 2014-01-09
230750 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- Determine disposition of OutlineContentProvider service 2014-01-09
230758 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- Content assist links to 'create new content template' dialog 2014-01-09
230759 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- Embed source code fragment in source code that link to content assist. 2014-01-09
230787 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- IParseController's use of IRegion causes dependency on jface.text 2014-01-09
235237 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- No preferences UI exists for turning bracket matching on/off or changing highlight color 2014-01-09
237155 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- ILanguageService should have getLanguage() method 2014-01-09
241011 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- IInformationPresenter implementation does nothing useful 2014-01-09
243640 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- Outline view does not support filtering 2014-01-09
243764 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- IMP mark occurrences action stays active even when editors are not 2014-01-09
252204 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- The org.eclipse.imp.pdb package is not thread-safe 2014-01-09
255617 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- No support for Annotation severity 2014-01-09
256082 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- Can't load file if project is not in workspace root 2014-01-09
257627 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- Poor parser/display update synchronisation 2014-01-09
257705 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- A number of PDB value objects are not immutable 2014-01-09
257715 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- PDB: Iterators of Tree and Tuple do not entirely adhere to the java.util.Iterator interface. 2014-01-09
264007 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- Preference value parser should use dtUnifiedTemplate from latest LPG template suite 2014-01-09
268550 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- lpg builder could not build under the windows 2014-01-09
279352 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- NPE building deleted file 2014-01-09
291809 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- IMP preference page should be instantiated for each specific language 2014-01-09
292599 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- Existing warnings and errors are not removed while regenerating the grammar 2014-01-09
295178 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- Brace matching based on paired tokens enhancement 2014-01-09
321009 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- AnnotationUpdater class in UniversalEditor will schedule parsing even when only markers are changed leading to infinite loops 2014-01-09
324552 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- TupleType lubTupleTypes method has a bug in the fieldNames logic. 2014-01-09
324800 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- The icon from the languageDesciption extension is not used consistently or correctly throughout the workbench 2014-01-09
340303 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- new language service: ast annotators 2014-01-09
340306 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- ParseController should not be used to store and retrieve ast state, a local variable in should implement the data dependency instead 2014-01-09
340307 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- A simple way of ordering IASTListeners 2014-01-09
341325 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- Contributing Rascal to IMP 2014-01-09
354079 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- Outliner runs in UI thread and blocks UI if TreeModelBuilder takes a long time to complete 2014-01-09
230664 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Could use wizard to update language metadata 2014-01-09
230695 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- New Incremental Builder wizard generates incorrect reference to nature class when non-default builder class/pkg specified 2014-01-09
230716 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- "Internal" packages harmful? 2014-01-09
230722 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Project-specific preferences should be visible in Project Properties 2014-01-09
230724 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Lack support for creating icons folder, initializing image registry 2014-01-09
230730 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Preference tabs performDefaults() assume one page per language 2014-01-09
230735 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Need strategy for representing String resources of IDE plug-ins 2014-01-09
230736 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Timing issue when enabling extensions consecutively 2014-01-09
230742 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Add generate/replace preference for IMP wizards wrt extensions 2014-01-09
230745 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Could use Language Updating wizard 2014-01-09
230746 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Link from wizard pages to cheat sheets 2014-01-09
230751 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Preference substitution mechanism should check for errors 2014-01-09
230755 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- ${} and ${9876} when substituted return themselves 2014-01-09
230760 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Wizards should offer to convert non-plugin projects to plugin projects 2014-01-09
230769 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- SelectionValidatorForPluginProjects should allow non-Java projects 2014-01-09
230771 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- New Programming Language wizard validator field not reset properly 2014-01-09
230778 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- New Class wizard for Source Folder doesn't get base class name 2014-01-09
230779 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Can't specify both interface and base class for service implementations 2014-01-09
230785 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Icons folders not automatically added to 2014-01-09
232425 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Too many unused fields in the New Builder wizard 2014-01-09
237153 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Plugin activator template should get language ID from extension 2014-01-09
239857 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- IMP runtime doesn't use IMP preferences service 2014-01-09
241186 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Step-wise grammar development difficult 2014-01-09
244503 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Make editor registration more flexible 2014-01-09
327993 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- NPE when creating a formatting specification 2014-01-09
384957 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Eclipse won't start 2014-01-09
230574 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Stale initialization of language field in New Language wizard 2014-01-09
230683 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Add 4th flavor of "new parser/grammar" wizard that creates IMP-less grammar 2014-01-09
230704 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Allow user choice of custom templates in service-generation wizards 2014-01-09
230723 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- Computations of default package/class names scattered across wizard classes 2014-01-09
213198 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer NEW --- register a language with the UniversalEditor dynamically 2014-01-09
230692 z_Archiv IMP suttons NEW --- New service wizard message "... is not a plugin project" has spurious leading "\" in project name 2014-01-09
230499 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer ASSI --- Builder doesn't clear markers on included/imported files 2014-01-09
230503 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer ASSI --- Execution of LPG generator complains about -include-directory option on Linux 2014-01-09
230603 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer ASSI --- UI-related language service API's should define dispose() method 2014-01-09
232867 z_Archiv IMP jurgen.vinju ASSI --- Formatting Specification Editor nonfunctional for Eclipse 3.3 2014-01-09
259217 z_Archiv IMP jurgen.vinju ASSI --- pdb.values should have reader and writer for ATerm format 2014-01-09
230600 z_Archiv IMP pcharles ASSI --- Possible race condition with default Content Proposer 2014-01-09
230635 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer ASSI --- Who should define problem marker ids? 2014-01-09
230639 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer ASSI --- Eliminate "Discouraged access" warnings 2014-01-09
230719 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer ASSI --- Options moved from IMP templates to LPG builder preferences 2014-01-09
296814 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer ASSI --- EditorAnnotationCreator extension point missing 2014-01-09
314442 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer ASSI --- Format source messes up LPG grammar 2014-01-09
230529 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer ASSI --- Wizards should do something with the "derived from" tag on the language description 2014-01-09
230543 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer ASSI --- Need support for patterns over multiple AST's/files 2014-01-09
230547 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer ASSI --- Editor does too much work on each keystroke 2014-01-09
230565 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer ASSI --- No way to augment already-generated source files 2014-01-09
230675 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer ASSI --- Add initialization method to ILanguageService 2014-01-09
230610 z_Archiv IMP suttons ASSI --- Wizards do not check for projects w/ duplicate plugin ID 2014-01-09
230636 z_Archiv IMP suttons ASSI --- Hierarchy of IMP wizard types is probably flawed 2014-01-09
230500 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer ASSI --- Outdated AST node types left following regeneration upon grammar changes 2014-01-09
230527 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer ASSI --- Perhaps should use forms API instead of wizards 2014-01-09
230585 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer ASSI --- Incremental build dependency tracking supports one kind of compilation unit change 2014-01-09
230614 z_Archiv IMP rfuhrer ASSI --- Deleting source file leaves compiled java file behind 2014-01-09
230604 z_Archiv IMP suttons ASSI --- Language service wizards should check prerequisites, if any 2014-01-09
230763 z_Archiv IMP suttons REOP --- Project Browse button and text field in Service creation wizards should be replaced by a pull down box (combo box) 2014-01-09
95 bugs found.


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