Tue Jun 11 2024 08:46:53 EDT
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26 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
58521 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox RESO DUPL qualified this can be assigned 2004-04-15
14103 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI FIXE [Builder] Too many dependents found when incrementally recompiling 2004-03-01
40950 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI FIXE [infrastructure] NPE from indexer 2004-03-01
45847 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI FIXE [Builder] Reading build state is slow 2004-03-01
46093 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI FIXE [Builder] Unoptimal pre-check for not writing class files 2004-03-01
38732 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE organize imports does not work with assert in source code 2004-08-23
41373 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE SourceField.getConstant() returns null for final fields set in initializer 2004-03-01
47886 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE [Compiler] ACC_SUPER bit sets for interfaces 2004-03-01
47976 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE Implementation of IField.getConstant() fails for some constants 2004-03-01
42579 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE Eclipse allows setting a source folder's parent as output folder, which wipes out source code 2004-03-01
45357 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE Compiler-Bug: "The local variable oResult may not have been initialized".txt 2004-04-07
45433 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE Bug7 (and counting ;-): hundretAssignmentsToFinalVariable() 2004-03-01
46276 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE Search for package declarations incorrectly finds matches in clone project 2004-03-12
46675 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [Compiler] NullPointerException with ? operator 2004-03-01
46918 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE assignment to this allowed by compiler 2004-05-14
46937 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [Compiler] Marking a field deprecated still report deprecated usage 2004-04-07
47082 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [Compiler] Problem with final variable initialization 2004-03-01
47415 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [Search] package references confused with multiple fragments 2004-03-01
47881 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [Compiler] x && false evaluates to "true" 2004-03-01
47989 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE Exception when searching for IPackageFragment "java.util.zip" 2004-03-01
48333 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [Compiler] Implicit deprecation isn't propagated to anonymous type 2004-03-01
48749 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [Compiler] deprecation check in initializer fooled by trailing deprecated field decl 2004-03-01
47049 JDT Core kent_johnson CLOS FIXE [Builder] Build output folder not getting flushed because files are not marked as derived 2005-05-24
75814 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc CLOS FIXE Inconsistent results when adding a breakpoint to class file with src attached 2005-05-24
92515 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox CLOS WONT new switch in code formatting: single-line blocks on same line 2005-04-25
92516 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox CLOS WONT Code formatting: add "# of blank lines between methods" 2005-04-25
26 bugs found.
