Wed Jun 12 2024 10:10:46 EDT
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438 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
429164 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- [active annotations] Provide existing members checks by default 2014-07-07
457247 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- UI freeze when opening Xtend document 2015-01-12
457655 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- [Xtend][AA]Make "body" property of (Mutable)ExecutableDeclaration free of implementation details 2015-01-15
458720 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- Use GWT compatible utility methods in generated hashCode(), equals(), toString() implementations 2016-05-08
458783 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- [Xtend][AA]Multiple AA processor instances mix up their instance field data 2015-01-30
459428 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- UI Freeze when starting Eclipse IDE 2015-02-09
460594 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- Public constructor parameters 2015-02-23
460613 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- Improve Typing Assistance / automatically insert at correct position 2015-02-23
461353 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- [AA] Enable testing of active annotation that depends on other resources 2015-03-04
462102 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- Convert to Xtend: omit types for variables 2016-06-10
476290 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- Strange switch expression allowed 2016-06-10
476609 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- projectSourceFolders doesn't catch the resources folders when used with Maven outside Eclipse 2016-06-10
477849 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- Xtend editor freezes and becomes unusable. 2016-06-10
478486 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- Strange null analysis behavior in switch block 2015-09-27
480912 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- [active annotations] Support for multiple passes 2015-11-13
481809 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- [AA] Allow to specify insertion order when adding new field/method/constructor etc to MutableClassDeclaration 2015-11-10
481920 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- Cannot control errors/warnings for maven-plugin as in IDE 2015-11-16
482229 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- Improve robustness of annotation processor base classes 2015-11-15
482605 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- Javadoc view in Eclipse does not work for Xtend files 2018-02-21
486538 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- Type mismatch cannot convert from A to B<C> 2016-01-26
487693 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- The "internal" StringConcatenation should never leak out of the local variable stack 2016-02-11
487868 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- Unexpected behaviour when using char type 2016-02-16
489284 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- Javadoc generated/modified by an annotation processor is not shown in Eclipse. 2016-03-09
491687 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- [active annotation] - Type Parameters during register-globals phase 2016-04-25
491929 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- StackOverflowError when using many else-if-statements 2016-04-20
494597 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- Dispatch methods can provide better inlining 2016-05-25
509343 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- [idea] Doesn't find *.xtend unit tests on package level 2019-04-25
543742 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- [performance] regression in Xtend 2.16 making excessive calls to 2021-02-12
579333 Xtend Core xtend-inbox UNCO --- Make Xtend extensible: Open xtend packages for reuse 2022-04-01
365712 Xtend Core jan NEW --- [xtend] Unused local vars in for loops not recognized 2014-11-13
381293 Xtend Core tmf.xtext-inbox NEW --- [editor] Quick fix to add static import 2012-07-27
346239 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Xtend] Group properties at the top of the content assist list 2014-05-16
363685 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Xtend] support for @SuppressWarnings 2022-03-04
364560 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend] Warning for private fields / local variables that are never read but only written 2013-09-12
365191 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend] refactoring: support package refactoring 2014-11-11
366137 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Template Expression] Allow alternative to french quotes 2015-02-10
368324 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Xtend] support index-datastructure in template foreach loop 2013-11-15
370232 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Casts don't appear to coerce closures 2013-05-27
370243 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [hover] Invalid closure syntax in hover 2013-08-26
370921 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Stackoverflow while typing 2017-04-05
378454 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Missing validation for typeParameters 2013-11-19
379264 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [autoedit] Confusing deletion of parentheses 2012-05-11
381182 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- content assist inside annotations proposes unexpected items and misses others 2015-02-09
381212 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [tracing] many exceptions in error log when moving the cursor around in the editor 2017-08-17
381486 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [active annotations] Content Proposals for override / implement methods created by annotation processors 2014-03-13
381708 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- support properties with lazy initalization 2014-07-01
381839 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Move Generated Source View to Xbase 2012-06-06
382843 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- make for-loop-parameter optional 2013-04-18
382957 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Remove the "{}" if the method body is a closure? 2012-06-25
383435 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- string-extension-methods don't work on rich strings 2014-06-02
384123 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [lib] Improve ReflectExtensions 2013-09-12
384773 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [hover] Keep hover in sync with expected changes in JDT 2012-07-10
386224 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Flow analysis for switch statement in constructor 2013-09-16
389807 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Xtend] Attribute names with a first single lower case letter (camel case problem) 2017-02-21
390109 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [template expressions] when embedding strings, empty lines should not be indented 2012-09-21
393412 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Editor Improvement - Syntax Highlighting & Content Assist for RichStrings 2013-09-16
393561 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Function types and Annotations can not be combined 2013-05-22
393701 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [formatter] read tab width from general text editor preferences 2016-07-21
394277 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- RichStringProcessor produces events in wrong order 2015-07-10
394746 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [refactoring] Open documents get a lot of phantom errors after rename 2013-08-26
394914 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [refactoring] support pull up/push down 2013-08-06
395585 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [coloring] New coloring for implicit receiver feature calls 2013-08-26
396456 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [validation] Visibility of types is not checked 2015-07-30
397791 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- import namespace proposal 2013-08-26
397857 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [formatter] add option to only format modified lines. 2013-01-10
398024 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [editor] static import content assist via Java > Editor > Content Assist > Favorites preference 2016-04-06
398620 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [parsing] XtendMember is hard to recover 2013-01-21
398633 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [content assist] Better proposals for higher-order functions 2013-05-31
399052 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- On Export Signed APKs: Compilation-Bug while using AndroidAnnotation-generated Classes 2014-11-17
399284 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [hover] Javadoc for packages 2013-08-26
399496 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [validation] Validate encoding 2013-08-26
399591 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [compiler] Visibility of overridden method not properly applied 2018-10-08
400196 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [wizards] Suggested improvements 2013-02-07
400291 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [imports] Overlapping text edits when performing "organize imports" 2013-05-13
400912 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [outline] Alphabetical sorting doesn't handle dispatch methods 2017-04-17
401149 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [lib] Add factory method for creating an iterator from a lambda 2013-05-27
401180 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- JDT's "Export as JAR" wizard fails if xtend files are primary debug sources. 2015-03-21
401999 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [validation] error for missing class due to missing reexport 2016-08-18
402411 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [validation] Optionally validate branches which are not definite early exits 2014-05-08
402505 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][validation] Validate declared / catched exception that is never thrown 2013-03-06
402532 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [quickfix] Offer quickfix 'Assign to local variable' if a @Pure operation is used 2013-05-27
402738 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- wrong line number selected when clicking on stack frame-hyperlink from project-external class 2013-09-13
402741 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- sporadic CCEs when opening Xtend editor 2013-06-07
402753 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [typesystem][validation] Misleading warning message when return type cannot be detected 2013-05-27
402898 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Misleading error message if recursive-closure's return type can not be inferred. 2013-05-22
402923 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Quickfix] No quickfix when method with different signature already exists 2013-09-13
402928 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Quickfix] Handle generics for creation of interfaces and classes 2013-11-27
402936 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- missing validation: access to private members in SAM-closure 2013-03-11
403007 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [lambdas] parameter type is ignored for method type params. 2013-05-27
403062 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [validation] Improve access restriction validation for JvmTypes 2013-05-27
403250 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [debug] Cannot find sources for classes that do not share the name of the Xtend file 2013-03-13
403334 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [formatter] closure should be formatted as multi-line closure 2013-03-14
403421 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- if the same source is opened via .class and .xtend the editors refer to different breakpoints 2013-03-15
403469 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Maven trace] compiling with JSR 45 - problem to navigate from stacktrace to source 2013-03-15
403470 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Maven trace] compiling with "Xtend as prim source" - click in stacktrace has no effect 2013-03-15
403561 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [aa] TypeReferenceImpl#isAssignableFrom should be more robust 2013-03-17
403777 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Suggestion: additional operator overloading 2016-02-16
403783 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Improve Enums 2020-05-18
404140 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Inline class field definitions 2016-09-28
404243 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [validation] Assume a private static field serialVersionUID to be used if the declarator is serializable 2013-09-13
404694 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Quick Fix for local variable in current block/lambda 2013-09-13
404817 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Cannot infer type from recursive usage. Type 'Object' is used. 2015-08-11
405246 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [optimize imports] shouldn't remove imports, if syntax errors are present 2013-06-20
405956 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [formatter preferences] indentation (space|tab+tabwidth) can be configured on project level 2018-06-19
406089 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [ca] no ca for visibility keywords for method declaration 2018-01-23
406166 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Code assist should propose types with same names in smart order 2013-04-22
406566 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [active annotations] NPE "type may not be null" while copying / renaming a method with inferenced return type 2013-09-16
407063 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [typesystem] Type check in closure coercion is to strict 2013-05-02
408282 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [aa][refactoring] create infrastructure to allow rename refactoring 2013-09-13
408308 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [validation] Validate references to non-visible type parameters 2013-05-17
408764 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [type inference] target typing with identity equals and Chars fails 2013-05-23
408928 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Type inferrence with elvis 2013-05-24
409597 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Warnings in generated code 2013-06-02
409847 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- missing type validation for assignments with generic types 2013-06-04
409850 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- missing type validation for === 2013-06-04
410060 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Auto completion does not work for nested classes 2013-07-30
410793 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Formatter] smarter wrapping on chained feature calls. 2013-08-26
410907 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Formatter] Option "Never join already wrapped lines" 2013-06-17
411083 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [aa] MutableClassDeclaration: add method addImplementedInterface() 2014-07-04
411123 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend] Xtend does not compile a lambda expression for 2013-11-27
411212 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- can't initialise byte and short values like in Java 2013-08-14
411218 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- wrong linking candidate choose when generics are involved 2015-09-15
411364 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Allow trailing commas in enums and collection literals 2015-02-02
411872 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Xtend accepts and "compiles" code that is not compiled by JDT 2017-04-06
412006 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- CCE on Rename Type 2013-07-01
412031 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [operators] Add logical XOR operator as in Java 2013-07-01
412192 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [contentassist] Propose getters and setters for fields 2013-10-08
412197 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Generated Code View: Navigation to inferred dispatcher 2013-09-16
412201 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Comments may confuse white space handling in template expressions 2018-03-27
412277 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [types] Give a hint on erroneous element in type error message 2013-07-08
412289 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Extending a inner, none-static Java class leads to syntactically correct Xtend file but errorneous generated Java class 2016-06-10
412383 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Provide real character literals 2015-03-03
412801 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Xtend] Run as/Debug as TestNG test 2014-08-14
413033 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- validation to avoid confusing expression with number literals 2013-07-16
413708 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [typesystem] Adding a closure parameter to a list removes upper bound 2013-07-25
413750 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [@Property] add warning and quickfix for unexpected simple name binding for some getters/setters 2014-07-07
414346 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- References to non-visible types are not marked 2013-09-16
414547 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [content assist] No proposals after 'def create' 2014-05-20
414932 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [navigation] Navigation from JUnit does not select the expected text region 2015-02-24
415035 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [formatter] error when formatting template expressions 2013-08-14
415038 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [formatter] error when formatting template expressions with comments 2013-08-14
415651 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Greyspace is displayed but not emitted to the output 2013-08-22
415679 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [ca] missing constructor call proposals like in JDT 2013-08-22
415892 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Missing warning for self assigment with this 2013-08-27
415950 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [formatter] handle comments before } properly 2013-11-27
416038 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Unused type parameter not validated 2013-11-19
416130 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend] Allow to run a class as an java application with a selection which does not contain a main type 2015-02-24
416197 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Make generated code less ugly and verbose 2016-04-20
417082 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][compiler] Invalid Java code without error marker in Xtend 2016-08-22
417121 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][validation] Missing validation for duplicate method 2013-11-27
417298 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [refactoring] Editors are opened twice after UNDO 2017-07-28
417484 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [formatter] don't format regions with syntax errors 2017-08-17
417563 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [content assist] decorate extension methods 2013-09-19
417776 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Unbounded wildcard code generation changed 2013-11-28
418172 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Templates] Incorrect indentation quickfix broken 2013-09-27
418175 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- support methods as extension providers 2013-09-27
418425 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Disallow references to 'this' and 'super' within super() or this() calls within a constructor 2013-12-20
418711 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend] Generated code is bogus when guava not present and user not notified 2017-04-13
418784 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xbase][validation] Improve validation message for syntax / linking errors wrt line breaks 2013-10-07
419110 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Support Expressions view when debugging in Xtend code 2013-12-20
419117 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [content assist] missing code completion for primitive types can produce surprising results 2013-12-20
419119 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [refactor] Change Method Signature 2013-10-10
419566 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [aa] Derived files are remained after removing of an active annotation 2013-10-16
419583 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][editor] Xtend editor repainting is failed 2013-10-16
421256 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Running xtend code generation with non UTF-8 file encoding leading to trouble 2013-11-08
421405 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Missing warning "Comparing identical expressions" for self comparison 2013-11-15
422142 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [editor] error dialog - 'component type seems to be invalid' 2017-04-13
422864 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Type inference and SAM: used for completion but not for validation... ! 2015-02-09
423493 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [@Data] Wrong constructor generation 2014-05-16
423586 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [macro][api] TypeParameterDeclaration extends Declaration extends AnnotationTarget 2013-12-09
424798 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Add warning or error to switch over booleans 2018-03-29
425596 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- EnumerationTypeDeclaration does not report it's interfaces 2014-01-14
426591 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][validation] Missing override validation 2015-03-30
426601 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][validation] Type mismatch error because an expected type is not propagated 2014-01-24
426768 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Have meaningful error message when compiling Xtend code with old compiler 2014-01-28
427246 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend] Switch expression on int variable with Integer type guard compiles with an error 2017-09-08
427279 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Umbrella] Inner classes 2016-06-10
427319 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Align Eclipse Xtend Editor behavior for {} with Java Editor behavior 2014-02-07
427895 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xbase][linking] Problem with nested invocation of parameterized methods 2014-08-14
428408 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Missing linking error on addAll called on List<? extends Type> 2015-02-25
428815 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- JvmCustomAnnotationValueImpl cannot be cast to JvmStringAnnotationValue 2017-03-02
428872 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [macros] make wrapperIfPrimitive returns a handle for inferred types instead of failing 2014-02-24
429141 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Support static initializers in Xtend 2020-08-13
429162 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [active annotations] support setting static initialization blocks to classes 2014-02-26
429168 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [active annotations] Provide class on classpath checks by default 2015-02-02
429455 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- "self" can't be resolved if lambda is assigned to val with inferred type 2014-03-03
430929 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Translate all comments to Java source 2016-07-07
431351 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Add library methods to copy Lists, Sets etc. 2014-03-27
431695 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- use mark occurrences to to point out receiver of extension 2014-04-01
431871 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- @Data : order of declaration matters... 2014-04-04
432129 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Consider allowing instanceof with bound generic type 2015-01-28
432163 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [typesystem] Missing validation error for incompatible type argument in Xtend 2014-04-09
432218 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Rename refactoring does not work on some classes in Xtext codebase 2014-04-24
432581 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- XtendResourceDescription.getImportedNames() iterates resource's contents twice 2014-04-11
432725 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Generic in dispatch method cannot be compiled 2014-04-14
433359 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Please support Java editor colour themes 2014-06-06
433398 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [findrefs] Find references will not find references to external classes from unsaved Xtend files 2017-09-07
434689 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [switch expression] Suggest converting to if-expression when switching over boolean 2018-03-29
434690 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Formatter] Prefix before template FOR loop increases indentation 2016-08-07
434692 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Unhelpful error message on wrong static import 2014-05-13
434700 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Refactoring] Allow extract method everywhere in RichStrings 2016-06-10
435023 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][anonymous][scoping] Anonymous class within a static method should not have access to instance variables of enclosing type 2017-03-24
435028 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][anonymous][quickfix] Xtend should not propose create constructor quickfix for anonymous type but rather for supertype 2014-05-16
435033 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][anonymous][validation] Static members of an anonymous class should not have access to instance members of the same class 2015-03-16
435054 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [inner classes] Instantiating an inner class without enclosing instance should not be possible 2014-05-16
435059 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Closures] disambiguate type of closure by looking at usage of "self" 2014-05-16
435214 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Hover] NPE when Annotation not visible on classpath 2014-05-19
435429 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Wrong overload selected when type parameter does not match 2014-06-04
435472 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Missing wildcard in Java code for collection literals containing closures 2016-08-07
436482 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [editor][selection] Navigation to different Xtend types declared in the same file opens several editors 2015-10-20
436756 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [active annotations] Allow to compose and inspect expressions 2014-11-05
437330 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [builder] External refresh sometimes does not remove generated files 2014-06-13
437676 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Xtend plugin / compiler fails to detect generic type mismatch problem. 2014-08-25
437877 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [active annotations] Allow processing third party annotations 2014-07-30
437909 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Incompatible inherited overrides are not flagged 2014-06-23
438341 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [@Property] regression: Type inference no longer works 2014-06-27
438535 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [contentAssist] don't break because of duplicate "." 2014-06-30
439054 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [active annotations] Support for quick fixes 2014-09-19
439055 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [quickfix] Improve "change to" member quickfixes 2014-07-07
439200 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [compiler] Introduce "minimize synthetic variables" 2015-05-05
439332 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [debugging] Strange debugging experience with switch expressions 2017-10-11
439535 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [aa] Copied computed type references are bogus 2015-02-25
439785 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [refactoring] Explore IWorkingCopyOwner to be used during refactoring 2014-08-01
439868 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][refactoring] Rename refactoring ignores names conflicts and breaks references 2017-09-07
440077 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [aa] Cannot move expressions around that contain anonymous classes 2015-07-29
440081 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [TypeInference] Mishandling common interface of enums 2016-08-10
440198 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Allow direct invocation of functional objects (i.e. foo() vs. foo.apply()) 2015-12-19
440324 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Allow [] operator overloading 2014-07-24
440529 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Loss of type information when calling <Map.Entry-array>.get(x) 2017-09-07
440632 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [content assist] Extending nested types 2014-07-29
440639 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [validation][switchExpression] Interpreter uses only heuristics 2014-07-29
441245 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- "Organize Import" should not show a dialog when ambiguity can be resolve resolved automatically 2014-08-06
442287 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- In Package Explorer copy class and paste with new name as result new class name doesn't change. 2016-08-09
442431 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [linking] Problem with extensions methods that require target typing 2014-08-24
442509 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [typesystem] Infinite loops are not properly typed 2014-08-25
442569 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- NPE in CurrentDescriptions$ResourceSetAware.setContext 2018-07-23
442798 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [active annotations] Mark and validate customized generated elements 2014-08-28
443027 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][outline] Is 'show synthetic members' necessary? 2014-09-01
443028 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][outline] Alphabetic sorting should probably move _ prefixed members below others 2014-09-01
443055 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][outline] Icons are hardly visible on dark theme 2015-02-25
443305 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Support type annotations 2021-03-29
443540 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Dot operator not handled properly when chained after a null-safe dot operator 2015-04-27
444423 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [rename] trace file not updated after rename 2017-12-06
444512 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend] Support string style method naming 2014-09-23
444580 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [lib] @Builder annotation 2014-09-22
444789 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Linking] Wrong binding of unary operator '-' 2016-06-10
444914 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Have meaningful error message if compiler is not forward compatible 2017-12-19
444923 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [aa] improve error handling on @Accessor 2016-08-10
444941 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [typesystem] typesystem errors during editing 2014-09-24
444969 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][validation] Validation ‘Missing default branch for switch expression with primitive type‘ is bogus 2016-06-10
445322 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [editor] Exception logged while editing 2014-09-29
445602 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- "Open generated code" opens a wrong file 2016-04-29
445784 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [refactoring] Insufficient user feedback on extract local variable 2014-10-02
447128 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Getter prevents using static member access with a dot 2015-02-25
447225 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][contentassist] Content assist does not propose nested types 2014-10-15
447500 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Xtend Formatter Add Off/On Tags 2018-10-02
447903 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [aa]: (Quick) Outline view does not show derived elements for Xtend type from jars 2014-10-20
448486 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Cannot cast from Foo<Object> to Foo<T> 2014-10-23
448858 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [compiler][trace] Trace files are not removed (sometimes?) 2014-10-25
448883 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [AA] Allow adding static/extension imports 2015-10-30
449964 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [formatter] Format javadoc 2017-02-06
450106 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Misleading error message in map literal when key cannot be resolved 2014-11-11
450431 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Error opening 2014-11-07
450806 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [validation] warning when unboxing a possible null Boolean value 2014-11-10
451297 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [AA] Error markers for exceptions are shown on all annotations of the same type 2015-02-25
451673 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Make APT work with Xtend 2014-11-17
452224 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [AA] ArrayStoreException in @Accessors 2016-08-10
453466 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][templateExpression] Compile template expressions to string concatenations for annotation's values 2014-11-27
453585 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Potential bundle resolution failures when using Xtend and Guava 2014-12-02
454213 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [editor] Misleading highlighting / error marker 2016-06-10
455183 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][highlighting] A static import declaration is not highlighted if an imported feature is selected 2014-12-15
455187 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][highlighting] Confusing highlighting with enabled 'Toggle Mark Occurences' 2014-12-15
456658 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][compiler] Invalid java code produced for create methods 2015-01-05
456790 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][anonymous] Information about a reassigned type is lost inside an anonymous class 2015-01-06
457146 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [AA] Add API for findable references 2015-01-09
457336 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- @SuppressWarnings annotation is generated with fully qualified name 2015-01-19
457814 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [formatter] performance in bigger files 2017-03-16
458534 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Very slow autocompletion for long chains of binary operators 2017-05-09
460012 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [builder] Cannot link to Java types in the default package 2015-02-17
460087 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- @Accessors setter return type and value 2015-02-17
460115 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [contentassist] CA inserts FQN for inner class from super 2015-02-17
460127 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Formatter] Conflicting TextEdits 2015-09-22
460161 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Constructor is not called as first line in generated java code 2016-06-10
460321 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [aa] Revise defaults for MutableMethodDelcaration#addMethod 2017-08-31
460448 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [java8] Wrong validation warning when overriding default method and call super 2016-06-10
460615 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Ambiguous feature call for static variable vs extensions 2016-06-10
460798 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [aa] support references to constant fields as annotation values 2018-12-04
460896 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][refactoring] Fix move refactoring 2015-02-26
461325 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Flaky "Ambiguous feature call" error 2017-06-30
461370 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][refactoring] Extract method refactoring does nothing in constructors 2015-03-04
461811 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend] Exception with $ variable name 2015-03-12
462053 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [compiler] Suspress error "Should be accessed in a static way" 2016-06-10
462560 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xbase][linking] Wrong linking in assignment context 2016-06-10
463192 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [idea][xtend] Java cannot resolve a cross reference with a simple name to a Xtend type from the same package 2015-03-26
463307 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [contentAssist][templates] Import template vars don't work as expected 2015-03-27
463672 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][aa] Consider support of abstract classes by Delegate AA 2015-04-01
463674 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][aa] It should be possible to restrict Delegate AA to only one interface without considering super types (not transitive) 2015-04-02
464151 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [formatter2] missing dedentation with max line width formatting 2016-06-10
464261 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Compare Editor opens source instead of showing tooltip 2016-06-10
464681 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [aa] @Accessors - Copy field Javadoc to getter and setter 2017-09-13
464761 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [aa] Provide a way to test the generation of additional resources 2016-06-10
464894 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [refactoring] Extract method should respect extension flag on variables and parameters 2015-04-17
465275 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Lambda coercion depends on present parameter names 2015-04-23
465371 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][outline] Optionally visualize contributed extensions 2015-04-24
465374 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [formatter/xbase] format rich string method bodies properly if they don't have a trailing newline 2015-04-24
465556 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [typesystem] Error with widening conversion and control flow analysis 2015-04-27
465571 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [grammar] 'interface' not allowed as parameter name 2015-04-27
465811 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [IDEA] exception 2015-04-29
465821 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [IDEA] Deadlock 2015-04-30
466600 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- No CA in empty field initializer 2015-05-06
467018 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [imports] Organize imports introduces an error 2017-03-04
467408 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend] Find references does not work for 2015-09-15
469812 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [formatter] indentation problems 2016-06-10
470045 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Assignment (=) Operator Overloading 2015-07-14
470861 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][editor] Highlight exit points (returns, throws) for methods 2015-06-24
471285 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [IDEA][xtend] Navigation for dispatch methods 2015-06-29
471546 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [type computation] Wrong 'Bounds Mismatch' typing error 2016-06-10
471585 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [aa] MutableEnumerationTypeDeclaration does not provide setImplementedInterfaces 2015-07-01
471594 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [aa] MutableEnumerationValueDeclaration does not provide a way to call a parameterized constructor 2015-07-01
472589 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [idea] editor does not scroll to keep cursor visible 2015-07-14
472594 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [idea] Typing in package declaration produces empty folders in xtend-gen on keystroke 2015-07-15
473255 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [core] Get rid of xbase.junit dependency 2017-02-09
473379 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [idea] CannotLoadTypeResourceException when annotation with parameter used 2015-07-23
473740 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Hovering on variable show warning instead of value in debug mode. 2017-04-28
473793 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- @Data annotation bug 2017-07-26
473992 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [debug] Conditional break point, runtime exception 2015-07-31
474230 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [debug] Trace the last line of a root block expression of a method with debugging enabled 2016-06-10
474233 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [idea] Removing module with xtend files cause ISA 2016-06-10
474303 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [idea] Closing and opening project throws an exception 2015-08-05
474312 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [compiler] can't call overwritten protected methods in anonymous classes 2015-08-05
474346 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Whitespace swallowed in SEPARATOR of string templates. 2020-10-02
474475 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [Documentation] Enhance manual/tutorial concerning used code model in transformation phase 2016-06-10
474965 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- The assignment of null should be ambiguous 2019-07-14
475121 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][idea] Renaming of a top level type does not rename a corresponding xtend file 2015-08-17
475124 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][idea][quickfix] Implement add JUnit to classpath quickfix 2015-08-17
475125 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][idea][quickfix] Add create class quickfix 2015-08-17
475127 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][idea][quickfix] Add make a class implement an interface quickfix 2015-08-17
475128 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][idea][quickfix] Suppress quickfixes from the java plugin which can change generated code 2015-08-17
475129 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][idea][quickfix] Add create method/field/variable/value/parameter quickfixes 2015-08-17
475143 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- formatting code can affect template expressions 2017-03-09
475262 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][idea] Find a way to run all Xtend CA tests against idea 2015-08-18
475909 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][idea][quickfix] Add 'Add import' quickfix for an unresolved reference to a type 2015-08-26
475938 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [idea][trace] NPE in TraceForVirtualFileProvider 2016-06-10
475947 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [idea][gradle] Launching gradle clean task causes an InvalidVirtualFileAccessException 2016-06-10
476224 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [idea][findusages] The find usages view does not show usages in the source code 2016-06-10
476620 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [idea] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException at org.eclipse.xtext.generator.trace.SourceRelativeURI.<init>( 2016-06-10
476775 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [j2x] handle Java8 method references 2015-09-07
476778 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [j2x|lib] Missing combined assigment operators for int & long 2015-09-07
476780 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [j2x|grammar] Handle unary plus 2015-09-07
476782 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [j2x] Convert initialized arrays of primitive type other than int 2015-09-07
476783 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [j2x] always add curly braces around then block 2015-09-07
476784 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [j2x] recalculate imports instead of copying them 2015-09-07
476785 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [j2x|typesystem] Visibility of protected members from surrounding class differs from Java 2015-09-07
476791 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend] Project specific settings are used, even if they are disabled 2017-08-30
476793 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [j2x|scoping] parameter name collision when converting SAM to lambda 2015-09-07
476795 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [typesystem] Wrong return type calculated with early exists and endless loop 2015-09-07
476796 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [j2x] avoid use of '::' for static member access 2015-09-07
476798 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [j2x|xbase] Allow casting Objects to primitive 2015-09-07
476799 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [j2x|validation] handle abnormal finally blocks 2015-09-07
476800 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [linking] wrong method linked in static parameterized method with vararg parameter 2015-09-07
476803 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [j2x|xbase] Accessing non-final local vars from lambdas 2015-09-07
476877 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [typesystem] Cannot access nested type 2016-08-10
476881 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [linking] Type argument gets messed up in method call on nested class 2015-09-08
477037 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [idea][aa] Builder is not triggered on changes of files written through AA api 2016-06-10
477137 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xbase][typesystem] Valid code flagged as invalid 2015-09-11
477153 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Type system don't allow what control flow analysis wants you to do 2015-09-11
477655 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [aa] @Accessors fails with anonymous class and non-default constructor 2015-09-17
477668 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [idea] structure view 2016-06-10
477691 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [eclipse] I see outdated annotations in the editor 2016-06-10
478936 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [validation] Test 'Same as in Java' preference with new 'information' severity of JDT 2016-06-10
479221 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xbase][typesystem] Type inference fails 2015-10-07
479301 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [IDEA] Undo Convert To Xtend, seems to be ignored by builder 2015-10-08
479679 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [idea] IllegalStateException during typing 2015-10-14
479734 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- integer literal with minimum value causes error 2015-10-14
479741 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- "Paste Xtend Code" does not work in some places 2015-10-14
480366 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- import static failure for methods inherited from protected classes 2015-10-22
481381 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [idea] logged exception on content assist 2015-11-04
481450 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Type inference problem 2015-11-05
481692 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Formatter fails with IllegalArgumentException "length must be >= 0" 2017-09-06
481990 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Duplicate If Clause for dispatch Methods 2017-04-10
482371 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][organizeimport] Organizing imports removes an annotation import 2016-06-10
482810 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [IDEA] Very slow autocompletion for a big project 2017-03-16
482854 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- xtext-maven-plugin won't allow access to Java enum values() from Xtend code 2016-08-02
483931 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- IllegalArgumentException in eclipse/IDEA 2016-06-10
484077 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- auto-cast after instanceof doing incorrect upcast when combined with += 2017-07-26
484293 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Misleading content assist for setter method when field is visible 2015-12-14
484374 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [AA] external change notification in headless mode 2015-12-15
484478 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- conversion error for inferred enums implementing an interface 2017-07-26
484877 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Make public API the package org.eclipse.xtend.core.findReferences 2019-04-25
486383 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot root twice 2017-12-07
486390 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Xtend forEach with index does work with a Java 8 Stream 2017-03-17
486599 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend] Use only logical containers to create a scope for the expression context 2016-06-10
487861 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Invalid Java code generated when a default method of an interface is called by from a default method of its subinterface. 2017-03-24
488011 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Dispatch methods are not intuitive when a primitive type is involved 2016-02-18
488252 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Inferring wrong types of generic parameters 2016-02-23
488640 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][eclipse] Rename of a top level class leaves imports of nested types broken 2016-02-27
489070 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Java error in generated code: Constructor call must be the first statement in a constructor 2016-06-08
489944 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- new IntegerExtensions times (Ruby's) / timesRepeat (Smalltalk's) 2016-03-18
490370 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][formatting] A multiline string that is longer than max width breaks formatting 2016-03-24
491058 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [aa] @FinalFieldsConstructor fails when superclass constructor is hidden 2016-04-05
491956 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Conflicting Xtend Files cannot be renamed 2016-04-19
494535 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [xtend][validation] Wrong constant condition check with primitive types 2017-10-11
498345 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Provide tycho-xtend-plugin that supports <useJDK>BREE</useJDK> option. 2016-07-27
499663 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- [aa] Single quotes are escaped in annotation String values 2017-09-27
500104 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Generic methods, interfaces and inheritance => Error 2017-07-26
500364 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Resolving wrong method signature in type hierarchy (covariance in interfaces) 2017-04-05
502447 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Wrong type inference causes adding type parameter to change generated code behavior 2016-09-28
503077 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Pair implements java.util.Map.Entry 2016-10-03
509955 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Ternary operator precedence seems illogical 2017-01-05
513770 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- IDE freeze on nested method calls 2017-05-09
516733 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Lambda parameters: Horrendous performance issue 2017-12-08
528110 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Xtend formatter formats code in relation to previous line instead of container 2017-12-04
528739 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument is not valid in current context 2017-12-13
558713 Xtend Core xtend-inbox NEW --- Feature request: make methods in XImportSectionNamespaceScopeProvider protected 2020-10-02
477681 Xtend Core jan ASSI --- [idea][builder] don't create annotations or semantically highlight unopened files 2016-06-10
391538 Xtend Core xtend-inbox ASSI --- [formatter] create generic coverage test 2016-07-21
393995 Xtend Core xtend-inbox ASSI --- [formatter] improve smoke test 2016-07-21
448483 Xtend Core xtend-inbox ASSI --- No content assist inside operator_minus declaration 2016-06-10
455328 Xtend Core xtend-inbox ASSI --- Methods with return type not on classpath are filtered out in content assist resp. marked as missing 2016-06-10
460218 Xtend Core xtend-inbox ASSI --- [j2x] |= not supported 2016-09-28
474210 Xtend Core xtend-inbox ASSI --- [idea][trace] NPE on OpenDeclaration org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.InputOutput.println(T) 2016-06-10
474227 Xtend Core xtend-inbox ASSI --- [idea] Support Java to Xtend conversion on paste 2015-08-04
475906 Xtend Core xtend-inbox ASSI --- [xtend][idea][navigation] Navigate to a xtend file instead of a generated java file 2016-06-10
476412 Xtend Core xtend-inbox ASSI --- [idea] Invalid virtual file exception after deleting a project from disk 2015-09-04
479723 Xtend Core xtend-inbox ASSI --- [idea] semantic coloring not always applied 2016-06-10
371960 Xtend Core xtend-inbox REOP --- Shorthand constructors to initialize fields 2014-07-13
391758 Xtend Core xtend-inbox REOP --- Type inference too greedy 2013-05-27
397256 Xtend Core xtend-inbox REOP --- Must use 'val' or 'var' to declare a field of function/procedure type 2013-01-02
408385 Xtend Core xtend-inbox REOP --- [template] Add a mechanism to suppress newline in output 2013-05-18
436279 Xtend Core xtend-inbox REOP --- Very surprising behaviour of calling something on the result of an if/else 2014-06-01
436567 Xtend Core xtend-inbox REOP --- [debug] Improve debugging experience with dispatch methods 2016-06-10
439506 Xtend Core xtend-inbox REOP --- [xbase.lib] Iterables#zip 2018-06-01
444437 Xtend Core xtend-inbox REOP --- [aa] CodeGenerationParticipant should pass in immutable target elements 2016-06-10
458727 Xtend Core xtend-inbox REOP --- Multiline comment after Javadoc comment at class header is compiled as Javadoc comment, original Javadoc comment gets lost 2019-01-08
461239 Xtend Core xtend-inbox REOP --- [xtend][documentation] Add guidance on how to configure maven toolchains 2017-12-11
472602 Xtend Core xtend-inbox REOP --- Problem with lambda expression in default generic method 2016-06-10
476774 Xtend Core xtend-inbox REOP --- [xbase] bitwise or/and operations on boolean as BooleanExtensions 2015-09-14
488449 Xtend Core xtend-inbox REOP --- Type mismatch for map function returning strings 2016-09-14
438 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Core" component of the "Xtend" product