Sat Jun 1 2024 06:21:57 EDT
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
173864 AspectJ AJDoc aspectj-inbox NEW --- AJDoc do not generate annotations? 2013-06-24
201385 AspectJ AJDoc aspectj-inbox NEW --- Support doclets or at least standard doclet tags 2013-06-24
245290 AspectJ AJDoc aspectj-inbox NEW --- The Aspect decorations in AJDoc should be modified to improve readability 2013-06-24
245604 AspectJ AJDoc aspectj-inbox NEW --- [ajdoc] ajdoc does not generate documentation for Aspect without a specified visibility 2013-06-24
274885 AspectJ AJDoc aspectj-inbox NEW --- [ajdoc] Enumeration class with an inner class causing ajdoc failure. 2013-06-24
280359 AspectJ AJDoc aspectj-inbox NEW --- [ajdoc] Missing fully qualified name for ITDs types in AJDoc 2009-06-15
287381 AspectJ AJDoc aspectj-inbox NEW --- Support ajdocworkingdir parameter 2013-06-24
413350 AspectJ AJDoc aspectj-inbox NEW --- ajdoc fails with syntax errors due to missing semicolon in generated java file 2013-07-19
424481 AspectJ AJDoc aspectj-inbox NEW --- java.util.ConcurrentModificationException 2013-12-20
9 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "AJDoc" component of the "AspectJ" product