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[m2e-users] Project References, Workspace Resolution and Workspace Build Order


I'm trying to troubleshoot what seems to be an endless build issue with my multi-module project.  In doing so I was wondering if my modules themselves are being built in the correct order.  According to the following, workspace build order is computed from project references by default:

I don't have project references specified for any of my modules.  Workspace resolution is enabled for all of them.  I came across this StackOverflow answer suggesting that my configuration is correct:

I want to understand why this is the case.  When I check my “General > Workspace > Build Order" page "Use default build order" is checked, and all my module projects are listed in a seemingly sane order (the parent module is listed last).

Did m2e set this up during project configuration or otherwise?  If so… Does this depend on workspace resolution being enabled?  Is the reason to avoid project references because they will interfere with m2e’s management of the build order?  Why is the parent module ordered last instead of first?



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