package subverivecommitintegration; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart; public class CommitActionFactory1 implements ICommitActionFactory { public CommitActionFactory1() { } public ICommitDialog getCommitDialog(final Shell shell, Collection allFilesToCommit, final ICommentDialogPanel panel) { // The task we implement is as such: we prevent a commit from happening until the end of working hours // We do not want to just hide the commit dialog from committer. We want to tell the reason for preventing the commit. // And that is why we need to set a specific validation message and status in time of dialog initialization. // Please note, that you can't do so prior to initialization is complete. For that reason we wrap the ICommentDialogPanel panel // and handle the postInit() event. return new ICommitDialog(){ public String getMessage() { return panel.getMessage(); } public int open() { ICommentDialogPanel panelWrap = new ICommentDialogPanel() { private IDialogManager manager; public void postInit() { panel.postInit(); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); Date date = c.getTime(); c.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 17); c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); c.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); c.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); Date limitation = c.getTime(); if (limitation.after(date)) { manager.setMessage(IDialogManager.LEVEL_ERROR, "It is not the time to commit yet! Please wait until work hours are over."); manager.setButtonEnabled(0, false); } } public void initPanel(IDialogManager manager) { panel.initPanel(manager); this.manager = manager; } public Point getPrefferedSize() { return panel.getPrefferedSize(); } public String getImagePath() { return panel.getImagePath(); } public String getHelpId() { return panel.getHelpId(); } public String getDialogTitle() { return panel.getDialogTitle(); } public String getDialogDescription() { return panel.getDialogDescription(); } public String getDefaultMessage() { return panel.getDefaultMessage(); } public String[] getButtonNames() { return panel.getButtonNames(); } public void dispose() { panel.dispose(); } public void createControls(Composite parent) { panel.createControls(parent); } public boolean canClose() { return panel.canClose(); } public void buttonPressed(int idx) { panel.buttonPressed(idx); } public void addListeners() { panel.addListeners(); } public void removeResourcesSelectionChangedListener(IResourceSelectionChangeListener listener) { panel.removeResourcesSelectionChangedListener(listener); } public String getMessage() { return panel.getMessage(); } public void addResourcesSelectionChangedListener(IResourceSelectionChangeListener listener) { panel.addResourcesSelectionChangedListener(listener); } }; DefaultDialog dialog = new DefaultDialog(shell, panelWrap); return; } }; } public void performAfterCommitTasks(CompositeOperation operation, IRevisionProvider revisionProvider, IActionOperation[] dependsOn, IWorkbenchPart part) { } public void initCommentManager(ICommentManager commentManager) { commentManager.addCommentsToSection(ICommentManager.TEMPLATE_HEADER, Arrays.asList(new String[] {"Template comment #1 using integration API"})); String newSection = "------------------------------ New Section ------------------------------"; commentManager.addCommentsSection(newSection, "Added using integration API"); commentManager.addCommentsToSection(newSection, Arrays.asList(new String[] {"Template comment #2 using integration API"})); } public void confirmMessage(ICommentManager commentManager) { } public void cancelMessage(ICommentManager commentManager) { } }