package; import org.eclipse.ui.console.ConsolePlugin; import org.eclipse.ui.console.IConsole; import org.eclipse.ui.console.IConsoleFactory; import org.eclipse.ui.console.IConsoleManager; /** * Console factory is used to show the console from the Console view "Open Console" * drop-down action. This factory is registered via the org.eclipse.ui.console.consoleFactory * extension point. * * @author Igor Burilo */ public class SVNConsoleFactory implements IConsoleFactory { private static SVNConsole console = null; public void openConsole() { SVNConsoleFactory.showConsole(); } public synchronized static SVNConsole getConsole() { if (SVNConsoleFactory.console == null) { SVNConsoleFactory.console = new SVNConsole(); } return SVNConsoleFactory.console; } public synchronized static void destroyConsole() { if (SVNConsoleFactory.console != null) { ConsolePlugin.getDefault().getConsoleManager().removeConsoles(new IConsole[] {SVNConsoleFactory.console}); SVNConsoleFactory.console = null; } } public static void showConsole() { SVNConsole console = SVNConsoleFactory.getConsole(); IConsoleManager manager = ConsolePlugin.getDefault().getConsoleManager(); IConsole[] existing = manager.getConsoles(); boolean exists = false; for (int i = 0; i < existing.length; i++) { if (console == existing[i]) { exists = true; } } if (!exists) { manager.addConsoles(new IConsole[] {console}); } manager.showConsoleView(console); } }