package; /** * Repository or working copy traversal depths enumeration */ public class SVNDepth { /** * Depth undetermined or ignored. */ public static final int UNKNOWN = -2; /** * Exclude (i.e, don't descend into) directory D. */ public static final int EXCLUDE = -1; /** * Just the named file or folder without entries. */ public static final int EMPTY = 0; /** * The folder and child files. */ public static final int FILES = 1; /** * The folder and all direct child entries. */ public static final int IMMEDIATES = 2; /** * The folder and all descendants at any depth. */ public static final int INFINITY = 3; public static final int infinityOrEmpty(boolean recurse) { return (recurse ? SVNDepth.INFINITY : SVNDepth.EMPTY); } public static final int infinityOrFiles(boolean recurse) { return (recurse ? SVNDepth.INFINITY : SVNDepth.FILES); } public static final int infinityOrImmediates(boolean recurse) { return (recurse ? SVNDepth.INFINITY : SVNDepth.IMMEDIATES); } public static final int unknownOrFiles(boolean recurse) { return (recurse ? SVNDepth.UNKNOWN : SVNDepth.FILES); } }