#operation ID's range: 0x00000000..0x00099999 #error ID's range: 0x00000000..0x00099999 SVNInfo_NoAuthor = [no author] SVNInfo_NoDate = (no date) SVNInfo_Author = [{0}] SVNInfo_Date = ({0}) SVNInfo_NoComment = [no comment] Status_NotExists = Not Exists Status_None = Ignored Status_Ignored = Ignored Status_New = New Status_Added = Added Status_Normal = Not Modified Status_Modified = Modified Status_Conflicting = Conflicting Status_Deleted = Deleted Status_Missing = Missing Status_Obstructed = Obstructed Status_Prereplaced = Replaced (Not Added) Status_Replaced = Replaced (Added) Status_Linked = Linked TreeConflicting = Tree Conflicting Operation_Error_LogHeader = SVN: ''{0}'' operation finished with error Operation_OpenProject = Open Project Operation_OpenProject_Id = 0x00000000 Operation_ExportProjectSet = Export Team Project Set Operation_ExportProjectSet_Id = 0x00000001 Operation_ImportProjectSet = Import Team Project Set Operation_ImportProjectSet_Id = 0x00000002 Operation_ResourcesChanged = Resources Changed Operation_ResourcesChanged_Id = 0x00000003 Operation_CheckProperty = Check Property Operation_CheckProperty_Id = 0x00000004 Operation_FetchRepositoryRoot = Fetch Repository Root Operation_FetchRepositoryRoot_Id = 0x00000005 Operation_GetFileContent_CreateStream = Create Stream Operation_GetFileContent_CreateStream_Id = 0x00000006 Operation_GetFileContent_SetContent = Set Content Operation_GetFileContent_SetContent_Id = 0x00000007 Operation_GetFileContent_Local = Get File Content [Local] Operation_GetFileContent_Local_Id = 0x00000008 Operation_GetFileContent_Local_Error = Get content for ''{0}'' failed. Operation_GetFileContent_Revision = Get File Content [Revision] Operation_GetFileContent_Revision_Id = 0x00000009 Operation_GetFileContent_Revision_Error = Get content for ''{0}'' failed. Operation_Rename = Rename Operation_Rename_Id = 0x0000000a Operation_Rename_Error = Rename ''{0}'' to ''{1}'' failed. Operation_MoveRemote = Move Operation_MoveRemote_Id = 0x0000000b Operation_MoveRemote_Error = Some of selected resources were not moved. Operation_LocateURLInHistory = Locate URL in History Operation_LocateURLInHistory_Id = 0x0000000c Operation_LocateProjects = Locate Projects Operation_LocateProjects_Id = 0x0000000d Operation_LocateProjects_Scanning = Scanning ''{0}'' Operation_Import = Import Operation_Import_Id = 0x0000000e Operation_Import_Error = Import operation for ''{0}'' failed. Operation_GetAnnotation = Get Annotation Operation_GetAnnotation_Id = 0x0000000f Operation_GetAnnotation_Error = Get annotation for ''{0}'' failed. Operation_GetAnnotation_Error_IsBinary = Subversion of version earlier than 1.5.0 does not support annotation for binary files. Operation_GetRevisionProperties = Get Revision Properties Operation_GetRevisionProperties_Id = 0x00000010 Operation_GetRevisionProperties_Error = Get revision properties operation failed. Operation_GetLogMessages = Get Log Messages Operation_GetLogMessages_Id = 0x00000011 Operation_GetLogMessages_Error = Get log messages for ''{0}'' failed. Operation_ExportRevision = Export Operation_ExportRevision_Id = 0x00000012 Operation_ExportRevision_Error = Export for ''{0}'' failed. Operation_DeleteRemote = Delete Operation_DeleteRemote_Id = 0x00000013 Operation_DeleteRemote_Error = Some of selected resources were not deleted. Operation_CreatePatchRemote = Create Patch Operation_CreatePatchRemote_Id = 0x00000014 Operation_CreateFolder = Create Folder Operation_CreateFolder_Id = 0x00000015 Operation_CreateFolder_Error = Create ''{0}'' folder failed. Operation_CreateFile = Create File Operation_CreateFile_Id = 0x00000016 Operation_CreateFile_Error = Create new file operation failed. Operation_CopyRemote = Copy Operation_CopyRemote_Id = 0x00000017 Operation_CopyRemote_Error = Some of selected resources were not copied. Operation_CheckOut = Check Out Operation_CheckOut_Id = 0x00000018 Operation_CheckOut_Error = Checkout operation failed. Operation_CheckOutAs = Check Out Operation_CheckOutAs_Id = 0x00000019 Operation_CheckOutAs_Error = Checkout operation for ''{0}'' failed. Operation_CheckOutAs_PrepareFS = Prepare file system... Operation_BreakLock = Break Resource Lock Operation_BreakLock_Id = 0x0000001a Operation_BreakLock_Error = Some of selected resources were not unlocked. Operation_Branch = Branch Operation_Branch_Id = 0x0000001b Operation_Branch_Error = Branch operation for some of selected resources failed. Operation_Tag = Tag Operation_Tag_Id = 0x0000001c Operation_Tag_Error = Tag operation for some of selected resources failed. Operation_PreparedBranch = Branch Operation_PreparedBranch_Id = 0x0000001d Operation_PreparedBranch_Error = Branch operation for some of selected resources failed. Operation_PreparedTag = Tag Operation_PreparedTag_Id = 0x0000001e Operation_PreparedTag_Error = Tag operation for some of selected resources failed. Operation_AddRepositoryLocation = Add Repository Location Operation_AddRepositoryLocation_Id = 0x0000001f Operation_AddRepositoryLocation_Error = Add repository location operation for URL ''{0}'' failed. Operation_AddRevisionLink = Add Revision Link Operation_AddRevisionLink_Id = 0x00000020 Operation_DiscardRepositoryLocation = Discard Repository Location Operation_DiscardRepositoryLocation_Id = 0x00000021 Operation_DiscardRepositoryLocation_Error = Some of selected repository locations were not discarded. Operation_SaveRepositoryLocations = Save Repository Locations Operation_SaveRepositoryLocations_Id = 0x00000022 Operation_SaveRepositoryLocations_Error = Save repository location failed. Operation_SetRevisionAuthorName = Set revision author Operation_SetRevisionProperty = Set revision property Operation_GetRevisionProperties = Get revision properties Operation_UpdateSVNCache = Update SVN Cache Operation_UpdateSVNCache_Id = 0x00000023 Operation_DetectCharset = Detect Charset Operation_DetectCharset_Id = 0x00000024 Operation_SendNotifications = Send Notifications Operation_SendNotifications_Id = 0x00000025 Operation_Update = Update Operation_Update_Id = 0x00000100 Operation_Update_Error = Some resources were not updated. Operation_Unlock = Unlock Operation_Unlock_Id = 0x00000101 Operation_Unlock_Error = Some resources were not unlocked. Operation_Switch = Switch Operation_Switch_Id = 0x00000102 Operation_Switch_Error = Switch operation failed. Operation_SaveMeta = Save Project Meta-Information Operation_SaveMeta_Id = 0x00000103 Operation_Revert = Revert Operation_Revert_Id = 0x00000104 Operation_Revert_Error = Some resources were not reverted. Operation_RestoreMeta = Restore Project Meta-Information Operation_RestoreMeta_Id = 0x00000105 Operation_RemoveNonSVN = Remove Non-versioned Resources Operation_RemoveNonSVN_Id = 0x00000106 Operation_RemoveNonSVN_Error = Some non-versioned resources weren''t removed. Operation_UpdateStatus = Synchronizing Operation_UpdateStatus_Id = 0x00000107 Operation_UpdateStatus_Error = Synchronize operation failed. Operation_RefreshResources = Refresh Resources Operation_RefreshResources_Id = 0x00000108 Operation_RefreshResources_Error = Some resources weren''t refreshed. Operation_RefreshResources_DamagedProjectFile = Unresolved conflict happened while merging ''.project'' file. Please solve the conflict manually. Operation_NotifyProjectChange = Refresh Resources Operation_NotifyProjectChange_Id = 0x00000109 Operation_MergeStatus = Merge Status Operation_MergeStatus_Id = 0x0000010a Operation_MergeStatus_Error = Merge status operation failed. Operation_Merge = Merge Operation_Merge_Id = 0x0000010b Operation_Merge_Error = Merge operation failed. Operation_MarkAsMerged = Mark As Merged Operation_MarkAsMerged_Id = 0x0000010c Operation_MarkAsMerged_Error = Some of selected resources were not marked as merged. Operation_Lock = Lock Operation_Lock_Id = 0x0000010d Operation_Lock_Error = Some of selected resources were not locked. Operation_JavaHLMerge = Merge Operation_JavaHLMerge_Id = 0x0000010e Operation_JavaHLMerge_Error = Merge operation failed. Operation_Info = Info Operation_Info_Id = 0x0000010f Operation_Info_Error = Info operation for ''{0}'' failed. Operation_GetContent = Get Contents Operation_GetContent_Id = 0x00000110 Operation_GetContent_Error = Get content for ''{0}'' failed. Operation_GetResourceList = Get Resource List Operation_GetResourceList_Id = 0x00000111 Operation_GetResourceList_Error = Get all resources operation failed. Operation_CreatePatchLocal = Create Patch Operation_CreatePatchLocal_Id = 0x00000113 Operation_CreatePatchLocal_Error = Create patch operation failed. Operation_Commit = Commit Operation_Commit_Id = 0x00000114 Operation_Commit_Error = Some of selected resources were not committed. Operation_ClearLocalStatuses = Clear Local Statuses Operation_ClearLocalStatuses_Id = 0x00000115 Operation_ClearLocalStatuses_Error = Clear local statuses operation failed. Operation_AddToSVN = Add to Version Control Operation_AddToSVN_Id = 0x00000116 Operation_AddToSVN_Error = Some of selected resources were not added to version control. Operation_AddToSVNIgnore = Add to svn:ignore Operation_AddToSVNIgnore_Id = 0x00000117 Operation_AddToSVNIgnore_Error = Some of selected resources were not added to ignore. Operation_MoveLocal = Move Operation_MoveLocal_Id = 0x00000118 Operation_MoveLocal_Error = Move ''{0}'' to ''{1}'' was failed. Operation_DeleteLocal = Delete Operation_DeleteLocal_Id = 0x00000119 Operation_DeleteLocal_Error = Deletion of ''{0}'' was failed. Operation_CopyLocalH = Copy Operation_CopyLocalH_Id = 0x0000011a Operation_CopyLocalH_Error = Copy ''{0}'' to ''{1}'' was failed. Operation_CopyLocal = Copy Operation_CopyLocal_Id = 0x0000011b Operation_CopyLocal_Error = Copy ''{0}'' to ''{1}'' was failed. Operation_SetProperties = Set Properties Operation_SetProperties_Id = 0x0000011c Operation_SetProperties_Error = Set properties was failed. Operation_SetMultiProperties = Set Properties Operation_SetMultiProperties_Id = 0x0000011d Operation_SetMultiProperties_Error = Set properties was failed. Operation_RemoveProperties = Remove Properties Operation_RemoveProperties_Id = 0x0000011e Operation_RemoveProperties_Error = Remove properties was failed. Operation_GetProperties = Get Properties Operation_GetProperties_Id = 0x0000011f Operation_GetProperties_Error = Get properties for ''{0}'' failed. Operation_GetMultiProperties = Get Properties Operation_GetMultiProperties_Id = 0x00000120 Operation_GetMultiProperties_Error = Get properties operation was failed. Operation_ShareProject = Share Projects Operation_ShareProject_Id = 0x00000121 Operation_ShareProject_Error = Share project was failed. Operation_ShareProject_DefaultComment = Share project "{0}" into "{1}" Operation_RelocateResources = Relocate Operation_RelocateResources_Id = 0x00000122 Operation_RelocateResources_Error = Relocate working copy to ''{0}'' failed. Operation_Reconnect = Reconnect Project Operation_Reconnect_Id = 0x00000123 Operation_Reconnect_Error = Reconnect was failed. Operation_FindRelatedProjects = Find Related Projects Operation_FindRelatedProjects_Id = 0x00000124 Operation_Disconnect = Disconnect Projects Operation_Disconnect_Id = 0x00000125 Operation_Disconnect_Error = Some of selected projects were not disconnected. Operation_CleanupResources = Cleanup Operation_CleanupResources_Id = 0x00000126 Operation_CleanupResources_Error = Some of selected resources were not cleaned. Operation_FreezeExternals = Freeze svn:externals Revisions Operation_FreezeExternals_Id = 0x00000127 Operation_RestoreExternals = Restore svn:externals Revisions Operation_RestoreExternals_Id = 0x00000128 Operation_UpdateFile = Update Operation_UpdateFile_Id = 0x00000200 Operation_UpdateFile_Error = Some resources were not updated. Operation_UnlockFile = Unlock Operation_UnlockFile_Id = 0x00000201 Operation_UnlockFile_Error = Some resources were not unlocked. Operation_SwitchFile = Switch Operation_SwitchFile_Id = 0x00000202 Operation_SwitchFile_Error = Switch operation failed. Operation_RevertFile = Revert Operation_RevertFile_Id = 0x00000203 Operation_RevertFile_Error = Some resources were not reverted. Operation_UpdateStatusFile = Update Status Operation_UpdateStatusFile_Id = 0x00000204 Operation_UpdateStatusFile_Error = Update status operation failed. Operation_MarkResolvedFile = Mark Resolved Operation_MarkResolvedFile_Id = 0x00000205 Operation_MarkResolvedFile_Error = Some of selected resources were not marked as resolved. Operation_LockFile = Lock Operation_LockFile_Id = 0x00000206 Operation_LockFile_Error = Some of selected resources were not locked. Operation_LocalStatusFile = Local Status Operation_LocalStatusFile_Id = 0x00000207 Operation_LocalStatusFile_Error = Local status operation failed. Operation_JavaHLMergeFile = Merge Operation_JavaHLMergeFile_Id = 0x00000208 Operation_JavaHLMergeFile_Error = Merge operation failed. Operation_GetFileContent = Get File Content Operation_GetFileContent_Id = 0x00000209 Operation_GetFileContent_Error = Get file content operation failed. Operation_GetAllFiles = Get All Files Operation_GetAllFiles_Id = 0x0000020a Operation_GetAllFiles_Error = Get all files operation failed. Operation_CreatePatchFile = Create Patch Operation_CreatePatchFile_Id = 0x0000020b Operation_CreatePatchFile_Error = Create patch operation failed. Operation_CommitFile = Commit Operation_CommitFile_Id = 0x0000020c Operation_CommitFile_Error = Some of selected resources were not committed. Operation_CheckoutAsFile = Checkout As Operation_CheckoutAsFile_Id = 0x0000020d Operation_CheckoutAsFile_Error = Selected resource is not checked out. Operation_AddToSVNFile = Add to Version Control Operation_AddToSVNFile_Id = 0x0000020e Operation_AddToSVNFile_Error = Some of selected resources were not added. Operation_AddToSVNIgnoreFile = Add to svn:ignore Operation_AddToSVNIgnoreFile_Id = 0x0000020f Operation_AddToSVNIgnoreFile_Error = Some of selected resources were not added to ignore. Operation_MoveFile = Move Operation_MoveFile_Id = 0x00000210 Operation_MoveFile_Error = Some of selected resources were not moved. Operation_DeleteFile = Delete Operation_DeleteFile_Id = 0x00000211 Operation_DeleteFile_Error = Some of selected resources were not deleted. Operation_CopyFile = Copy Operation_CopyFile_Id = 0x00000212 Operation_CopyFile_Error = Some of selected resources were not copied. Operation_SetPropertiesFile = Set Properties Operation_SetPropertiesFile_Id = 0x00000213 Operation_SetPropertiesFile_Error = Set properties was failed. Operation_RemovePropertiesFile = Remove Properties Operation_RemovePropertiesFile_Id = 0x00000214 Operation_RemovePropertiesFile_Error = Remove properties was failed. Operation_GetPropertiesFile = Get Properties Operation_GetPropertiesFile_Id = 0x00000215 Operation_GetPropertiesFile_Error = Get properties was failed. Operation_ShareFile = Share Resources Operation_ShareFile_Id = 0x00000216 Operation_ShareFile_Error = Folder share was failed. Operation_ShareFile_DefaultComment = Share folder ''{0}'' into ''{1}'' Operation_RelocateFile = Relocate Operation_RelocateFile_Id = 0x00000217 Operation_RelocateFile_Error = Relocate working copy failed. Operation_DisconnectFile = Disconnect Operation_DisconnectFile_Id = 0x00000218 Operation_DisconnectFile_Error = Some of selected resources were not disconnected. Operation_CleanupFile = Cleanup Operation_CleanupFile_Id = 0x00000219 Operation_CleanupFile_Error = Some of selected resources were not cleaned. Operation_MarkResolved = Mark Resolved Operation_MarkResolved_Id = 0x0000021a Operation_MarkResolved_Error = Some of selected resources were not resolved. Operation_ExtractTo = Extract Operation_ExtractTo_Folders = Processing Folder: [{0}] Operation_ExtractTo_RemoteFile = Downloading File: [{0}] Operation_ExtractTo_LocalFile = Copying File: [{0}] Operation_ExtractTo_Id = 0x00000220 Operation_ExtractTo_Error = Some of selected resources were not extracted. Operation_InitExtractLog = Initialize Extract Log Operation_InitExtractLog_Id = 0x00000221 Operation_FiniExtractLog = Finalize Extract Log Operation_FiniExtractLog_Id = 0x00000222 Operation_ReplaceWithRemote = Replace Operation_DetectExternalCompare = Detect Compare Editor Operation_DetectExternalCompare_Id = 0x00000223 Operation_DetectExternalCompare_Error = Detect compare editor was failed. Operation_ExternalCompare = External Compare Operation_ExternalCompare_Id = 0x00000224 Operation_ExternalCompare_Error = External compare was failed. Operation_ExternalRepositoryCompare = External Compare Operation_ExternalRepositoryCompare_Id = 0x00000225 Operation_ExternalRepositoryCompare_Error = External compare was failed. Operation_UDiffGenerate = Generate File In Unified Diff Format Operation_UDiffGenerate_Id = 0x00000226 Operation_UDiffGenerate_Error = Generate file in unified diff format was failed. Operation_CopyRemoteToWC = Copy Operation_CopyRemoteToWC_Id = 0x00000227 Operation_FileReplaceListener = Listen to File Replacement Operation_FileReplaceListener_Id = 0x00000228 Operation_FileReplaceListener_Error = Listen to File Replacement was failed Operation_GenerateExternalsProperty = Generate External Property Operation_GenerateExternalsProperty_Id = 0x00000229 Operation_GenerateExternalsProperty_Error = Failed to generate external property Operation_GetRemoteChildren = Get Repository Folder Children Operation_GetRemoteChildren_Id = 0x00000230 Operation_GetRemoteChildren_Error = Get repository folder children operation failed. Operation_CopyResourceFromHook = Copy Operation_CopyResourceFromHook_Id = 0x00000231 Operation_CopyResourceFromHook_Error = Copy ''{0}'' to ''{1}'' was failed. Operation_TrackMoveResult = Track Move Result Operation_TrackMoveResult_Id = 0x00000232 Operation_TrackDeleteResult = Track Delete Result Operation_TrackDeleteResult_Id = 0x00000233 Operation_Upgrade = Upgrade Operation_Upgrade_Id = 0x00000234 Progress_Running = Running... Progress_Done = Done... Progress_SubTask = {0}: [{1}] CommitOperation_3 = If there are no incoming changes in Synchronize view then try updating from any navigator view. Console_AtRevision = At revision {0}\n Console_CommittedRevision = Committed revision {0}\n Console_TransmittingData = \t Transmitting file data: {0}\n Console_UpdateExternal = Fetching external item into {0}\n Console_Status = \t{0} {1}\n Console_Status_Added = A Console_Status_New = N Console_Status_Modified = M Console_Status_Deleted = D Console_Status_Missing = ? Console_Status_Replaced = R Console_Status_Merged = G Console_Status_Conflicted = C Console_Status_Obstructed = O Console_Status_TreeConflicting = C Console_Action_Added = A Console_Action_Deleted = D Console_Action_Modified = M Console_Action_Replaced = R Console_Action_Reverted = Reverted Console_Action_Restored = Restored Console_Action_Locked = Locked Console_Action_Unlocked = Unlocked Console_Update_Status_inapplicable = Console_Update_Status_unknown = Console_Update_Status_unchanged = Console_Update_Status_missing = ? Console_Update_Status_obstructed = O Console_Update_Status_changed = U Console_Update_Status_merged = G Console_Update_Status_conflicted = C Console_Update_Status_conflicted_unresolved = C MergeScope_Name = Merging ''{0}'' into ''{1}'' MergeSubscriber_Name=SVN Merge Error_AutoDisconnect = Unable connect to ''{0}'' project.\nPlease check that SVN meta-information exists and its format is supported by the current SVN plug-in version.\nIf so, it is possible that project working copy is relocated outside plug-in control.\nAt the current moment project will be automatically disconnected from source control. Error_AutoDisconnect_Id = 0x00000000 Error_UnknownProtocol = unknown protocol: {0} Error_UnknownProtocol_Id = 0x00000001 Error_NonSVNPath = ''{0}'' is not under version control. Error_NonSVNPath_Id = 0x00000002 Error_UnrecognizedNodeKind = Unrecognized node kind ''{0}'' reported for path ''{1}''. Error_UnrecognizedNodeKind_Id = 0x00000003 Error_InaccessibleResource_2 = The resource is inaccessible: {0}. Error_InaccessibleResource_Id_2 = 0x00000004 Error_CreateDirectory = Cannot create a directory: ''{0}'' Error_CreateDirectory_Id = 0x00000005 Error_AuthenticationCancelled = Authentication is canceled. Error_AuthenticationCancelled_Id = 0x00000006 Error_NullURL = URL cannot be null. Error_NullURL_Id = 0x00000007 Error_NotRelatedURL = URL ''{0}'' is not related to the repository ''{1}''. Error_NotRelatedURL_Id = 0x00000008 Error_ShorterURL = Resource URL ''{0}'' is shorter than repository root URL ''{1}''. Error_ShorterURL_Id = 0x00000009 Error_NotConnectedProject = Project ''{0}'' is not connected to source control. Error_NotConnectedProject_Id = 0x0000000a Error_AnotherProvider = Project ''{0}'' is connected not to Subversive provider but to another one: ''{1}''. Error_AnotherProvider_Id = 0x0000000b Error_UnknownStatus = Unknown status. Error_UnknownStatus_Id = 0x0000000c Error_InvalidExtensionPoint = Invalid extension point ''{0}.{1}''. Error_InvalidExtensionPoint_Id = 0x0000000d Error_RepositoryInaccessible = The repository is inaccessible. Error_RepositoryInaccessible_Id = 0x0000000e Error_LockedExternally = The folder ''{0}'' is locked by some external process. Please unlock the folder and try to check out the project again. Error_LockedExternally_Id = 0x0000000f Error_UnknownProjectLayoutType = Unknown project layout type: {0}. Error_UnknownProjectLayoutType_Id = 0x00000010 Error_CannotCheckOutMeta = Cannot check out the project meta-information: {0}. Error_CannotCheckOutMeta_Id = 0x00000011 Error_ShareCanceled = Share project operation was canceled. Error_ShareCanceled_Id = 0x00000012 Error_AlreadyExists = {0} (Already exists) Error_AlreadyExists_Id = 0x00000013 Error_InaccessibleResource = Resource is inaccessible or it is not under SVN control: ''{0}''. Error_InaccessibleResource_Id = 0x00000014 Error_ScheduledTask = Scheduled Task Error_LoadLocations = Load Repository Locations Error_LoadLocationsFromFile = Load Repository Locations from file. Error_LoadExtensions = Load Core Extensions Error_NoSVNClient = Selected SVN connector library is not available or cannot be loaded.\nIf you selected native JavaHL connector, please check if binaries are available or install and select pure Java Subversion connector from the plug-in connectors update site.\nIf connectors already installed then you can change the selected one at: Window->Preferences->Team->SVN->SVN Connector. Error_CheckCache = Check cache before repaint Error_CheckCache_Id = 0x00400001 Error_SaveMigratePreference = Save Migrate Preference Error_SaveAutherizationInfo = Save Authorization Info Error_LoadAuthorizationInfo = Load Authorization Info Error_RemoveAuthorizationInfo = Remove Authorization Info Error_NoParent = The resource ''{0}'' has no parent. BundleDiscoveryStrategy_categoryDisallowed=Cannot create category ''{0}'' with id ''{1}'' from {2}: disallowed BundleDiscoveryStrategy_task_loading_local_extensions=Loading local extensions BundleDiscoveryStrategy_task_processing_extensions=Processing extensions BundleDiscoveryStrategy_unexpected_element=unexpected element ''{0}'' ConnectorCategory_connectorCategory_relevance_invalid=connectorCategory/@relevance must be an integer >= 0 and <= 100 ConnectorCategory_must_specify_connectorCategory_id=Must specify connectorCategory/@id ConnectorCategory_must_specify_connectorCategory_name=Must specify connectorCategory/@name ConnectorDescriptor_invalid_connectorDescriptor_siteUrl=Invalid connectorDescriptor/@siteUrl ConnectorDescriptor_must_specify_connectorDescriptor_categoryId=Must specify connectorDescriptor/@categoryId ConnectorDescriptor_must_specify_connectorDescriptor_id=Must specify connectorDescriptor/@id ConnectorDescriptor_must_specify_connectorDescriptor_kind=Must specify connectorDescriptor/@kind ConnectorDescriptor_must_specify_connectorDescriptor_license=Must specify connectorDescriptor/@license ConnectorDescriptor_must_specify_connectorDescriptor_name=Must specify connectorDescriptor/@name ConnectorDescriptor_must_specify_connectorDescriptor_provider=Must specify connectorDescriptor/@provider ConnectorDescriptor_must_specify_connectorDescriptor_siteUrl=Must specify connectorDescriptor/@siteUrl ConnectorDiscovery_bundle_references_unknown_category=Unknown category ''{0}'' referenced by connector ''{1}'' declared in {2} ConnectorDiscovery_duplicate_category_id=Duplicate category id ''{0}'': declaring sources: {1}, {2} ConnectorDiscovery_exception_disposing=exception disposing ConnectorDiscovery_illegal_filter_syntax=Illegal filter syntax ''{0}'' in connector ''{1}'' declared in {2} ConnectorDiscovery_task_discovering_connectors=Retrieving listing from community.polarion.com ConnectorDiscovery_task_verifyingAvailability=Verifying connector availability ConnectorDiscovery_unexpected_exception=Unexpected exception ConnectorDiscoveryExtensionReader_unexpected_element_icon=Unexpected element icon ConnectorDiscoveryExtensionReader_unexpected_element_overview=Unexpected element overview ConnectorDiscoveryExtensionReader_unexpected_value_kind=Unexpected value for kind DirectoryParser_no_directory=Unexpected content: no directory available DirectoryParser_unexpected_element=Unexpected element ''{0}'' DiscoveryRegistryStrategy_cannot_load_bundle=Cannot load bundle {0} from url {1}: {2} DiscoveryRegistryStrategy_missing_pluginxml=no plugin.xml in bundle FeatureFilter_must_specify_featureFilter_featureId=Must specify featureFilter/@featureId FeatureFilter_must_specify_featureFilter_version=Must specify featureFilter/@version Group_must_specify_group_id=Must specify group/@id RemoteBundleDiscoveryStrategy_cannot_download_bundle=Cannot download bundle at {0} RemoteBundleDiscoveryStrategy_empty_directory=Discovery directory is empty RemoteBundleDiscoveryStrategy_io_failure_discovery_directory=IO failure: cannot load discovery directory RemoteBundleDiscoveryStrategy_io_failure_temp_storage=IO failure: cannot create temporary storage area RemoteBundleDiscoveryStrategy_task_remote_discovery=remote discovery RemoteBundleDiscoveryStrategy_unexpectedError=Unexpected error RemoteBundleDiscoveryStrategy_unknown_host_discovery_directory=Cannot access {0}: unknown host: please check your Internet connection and try again. RemoteBundleDiscoveryStrategy_unrecognized_discovery_url=Unrecognized discovery bundle URL: {0} UpdateSubscriber_Name=SVN Workspace WebUtil_cannotDownload=Cannot download {0}: HTTP response {1} WebUtil_task_retrievingUrl=Retrieving {0} WebUtil_task_verifyingUrl=Verifying {0}