/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Polarion Software. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Igor Burilo - Initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.team.svn.revision.graph.graphic.layout; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.eclipse.team.svn.revision.graph.PathRevision.RevisionNodeAction; import org.eclipse.team.svn.revision.graph.graphic.RevisionNode; /** * Set Y value in order not to have crossing with bottom nodes * * @author Igor Burilo */ public class SetYCommand extends AbstractLayoutCommand { protected ArrayList columnsData = new ArrayList(); public SetYCommand(RevisionNode startNode) { super(startNode); } protected static class RevisionNodeData { public final RevisionNode node; /* * If node has several copy to nodes, then we add all of them to column data at once * and for further processing we don't need to add them again. So this flag indicates * whether we can add node to column data or not. */ public final boolean canAddNodeToColumnData; public RevisionNodeData(RevisionNode node, boolean isAddCurrentNodeToColumnData) { this.node = node; this.canAddNodeToColumnData = isAddCurrentNodeToColumnData; } } @Override public void run() { RevisionNodeData nodeData = new RevisionNodeData(this.startNode, true); while (nodeData.node != null) { RevisionNodeData nextNodeToProcessData; RevisionNode[] copiedTo = nodeData.node.getCopiedTo(); boolean hasOnlyRename = copiedTo.length == 1 && copiedTo[0].getAction() == RevisionNodeAction.RENAME; if (copiedTo.length == 0 || hasOnlyRename) { /* * If node doesn't have 'copy to nodes' or it has 'Renamed' copy to node * then we can set its location at once without taking into account other nodes */ if (nodeData.canAddNodeToColumnData) { ColumnData columnData = this.getColumnStructure(nodeData.node); columnData.addNode(nodeData.node); } if (hasOnlyRename) { nextNodeToProcessData = new RevisionNodeData(copiedTo[0], true); } else { if (nodeData.node.getNext() != null) { nextNodeToProcessData = new RevisionNodeData(nodeData.node.getNext(), true); } else { nextNodeToProcessData = this.findNextNodeToProcess(nodeData.node); } } } else { //go top by most right direction RevisionNode topNode = this.goTopOnMostRightDirection(nodeData.node, nodeData.canAddNodeToColumnData); nextNodeToProcessData = this.findNextNodeToProcess(topNode); } this.updateColumnData(); nodeData = nextNodeToProcessData; } } protected void updateColumnData() { /* * find max difference between currentBottom and top * in order to calculate new top value */ int maxDiff = 0; int offsetForMax = 0; for (ColumnData columnData : this.columnsData) { if (columnData == null || columnData.getCurrentBottom() == 0 && columnData.getCurrentTop() == 0) { continue; } int diff = columnData.getTop() - columnData.getCurrentBottom(); /* * Between nodes in the same column we need to set offset * if these nodes don't have direct connection */ if (diff >= 0) { int offset; RevisionNode[] currentNodes = columnData.getCurrentNodes(); RevisionNode bottomCurrentNode = currentNodes[0]; if (bottomCurrentNode.getPrevious() != null || (bottomCurrentNode.getAction() == RevisionNodeAction.RENAME) || (bottomCurrentNode.getCopiedFrom() != null && bottomCurrentNode.getCopiedFrom().getAction() == RevisionNodeAction.RENAME) || bottomCurrentNode.getPrevious() == null && bottomCurrentNode.getCopiedFrom() == null) { //nodes have direct connection: add vertical offset between them offset = diff == 0 ? 0 : SetInitialLocationCommand.VERTICAL_OFFSET; } else { //nodes don't have direct connection: add double vertical offset between them offset = this.getHeightOffset(columnData) + 2 * SetInitialLocationCommand.VERTICAL_OFFSET; } if (diff >= maxDiff) { maxDiff = diff; offsetForMax = offset; } } } //set new top value for (ColumnData columnData : this.columnsData) { if (columnData == null || columnData.getCurrentBottom() == 0 && columnData.getCurrentTop() == 0) { continue; } columnData.increase(maxDiff + offsetForMax); columnData.resetCurrentValues(); } } protected RevisionNode goTopOnMostRightDirection(RevisionNode node, boolean isAddCurrentNodeToColumnData) { RevisionNode topNode = node; boolean isFirst = true; while (true) { if (!isFirst ? true : isAddCurrentNodeToColumnData) { ColumnData columnData = this.getColumnStructure(topNode); columnData.addNode(topNode); } isFirst = false; RevisionNode[] copyToNodes = topNode.getCopiedTo(); if (copyToNodes.length > 0) { /* * If there are several copy to nodes then add all of them to column data, we do it for instance, * because there can be a situation that 'top' coordinate for previous copy to node is higher * than 'top' coordinate for most right node. * But in further processing we don't need to re-add copy to nodes to column data again. * * Don't add most right node as it will be added latter */ for (int i = 0; i < copyToNodes.length - 1; i ++) { RevisionNode copyTo = copyToNodes[i]; ColumnData copyToColumnData = this.getColumnStructure(copyTo); copyToColumnData.addNode(copyTo); } topNode = copyToNodes[copyToNodes.length - 1]; } else if (topNode.getNext() != null) { topNode = topNode.getNext(); } else { break; } } return topNode; } protected int getHeightOffset(ColumnData columnData) { //make offset to copied from element's height of lowest node in revision chain int heightOffset = 0; RevisionNode[] columnNodes = columnData.getCurrentNodes(); if (columnNodes.length > 0 && columnNodes[0].getCopiedFrom() != null) { heightOffset = columnNodes[0].getCopiedFrom().getHeight(); } return heightOffset; } protected RevisionNodeData findNextNodeToProcess(RevisionNode topNode) { /* * go bottom until we find another node to process: * either there are other copy to nodes or top nodes */ RevisionNode tmpNode = topNode; while (tmpNode != null) { if (tmpNode.getCopiedFrom() != null) { RevisionNode copiedFrom = tmpNode.getCopiedFrom(); RevisionNode[] copyToNodes = copiedFrom.getCopiedTo(); if (copyToNodes.length > 1) { //find node just before current node boolean isFoundCurrentNode = false; for (int i = copyToNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i --) { if (isFoundCurrentNode) { //this copy to node was added previously to column data, so don't add it again return new RevisionNodeData(copyToNodes[i], false); } if (copyToNodes[i].equals(tmpNode)) { isFoundCurrentNode = true; } } } if (copiedFrom.getNext() != null) { return new RevisionNodeData(copiedFrom.getNext(), true); } tmpNode = copiedFrom; } else { tmpNode = tmpNode.getPrevious(); } } return new RevisionNodeData(null, false); } protected ColumnData getColumnStructure(RevisionNode node) { int index = node.getX(); ColumnData columnStructure; if (index >= this.columnsData.size() || this.columnsData.get(index) == null) { if (index >= this.columnsData.size()) { int max = index - this.columnsData.size() + 1; for (int i = 0; i < max; i ++) { this.columnsData.add(null); } } this.columnsData.add(index, columnStructure = new ColumnData(index)); } else { columnStructure = this.columnsData.get(index); } return columnStructure; } public int getMaxY() { int maxY = -1; for (ColumnData data : this.columnsData) { if (data != null) { maxY = data.getTop() > maxY ? data.getTop() : maxY; } } return maxY; } }