/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Polarion Software. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Igor Burilo - Initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.team.svn.revision.graph.cache; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNLogEntry; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNLogPath; /** * @author Igor Burilo */ public class RepositoryCache { public final static int UNKNOWN_INDEX = -1; protected final File cacheFile; protected final RepositoryCacheInfo cacheInfo; protected int cacheVersion = 1; /* * Index in array corresponds to revision number * May contain null elements */ protected CacheRevision[] revisions = new CacheRevision[0]; protected PathStorage pathStorage; protected StringStorage authors; protected MessageStorage messages; protected CopyToHelper copyToContainer = new CopyToHelper(); //flag which indicates whether there are not saved revisions protected boolean isDirty; protected RepositoryCacheWriteHelper writeHelper; protected RepositoryCacheReadHelper readHelper; public RepositoryCache(File cacheFile, RepositoryCacheInfo cacheInfo) { this.cacheFile = cacheFile; this.cacheInfo = cacheInfo; } public RepositoryCacheInfo getCacheInfo() { return this.cacheInfo; } public void expandRevisionsCount(long revisionsCount) { revisionsCount += 1; if (revisionsCount < this.revisions.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Revisions: " + revisionsCount + ", size: " + this.revisions.length); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } if (this.revisions.length != 0) { CacheRevision[] tmp = this.revisions; this.revisions = new CacheRevision[(int) revisionsCount]; System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, this.revisions, 0, tmp.length); } else { this.revisions = new CacheRevision[(int) revisionsCount]; } this.messages.expandMessagesCount(revisionsCount); } //--- loaded from cache data public long getLastProcessedRevision() { return this.cacheInfo.getLastProcessedRevision(); } public List getRevisionsWithoutNulls() { List revisionsList = new ArrayList(); for (CacheRevision revision : this.revisions) { if (revision != null) { revisionsList.add(revision); } } return revisionsList; } public CacheRevision getRevision(long revision) { if (revision < this.revisions.length) { return this.revisions[(int)revision]; } return null; } public PathStorage getPathStorage() { return this.pathStorage; } public StringStorage getAuthorStorage() { return this.authors; } public MessageStorage getMessageStorage() { return this.messages; } public List getCopiedToData(int pathId) { List res = this.copyToContainer.getCopyTo(pathId); return res != null ? new ArrayList(res) : Collections.emptyList(); } //--- Convert protected CacheRevision convert(SVNLogEntry entry) { //changed paths CacheChangedPath[] changedPaths; if (entry.changedPaths != null && entry.changedPaths.length > 0) { changedPaths = new CacheChangedPath[entry.changedPaths.length]; for (int i = 0; i < entry.changedPaths.length; i ++) { changedPaths[i] = this.convert(entry.changedPaths[i], entry.revision); } } else { changedPaths = new CacheChangedPath[0]; } int authorIndex = entry.author != null ? this.authors.add(entry.author) : RepositoryCache.UNKNOWN_INDEX; int messageIndex = this.messages.add(entry.message, entry.revision); CacheRevision revision = new CacheRevision(entry.revision, authorIndex, entry.date, messageIndex, changedPaths); return revision; } protected CacheChangedPath convert(SVNLogPath logPath, long revision) { int pathIndex = this.pathStorage.add(logPath.path); int copiedFromPathIndex = this.pathStorage.add(logPath.copiedFromPath); CacheChangedPath changedPath = new CacheChangedPath(pathIndex, logPath.action, copiedFromPathIndex, logPath.copiedFromRevision); return changedPath; } protected void initCopyToData() { this.copyToContainer.clear(); for (CacheRevision cacheRevision : this.revisions) { if (cacheRevision == null) { continue; } for (CacheChangedPath cp : cacheRevision.getChangedPaths()) { if (cp.copiedFromPathIndex != RepositoryCache.UNKNOWN_INDEX) { this.copyToContainer.add(cp, cacheRevision.getRevision()); } } } } public void prepareModel() { this.initCopyToData(); } public boolean isDirty() { return this.isDirty; } public void addEntry(SVNLogEntry entry) { CacheRevision revisionStructure = this.convert(entry); this.revisions[(int) revisionStructure.revision] = revisionStructure; this.isDirty = true; } public void save(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException { if (this.writeHelper == null) { this.writeHelper = new RepositoryCacheWriteHelper(this); } TimeMeasure compressMeasure = new TimeMeasure("Compress messages"); //$NON-NLS-1$ this.messages.compress(); compressMeasure.end(); TimeMeasure saveMeasure = new TimeMeasure("Save measure"); //$NON-NLS-1$ this.writeHelper.save(); saveMeasure.end(); this.cacheInfo.save(); this.isDirty = false; } public void load(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException { long lastProcessedRevision = this.cacheInfo.getLastProcessedRevision(); this.pathStorage = new PathStorage(); this.authors = new StringStorage(); if (lastProcessedRevision == 0) { this.revisions = new CacheRevision[0]; this.messages = new MessageStorage(0); return; } this.revisions = new CacheRevision[(int) lastProcessedRevision + 1]; this.messages = new MessageStorage((int) lastProcessedRevision + 1); if (this.readHelper == null) { this.readHelper = new RepositoryCacheReadHelper(this); } this.readHelper.load(); this.isDirty = false; } }