/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Polarion Software. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Alexander Gurov - Initial API and implementation * Panagiotis Korros - [patch] bug fix: .svn folder is deleted by subversive *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.team.svn.core.svnstorage; import java.io.File; import java.io.FilenameFilter; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.core.internal.preferences.Base64; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceVisitor; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.ISchedulingRule; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.Job; import org.eclipse.team.core.RepositoryProvider; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.IConnectedProjectInformation; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.IStateFilter; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.SVNMessages; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.SVNTeamPlugin; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.ISVNConnector; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.ISVNProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNChangeStatus; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNConflictDescriptor; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNConflictVersion; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNConnectorException; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntry; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntryInfo; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntryRevisionReference; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntryStatus; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNRevision; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.ISVNConnector.Depth; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntry.Kind; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.extension.CoreExtensionsManager; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.extension.options.IIgnoreRecommendations; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.operation.AbstractActionOperation; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.operation.SVNNullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.operation.UnreportableException; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.resource.IChangeStateProvider; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.resource.ILocalFolder; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.resource.ILocalResource; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.resource.IRemoteStorage; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.resource.IRepositoryLocation; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.resource.IRepositoryResource; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.resource.IResourceChange; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.resource.events.IResourceStatesListener; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.resource.events.ResourceStatesChangedEvent; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.utility.FileUtility; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.utility.ProgressMonitorUtility; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.utility.SVNUtility; /** * SVN based representation of IRemoteStorage * * How external definitions are handled: * External resources are not marked anymore with external flag (ILocalResource.IS_EXTERNAL) * because we can't exactly determine whether resource is external or not. * This depends on where status operation is called. Example: * Project/ * src/ http://localhost/repos/foo com/foo * com/ * Here versioned folder 'com' is a part of external, so if we call * status on 'com' folder we'll not get that 'foo' folder is external because * external is defined on higher level. * Also if we call status operation on external versioned folder itself * (but not on its parent folder where external is defined), then we'll not get * that this folder is external. * As there are ambiguities with externals detection by using statuses, we * don't use this approach and simply check if resource is switched or not * (by matching urls). So external resources are marked as switched and * unversioned external folders are marked as ignored. * * @author Alexander Gurov */ public class SVNRemoteStorage extends AbstractSVNStorage implements IRemoteStorage { /** * The name of the preferences node in the Subversive Core preferences that contains * the known repositories as its children. */ public static final String PREF_REPOSITORIES_NODE = "repositories"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * The name of the preferences node in the Subversive Core preferences that contains * the flag which determines whether we migrated from Authorization database to Equinox security storage */ public static final String PREF_MIGRATE_FROM_AUTH_DB_NODE = "migrateFromAuthorizationDatabase"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * The name of file containing the SVN repository locations information. * Deprecated since Subversive 0.7.0 v20080404 - must not be used. The valid information * is stored in preferences. * @see SVNRemoteStorage.PREF_REPOSITORIES_NODE */ public static final String STATE_INFO_FILE_NAME = ".svnRepositories"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static SVNRemoteStorage instance = new SVNRemoteStorage(); protected Map localResources; protected Map switchedToUrls; protected Map externalsLocations; protected Map parent2Children; protected Map> resourceStateListeners; protected LinkedList fetchQueue; protected ISchedulingRule notifyLock = new ISchedulingRule() { public boolean isConflicting(ISchedulingRule rule) { return rule == this; } public boolean contains(ISchedulingRule rule) { return rule == this; } }; public static SVNRemoteStorage instance() { return SVNRemoteStorage.instance; } public void addResourceStatesListener(Class eventClass, IResourceStatesListener listener) { synchronized (this.resourceStateListeners) { List listenersList = this.resourceStateListeners.get(eventClass); if (listenersList == null) { this.resourceStateListeners.put(eventClass, listenersList = new ArrayList()); } if (!listenersList.contains(listener)) { listenersList.add(listener); } } } public void removeResourceStatesListener(Class eventClass, IResourceStatesListener listener) { synchronized (this.resourceStateListeners) { List listenersList = this.resourceStateListeners.get(eventClass); if (listenersList != null) { listenersList.remove(listener); if (listenersList.size() == 0) { this.resourceStateListeners.remove(eventClass); } } } } public void fireResourceStatesChangedEvent(final ResourceStatesChangedEvent event) { if (event.resources.length > 0) { // events should be serialized and called asynchronous to caller thread ProgressMonitorUtility.doTaskScheduled(new AbstractActionOperation("Operation_SendNotifications", SVNMessages.class) { //$NON-NLS-1$ protected void runImpl(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception { IResourceStatesListener []listeners = null; synchronized (SVNRemoteStorage.this.resourceStateListeners) { List listenersArray = SVNRemoteStorage.this.resourceStateListeners.get(event.getClass()); if (listenersArray == null) { return; } listeners = listenersArray.toArray(new IResourceStatesListener[listenersArray.size()]); } for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { listeners[i].resourcesStateChanged(event); } } public ISchedulingRule getSchedulingRule() { return SVNRemoteStorage.this.notifyLock; } }, true); } } public void initialize(IPath stateInfoLocation) throws Exception { this.setStateInfoFile(stateInfoLocation, SVNRemoteStorage.STATE_INFO_FILE_NAME); this.initializeImpl(SVNRemoteStorage.PREF_REPOSITORIES_NODE, SVNRemoteStorage.PREF_MIGRATE_FROM_AUTH_DB_NODE); } public IResourceChange asResourceChange(IChangeStateProvider changeState, boolean update) { IResource resource = null; IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); IPath location = new Path(changeState.getLocalPath()); int nodeKind = changeState.getNodeKind(); int propKind = changeState.getPropertiesChangeType(); int textKind = changeState.getTextChangeType(); boolean isCopied = changeState.isCopied(); boolean isSwitched = changeState.isSwitched(); SVNRevision.Number remoteRevision = changeState.getChangeRevision(); long revision = remoteRevision != null ? remoteRevision.getNumber() : SVNRevision.INVALID_REVISION_NUMBER; // repositoryTextStatus can be StatusKind::none in two cases: resource not modified and non versioned // in the second case we should ignore repository status calculation SVNConflictDescriptor treeConflictDescriptor = changeState.getTreeConflictDescriptor(); String textStatusStr = SVNRemoteStorage.getTextStatusString(propKind, textKind, update); String propStatusStr = SVNRemoteStorage.getPropStatusString(propKind); if (nodeKind == SVNEntry.Kind.DIR) { if ((resource = changeState.getExact(root.findContainersForLocation(location))) == null) { return null; } //handle resource name for case insensitive OS's if (!resource.getName().equals(location.lastSegment())) { resource = root.getContainerForLocation(location); } int changeMask = SVNRemoteStorage.getChangeMask(textKind, propKind, isCopied, isSwitched); if (IStateFilter.SF_NOTEXISTS.accept(resource, textStatusStr, changeMask)) { revision = SVNRevision.INVALID_REVISION_NUMBER; } return new SVNFolderChange(resource, revision, textStatusStr, propStatusStr, changeMask, changeState.getChangeAuthor(), changeState.getChangeDate(), treeConflictDescriptor, null, changeState.getComment()); } if ((resource = changeState.getExact(root.findFilesForLocation(location))) == null) { return null; } //handle resource name for case insensitive OS's if (!resource.getName().equals(location.lastSegment())) { resource = root.getFileForLocation(location); } int changeMask = SVNRemoteStorage.getChangeMask(textKind, propKind, isCopied, isSwitched); if (IStateFilter.SF_NOTEXISTS.accept(resource, textStatusStr, changeMask)) { revision = SVNRevision.INVALID_REVISION_NUMBER; } return new SVNFileChange(resource, revision, textStatusStr, propStatusStr, changeMask, changeState.getChangeAuthor(), changeState.getChangeDate(), treeConflictDescriptor, null, changeState.getComment()); } public byte []resourceChangeAsBytes(IResourceChange resource) { if (resource == null) { return null; } int kind = resource.getPegRevision().getKind(); String originatorData = null; if (resource.getOriginator() != null) { byte []data = this.repositoryResourceAsBytes(resource.getOriginator()); originatorData = new String(Base64.encode(data)); } long lastCommitDate = resource.getLastCommitDate(); String comment = resource.getComment(); String retVal = /*0*/ String.valueOf(resource instanceof ILocalFolder) + ";" + //$NON-NLS-1$ /*1*/ new String(Base64.encode(FileUtility.getWorkingCopyPath(resource.getResource()).getBytes())) + ";" + //$NON-NLS-1$ /*2*/ resource.getRevision() + ";" + //$NON-NLS-1$ /*3*/ resource.getTextStatus() + ";" + //$NON-NLS-1$ /*4*/ resource.getAuthor() + ";" + //$NON-NLS-1$ /*5*/ (lastCommitDate == 0 ? "null" : String.valueOf(lastCommitDate)) + ";" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ /*6*/ String.valueOf(kind) + ";" + //$NON-NLS-1$ /*7*/ (kind == SVNRevision.Kind.NUMBER ? String.valueOf(((SVNRevision.Number)resource.getPegRevision()).getNumber()) : String.valueOf(kind)) + ";" + //$NON-NLS-1$ /*8*/ (originatorData != null ? originatorData : "null") + ";" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ /*9*/ (comment == null ? "null" : new String(Base64.encode(comment.getBytes()))) + ";" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ /*10*/ resource.getChangeMask() + ";" + //$NON-NLS-1$ this.getTreeConflictDescriptorAsString(resource.getTreeConflictDescriptor()) + ";" + /*22*/ resource.getPropStatus(); return retVal.getBytes(); } protected String getTreeConflictDescriptorAsString(SVNConflictDescriptor conflictDescriptor) { String retVal = /*11*/ (conflictDescriptor == null ? "null" : String.valueOf(conflictDescriptor.action)) + ";" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ /*12*/ (conflictDescriptor == null ? "null" : String.valueOf(conflictDescriptor.reason)) + ";" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ /*13*/ (conflictDescriptor == null ? "null" : String.valueOf(conflictDescriptor.operation)) + ";" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ this.getSVNConflictVersionAsString(conflictDescriptor == null ? null : conflictDescriptor.srcLeftVersion) + ";" + //$NON-NLS-1$ this.getSVNConflictVersionAsString(conflictDescriptor == null ? null : conflictDescriptor.srcRightVersion); return retVal; } protected String getSVNConflictVersionAsString(SVNConflictVersion conflictVersion) { String retVal = /*14 or 18*/ (conflictVersion == null ? "null" : String.valueOf(conflictVersion.nodeKind)) + ";" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ /*15 or 19*/ (conflictVersion == null ? "null" : new String(Base64.encode(conflictVersion.pathInRepos.getBytes()))) + ";" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ /*16 or 20*/ (conflictVersion == null ? "null" : String.valueOf(conflictVersion.pegRevision)) + ";" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ /*17 or 21*/ (conflictVersion == null ? "null" : new String(Base64.encode(conflictVersion.reposURL.getBytes()))); //$NON-NLS-1$ return retVal; } public IResourceChange resourceChangeFromBytes(byte []bytes) { if (bytes == null) { return null; } String []data = new String(bytes).split(";"); //$NON-NLS-1$ boolean isFolder = "true".equals(data[0]); //$NON-NLS-1$ String name = new String(Base64.decode(data[1].getBytes())); long revision = Long.parseLong(data[2]); String textStatus = this.deserializeStatus(data[3]); String author = "null".equals(data[4]) ? null : data[4]; //$NON-NLS-1$ long lastCommitDate = "null".equals(data[5]) ? 0 : Long.parseLong(data[5]); //$NON-NLS-1$ int revisionKind = Integer.parseInt(data[6]); SVNRevision pegRevision = null; if (revisionKind == SVNRevision.Kind.NUMBER) { long pegNum = Long.parseLong(data[7]); pegRevision = pegNum == revision || revision == SVNRevision.INVALID_REVISION_NUMBER ? null : SVNRevision.fromNumber(pegNum); } else { pegRevision = SVNRevision.fromKind(revisionKind); } String comment = "null".equals(data[9]) ? null : new String(Base64.decode(data[9].getBytes())); //$NON-NLS-1$ int changeMask = "null".equals(data[10]) ? ILocalResource.NO_MODIFICATION : Integer.parseInt(data[10]); //$NON-NLS-1$ IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); String propStatus = IStateFilter.ST_NORMAL; if (data.length >= 23) { propStatus = this.deserializeStatus(data[22]); } else { //set statuses for backward compatibility code if ((changeMask & ILocalResource.PROP_MODIFIED) != 0) { propStatus = IStateFilter.ST_MODIFIED; if ((changeMask & ILocalResource.TEXT_MODIFIED) == 0) { textStatus = IStateFilter.ST_NORMAL; } } } SVNConflictDescriptor treeConflict = this.getTreeConflictDescriptorFromString(name, data); IResourceChange change = isFolder ? (IResourceChange)new SVNFolderChange(root.getContainerForLocation(new Path(name)), revision, textStatus, propStatus, changeMask, author, lastCommitDate, treeConflict, pegRevision, comment) : new SVNFileChange(root.getFileForLocation(new Path(name)), revision, textStatus, propStatus, changeMask, author, lastCommitDate, treeConflict, pegRevision, comment); if (!"null".equals(data[8])) { //$NON-NLS-1$ byte []originatorData = Base64.decode(data[8].getBytes()); change.setOriginator(this.repositoryResourceFromBytes(originatorData)); } return change; } protected SVNConflictDescriptor getTreeConflictDescriptorFromString(String path, String[] data) { SVNConflictDescriptor conflictDescriptor = null; if (data.length >= 23 && !"null".equals(data[11])) { //$NON-NLS-1$ int action = "null".equals(data[11]) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(data[11]); //$NON-NLS-1$ int reason = "null".equals(data[12]) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(data[12]); //$NON-NLS-1$ int operation = "null".equals(data[13]) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(data[13]); //$NON-NLS-1$ conflictDescriptor = new SVNConflictDescriptor(path, action, reason, operation, this.getSVNConflictVersionFromString(data, true), this.getSVNConflictVersionFromString(data, false)); } return conflictDescriptor; } protected SVNConflictVersion getSVNConflictVersionFromString(String[] data, boolean isLeft) { int indexShift = isLeft ? 0 : 4; int nodeKind = "null".equals(data[14 + indexShift]) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(data[14 + indexShift]); //$NON-NLS-1$ String pathInRepos = "null".equals(data[15 + indexShift]) ? null : new String(Base64.decode(data[15 + indexShift].getBytes())); //$NON-NLS-1$ long pegRevision = "null".equals(data[16 + indexShift]) ? 0 : Long.parseLong(data[16 + indexShift]); //$NON-NLS-1$ String reposUrl = "null".equals(data[17 + indexShift]) ? null : new String(Base64.decode(data[17 + indexShift].getBytes())); //$NON-NLS-1$ return new SVNConflictVersion(reposUrl, pegRevision, pathInRepos, nodeKind); } public synchronized IResource []getRegisteredChildren(IContainer container) throws Exception { // for null, inaccessible resource and workspace root members shouldn't be provided if (container == null || !container.isAccessible() || container.getProject() == null) { return null; } IResource []members = FileUtility.resourceMembers(container, false); Set retVal = (Set)this.parent2Children.get(container.getFullPath()); if (retVal == null) { this.loadLocalResourcesSubTree(container, false); retVal = (Set)this.parent2Children.get(container.getFullPath()); } if (retVal != null) { retVal = new HashSet(retVal); retVal.addAll(Arrays.asList(members)); } return retVal == null ? members : (IResource [])retVal.toArray(new IResource[retVal.size()]); } public ILocalResource asLocalResourceDirty(IResource resource) { if (!CoreExtensionsManager.instance().getOptionProvider().isSVNCacheEnabled()) { return this.asLocalResource(resource); } // null resource and workspace root shouldn't be provided if (resource == null || resource.getProject() == null) { return this.wrapUnexistingResource(resource, IStateFilter.ST_INTERNAL_INVALID, 0); } ILocalResource retVal = (ILocalResource)this.localResources.get(resource.getFullPath()); if (retVal == null) { ILocalResource parent = this.getFirstExistingParentLocal(resource); int mask = parent == null ? 0 : (parent.getChangeMask() & ILocalResource.IS_SWITCHED); retVal = this.wrapUnexistingResource(resource, IStateFilter.ST_NOTEXISTS, mask); } return retVal; } public ILocalResource asLocalResourceAccessible(IResource resource) { ILocalResource retVal = this.asLocalResource(resource); if (IStateFilter.SF_INTERNAL_INVALID.accept(retVal)) { throw new UnreportableException(SVNMessages.formatErrorString("Error_InaccessibleResource", new String[]{FileUtility.getWorkingCopyPath(resource)})); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return retVal; } public ILocalResource asLocalResource(IResource resource) { // null resource and workspace root shouldn't be provided if (resource == null || resource.getProject() == null || !resource.getProject().isAccessible()) { return this.wrapUnexistingResource(resource, IStateFilter.ST_INTERNAL_INVALID, 0); } ILocalResource local = (ILocalResource)this.localResources.get(resource.getFullPath()); if (local == null) { synchronized (this) { local = (ILocalResource)this.localResources.get(resource.getFullPath()); if (local == null) { try { local = this.loadLocalResourcesSubTree(resource, true); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { throw ex; } catch (SVNConnectorException ex) { return this.wrapUnexistingResource(resource, IStateFilter.ST_INTERNAL_INVALID, 0); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } } return local; } public synchronized void refreshLocalResources(IResource []resources, int depth) { if (depth == IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE) { resources = FileUtility.shrinkChildNodes(resources); } for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) { this.refreshLocalResourceImpl(resources[i], depth); } } public ILocalResource asLocalResource(IProject project, String url, int kind) { synchronized (this.switchedToUrls) { for (Iterator it = this.switchedToUrls.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)it.next(); String cachedUrl = (String)entry.getValue(); if (SVNUtility.createPathForSVNUrl(cachedUrl).isPrefixOf(SVNUtility.createPathForSVNUrl(url))) { IPath target = ((IPath)entry.getKey()).append(url.substring(cachedUrl.length())).removeFirstSegments(1); return this.asLocalResource(kind == IResource.FOLDER ? (IResource)project.getFolder(target) : project.getFile(target)); } } } String projectUrl = this.asRepositoryResource(project).getUrl(); if (url.length() < projectUrl.length()) { return this.wrapUnexistingResource(null, IStateFilter.ST_INTERNAL_INVALID, 0); } String pathInProject = url.substring(projectUrl.length()); if (pathInProject.length() == 0) { return this.asLocalResource(project); } return this.asLocalResource(kind == IResource.FOLDER ? (IResource)project.getFolder(pathInProject) : project.getFile(pathInProject)); } public IRepositoryResource asRepositoryResource(IResource resource) { IProject project = resource.getProject(); IRepositoryResource baseResource = this.getConnectedProjectInformation(project).getRepositoryResource(); if (resource.equals(project)) { return SVNUtility.copyOf(baseResource); } IRepositoryLocation location = baseResource.getRepositoryLocation(); String url = (String)this.switchedToUrls.get(resource.getFullPath()); if (url == null) { ILocalResource parent = this.getFirstExistingParentLocal(resource); if (parent != null && (parent.getChangeMask() & ILocalResource.IS_SWITCHED) != 0) { IPath parentPath = parent.getResource().getFullPath(); if (this.switchedToUrls.containsKey(parentPath)) { url = (String)this.switchedToUrls.get(parentPath) + "/" + resource.getFullPath().removeFirstSegments(parentPath.segmentCount()).toString(); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } if (url == null) { url = this.makeUrl(resource, baseResource); } else if (!SVNUtility.createPathForSVNUrl(location.getRepositoryRootUrl()).isPrefixOf(SVNUtility.createPathForSVNUrl(url))) { location = this.wrapLocationIfRequired(location, url, resource.getType() == IResource.FILE); } return resource instanceof IContainer ? (IRepositoryResource)location.asRepositoryContainer(url, false) : location.asRepositoryFile(url, false); } public IRepositoryResource asRepositoryResource(IRepositoryLocation location, SVNEntryRevisionReference reference, ISVNProgressMonitor monitor) throws SVNConnectorException { IRepositoryResource res = null; String url = reference.path; //re-create SVNEntryRevisionReference because SVNUtility.info throws exception if peg revision or revision are null reference = new SVNEntryRevisionReference(SVNUtility.encodeURL(url), reference.pegRevision == null ? SVNRevision.HEAD : reference.pegRevision, reference.revision == null ? SVNRevision.HEAD : reference.revision); if (!SVNUtility.createPathForSVNUrl(location.getRepositoryRootUrl()).isPrefixOf(SVNUtility.createPathForSVNUrl(url))) { boolean isFile = false; location = this.wrapLocationIfRequired(location, url, isFile); } ISVNConnector proxy = location.acquireSVNProxy(); try { //detect if resource is a file or directory SVNEntryInfo[] entriesInfo = SVNUtility.info(proxy, reference, Depth.EMPTY, monitor); if (entriesInfo.length > 0) { SVNEntryInfo info = entriesInfo[0]; if (info.kind == Kind.FILE) { res = location.asRepositoryFile(url, false); } else if (info.kind == Kind.DIR) { res = location.asRepositoryContainer(url, false); } } } finally { location.releaseSVNProxy(proxy); } return res; } public IRepositoryResource asRepositoryResource(IRepositoryLocation location, String url, boolean isFile) { if (!SVNUtility.createPathForSVNUrl(location.getRepositoryRootUrl()).isPrefixOf(SVNUtility.createPathForSVNUrl(url))) { location = this.wrapLocationIfRequired(location, url, isFile); } return !isFile ? (IRepositoryResource)location.asRepositoryContainer(url, false) : location.asRepositoryFile(url, false); } public IRepositoryLocation getRepositoryLocation(IResource resource) { return this.getConnectedProjectInformation(resource.getProject()).getRepositoryLocation(); } protected IRepositoryLocation wrapLocationIfRequired(IRepositoryLocation location, String url, boolean isFile) { if (!SVNUtility.createPathForSVNUrl(location.getRepositoryRootUrl()).isPrefixOf(SVNUtility.createPathForSVNUrl(url))) { synchronized (this.externalsLocations) { List locations = (List)this.externalsLocations.get(location); if (locations == null) { this.externalsLocations.put(location, locations = new ArrayList()); } boolean found = false; for (Iterator it = locations.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { IRepositoryLocation tmp = (IRepositoryLocation)it.next(); if (url.startsWith(tmp.getUrl()) || tmp.getUrl().startsWith(url)) { location = tmp; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { location = new SVNRepositoryLocationWrapper(location, isFile ? url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf('/')) : url); locations.add(location); } } } return location; } protected ILocalResource wrapUnexistingResource(IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return resource == null || resource.getType() == IResource.FILE ? (ILocalResource)new SVNLocalFile(resource, SVNRevision.INVALID_REVISION_NUMBER, SVNRevision.INVALID_REVISION_NUMBER, state, IStateFilter.ST_NORMAL, mask, null, 0, null) : new SVNLocalFolder(resource, SVNRevision.INVALID_REVISION_NUMBER, SVNRevision.INVALID_REVISION_NUMBER, state, IStateFilter.ST_NORMAL, mask, null, 0, null); } protected String makeUrl(IResource resource, IRepositoryResource baseResource) { if (resource.getType() == IResource.PROJECT) { return baseResource.getUrl(); } IProject project = resource.getProject(); String url = resource.getFullPath().toString(); //truncating of the project name allow us to remap a content of project with name 'A' to the remote folder called 'B' return baseResource.getUrl() + "/" + url.substring(project.getFullPath().toString().length() + 1); //$NON-NLS-1$ } protected IConnectedProjectInformation getConnectedProjectInformation(IProject project) { RepositoryProvider provider = RepositoryProvider.getProvider(project); if (provider == null) { String errMessage = SVNMessages.formatErrorString("Error_NotConnectedProject", new String[] {project.getName()}); //$NON-NLS-1$ throw new UnreportableException(errMessage); } if (!(provider instanceof IConnectedProjectInformation)) { String errMessage = SVNMessages.formatErrorString("Error_AnotherProvider", new String[] {project.getName(), provider.getID()}); //$NON-NLS-1$ throw new UnreportableException(errMessage); } return (IConnectedProjectInformation)provider; } protected void refreshLocalResourceImpl(IResource resource, int depth) { ArrayList removed = new ArrayList(); removed.add(resource); if (resource.getType() == IResource.PROJECT) { IConnectedProjectInformation info = (IConnectedProjectInformation)RepositoryProvider.getProvider(resource.getProject(), SVNTeamPlugin.NATURE_ID); if (info != null) { try { info.relocateResource(); } catch (CoreException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } } for (Iterator it = this.localResources.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ILocalResource local = (ILocalResource)it.next(); IResource current = local.getResource(); IPath currentPath = current.getFullPath(); if (resource.getFullPath().isPrefixOf(currentPath) || IStateFilter.SF_NOTEXISTS.accept(local)) { int cachedSegmentsCount = currentPath.segmentCount(); int matchingSegmentsCount = resource.getFullPath().matchingFirstSegments(currentPath); int difference = cachedSegmentsCount - matchingSegmentsCount; if (difference >= 0 && depth == IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE ? true : depth >= difference) { removed.add(current); } } } for (Iterator it = removed.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { IResource forRemove = (IResource)it.next(); this.localResources.remove(forRemove.getFullPath()); this.switchedToUrls.remove(forRemove.getFullPath()); this.parent2Children.remove(forRemove.getFullPath()); this.parent2Children.remove(forRemove.getParent().getFullPath()); } } protected ILocalResource loadLocalResourcesSubTree(final IResource resource, boolean recurse) throws Exception { IConnectedProjectInformation provider = (IConnectedProjectInformation)RepositoryProvider.getProvider(resource.getProject(), SVNTeamPlugin.NATURE_ID); if (provider == null || FileUtility.isSVNInternals(resource)) { return this.wrapUnexistingResource(resource, IStateFilter.ST_INTERNAL_INVALID, 0); } boolean isCacheEnabled = CoreExtensionsManager.instance().getOptionProvider().isSVNCacheEnabled(); if (!isCacheEnabled) { this.localResources.clear(); } recurse &= isCacheEnabled; ILocalResource retVal = null; boolean isLinked = FileUtility.isLinked(resource); IResource parent = resource.getParent(); boolean parentExists = parent != null && parent.isAccessible(); if (parentExists && !isLinked) { ILocalResource parentLocal = this.getFirstExistingParentLocal(resource); if (parentLocal == null || !SVNRemoteStorage.SF_NONSVN.accept(parentLocal) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(parentLocal)) { retVal = this.loadLocalResourcesSubTreeSVNImpl(provider, resource, recurse); } } return (retVal == null || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED.accept(retVal) && !IStateFilter.SF_IGNORED.accept(retVal)) ? this.loadUnversionedSubtree(resource, isLinked, recurse) : retVal; } protected ILocalResource loadUnversionedSubtree(final IResource resource, boolean isLinked, boolean recurse) throws Exception { // if resource has unversioned parents it cannot be wrapped directly and it status should be calculated in other way String status = this.calculateUnversionedStatus(resource, isLinked); // delegate status final String fStatus = status; final ILocalResource parent = this.getFirstExistingParentLocal(resource); final int parentCM = parent != null ? (parent.getChangeMask() & ILocalResource.IS_SWITCHED | parent.getChangeMask() & ILocalResource.IS_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL) : 0; final ILocalResource []tmp = new ILocalResource[1]; /* * Performance optimization: make an assumption that if resource is unversioned external then all its unversioned * children are also unversioned externals (without traversing them once again) */ final boolean[] isUnversionedExternalParent = new boolean[]{false}; FileUtility.visitNodes(resource, new IResourceVisitor() { public boolean visit(IResource child) throws CoreException { if (FileUtility.isSVNInternals(child)) { return false; } String path = FileUtility.getWorkingCopyPath(child); if (new File(path + "/" + SVNUtility.getSVNFolderName()).exists() && SVNUtility.getSVNInfoForNotConnected(child) != null) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return false; } String textState = child == resource ? fStatus : SVNRemoteStorage.this.getDelegatedStatus(child, fStatus, 0); int changeMask = parentCM; //if resource's parent is ignored but not external, then don't check this resource as it is ignored too if ((parent != null && !IStateFilter.SF_IGNORED_BUT_NOT_EXTERNAL.accept(parent) || parent == null) && textState == IStateFilter.ST_IGNORED && (changeMask & ILocalResource.IS_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL) == 0) { if (isUnversionedExternalParent[0] || SVNRemoteStorage.this.containsSVNMetaInChildren(resource)) { changeMask |= ILocalResource.IS_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL; if (!isUnversionedExternalParent[0] && child.equals(resource)) { isUnversionedExternalParent[0] = true; } } } ILocalResource retVal = SVNRemoteStorage.this.registerResource(child, SVNRevision.INVALID_REVISION_NUMBER, SVNRevision.INVALID_REVISION_NUMBER, textState, IStateFilter.ST_NORMAL, changeMask, null, -1, null); if (tmp[0] == null) { tmp[0] = retVal; } return true; } }, recurse ? IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE : IResource.DEPTH_ONE, false); return tmp[0] != null ? tmp[0] : this.wrapUnexistingResource(resource, IStateFilter.ST_INTERNAL_INVALID, 0); } protected String calculateUnversionedStatus(final IResource resource, boolean isLinked) { String status = IStateFilter.ST_NOTEXISTS; if (isLinked) { status = IStateFilter.ST_LINKED; } else { IPath location = resource.getLocation(); if (location != null && SVNRemoteStorage.isFileExists(location)) { // may be ignored ? status = IStateFilter.ST_IGNORED; if (!SVNUtility.isIgnored(resource)) { ILocalResource local = (ILocalResource)this.localResources.get(resource.getFullPath()); if (local != null) { return local.getStatus(); } status = this.getTopLevelStatus(resource, IStateFilter.ST_NEW, 0); } } } return status; } public static boolean isFileExists(IPath location) { File file = location.toFile(); if (file.exists()) { if (FileUtility.isWindows()) { // should be case sensitive on Windows OS also try { return file.getName().equals(file.getCanonicalFile().getName()); } catch (IOException e) { return false; } } else { return true; } } return false; } protected ILocalResource loadLocalResourcesSubTreeSVNImpl(IConnectedProjectInformation provider, IResource resource, boolean recurse) throws Exception { IProject project = resource.getProject(); IResource target = resource.getType() == IResource.FILE ? resource.getParent() : resource; IPath wcPath = project.getLocation(); IPath resourcePath = target.getLocation(); IPath requestedPath = resource.getLocation(); if (wcPath == null || resourcePath == null || requestedPath == null) { return null; } String projectPath = wcPath.toString(); int subPathStart = projectPath.length(); // search for first parent which contains .svn folder // only folders due to condition above - check for presence of SVN meta directly at the path... boolean hasSVNMeta = true; while (!this.canFetchStatuses(resourcePath)) { if (target == null || target.getType() == IResource.PROJECT) { return null; } hasSVNMeta = false; // load statuses non-recursively for the found parent resourcePath = resourcePath.removeLastSegments(1); target = target.getParent(); } IRepositoryResource baseResource = provider.getRepositoryResource(); SVNChangeStatus []statuses = this.getStatuses(resourcePath.toString()); String desiredUrl = this.makeUrl(target, baseResource); ILocalResource retVal = this.fillCache(statuses, desiredUrl, resource, subPathStart, requestedPath); if (statuses.length == 1 || statuses.length > 1 && this.parent2Children.get(target.getFullPath()) == null) { // the caching is done for the folder if it is empty this.parent2Children.put(target.getFullPath(), new HashSet()); } if (retVal != null && hasSVNMeta && statuses.length > 1 && recurse) { this.scheduleStatusesFetch(statuses, target); } return retVal; } protected void scheduleStatusesFetch(SVNChangeStatus []st, IResource target) { synchronized (this.fetchQueue) { this.fetchQueue.add(new Object[] {st, target}); if (this.fetchQueue.size() == 1) { ProgressMonitorUtility.doTaskScheduledDefault(new AbstractActionOperation("Operation_UpdateSVNCache", SVNMessages.class) { //$NON-NLS-1$ public ISchedulingRule getSchedulingRule() { return null; } protected void runImpl(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception { Thread.currentThread().setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); while (CoreExtensionsManager.instance().getOptionProvider().isSVNCacheEnabled() && !monitor.isCanceled()) { SVNChangeStatus [] st; IResource target; synchronized (SVNRemoteStorage.this.fetchQueue) { if (SVNRemoteStorage.this.fetchQueue.size() == 0) { break; } Object []entry = (Object [])SVNRemoteStorage.this.fetchQueue.get(0); st = (SVNChangeStatus [])entry[0]; target = (IResource)entry[1]; } this.processEntry(monitor, st, target); synchronized (SVNRemoteStorage.this.fetchQueue) { SVNRemoteStorage.this.fetchQueue.remove(0); } } if (!CoreExtensionsManager.instance().getOptionProvider().isSVNCacheEnabled()) { synchronized (SVNRemoteStorage.this.fetchQueue) { SVNRemoteStorage.this.fetchQueue.clear(); } } } protected void processEntry(IProgressMonitor monitor, SVNChangeStatus []st, IResource target) { IProject prj = target.getProject(); IPath location = prj.getLocation(); if (location != null) { SVNUtility.reorder(st, false); int projectEnd = location.toString().length(); for (int i = 0; i < st.length && !monitor.isCanceled() && CoreExtensionsManager.instance().getOptionProvider().isSVNCacheEnabled(); i++) { ProgressMonitorUtility.progress(monitor, i, IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN); if (st[i] != null) { if (st[i].nodeKind == SVNEntry.Kind.DIR && st[i].path.length() > projectEnd) { IResource folder = prj.getFolder(new Path(st[i].path.substring(projectEnd))); ProgressMonitorUtility.setTaskInfo(monitor, this, folder.getFullPath().toString()); ILocalFolder local = (ILocalFolder)SVNRemoteStorage.this.asLocalResource(folder); if (!IStateFilter.SF_INTERNAL_INVALID.accept(local)) { local.getChildren(); } } } } } } }, false).setPriority(Job.DECORATE); } } } protected boolean canFetchStatuses(IPath path) { return path.append(SVNUtility.getSVNFolderName()).toFile().exists(); } protected boolean canFetchStatuses(File file) { return new File(file, SVNUtility.getSVNFolderName()).exists(); } protected SVNChangeStatus []getStatuses(String path) throws Exception { ISVNConnector proxy = CoreExtensionsManager.instance().getSVNConnectorFactory().newInstance(); try { SVNChangeStatus []statuses = SVNUtility.status(proxy, path, Depth.IMMEDIATES, ISVNConnector.Options.INCLUDE_UNCHANGED | ISVNConnector.Options.INCLUDE_IGNORED, new SVNNullProgressMonitor()); SVNUtility.reorder(statuses, true); return statuses; } // FIXME The only discovered reason of SBV-3557 defect is that some // folders under the ignored path contains completely or partially // empty .svn folders. May be due to using external tools. // So, suppress throwing "Path is not a working copy directory" exception. // 155007 is error code for "Path is not a working copy directory". catch (SVNConnectorException cwe) { if (cwe.getErrorId() != 155007) { throw cwe; } return new SVNChangeStatus[0]; } finally { proxy.dispose(); } } /* * Note that this method can modify statuses array * (it even can make some statuses to null) passed as input parameter. * This can happen for external definitions. */ protected ILocalResource fillCache(SVNChangeStatus []statuses, String desiredUrl, IResource resource, int subPathStart, IPath requestedPath) { IProject project = resource.getProject(); ILocalResource retVal = null; for (int i = 0; i < statuses.length; i++) { int nodeKind = SVNUtility.getNodeKind(statuses[i].path, statuses[i].nodeKind, true); // ignore files absent in the WC base and WC working. But what is the reason why it is reported ? //try to create local resource for file which has tree conflict but doesn't exist if (nodeKind == SVNEntry.Kind.NONE && !statuses[i].hasTreeConflict) { continue; } String fsNodePath = statuses[i].path; String nodePath = statuses[i].path; nodePath = nodePath.length() >= subPathStart ? nodePath.substring(subPathStart) : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (nodePath.length() > 0 && nodePath.charAt(nodePath.length() - 1) == '/') { nodePath = nodePath.substring(0, nodePath.length() - 1); } else if (i > 0 && nodePath.trim().length() == 0) { // Debug code was removed. We already have all information about the JavaSVN bug. continue; } IResource tRes = null; if (new Path(statuses[i].path).equals(requestedPath) && (resource.getType() > IResource.FOLDER || resource.getType() == nodeKind)) {//if nodekind not equals do not use default resource tRes = resource; } else { if (nodeKind == SVNEntry.Kind.DIR) { if (nodePath.length() == 0) { tRes = project; } else { tRes = project.getFolder(new Path(nodePath)); } } else { tRes = project.getFile(new Path(nodePath)); } } ILocalResource local = (ILocalResource)this.localResources.get(tRes.getFullPath()); if (local == null) { ILocalResource parent = this.getFirstExistingParentLocal(tRes); if (statuses[i].textStatus == SVNEntryStatus.Kind.EXTERNAL) { /* * Sometimes we can get the situation that resource has status SVNEntryStatus.Kind.EXTERNAL, * but it is versioned (and created by external), so we try to retrieve its * status despite that SVN returned that it is unversioned. */ statuses[i] = SVNUtility.getSVNInfoForNotConnected(tRes); if (statuses[i] == null) { local = this.registerExternalUnversionedResource(tRes); if (tRes == resource) { retVal = local; } continue; } } // get the IS_COPIED flag by parent node (it is not fetched for deletions) boolean forceCopied = parent != null && parent.isCopied(); int changeMask = SVNRemoteStorage.getChangeMask(statuses[i].textStatus, statuses[i].propStatus, forceCopied | statuses[i].isCopied, statuses[i].isSwitched); if (statuses[i].lockToken != null) { changeMask |= ILocalResource.IS_LOCKED; } //check file external if (statuses[i].isFileExternal) { changeMask |= ILocalResource.IS_SWITCHED; } String textStatus = SVNRemoteStorage.getTextStatusString(statuses[i].propStatus, statuses[i].textStatus, false); String propStatus = SVNRemoteStorage.getPropStatusString(statuses[i].propStatus); /* * If folder is unversioned but contains in one of its children .svn folder, * then we consider this folder as unversioned folder created by external definition and * make its status in corresponding way, i.e. Ignored. */ if (textStatus == IStateFilter.ST_NEW && this.containsSVNMetaInChildren(tRes)) { local = this.registerExternalUnversionedResource(tRes); continue; } if (!statuses[i].isSwitched && statuses[i].url != null && !SVNUtility.decodeURL(statuses[i].url).startsWith(desiredUrl)) { changeMask |= ILocalResource.IS_SWITCHED; } if ((changeMask & ILocalResource.IS_SWITCHED) != 0) { this.switchedToUrls.put(tRes.getFullPath(), SVNUtility.decodeURL(statuses[i].url)); } if (textStatus == IStateFilter.ST_DELETED && nodeKind == SVNEntry.Kind.FILE && new File(statuses[i].path).exists()) { textStatus = IStateFilter.ST_PREREPLACED; } if (FileUtility.isLinked(tRes)) { textStatus = IStateFilter.ST_LINKED; } else if (textStatus != IStateFilter.ST_OBSTRUCTED && statuses[i].textStatus == org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntryStatus.Kind.UNVERSIONED) { textStatus = this.getDelegatedStatus(tRes, IStateFilter.ST_NEW, changeMask); } if (textStatus == IStateFilter.ST_NEW && this.canFetchStatuses(new Path(fsNodePath))) { textStatus = IStateFilter.ST_OBSTRUCTED; } // fetch revision for "copied from" long revision = statuses[i].lastChangedRevision == SVNRevision.INVALID_REVISION_NUMBER && (changeMask & ILocalResource.IS_COPIED) != 0 ? statuses[i].revision : statuses[i].lastChangedRevision; local = this.registerResource(tRes, revision, statuses[i].revision, textStatus, propStatus, changeMask, statuses[i].lastCommitAuthor, statuses[i].lastChangedDate, statuses[i].treeConflictDescriptor); } else { this.writeChild(local.getResource(), local.getStatus(), local.getChangeMask()); } if (tRes == resource) { retVal = local; } } return retVal; } /* * Contain SVN meta in one of its sub directories */ protected boolean containsSVNMetaInChildren(IResource resource) { if (SVNUtility.isIgnored(resource)) { return false; } boolean hasSVNMeta = false; if (resource.getType() == IResource.FOLDER && resource.getLocation() != null) { File folder = resource.getLocation().toFile(); do { /* * return only the first found folder, * if folder is found then don't process other resources */ final boolean[] check = new boolean[] {true}; String[] children = folder.list(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { boolean accept = false; if (check[0] && (accept = new File(dir, name).isDirectory())) { check[0] = false; } return accept; } }); folder = children.length > 0 ? new File(folder, children[0]) : null; } while (folder != null && !(hasSVNMeta = this.canFetchStatuses(folder))); } return hasSVNMeta; } protected String getDelegatedStatus(IResource resource, String status, int mask) { // calculate applicability of delegated status if (IStateFilter.SF_LINKED.accept(resource, status, mask) || FileUtility.isLinked(resource)) { return IStateFilter.ST_LINKED; } if (IStateFilter.SF_OBSTRUCTED.accept(resource, status, mask)) { return IStateFilter.ST_OBSTRUCTED; } if (IStateFilter.ST_IGNORED == status) { return IStateFilter.ST_IGNORED; } return this.getTopLevelStatus(resource, status, mask); } protected String getTopLevelStatus(IResource resource, String status, int mask) { ILocalResource topLevel = this.getFirstExistingParentLocal(resource); if (topLevel != null) { String topLevelStatus = topLevel.getStatus(); IResource topLevelResource = topLevel.getResource(); if (IStateFilter.SF_OBSTRUCTED.accept(topLevelResource, topLevelStatus, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_LINKED.accept(topLevelResource, topLevelStatus, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_IGNORED.accept(topLevelResource, topLevelStatus, mask)) { return topLevelStatus; } } return status; } protected ILocalResource registerExternalUnversionedResource(IResource resource) { return this.registerResource(resource, SVNRevision.INVALID_REVISION_NUMBER, SVNRevision.INVALID_REVISION_NUMBER, IStateFilter.ST_IGNORED, IStateFilter.ST_NORMAL, ILocalResource.IS_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL, null, 0, null); } protected ILocalResource registerResource(IResource current, long revision, long baseRevision, String textStatus, String propStatus, int changeMask, String author, long date, SVNConflictDescriptor treeConflictDescriptor) { SVNLocalResource local = null; if (IStateFilter.SF_OBSTRUCTED.accept(current, textStatus, changeMask)) { try { IIgnoreRecommendations []ignores = CoreExtensionsManager.instance().getIgnoreRecommendations(); for (int i = 0; i < ignores.length; i++) { if (ignores[i].isAcceptableNature(current) && ignores[i].isOutput(current)) { IPath location = current.getProject().getLocation(); if (location != null) { String projectPath = location.removeLastSegments(1).toString(); File checkedResource = new File(projectPath + current.getFullPath().toString()); textStatus = !checkedResource.exists() ? IStateFilter.ST_NOTEXISTS : IStateFilter.ST_IGNORED; // Bug fix: incorrect path calculation; thanks to Panagiotis Korros IPath invalidMetaPath = new Path(projectPath + current.getFullPath().toString()).append(SVNUtility.getSVNFolderName()); FileUtility.deleteRecursive(invalidMetaPath.toFile()); } break; } } } catch (CoreException e1) { // Cannot detect output folder due to some reasons. So, do not process the resource. } } if (IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED.accept(current, textStatus, changeMask) && !(IStateFilter.SF_PREREPLACEDREPLACED.accept(current, textStatus, changeMask) || IStateFilter.SF_DELETED.accept(current, textStatus, changeMask)) || IStateFilter.SF_LINKED.accept(current, textStatus, changeMask)) { revision = SVNRevision.INVALID_REVISION_NUMBER; author = null; date = -1; } local = current instanceof IContainer ? (SVNLocalResource)new SVNLocalFolder(current, revision, baseRevision, textStatus, propStatus, changeMask, author, date, treeConflictDescriptor) : new SVNLocalFile(current, revision, baseRevision, textStatus, propStatus, changeMask, author, date, treeConflictDescriptor); // handle parent-to-child relations this.writeChild(current, textStatus, changeMask); this.localResources.put(current.getFullPath(), local); return local; } protected void writeChild(IResource current, String status, int mask) { if (!SVNRemoteStorage.SF_NONSVN.accept(current, status, mask)) { IResource parent = current.getParent(); Set children = (Set)this.parent2Children.get(parent.getFullPath()); if (children == null) { this.parent2Children.put(parent.getFullPath(), children = new HashSet()); } children.add(current); } } protected ILocalResource getFirstExistingParentLocal(IResource node) { IResource parent = node.getParent(); if (parent == null) { return null; } ILocalResource local = (ILocalResource)this.localResources.get(parent.getFullPath()); if (local != null) { return local; } return this.getFirstExistingParentLocal(parent); } protected String deserializeStatus(String status) { if ("null".equals(status)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return IStateFilter.ST_NOTEXISTS; } else if (IStateFilter.ST_IGNORED.equals(status)) { return IStateFilter.ST_IGNORED; } else if (IStateFilter.ST_NEW.equals(status)) { return IStateFilter.ST_NEW; } else if (IStateFilter.ST_ADDED.equals(status)) { return IStateFilter.ST_ADDED; } else if (IStateFilter.ST_NORMAL.equals(status)) { return IStateFilter.ST_NORMAL; } else if (IStateFilter.ST_MODIFIED.equals(status)) { return IStateFilter.ST_MODIFIED; } else if (IStateFilter.ST_CONFLICTING.equals(status)) { return IStateFilter.ST_CONFLICTING; } else if (IStateFilter.ST_DELETED.equals(status)) { return IStateFilter.ST_DELETED; } else if (IStateFilter.ST_MISSING.equals(status)) { return IStateFilter.ST_MISSING; } else if (IStateFilter.ST_OBSTRUCTED.equals(status)) { return IStateFilter.ST_OBSTRUCTED; } else if (IStateFilter.ST_PREREPLACED.equals(status)) { return IStateFilter.ST_PREREPLACED; } else if (IStateFilter.ST_REPLACED.equals(status)) { return IStateFilter.ST_REPLACED; } throw new RuntimeException(SVNMessages.getErrorString("Error_UnknownStatus")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } public static String getCompoundStatusString(int propStatus, int textStatus, boolean isRemoteStatus) { String textStr = SVNRemoteStorage.getTextStatusString(propStatus, textStatus, isRemoteStatus); String propStr = SVNRemoteStorage.getPropStatusString(propStatus); return SVNRemoteStorage.getCompoundStatusString(textStr, propStr); } public static String getCompoundStatusString(String textStatus, String propStatus) { String status = textStatus; if (propStatus == IStateFilter.ST_CONFLICTING) { status = IStateFilter.ST_CONFLICTING; } else if (textStatus == IStateFilter.ST_NORMAL && propStatus == IStateFilter.ST_MODIFIED) { status = IStateFilter.ST_MODIFIED; } return status; } protected static String getTextStatusString(int propKind, int textKind, boolean isRemoteStatus) { String status = IStateFilter.ST_NORMAL; switch (textKind) { case org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntryStatus.Kind.IGNORED: { status = IStateFilter.ST_IGNORED; break; } case org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntryStatus.Kind.UNVERSIONED: { status = isRemoteStatus ? IStateFilter.ST_NOTEXISTS : IStateFilter.ST_NEW; break; } case org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntryStatus.Kind.ADDED: { status = IStateFilter.ST_ADDED; break; } case org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntryStatus.Kind.DELETED: { status = IStateFilter.ST_DELETED; break; } case org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntryStatus.Kind.MISSING: { status = IStateFilter.ST_MISSING; break; } case org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntryStatus.Kind.CONFLICTED: { status = isRemoteStatus ? IStateFilter.ST_MODIFIED : IStateFilter.ST_CONFLICTING; break; } case org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntryStatus.Kind.MODIFIED: { status = IStateFilter.ST_MODIFIED; break; } case org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntryStatus.Kind.OBSTRUCTED: { status = IStateFilter.ST_OBSTRUCTED; break; } case org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntryStatus.Kind.REPLACED: { status = IStateFilter.ST_REPLACED; break; } case org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntryStatus.Kind.NONE: { if (!isRemoteStatus && propKind == org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntryStatus.Kind.NONE) { status = IStateFilter.ST_NOTEXISTS; } break; } } return status; } protected static String getPropStatusString(int propKind) { String status = IStateFilter.ST_NORMAL; if (propKind == org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntryStatus.Kind.CONFLICTED) { status = IStateFilter.ST_CONFLICTING; } else if (propKind == org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntryStatus.Kind.MODIFIED) { status = IStateFilter.ST_MODIFIED; } return status; } protected static int getChangeMask(int textStatus, int propKind, boolean isCopied, boolean isSwitched) { int changeMask = ILocalResource.NO_MODIFICATION; if (isCopied) { changeMask |= ILocalResource.IS_COPIED; } if (isSwitched) { changeMask |= ILocalResource.IS_SWITCHED; } return changeMask; } private SVNRemoteStorage() { super(); this.localResources = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); this.switchedToUrls = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap()); this.parent2Children = new HashMap(); this.externalsLocations = new HashMap(); this.resourceStateListeners = new HashMap>(); this.fetchQueue = new LinkedList(); } private static final IStateFilter SF_NONSVN = new IStateFilter.AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state == IStateFilter.ST_PREREPLACED || state == IStateFilter.ST_NEW || state == IStateFilter.ST_IGNORED || state == IStateFilter.ST_NOTEXISTS || state == IStateFilter.ST_LINKED || state == IStateFilter.ST_OBSTRUCTED; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return true; } }; }