/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Polarion Software. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Alexander Gurov - Initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.team.svn.core.svnstorage; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.core.internal.preferences.Base64; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.SVNTeamPlugin; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.ISVNConnector; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.ISVNCredentialsPrompt; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntryInfo; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntryRevisionReference; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNRevision; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.ISVNConnector.Depth; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.extension.CoreExtensionsManager; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.extension.factory.ISVNConnectorFactory; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.extension.options.IOptionProvider; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.operation.AbstractActionOperation; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.operation.ActivityCancelledException; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.operation.IActionOperation; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.operation.LoggedOperation; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.operation.SVNProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.operation.UnreportableException; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.resource.IRepositoryContainer; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.resource.IRepositoryFile; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.resource.IRepositoryLocation; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.resource.IRepositoryResource; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.resource.IRepositoryRoot; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.resource.SSHSettings; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.resource.SSLSettings; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.utility.ILoggedOperationFactory; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.utility.ProgressMonitorUtility; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.utility.SVNURLStreamHandler; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.utility.SVNUtility; /** * SVN based representation of IRepositoryLocation * * @author Alexander Gurov */ public class SVNRepositoryLocation extends SVNRepositoryBase implements IRepositoryLocation, Serializable { private static final int PROXY_CACHE_SIZE = 5; private static final long serialVersionUID = -5820937379741639580L; public static final int DEFAULT_CONNECTION = 0; public static final int SSH_CONNECTION = 1; public static final int SSL_CONNECTION = 2; public static final int PROXY_CONNECTION = 3; protected String id; protected String label; protected String trunk; protected String branches; protected String tags; protected boolean trunkEnabled; protected String username; protected String repositoryRootUrl; protected String repositoryUUID; // Base64 encoded to hide in the serialized content protected String password; protected boolean passwordSaved; private transient String passwordTemporary; private List serializedRevisionLinks; private SSLSettings sslSettings; private SSHSettings sshSettings; private transient List proxyCache; private transient HashSet usedProxies; private transient HashMap thread2Proxy; private transient IRepositoryResource []revisionLinks; protected transient boolean trustSiteDefined; protected transient int trustSite; protected transient int proxyConfigurationState; protected boolean authorNameEnabled; protected String authorName; private Map additionalRealms; private transient Integer lazyInitLock = new Integer(0); private transient Integer proxyManagerLock = new Integer(0); private transient Integer repositoryRootLock = new Integer(0); public SVNRepositoryLocation() { super(null); } public SVNRepositoryLocation(String id) { super(null); this.id = id; } public String asReference() { String reference = this.id; reference += ";" + this.getUrlAsIs(); reference += ";" + this.getLabel(); reference += ";" + this.getBranchesLocation(); reference += ";" + this.getTagsLocation(); reference += ";" + this.getTrunkLocation(); reference += ";" + this.trunkEnabled; reference += ";" + ((this.repositoryUUID == null) ? "" : this.repositoryUUID); reference += ";" + ((this.repositoryRootUrl == null) ? "" : this.repositoryRootUrl); reference += ";" + this.getAuthorName(); reference += ";" + this.authorNameEnabled + ";"; String [] realms = this.getRealms().toArray(new String [0]); for (int i = 0; i < realms.length; i++) { if (this.getAdditionalRealms().get(realms[i]).isPasswordSaved()) { if (i < realms.length - 1) { reference += realms[i] + "^"; } else { reference += realms[i]; } } } reference += ";"; IRepositoryResource [] revisionLinks = this.getRevisionLinks(); for (int i = 0; i < revisionLinks.length; i++) { String base64revLink = new String(Base64.encode(SVNRemoteStorage.instance().repositoryResourceAsBytes(revisionLinks[i]))); if (i < revisionLinks.length - 1) { reference += base64revLink + "^"; } else { reference += base64revLink; } } reference += ";" + this.getSSHSettings().getPort(); return reference; } public void fillLocationFromReference(String[] referenceParts) { boolean containRevisionLinks = false; ArrayList realms = new ArrayList(); switch (referenceParts.length) { case 14: this.getSSHSettings().setPort(Integer.parseInt(referenceParts[13])); case 13: if (!referenceParts[12].equals("")) { containRevisionLinks = true; } case 12: if (!referenceParts[11].equals("")) { realms.addAll(Arrays.asList(referenceParts[11].split("\\^"))); } case 11: this.setAuthorNameEnabled(referenceParts[10].equals("true")); case 10: this.setAuthorName(referenceParts[9].trim()); case 9: this.repositoryRootUrl = (referenceParts[8].trim().equals("") ? null : referenceParts[8].trim()); case 8: this.repositoryUUID = (referenceParts[7].trim().equals("") ? null : referenceParts[7].trim()); case 7: this.setStructureEnabled(referenceParts[6].equals("true")); case 6: this.setTrunkLocation(referenceParts[5].trim()); case 5: this.setTagsLocation(referenceParts[4].trim()); case 4: this.setBranchesLocation(referenceParts[3].trim()); case 3: String label = referenceParts[2].trim(); if (label.length() > 0) { this.setLabel(label); } case 2: this.setUrl(referenceParts[1].trim()); case 1: } if (this.label == null || this.label.length() == 0) { this.label = this.url; } try { SVNRemoteStorage.instance().loadAuthInfo(this, ""); for (String realm : realms) { SVNRemoteStorage.instance().loadAuthInfo(this, realm); } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggedOperation.reportError("fillLocationFromReference", ex); } if (containRevisionLinks) { String [] revLinks = referenceParts[12].split("\\^"); for (int i = 0 ; i < revLinks.length; i++) { this.addRevisionLink(SVNRemoteStorage.instance().repositoryResourceFromBytes(Base64.decode(revLinks[i].getBytes()), this)); } } } public Collection getRealms() { return this.getAdditionalRealms().keySet(); } public void addRealm(String realm, IRepositoryLocation location) { this.getAdditionalRealms().put(realm, location); } public void removeRealm(String realm) { this.getAdditionalRealms().remove(realm); } public Collection getRealmLocations() { return this.getAdditionalRealms().values(); } public IRepositoryLocation getLocationForRealm(String realm) { return this.getAdditionalRealms().get(realm); } public String getId() { return this.id; } public String getName() { return this.getUrl(); } public String getUrlAsIs() { return super.getUrl(); } public String getUrl() { return this.getUrlImpl(super.getUrl()); } public String getLabel() { return this.label == null ? this.getUrl() : this.label; } public String getRepositoryRootUrl() { this.fetchRepoInfo(); return this.repositoryRootUrl == null ? this.getUrl() : this.repositoryRootUrl; } public String getRepositoryUUID() { this.fetchRepoInfo(); return this.repositoryUUID; } public IRepositoryRoot getRepositoryRoot() { return new SVNRepositoryRoot(this); } public IRepositoryRoot getRoot() { return new SVNRepositoryLocationRoot(this); } public boolean isStructureEnabled() { return this.trunkEnabled; } public void setStructureEnabled(boolean structureEnabled) { this.trunkEnabled = structureEnabled; } public String getUserInputTrunk() { return this.trunk == null ? "" : this.trunk; } public String getUserInputTags() { return this.tags == null ? "" : this.tags; } public String getUserInputBranches() { return this.branches == null ? "" : this.branches; } public String getTrunkLocation() { return (this.trunk == null || !this.isStructureEnabled()) ? "" : this.trunk; } public String getBranchesLocation() { return (this.branches == null || !this.isStructureEnabled()) ? "" : this.branches; } public String getTagsLocation() { return (this.tags == null || !this.isStructureEnabled()) ? "" : this.tags; } public boolean isAuthorNameEnabled() { return this.authorNameEnabled; } public String getAuthorName() { return this.authorName == null ? "" : this.authorName; } public IRepositoryContainer asRepositoryContainer(String url, boolean allowsNull) { return SVNRepositoryLocation.asRepositoryContainer(this, url, allowsNull); } public IRepositoryFile asRepositoryFile(String url, boolean allowsNull) { return SVNRepositoryLocation.asRepositoryFile(this, url, allowsNull); } public static IRepositoryContainer asRepositoryContainer(IRepositoryLocation location, String url, boolean allowsNull) { if (!SVNRepositoryLocation.isArgumentsCorrect(location, url, allowsNull)) { return null; } Path urlPath = new Path(url); String name = urlPath.lastSegment(); if (location.isStructureEnabled()) { if (name.equals(location.getTrunkLocation())) { return new SVNRepositoryTrunk(location, url, SVNRevision.HEAD); } if (name.equals(location.getTagsLocation())) { return new SVNRepositoryTags(location, url, SVNRevision.HEAD); } if (name.equals(location.getBranchesLocation())) { return new SVNRepositoryBranches(location, url, SVNRevision.HEAD); } } Path locationUrl = new Path(location.getUrl()); if (urlPath.equals(locationUrl)) { return location.getRoot(); } if (locationUrl.isPrefixOf(urlPath)) { // do not access repository root if it is not required return new SVNRepositoryFolder(location, url, SVNRevision.HEAD); } if (urlPath.equals(new Path(location.getRepositoryRootUrl()))) { return location.getRepositoryRoot(); } return new SVNRepositoryFolder(location, url, SVNRevision.HEAD); } public static IRepositoryFile asRepositoryFile(IRepositoryLocation location, String url, boolean allowsNull) { if (!SVNRepositoryLocation.isArgumentsCorrect(location, url, allowsNull)) { return null; } return new SVNRepositoryFile(location, url, SVNRevision.HEAD); } public String getUsername() { return this.username; } public String getPassword() { return this.passwordSaved ? SVNUtility.base64Decode(this.password) : SVNUtility.base64Decode(this.passwordTemporary); } public boolean isPasswordSaved() { return this.passwordSaved; } public IRepositoryResource []getRevisionLinks() { synchronized (this.lazyInitLock) { if (this.revisionLinks == null) { List serialized = this.getSerializedRevisionLinks(); this.revisionLinks = new IRepositoryResource[serialized.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < this.revisionLinks.length; i++) { byte []data = (byte [])serialized.get(i); this.revisionLinks[i] = SVNRemoteStorage.instance().repositoryResourceFromBytes(data, this); } } return this.revisionLinks; } } public void addRevisionLink(IRepositoryResource link) { synchronized (this.lazyInitLock) { IRepositoryResource []links = this.getRevisionLinks(); int idx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { if (links[i].equals(link) && links[i].getSelectedRevision().equals(link.getSelectedRevision())) { idx = i; break; } } if (idx == -1) { List serialized = this.getSerializedRevisionLinks(); serialized.add(SVNRemoteStorage.instance().repositoryResourceAsBytes(link)); this.revisionLinks = null; } } } public void removeRevisionLink(IRepositoryResource link) { synchronized (this.lazyInitLock) { IRepositoryResource []links = this.getRevisionLinks(); int idx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { if (links[i].equals(link) && links[i].getSelectedRevision().equals(link.getSelectedRevision())) { idx = i; break; } } if (idx != -1) { List serialized = this.getSerializedRevisionLinks(); serialized.remove(idx); this.revisionLinks = null; } } } public void setLabel(String label) { this.label = label; } public void setUrl(String url) { String oldRootUrl = this.getRepositoryRootUrl(); IRepositoryResource []oldLinks = this.getRevisionLinks(); List serialized = this.getSerializedRevisionLinks(); this.url = url; if (oldRootUrl != null && !new Path(oldRootUrl).isPrefixOf(new Path(this.getUrl()))) { this.repositoryRootUrl = null; this.repositoryUUID = null; if (oldLinks.length > 0) { String newRootUrl = this.getRepositoryRootUrl(); synchronized (this.lazyInitLock) { for (int i = 0; i < oldLinks.length; i++) { String linkUrl = oldLinks[i].getUrl(); int idx = linkUrl.indexOf(oldRootUrl); if (idx == -1) { serialized.set(i, null); } else { linkUrl = newRootUrl + linkUrl.substring(idx + oldRootUrl.length()); IRepositoryResource resource = oldLinks[i] instanceof IRepositoryFile ? (IRepositoryResource)this.asRepositoryFile(linkUrl, false) : this.asRepositoryContainer(linkUrl, false); resource.setPegRevision(oldLinks[i].getPegRevision()); resource.setSelectedRevision(oldLinks[i].getSelectedRevision()); serialized.set(i, SVNRemoteStorage.instance().repositoryResourceAsBytes(resource)); } } for (Iterator it = serialized.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { if (it.next() == null) { it.remove(); } } this.revisionLinks = null; } } } } public void setTrunkLocation(String location) { this.trunk = location; } public void setBranchesLocation(String location) { this.branches = location; } public void setTagsLocation(String location) { this.tags = location; } public void setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; } public void setAuthorNameEnabled(boolean isEnabled) { this.authorNameEnabled = isEnabled; } public void setAuthorName(String name) { this.authorName = name; } public void setPassword(String password) { if (!this.passwordSaved) { this.passwordTemporary = SVNUtility.base64Encode(password); } else { this.password = SVNUtility.base64Encode(password); } } public void setPasswordSaved(boolean saved) { if (this.passwordSaved == saved) { return; } this.passwordSaved = saved; if (!saved) { this.passwordTemporary = this.password; this.password = null; } else { this.password = this.passwordTemporary; } } public ISVNConnector acquireSVNProxy() { synchronized (this.proxyManagerLock) { try { // initialize proxy cache, usedProxies list and thread2Proxy map List cache = this.getProxyCache(); // make the method reenterable: the same thread must use the same proxy. Access from call-backs must be controlled by programmer Thread current = Thread.currentThread(); ProxyHolder holder = this.thread2Proxy.get(current); if (holder != null) { holder.referenceCounter++; return holder.proxy; } if (this.proxyConfigurationState == 1) { try {this.proxyManagerLock.wait();} catch (InterruptedException ex) {} if (this.proxyConfigurationState != 2) { throw new ActivityCancelledException(SVNTeamPlugin.instance().getResource("Error.AuthenticationCancelled")); } } else if (this.proxyConfigurationState == 0) { this.proxyConfigurationState = 1; } ISVNConnector retVal = cache.size() == 0 ? this.newProxyInstance() : cache.remove(0); this.usedProxies.add(retVal); this.thread2Proxy.put(current, new ProxyHolder(retVal)); return retVal; } catch (RuntimeException e) { this.proxyConfigurationState = 0; this.proxyManagerLock.notifyAll(); throw e; } catch (Throwable e) { this.proxyConfigurationState = 0; this.proxyManagerLock.notifyAll(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } public void releaseSVNProxy(ISVNConnector proxy) { synchronized (this.proxyManagerLock) { List proxies = this.getProxyCache(); Thread current = Thread.currentThread(); ProxyHolder holder = this.thread2Proxy.get(current); if (--holder.referenceCounter > 0) { return; } this.thread2Proxy.remove(current); // Proxy should be always removed from the usedProxies list. So, do it first. if (!this.usedProxies.remove(proxy) || proxies.size() >= SVNRepositoryLocation.PROXY_CACHE_SIZE) { // The function code is sensitive to exceptions. So, disallow error reporting in that case. try {proxy.dispose();} catch (Throwable ex) {} } else { proxies.add(proxy); } if (this.proxyConfigurationState == 1) { this.proxyConfigurationState = 2; } this.proxyManagerLock.notifyAll(); } } public void reconfigure() { synchronized (this.proxyManagerLock) { this.proxyConfigurationState = 0; this.reconfigureImpl(); } } public void dispose() { synchronized (this.proxyManagerLock) { this.reconfigureProxies(new IProxyVisitor() { public void visit(ISVNConnector proxy) { // When exiting Eclipse IDE connector plug-in's can be stopped before Core. So, disallow error reporting in that case. try {proxy.dispose();} catch (Throwable ex) {} } }); this.getProxyCache().clear(); } } public SSLSettings getSSLSettings() { synchronized (this.lazyInitLock) { if (this.sslSettings == null) { this.sslSettings = new SSLSettings(); } return this.sslSettings; } } public SSHSettings getSSHSettings() { synchronized (this.lazyInitLock) { if (this.sshSettings == null) { this.sshSettings = new SSHSettings(); } return this.sshSettings; } } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj != null && obj instanceof IRepositoryLocation) { IRepositoryLocation other = (IRepositoryLocation)obj; return this.getId().equals(other.getId()); } return false; } protected static boolean isArgumentsCorrect(IRepositoryLocation location, String url, boolean allowsNull) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (url == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(SVNTeamPlugin.instance().getResource("Error.NullURL")); } Path repoPath = new Path(location.getUrl()); Path urlPath = new Path(url); // do not access repository root URL if it is not required if (!repoPath.isPrefixOf(urlPath)) { Path rootPath = new Path(location.getRepositoryRootUrl()); if (!rootPath.isPrefixOf(urlPath)) { if (!allowsNull) { if (!urlPath.isPrefixOf(rootPath)) { String message = SVNTeamPlugin.instance().getResource("Error.NotRelatedURL", new String[] {url, rootPath.toString()}); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } String message = SVNTeamPlugin.instance().getResource("Error.ShorterURL", new String[] {url, rootPath.toString()}); throw new UnreportableException(message); } return false; } } return true; } protected void fetchRepoInfo() { synchronized (this.repositoryRootLock) { if (this.repositoryRootUrl == null && this.url != null && SVNUtility.isValidSVNURL(this.getUrl())) { String []values = SVNRepositoryLocation.fetchRepoInfo(this, false); this.repositoryRootUrl = values[0]; this.repositoryUUID = values[1]; if (this.repositoryUUID != null) { SVNTeamPlugin.instance().setLocationsDirty(true); } } } } public static String []fetchRepoInfo(final IRepositoryLocation location, final boolean usePrompt) { // completely disallow error reporting final String []retVal = new String[2]; ProgressMonitorUtility.doTaskExternal(new AbstractActionOperation("Operation.FetchRepositoryRoot") { protected void runImpl(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception { ISVNConnector proxy = CoreExtensionsManager.instance().getSVNConnectorFactory().newInstance(); proxy.setCredentialsCacheEnabled(false); SVNUtility.configureProxy(proxy, location); if (usePrompt) { IOptionProvider optionProvider = SVNTeamPlugin.instance().getOptionProvider(); ISVNCredentialsPrompt externalPrompt = optionProvider.getCredentialsPrompt(); if (externalPrompt != null) { proxy.setPrompt(new BaseCredentialsPromptWrapper(externalPrompt, location)); } } else { proxy.setPrompt(new BaseCredentialsPromptWrapper(null, location)); } SVNEntryInfo []infos = null; String url = location.getUrl(); try { infos = SVNUtility.info(proxy, new SVNEntryRevisionReference(SVNUtility.encodeURL(url), SVNRevision.HEAD, SVNRevision.HEAD), Depth.EMPTY, new SVNProgressMonitor(this, monitor, null)); } finally { proxy.dispose(); } if (infos != null && infos.length > 0 && infos[0] != null) { retVal[0] = SVNUtility.decodeURL(infos[0].reposRootUrl); if (!new Path(retVal[0]).isPrefixOf(new Path(url))) { // different host name could be returned by server side SVNURLStreamHandler userUrl = SVNUtility.getSVNUrlStreamHandler(url); SVNURLStreamHandler returnedURL = SVNUtility.getSVNUrlStreamHandler(retVal[0]); returnedURL.setHost(userUrl.getURL().getHost()); retVal[0] = returnedURL.getURL().toExternalForm(); } retVal[1] = infos[0].reposUUID; } } }, new NullProgressMonitor(), new ILoggedOperationFactory() { public IActionOperation getLogged(IActionOperation operation) { return operation; } }); return retVal; } protected void reconfigureImpl() { this.reconfigureProxies(new IProxyVisitor() { public void visit(ISVNConnector proxy) { SVNUtility.configureProxy(proxy, SVNRepositoryLocation.this); } }); } protected void reconfigureProxies(IProxyVisitor visitor) { this.visitProxies(visitor); this.usedProxies.clear(); } protected void visitProxies(IProxyVisitor visitor) { for (ISVNConnector proxy : this.getProxyCache()) { visitor.visit(proxy); } } protected List getProxyCache() { if (this.proxyCache == null) { this.proxyCache = new ArrayList(); this.usedProxies = new HashSet(); this.thread2Proxy = new HashMap(); } return this.proxyCache; } protected ISVNConnector newProxyInstance() { IOptionProvider optionProvider = SVNTeamPlugin.instance().getOptionProvider(); ISVNConnector proxy = CoreExtensionsManager.instance().getSVNConnectorFactory().newInstance(); proxy.setCredentialsCacheEnabled(false); proxy.setSSLCertificateCacheEnabled(true); proxy.setTouchUnresolved(false); proxy.setCommitMissingFiles(true); SVNUtility.configureProxy(proxy, this); ISVNCredentialsPrompt externalPrompt = optionProvider.getCredentialsPrompt(); if (externalPrompt != null) { proxy.setPrompt(new CredentialsPromptWrapper(externalPrompt)); } return proxy; } protected List getSerializedRevisionLinks() { if (this.serializedRevisionLinks == null) { this.serializedRevisionLinks = new ArrayList(); } return this.serializedRevisionLinks; } protected String getUrlImpl(String url) { if (url == null) { return null; } try { url = SVNUtility.decodeURL(url); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // the URL is not encoded } return SVNUtility.normalizeURL(url); } protected synchronized Map getAdditionalRealms() { if (this.additionalRealms == null) { this.additionalRealms = new LinkedHashMap(); } return this.additionalRealms; } private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { } private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { this.lazyInitLock = new Integer(0); this.proxyManagerLock = new Integer(0); this.repositoryRootLock = new Integer(0); } protected interface IProxyVisitor { public void visit(ISVNConnector proxy); } public static class BaseCredentialsPromptWrapper implements ISVNCredentialsPrompt { protected ISVNCredentialsPrompt prompt; protected String tryRealm; protected String threadName; // Inadequate connector library behaviour: correct connector shouldn't ask for the same credentials twice for atomic operation if credentials are valid protected static final int MAX_ACCESS_COUNT = 5; protected int accessCount; protected IRepositoryLocation realmLocation; protected IRepositoryLocation location; public BaseCredentialsPromptWrapper(ISVNCredentialsPrompt prompt, IRepositoryLocation location) { this.prompt = prompt == null ? ISVNCredentialsPrompt.DEFAULT_PROMPT : prompt; this.location = location; } public int askTrustSSLServer(Object location, String info, boolean allowPermanently) { return this.prompt.askTrustSSLServer(this.location, info, allowPermanently); } public String getRealmToSave() { return this.prompt.getRealmToSave(); } public String getProxyHost() { return this.prompt.getProxyHost(); } public String getProxyPassword() { return this.prompt.getProxyPassword(); } public int getProxyPort() { return this.prompt.getProxyPort(); } public String getProxyUserName() { return this.prompt.getProxyUserName(); } public int getSSHPort() { return this.realmLocation != null ? this.realmLocation.getSSHSettings().getPort() : this.prompt.getSSHPort(); } public String getSSHPrivateKeyPassphrase() { return this.realmLocation != null ? this.realmLocation.getSSHSettings().getPassPhrase() : this.prompt.getSSHPrivateKeyPassphrase(); } public String getSSHPrivateKeyPath() { return this.realmLocation != null ? this.realmLocation.getSSHSettings().getPrivateKeyPath() : this.prompt.getSSHPrivateKeyPath(); } public String getSSLClientCertPassword() { return this.realmLocation != null ? this.realmLocation.getSSLSettings().getPassPhrase() : this.prompt.getSSLClientCertPassword(); } public String getSSLClientCertPath() { return this.realmLocation != null ? this.realmLocation.getSSLSettings().getCertificatePath() : this.prompt.getSSLClientCertPath(); } public String getUsername() { return this.realmLocation != null ? this.realmLocation.getUsername() : this.prompt.getUsername(); } public String getPassword() { return this.realmLocation != null ? this.realmLocation.getPassword() : this.prompt.getPassword(); } public boolean isProxyAuthenticationEnabled() { return this.prompt.isProxyAuthenticationEnabled(); } public boolean isProxyEnabled() { return this.prompt.isProxyEnabled(); } public boolean isSSHPrivateKeyPassphraseSaved() { return this.prompt.isSSHPrivateKeyPassphraseSaved(); } public boolean isSSHPublicKeySelected() { return this.prompt.isSSHPublicKeySelected(); } public boolean isSSLAuthenticationEnabled() { return this.prompt.isSSLAuthenticationEnabled(); } public boolean isSSLSavePassphrase() { return this.prompt.isSSLSavePassphrase(); } public boolean isSaveCredentialsEnabled() { return this.prompt.isSaveCredentialsEnabled(); } public boolean isSaveProxyPassword() { return this.prompt.isSaveProxyPassword(); } public boolean promptProxy(Object context) { boolean retVal = this.prompt.promptProxy(this.location); this.checkForSave(retVal, SVNRepositoryLocation.PROXY_CONNECTION); return retVal; } public boolean prompt(Object context, String realm) { if (this.tryCachedRealm(realm)) { return true; } boolean retVal = this.prompt.prompt(this.location, realm); this.checkForSave(retVal, SVNRepositoryLocation.DEFAULT_CONNECTION); return retVal; } public boolean promptSSH(Object context, String realm) { if (this.tryCachedRealm(realm)) { return true; } boolean retVal = this.prompt.promptSSH(this.location, realm); this.checkForSave(retVal, SVNRepositoryLocation.SSH_CONNECTION); return retVal; } public boolean promptSSL(Object context, String realm) { if (this.tryCachedRealm(realm)) { return true; } boolean retVal = this.prompt.promptSSL(this.location, realm); this.checkForSave(retVal, SVNRepositoryLocation.SSL_CONNECTION); return retVal; } protected boolean tryCachedRealm(String realm) { if (!ISVNConnectorFactory.DEFAULT_ID.equals(CoreExtensionsManager.instance().getSVNConnectorFactory().getId())) { return false; } String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); if (this.tryRealm == null || !this.tryRealm.equals(realm) || !threadName.equals(this.threadName) || this.accessCount < BaseCredentialsPromptWrapper.MAX_ACCESS_COUNT) { this.realmLocation = this.location.getLocationForRealm(realm); if (this.realmLocation != null) { if (threadName.equals(this.threadName) && this.tryRealm.equals(realm)) { this.accessCount++; } else { this.accessCount = 0; } this.tryRealm = realm; this.threadName = threadName; return true; } } else { this.tryRealm = null; this.realmLocation = null; this.threadName = null; this.accessCount = 0; } return false; } protected void checkForSave(boolean retVal, int connectionType) { if (retVal) { IRepositoryLocation location = this.location; String realmToSave = this.getRealmToSave(); if (!ISVNCredentialsPrompt.ROOT_LOCATION.equals(realmToSave)) { location = this.location.getLocationForRealm(realmToSave); if (location == null) { location = SVNRemoteStorage.instance().newRepositoryLocation(); SVNRemoteStorage.instance().copyRepositoryLocation(location, this.location); this.location.addRealm(realmToSave, location); } } this.checkForSaveImpl(location, retVal, connectionType); } } protected void checkForSaveImpl(IRepositoryLocation location, boolean retVal, int connectionType) { location.setUsername(this.prompt.getUsername()); location.setPassword(this.prompt.getPassword()); location.setPasswordSaved(this.prompt.isSaveCredentialsEnabled()); SVNTeamPlugin.instance().setLocationsDirty(true); if (connectionType == SVNRepositoryLocation.SSH_CONNECTION) { SSHSettings settings = location.getSSHSettings(); settings.setUseKeyFile(this.prompt.isSSHPublicKeySelected()); if (settings.isUseKeyFile()) { settings.setPrivateKeyPath(this.prompt.getSSHPrivateKeyPath()); settings.setPassPhraseSaved(this.prompt.isSSHPrivateKeyPassphraseSaved()); settings.setPassPhrase(this.getSSHPrivateKeyPassphrase()); } } if (connectionType == SVNRepositoryLocation.SSL_CONNECTION) { SSLSettings settings = location.getSSLSettings(); settings.setAuthenticationEnabled(this.prompt.isSSLAuthenticationEnabled()); if (settings.isAuthenticationEnabled()) { settings.setCertificatePath(this.prompt.getSSLClientCertPath()); settings.setPassPhrase(this.prompt.getSSLClientCertPassword()); settings.setPassPhraseSaved(this.prompt.isSSLSavePassphrase()); } } } } protected class CredentialsPromptWrapper extends BaseCredentialsPromptWrapper { public CredentialsPromptWrapper(ISVNCredentialsPrompt prompt) { super(prompt, SVNRepositoryLocation.this); } public int askTrustSSLServer(IRepositoryLocation location, String info, boolean allowPermanently) { if (!SVNRepositoryLocation.this.trustSiteDefined) { SVNRepositoryLocation.this.trustSite = super.askTrustSSLServer(SVNRepositoryLocation.this, info, allowPermanently); if (SVNRepositoryLocation.this.trustSite != ISVNCredentialsPrompt.REJECT) { SVNRepositoryLocation.this.trustSiteDefined = true; } else { SVNRepositoryLocation.this.proxyConfigurationState = 0; } return SVNRepositoryLocation.this.trustSite; } return SVNRepositoryLocation.this.trustSite; } protected void checkForSave(boolean retVal, int connectionType) { synchronized (SVNRepositoryLocation.this.proxyManagerLock) { if (retVal) { super.checkForSave(retVal, connectionType); } else { SVNRepositoryLocation.this.proxyConfigurationState = 0; } SVNRepositoryLocation.this.reconfigureImpl(); } } } protected static class ProxyHolder { public final ISVNConnector proxy; public int referenceCounter; public ProxyHolder(ISVNConnector proxy) { this.proxy = proxy; this.referenceCounter = 1; } } public boolean isPasswordSavedForRealm(String realm) { IRepositoryLocation locationForRealm = this.getAdditionalRealms().get(realm); if (locationForRealm != null && locationForRealm.isPasswordSaved()) { return true; } return false; } }