pluginName = Subversive SVN Team Provider Core Plug-in (Incubation) providerName = #operation ID's range: 0x00000000..0x00099999 #error ID's range: 0x00000000..0x00099999 SVNInfo.NoAuthor = [no author] SVNInfo.NoDate = (no date) SVNInfo.Author = [{0}] SVNInfo.Date = ({0}) SVNInfo.NoComment = [no comment] Status.NotExists = Not Exists Status.None = Ignored Status.New = New Status.Added = Added Status.Normal = Not Modified Status.Modified = Modified Status.Conflicting = Conflicting Status.Deleted = Deleted Status.Missing = Missing Status.Obstructed = Obstructed Status.Prereplaced = Replaced (Not Added) Status.Replaced = Replaced (Added) Status.Linked = Linked Operation.Error.LogHeader = SVN: ''{0}'' operation finished with error Operation.OpenProject = Open Project Operation.OpenProject.Id = 0x00000000 Operation.ExportProjectSet = Export Team Project Set Operation.ExportProjectSet.Id = 0x00000001 Operation.ImportProjectSet = Import Team Project Set Operation.ImportProjectSet.Id = 0x00000002 Operation.ResourcesChanged = Resources Changed Operation.ResourcesChanged.Id = 0x00000003 Operation.CheckProperty = Check Property Operation.CheckProperty.Id = 0x00000004 Operation.FetchRepositoryRoot = Fetch Repository Root Operation.FetchRepositoryRoot.Id = 0x00000005 Operation.GetFileContent.CreateStream = Create Stream Operation.GetFileContent.CreateStream.Id = 0x00000006 Operation.GetFileContent.SetContent = Set Content Operation.GetFileContent.SetContent.Id = 0x00000007 Operation.GetFileContent.Local = Get File Content [Local] Operation.GetFileContent.Local.Id = 0x00000008 Operation.GetFileContent.Local.Error = Get content for ''{0}'' failed. Operation.GetFileContent.Revision = Get File Content [Revision] Operation.GetFileContent.Revision.Id = 0x00000009 Operation.GetFileContent.Revision.Error = Get content for ''{0}'' failed. Operation.Rename = Rename Operation.Rename.Id = 0x0000000a Operation.Rename.Error = Rename ''{0}'' to ''{1}'' failed. Operation.MoveRemote = Move Operation.MoveRemote.Id = 0x0000000b Operation.MoveRemote.Error = Some of selected resources were not moved. Operation.LocateURLInHistory = Locate URL in History Operation.LocateURLInHistory.Id = 0x0000000c Operation.LocateProjects = Locate Projects Operation.LocateProjects.Id = 0x0000000d Operation.LocateProjects.Scanning = Scanning ''{0}'' Operation.Import = Import Operation.Import.Id = 0x0000000e Operation.Import.Error = Import operation for ''{0}'' failed. Operation.GetAnnotation = Get Annotation Operation.GetAnnotation.Id = 0x0000000f Operation.GetAnnotation.Error = Get annotation for ''{0}'' failed. Operation.GetAnnotation.Error.IsBinary = Subversion of version earlier than 1.5.0 does not support annotation for binary files. Operation.GetRevisionProperties = Get Revision Properties Operation.GetRevisionProperties.Id = 0x00000010 Operation.GetRevisionProperties.Error = Get revision properties operation failed. Operation.GetLogMessages = Get Log Messages Operation.GetLogMessages.Id = 0x00000011 Operation.GetLogMessages.Error = Get log messages for ''{0}'' failed. Operation.ExportRevision = Export Operation.ExportRevision.Id = 0x00000012 Operation.ExportRevision.Error = Export for ''{0}'' failed. Operation.DeleteRemote = Delete Operation.DeleteRemote.Id = 0x00000013 Operation.DeleteRemote.Error = Some of selected resources were not deleted. Operation.CreatePatchRemote = Create Patch Operation.CreatePatchRemote.Id = 0x00000014 Operation.CreateFolder = Create Folder Operation.CreateFolder.Id = 0x00000015 Operation.CreateFolder.Error = Create ''{0}'' folder failed. Operation.CreateFile = Create File Operation.CreateFile.Id = 0x00000016 Operation.CreateFile.Error = Create new file operation failed. Operation.CopyRemote = Copy Operation.CopyRemote.Id = 0x00000017 Operation.CopyRemote.Error = Some of selected resources were not copied. Operation.CheckOut = Check Out Operation.CheckOut.Id = 0x00000018 Operation.CheckOut.Error = Checkout operation failed. Operation.CheckOutAs = Check Out Operation.CheckOutAs.Id = 0x00000019 Operation.CheckOutAs.Error = Checkout operation for ''{0}'' failed. Operation.CheckOutAs.PrepareFS = Prepare file system... Operation.BreakLock = Break Resource Lock Operation.BreakLock.Id = 0x0000001a Operation.BreakLock.Error = Some of selected resources were not unlocked. Operation.Branch = Branch Operation.Branch.Id = 0x0000001b Operation.Branch.Error = Branch operation for some of selected resources failed. Operation.Tag = Tag Operation.Tag.Id = 0x0000001c Operation.Tag.Error = Tag operation for some of selected resources failed. Operation.PreparedBranch = Branch Operation.PreparedBranch.Id = 0x0000001d Operation.PreparedBranch.Error = Branch operation for some of selected resources failed. Operation.PreparedTag = Tag Operation.PreparedTag.Id = 0x0000001e Operation.PreparedTag.Error = Tag operation for some of selected resources failed. Operation.AddRepositoryLocation = Add Repository Location Operation.AddRepositoryLocation.Id = 0x0000001f Operation.AddRepositoryLocation.Error = Add repository location operation for URL ''{0}'' failed. Operation.AddRevisionLink = Add Revision Link Operation.AddRevisionLink.Id = 0x00000020 Operation.DiscardRepositoryLocation = Discard Repository Location Operation.DiscardRepositoryLocation.Id = 0x00000021 Operation.DiscardRepositoryLocation.Error = Some of selected repository locations were not discarded. Operation.SaveRepositoryLocations = Save Repository Locations Operation.SaveRepositoryLocations.Id = 0x00000022 Operation.SaveRepositoryLocations.Error = Save repository location failed. Operation.SetRevisionAuthorName = Set revision author Operation.SetRevisionProperty = Set revision property Operation.GetRevisionProperties = Get revision properties Operation.UpdateSVNCache = Update SVN Cache Operation.UpdateSVNCache.Id = 0x00000023 Operation.DetectCharset = Detect Charset Operation.DetectCharset.Id = 0x00000024 Operation.SendNotifications = Send Notifications Operation.SendNotifications.Id = 0x00000025 Operation.Update = Update Operation.Update.Id = 0x00000100 Operation.Update.Error = Some resources were not updated. Operation.Unlock = Unlock Operation.Unlock.Id = 0x00000101 Operation.Unlock.Error = Some resources were not unlocked. Operation.Switch = Switch Operation.Switch.Id = 0x00000102 Operation.Switch.Error = Switch operation failed. Operation.SaveMeta = Save Project Meta-Information Operation.SaveMeta.Id = 0x00000103 Operation.Revert = Revert Operation.Revert.Id = 0x00000104 Operation.Revert.Error = Some resources were not reverted. Operation.RestoreMeta = Restore Project Meta-Information Operation.RestoreMeta.Id = 0x00000105 Operation.RemoveNonSVN = Remove Non-versioned Resources Operation.RemoveNonSVN.Id = 0x00000106 Operation.RemoveNonSVN.Error = Some of non-versioned resources were not removed. Operation.UpdateStatus = Synchronizing Operation.UpdateStatus.Id = 0x00000107 Operation.UpdateStatus.Error = Synchronize operation failed. Operation.RefreshResources = Refresh Resources Operation.RefreshResources.Id = 0x00000108 Operation.RefreshResources.Error = Some of resources were not refreshed. Operation.NotifyProjectChange = Refresh Resources Operation.NotifyProjectChange.Id = 0x00000109 Operation.MergeStatus = Merge Status Operation.MergeStatus.Id = 0x0000010a Operation.MergeStatus.Error = Merge status operation failed. Operation.Merge = Merge Operation.Merge.Id = 0x0000010b Operation.Merge.Error = Merge operation failed. Operation.MarkAsMerged = Mark As Merged Operation.MarkAsMerged.Id = 0x0000010c Operation.MarkAsMerged.Error = Some of selected resources were not marked as merged. Operation.Lock = Lock Operation.Lock.Id = 0x0000010d Operation.Lock.Error = Some of selected resources were not locked. Operation.JavaHLMerge = Merge Operation.JavaHLMerge.Id = 0x0000010e Operation.JavaHLMerge.Error = Merge operation failed. Operation.Info = Info Operation.Info.Id = 0x0000010f Operation.Info.Error = Info operation for ''{0}'' failed. Operation.GetContent = Get Contents Operation.GetContent.Id = 0x00000110 Operation.GetContent.Error = Get content for ''{0}'' failed. Operation.GetResourceList = Get Resource List Operation.GetResourceList.Id = 0x00000111 Operation.GetResourceList.Error = Get all resources operation failed. Operation.CreatePatchLocal = Create Patch Operation.CreatePatchLocal.Id = 0x00000113 Operation.CreatePatchLocal.Error = Create patch operation failed. Operation.Commit = Commit Operation.Commit.Id = 0x00000114 Operation.Commit.Error = Some of selected resources were not committed. Operation.ClearLocalStatuses = Clear Local Statuses Operation.ClearLocalStatuses.Id = 0x00000115 Operation.ClearLocalStatuses.Error = Clear local statuses operation failed. Operation.AddToSVN = Add to Version Control Operation.AddToSVN.Id = 0x00000116 Operation.AddToSVN.Error = Some of selected resources were not added to version control. Operation.AddToSVNIgnore = Add to svn:ignore Operation.AddToSVNIgnore.Id = 0x00000117 Operation.AddToSVNIgnore.Error = Some of selected resources were not added to ignore. Operation.MoveLocal = Move Operation.MoveLocal.Id = 0x00000118 Operation.MoveLocal.Error = Move ''{0}'' to ''{1}'' was failed. Operation.DeleteLocal = Delete Operation.DeleteLocal.Id = 0x00000119 Operation.DeleteLocal.Error = Deletion of ''{0}'' was failed. Operation.CopyLocalH = Copy Operation.CopyLocalH.Id = 0x0000011a Operation.CopyLocalH.Error = Copy ''{0}'' to ''{1}'' was failed. Operation.CopyLocal = Copy Operation.CopyLocal.Id = 0x0000011b Operation.CopyLocal.Error = Copy ''{0}'' to ''{1}'' was failed. Operation.SetProperties = Set Properties Operation.SetProperties.Id = 0x0000011c Operation.SetProperties.Error = Set properties was failed. Operation.SetMultiProperties = Set Properties Operation.SetMultiProperties.Id = 0x0000011d Operation.SetMultiProperties.Error = Set properties was failed. Operation.RemoveProperties = Remove Properties Operation.RemoveProperties.Id = 0x0000011e Operation.RemoveProperties.Error = Remove properties was failed. Operation.GetProperties = Get Properties Operation.GetProperties.Id = 0x0000011f Operation.GetProperties.Error = Get properties for ''{0}'' failed. Operation.GetMultiProperties = Get Properties Operation.GetMultiProperties.Id = 0x00000120 Operation.GetMultiProperties.Error = Get properties operation was failed. Operation.ShareProject = Share Projects Operation.ShareProject.Id = 0x00000121 Operation.ShareProject.Error = Share project was failed. Operation.ShareProject.DefaultComment = Share project "{0}" into "{1}" Operation.RelocateResources = Relocate Operation.RelocateResources.Id = 0x00000122 Operation.RelocateResources.Error = Relocate working copy to ''{0}'' failed. Operation.Reconnect = Reconnect Project Operation.Reconnect.Id = 0x00000123 Operation.Reconnect.Error = Reconnect was failed. Operation.FindRelatedProjects = Find Related Projects Operation.FindRelatedProjects.Id = 0x00000124 Operation.Disconnect = Disconnect Projects Operation.Disconnect.Id = 0x00000125 Operation.Disconnect.Error = Some of selected projects were not disconnected. Operation.CleanupResources = Cleanup Operation.CleanupResources.Id = 0x00000126 Operation.CleanupResources.Error = Some of selected resources were not cleaned. Operation.FreezeExternals = Freeze svn:externals Revisions Operation.FreezeExternals.Id = 0x00000127 Operation.RestoreExternals = Restore svn:externals Revisions Operation.RestoreExternals.Id = 0x00000128 Operation.UpdateFile = Update Operation.UpdateFile.Id = 0x00000200 Operation.UpdateFile.Error = Some resources were not updated. Operation.UnlockFile = Unlock Operation.UnlockFile.Id = 0x00000201 Operation.UnlockFile.Error = Some resources were not unlocked. Operation.SwitchFile = Switch Operation.SwitchFile.Id = 0x00000202 Operation.SwitchFile.Error = Switch operation failed. Operation.RevertFile = Revert Operation.RevertFile.Id = 0x00000203 Operation.RevertFile.Error = Some resources were not reverted. Operation.UpdateStatusFile = Update Status Operation.UpdateStatusFile.Id = 0x00000204 Operation.UpdateStatusFile.Error = Update status operation failed. Operation.MarkResolvedFile = Mark Resolved Operation.MarkResolvedFile.Id = 0x00000205 Operation.MarkResolvedFile.Error = Some of selected resources were not marked as resolved. Operation.LockFile = Lock Operation.LockFile.Id = 0x00000206 Operation.LockFile.Error = Some of selected resources were not locked. Operation.LocalStatusFile = Local Status Operation.LocalStatusFile.Id = 0x00000207 Operation.LocalStatusFile.Error = Local status operation failed. Operation.JavaHLMergeFile = Merge Operation.JavaHLMergeFile.Id = 0x00000208 Operation.JavaHLMergeFile.Error = Merge operation failed. Operation.GetFileContent = Get File Content Operation.GetFileContent.Id = 0x00000209 Operation.GetFileContent.Error = Get file content operation failed. Operation.GetAllFiles = Get All Files Operation.GetAllFiles.Id = 0x0000020a Operation.GetAllFiles.Error = Get all files operation failed. Operation.CreatePatchFile = Create Patch Operation.CreatePatchFile.Id = 0x0000020b Operation.CreatePatchFile.Error = Create patch operation failed. Operation.CommitFile = Commit Operation.CommitFile.Id = 0x0000020c Operation.CommitFile.Error = Some of selected resources were not committed. Operation.CheckoutAsFile = Checkout As Operation.CheckoutAsFile.Id = 0x0000020d Operation.CheckoutAsFile.Error = Selected resource is not checked out. Operation.AddToSVNFile = Add to Version Control Operation.AddToSVNFile.Id = 0x0000020e Operation.AddToSVNFile.Error = Some of selected resources were not added. Operation.AddToSVNIgnoreFile = Add to svn:ignore Operation.AddToSVNIgnoreFile.Id = 0x0000020f Operation.AddToSVNIgnoreFile.Error = Some of selected resources were not added to ignore. Operation.MoveFile = Move Operation.MoveFile.Id = 0x00000210 Operation.MoveFile.Error = Some of selected resources were not moved. Operation.DeleteFile = Delete Operation.DeleteFile.Id = 0x00000211 Operation.DeleteFile.Error = Some of selected resources were not deleted. Operation.CopyFile = Copy Operation.CopyFile.Id = 0x00000212 Operation.CopyFile.Error = Some of selected resources were not copied. Operation.SetPropertiesFile = Set Properties Operation.SetPropertiesFile.Id = 0x00000213 Operation.SetPropertiesFile.Error = Set properties was failed. Operation.RemovePropertiesFile = Remove Properties Operation.RemovePropertiesFile.Id = 0x00000214 Operation.RemovePropertiesFile.Error = Remove properties was failed. Operation.GetPropertiesFile = Get Properties Operation.GetPropertiesFile.Id = 0x00000215 Operation.GetPropertiesFile.Error = Get properties was failed. Operation.ShareFile = Share Resources Operation.ShareFile.Id = 0x00000216 Operation.ShareFile.Error = Folder share was failed. Operation.ShareFile.DefaultComment = Share folder ''{0}'' into ''{1}'' Operation.RelocateFile = Relocate Operation.RelocateFile.Id = 0x00000217 Operation.RelocateFile.Error = Relocate working copy failed. Operation.DisconnectFile = Disconnect Operation.DisconnectFile.Id = 0x00000218 Operation.DisconnectFile.Error = Some of selected resources were not disconnected. Operation.CleanupFile = Cleanup Operation.CleanupFile.Id = 0x00000219 Operation.CleanupFile.Error = Some of selected resources were not cleaned. Operation.MarkResolved = Mark Resolved Operation.MarkResolved.Id = 0x0000021a Operation.MarkResolved.Error = Some of selected resources were not resolved. Operation.ExtractTo = Extract Operation.ExtractTo.Folders = Processing Folder: [{0}] Operation.ExtractTo.RemoteFile = Downloading File: [{0}] Operation.ExtractTo.LocalFile = Copying File: [{0}] Operation.ExtractTo.Id = 0x00000220 Operation.ExtractTo.Error = Some of selected resources were not extracted. Operation.InitExtractLog = Initialize Extract Log Operation.InitExtractLog.Id = 0x00000221 Operation.FiniExtractLog = Finalize Extract Log Operation.FiniExtractLog.Id = 0x00000222 Operation.ReplaceWithRemote = Replace Progress.Running = Running... Progress.Done = Done... Progress.SubTask = {0}: [{1}] Console.AtRevision = At revision {0}\n Console.CommittedRevision = Committed revision {0}\n Console.TransmittingData = \t Transmitting file data: {0}\n Console.Status = \t{0} {1}\n Console.Status.Added = A Console.Status.New = N Console.Status.Modified = M Console.Status.Deleted = D Console.Status.Missing = ? Console.Status.Replaced = R Console.Status.Merged = G Console.Status.Conflicted = C Console.Status.Obstructed = O Console.Action.Added = A Console.Action.Deleted = D Console.Action.Modified = M Console.Action.Replaced = R Console.Action.Reverted = Reverted Console.Action.Restored = Restored Console.Action.Locked = Locked Console.Action.Unlocked = Unlocked Console.Update.Status.inapplicable = Console.Update.Status.unknown = Console.Update.Status.unchanged = Console.Update.Status.missing = ? Console.Update.Status.obstructed = O Console.Update.Status.changed = U Console.Update.Status.merged = G Console.Update.Status.conflicted = C Console.Update.Status.conflicted_unresolved = C MergeScope.Name = Merging ''{0}'' into ''{1}'' Error.AutoDisconnect = Unable connect to ''{0}'' project.\nPlease check that SVN meta-information exists and its format is supported by the current SVN plug-in version.\nIf so, it is possible that project working copy is relocated outside plug-in control.\nAt the current moment project will be automatically disconnected from source control. Error.AutoDisconnect.Id = 0x00000000 Error.UnknownProtocol = unknown protocol: {0} Error.UnknownProtocol.Id = 0x00000001 Error.NonSVNPath = ''{0}'' is not under version control. Error.NonSVNPath.Id = 0x00000002 Error.UnrecognizedNodeKind = Unrecognized node kind ''{0}'' reported for path ''{1}''. Error.UnrecognizedNodeKind.Id = 0x00000003 Error.InaccessibleResource = The resource is inaccessible: {0}. Error.InaccessibleResource.Id = 0x00000004 Error.CreateDirectory = Cannot create a directory: ''{0}'' Error.CreateDirectory.Id = 0x00000005 Error.AuthenticationCancelled = Authentication is canceled. Error.AuthenticationCancelled.Id = 0x00000006 Error.NullURL = URL cannot be null. Error.NullURL.Id = 0x00000007 Error.NotRelatedURL = URL ''{0}'' is not related to the repository ''{1}''. Error.NotRelatedURL.Id = 0x00000008 Error.ShorterURL = Resource URL ''{0}'' is shorter than repository root URL ''{1}''. Error.ShorterURL.Id = 0x00000009 Error.NotConnectedProject = Project ''{0}'' is not connected to source control. Error.NotConnectedProject.Id = 0x0000000a Error.AnotherProvider = Project ''{0}'' is connected not to Subversive provider but to another one: ''{1}''. Error.AnotherProvider.Id = 0x0000000b Error.UnknownStatus = Unknown status. Error.UnknownStatus.Id = 0x0000000c Error.InvalidExtensionPoint = Invalid extension point ''{0}.{1}''. Error.InvalidExtensionPoint.Id = 0x0000000d Error.RepositoryInaccessible = The repository is inaccessible. Error.RepositoryInaccessible.Id = 0x0000000e Error.LockedExternally = The folder ''{0}'' is locked by some external process. Please unlock the folder and try to check out the project again. Error.LockedExternally.Id = 0x0000000f Error.UnknownProjectLayoutType = Unknown project layout type: {0}. Error.UnknownProjectLayoutType.Id = 0x00000010 Error.CannotCheckOutMeta = Cannot check out the project meta-information: {0}. Error.CannotCheckOutMeta.Id = 0x00000011 Error.ShareCanceled = Share project operation was canceled. Error.ShareCanceled.Id = 0x00000012 Error.AlreadyExists = {0} (Already exists) Error.AlreadyExists.Id = 0x00000013 Error.InaccessibleResource = Resource is inaccessible or it is not under SVN control Error.InaccessibleResource.Id = 0x00000014 Error.ScheduledTask = Scheduled Task Error.LoadLocations = Load Repository Locations Error.LoadExtensions = Load Core Extensions Error.NoSVNClient = Selected SVN connector library is not available or cannot be loaded.\nIf you selected native JavaHL connector, please check if binaries are available or install and select pure Java Subversion connector from the plug-in connectors update site.\nIf connectors already installed then you can change the selected one at: Window->Preferences->Team->SVN->SVN Client. Error.CheckCache = Check cache before repaint Error.CheckCache.Id = 0x00400001