
These preferences can be changed on 'Team>SVN>Annotate' properties page.


It's recommended to view annotations in the Repository Exploring perspective. Using Quick Diff is very comfortable, because the user can examine all the revision changes at once, but it can be performed only on local files, not repository ones. If your team is rather big it's convenient to use different colors to highlight the changes in Quick Diff mode.

Option Description Default
Open perspective after a 'Show Annotation' operation. Specifies if the specified perspective should be opened after a 'Show Annotation' operation. Prompt
Perspective for 'Annotate View' Allows user to choose a perspective for 'Annotate View' to show in. SVN Repository Exploring
Use Quick Diff annotate mode for local file annotations Configure using of Quick Diff feature for local file annotations. Prompt
Use same color for all authors Defines if the one and only color should be used for annotation blocks of every author's made changes. Enabled
Annotation Block Color Specifies a color for annotation blocks. grey

This is how 'Annotate' properties page looks like:

Annotate properties page
Related topics
SVN Annotation View
SVN Repository Exploring Perspective