/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Polarion Software. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Alexander Gurov - Initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.team.svn.core; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.ISVNConnector; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNConflictDescriptor; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNEntryRevisionReference; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNProperty; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNRevision; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNConflictDescriptor.Action; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNConflictDescriptor.Operation; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNConflictDescriptor.Reason; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector.SVNProperty.BuiltIn; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.operation.AbstractActionOperation; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.operation.IActionOperation; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.operation.SVNProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.resource.ILocalResource; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.resource.IRepositoryLocation; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.svnstorage.SVNRemoteStorage; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.utility.FileUtility; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.utility.ProgressMonitorUtility; import org.eclipse.team.svn.core.utility.SVNUtility; /** * Resource state filter interface and most useful implementations * * @author Alexander Gurov */ public interface IStateFilter { public static final String ST_INTERNAL_INVALID = "InternalInvalid"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String ST_NOTEXISTS = null; public static final String ST_IGNORED = "Ignored"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String ST_NEW = "New"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String ST_ADDED = "Added"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String ST_NORMAL = "Normal"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String ST_MODIFIED = "Modified"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String ST_CONFLICTING = "Conflicting"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String ST_DELETED = "Deleted"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String ST_MISSING = "Missing"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String ST_OBSTRUCTED = "Obstructed"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String ST_PREREPLACED = "Prereplaced"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String ST_REPLACED = "Replaced"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String ST_LINKED = "Linked"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public boolean accept(ILocalResource resource); public boolean accept(IResource resource, String state, int mask); public boolean allowsRecursion(ILocalResource resource); public boolean allowsRecursion(IResource resource, String state, int mask); public abstract class AbstractStateFilter implements IStateFilter { public boolean accept(ILocalResource resource) { return resource.getStatus() != IStateFilter.ST_INTERNAL_INVALID && this.acceptImpl(resource, resource.getResource(), resource.getStatus(), resource.getChangeMask()); } public boolean accept(IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state != IStateFilter.ST_INTERNAL_INVALID && this.acceptImpl(null, resource, state, mask); } public boolean allowsRecursion(ILocalResource resource) { return resource.getStatus() != IStateFilter.ST_INTERNAL_INVALID && this.allowsRecursionImpl(null, resource.getResource(), resource.getStatus(), resource.getChangeMask()); } public boolean allowsRecursion(IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state != IStateFilter.ST_INTERNAL_INVALID && this.allowsRecursionImpl(null, resource, state, mask); } protected abstract boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask); protected abstract boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask); protected ILocalResource takeLocal(ILocalResource local, IResource resource) { return local != null ? local : SVNRemoteStorage.instance().asLocalResource(resource); } } public abstract class CompositeStateFilter implements IStateFilter { protected IStateFilter []filters; public CompositeStateFilter(IStateFilter []filters) { this.filters = filters; } public boolean accept(ILocalResource resource) { for (int i = 0; i < this.filters.length; i++) { if (this.haveQuickDecision(this.filters[i].accept(resource))) { return this.getQuickDecision(); } } return this.getFinalDecision(); } public boolean accept(IResource resource, String state, int mask) { for (int i = 0; i < this.filters.length; i++) { if (this.haveQuickDecision(this.filters[i].accept(resource, state, mask))) { return this.getQuickDecision(); } } return this.getFinalDecision(); } public boolean allowsRecursion(ILocalResource resource) { for (int i = 0; i < this.filters.length; i++) { if (this.haveQuickDecision(this.filters[i].allowsRecursion(resource))) { return this.getQuickDecision(); } } return this.getFinalDecision(); } public boolean allowsRecursion(IResource resource, String state, int mask) { for (int i = 0; i < this.filters.length; i++) { if (this.haveQuickDecision(this.filters[i].allowsRecursion(resource, state, mask))) { return this.getQuickDecision(); } } return this.getFinalDecision(); } protected abstract boolean getFinalDecision(); protected abstract boolean getQuickDecision(); protected abstract boolean haveQuickDecision(boolean current); }; public static class OrStateFilter extends CompositeStateFilter { public OrStateFilter(IStateFilter []filters) { super(filters); } protected boolean getFinalDecision() { return false; } protected boolean getQuickDecision() { return true; } protected boolean haveQuickDecision(boolean current) { return current; } }; public static class AndStateFilter extends CompositeStateFilter { public AndStateFilter(IStateFilter []filters) { super(filters); } protected boolean getFinalDecision() { return true; } protected boolean haveQuickDecision(boolean current) { return !current; } protected boolean getQuickDecision() { return false; } }; public static abstract class AbstractTreeConflictingStateFilter extends AbstractStateFilter { /* * Note: as we're trying to retrieve local resource from remote storage (if it is null) then we must not call * particular filters in order to avoid stack overflow (e.g. SF_UNVERSIONED, it's called during calculating of local resource) */ protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { local = this.takeLocal(local, resource); if (local.hasTreeConflict()) { SVNConflictDescriptor treeConflict = local.getTreeConflictDescriptor(); return this.acceptTreeConflict(treeConflict, local); } return false; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_ONREPOSITORY.accept(resource, state, mask); } protected abstract boolean acceptTreeConflict(SVNConflictDescriptor treeConflict, ILocalResource local); } /** * Check if resource has a tree conflict and if it has then detect if resource exists on repository * * It is created as a separate class (not as other internal filter classes) in order to allow easily extend it */ public static class TreeConflictingRepositoryExistStateFilter extends AbstractTreeConflictingStateFilter { protected boolean acceptTreeConflict(SVNConflictDescriptor treeConflict, ILocalResource resource) { /* * For update operation resource exists on repository if action isn't 'Delete' * * For switch or merge operations we can't exactly detect if resource exists remotely. * Probably, we could determine it be exploring sync info's (AbstractSVNSyncInfo) remote resource variant, * but such solution isn't applicable here (also I found following why we can't use it: while calculating * sync info some filters are called(e.g. SF_ONREPOSITORY) and we get stack overflow). * So we consider that resource exists remotely if conflict descriptor reason is 'modified' * * TODO Probably, we can add more specific conditions for merge and switch operations here * Take into account IResourceChange ? */ if (treeConflict.operation == Operation.UPDATE || treeConflict.operation == Operation.SWITCHED) { /* * 1. Action 'Delete' * 2. Not (Action 'Add' and reason 'Add') */ return treeConflict.action != Action.DELETE && !(treeConflict.action == Action.ADD && treeConflict.reason == Reason.ADDED); } else if (treeConflict.operation == Operation.MERGE) { return treeConflict.action != Action.DELETE && treeConflict.reason == Reason.MODIFIED; } return false; } } public static final IStateFilter SF_TREE_CONFLICTING_REPOSITORY_EXIST = new TreeConflictingRepositoryExistStateFilter(); public static final IStateFilter SF_INTERNAL_INVALID = new IStateFilter() { public boolean accept(ILocalResource resource) { return resource.getStatus() == IStateFilter.ST_INTERNAL_INVALID; } public boolean accept(IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state == IStateFilter.ST_INTERNAL_INVALID; } public boolean allowsRecursion(ILocalResource resource) { return false; } public boolean allowsRecursion(IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return false; } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_LOCKED = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return (mask & ILocalResource.IS_LOCKED) != 0; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return SF_ONREPOSITORY.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_READY_TO_LOCK = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return resource instanceof IFile && (mask & ILocalResource.IS_LOCKED) == 0 && IStateFilter.SF_EXCLUDE_DELETED.accept(resource, state, mask); } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_EXCLUDE_DELETED.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_SWITCHED = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return (mask & ILocalResource.IS_SWITCHED) != 0; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return true; } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state == IStateFilter.ST_IGNORED && (mask & ILocalResource.IS_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL) != 0; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_VERSIONED.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_LINKED = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state == IStateFilter.ST_LINKED; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return true; } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_ALL = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return true; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return true; } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_NOTEXISTS = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state == IStateFilter.ST_NOTEXISTS || state == IStateFilter.ST_LINKED; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return true; } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_OBSTRUCTED = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state == IStateFilter.ST_OBSTRUCTED; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return true; } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_REPLACED = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state == IStateFilter.ST_REPLACED; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_VERSIONED.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_PREREPLACED = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state == IStateFilter.ST_PREREPLACED; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_VERSIONED.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_PREREPLACEDREPLACED = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state == IStateFilter.ST_PREREPLACED || state == IStateFilter.ST_REPLACED; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_VERSIONED.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_IGNORED = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state == IStateFilter.ST_IGNORED || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED.accept(resource, state, mask) && SVNUtility.isIgnored(resource); } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return true; } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_IGNORED_BUT_NOT_EXTERNAL = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_IGNORED.accept(resource, state, mask) && (mask & ILocalResource.IS_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL) == 0; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return true; } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_UNVERSIONED = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state == IStateFilter.ST_PREREPLACED || state == IStateFilter.ST_NEW || state == IStateFilter.ST_IGNORED || state == IStateFilter.ST_NOTEXISTS; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return true; } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_VERSIONED = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { //at first check tree conflict local = this.takeLocal(local, resource); if (local.hasTreeConflict()) { return new TreeConflictingRepositoryExistStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptTreeConflict(SVNConflictDescriptor treeConflict, ILocalResource resource) { return super.acceptTreeConflict(treeConflict, resource) || Reason.ADDED == treeConflict.reason; } }.accept(local); } return state == IStateFilter.ST_REPLACED || state == IStateFilter.ST_PREREPLACED || state == IStateFilter.ST_ADDED || state == IStateFilter.ST_NORMAL || state == IStateFilter.ST_MODIFIED || state == IStateFilter.ST_CONFLICTING || state == IStateFilter.ST_DELETED || state == IStateFilter.ST_MISSING; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return this.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_NOTONREPOSITORY = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { //at first check tree conflict local = this.takeLocal(local, resource); if (local.hasTreeConflict()) { return !IStateFilter.SF_TREE_CONFLICTING_REPOSITORY_EXIST.accept(local); } return state == IStateFilter.ST_PREREPLACED || state == IStateFilter.ST_NEW || IStateFilter.SF_IGNORED_BUT_NOT_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask) || state == IStateFilter.ST_NOTEXISTS || state == IStateFilter.ST_ADDED; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return true; } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_ONREPOSITORY = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { //at first check tree conflict local = this.takeLocal(local, resource); if (local.hasTreeConflict()) { return IStateFilter.SF_TREE_CONFLICTING_REPOSITORY_EXIST.accept(local); } return state == IStateFilter.ST_PREREPLACED || state == IStateFilter.ST_REPLACED || state == IStateFilter.ST_NORMAL || state == IStateFilter.ST_MODIFIED || state == IStateFilter.ST_CONFLICTING || state == IStateFilter.ST_DELETED || state == IStateFilter.ST_MISSING; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_VERSIONED.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_NEW = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return (state == IStateFilter.ST_PREREPLACED || state == IStateFilter.ST_NEW) && !IStateFilter.SF_IGNORED.accept(resource, state, mask); } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return !IStateFilter.SF_IGNORED_BUT_NOT_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask) && state != IStateFilter.ST_OBSTRUCTED && state != IStateFilter.ST_LINKED; } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_ADDED = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state == IStateFilter.ST_PREREPLACED || state == IStateFilter.ST_REPLACED || state == IStateFilter.ST_NEW || state == IStateFilter.ST_ADDED; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_VERSIONED.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_NOTMODIFIED = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state == IStateFilter.ST_NORMAL || state == IStateFilter.ST_NOTEXISTS || state == IStateFilter.ST_LINKED; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return true; } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_MODIFIED = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state == IStateFilter.ST_MODIFIED || state == IStateFilter.ST_CONFLICTING; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_ONREPOSITORY.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_CONFLICTING = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state == IStateFilter.ST_CONFLICTING; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_ONREPOSITORY.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_CONTENT_CONFLICTING = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { local = this.takeLocal(local, resource); return local.getTextStatus() == IStateFilter.ST_CONFLICTING; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_ONREPOSITORY.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_TREE_CONFLICTING = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return this.takeLocal(local, resource).hasTreeConflict(); } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_ONREPOSITORY.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_DELETED = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state == IStateFilter.ST_PREREPLACED || state == IStateFilter.ST_REPLACED || state == IStateFilter.ST_DELETED || state == IStateFilter.ST_MISSING; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_ONREPOSITORY.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_MISSING = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state == IStateFilter.ST_MISSING; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_ONREPOSITORY.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_COMMITABLE = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state == IStateFilter.ST_REPLACED || state == IStateFilter.ST_ADDED || state == IStateFilter.ST_MODIFIED || state == IStateFilter.ST_DELETED || state == IStateFilter.ST_MISSING; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_VERSIONED.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_REVERTABLE = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return state == IStateFilter.ST_PREREPLACED || state == IStateFilter.ST_CONFLICTING || state == IStateFilter.ST_REPLACED || state == IStateFilter.ST_ADDED || state == IStateFilter.ST_MODIFIED || state == IStateFilter.ST_DELETED || state == IStateFilter.ST_MISSING || IStateFilter.SF_TREE_CONFLICTING.accept(resource, state, mask); } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_VERSIONED.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_ANY_CHANGE = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return !IStateFilter.SF_IGNORED.accept(resource, state, mask) && state != IStateFilter.ST_NORMAL && state != IStateFilter.ST_OBSTRUCTED && state != IStateFilter.ST_LINKED; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return !IStateFilter.SF_IGNORED_BUT_NOT_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask) && state != IStateFilter.ST_OBSTRUCTED && state != IStateFilter.ST_LINKED; } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_EXCLUDE_DELETED = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { if (IStateFilter.SF_ONREPOSITORY.accept(resource, state, mask)) { return state != IStateFilter.ST_DELETED && state != IStateFilter.ST_MISSING; } return false; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return this.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_NEEDS_LOCK = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, final IResource resource, String state, int mask) { if (!(resource instanceof IFile) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED.accept(resource, state, mask) || !resource.isAccessible()) { return false; } final SVNProperty [][]propData = new SVNProperty[1][]; IActionOperation op = new AbstractActionOperation("Operation_CheckProperty") { //$NON-NLS-1$ protected void runImpl(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception { IRepositoryLocation location = SVNRemoteStorage.instance().getRepositoryLocation(resource); ISVNConnector proxy = location.acquireSVNProxy(); try { propData[0] = SVNUtility.properties(proxy, new SVNEntryRevisionReference(FileUtility.getWorkingCopyPath(resource), null, SVNRevision.BASE), new SVNProgressMonitor(this, monitor, null)); } finally { location.releaseSVNProxy(proxy); } } }; ProgressMonitorUtility.doTaskExternalDefault(op, new NullProgressMonitor()); boolean needsLock = false; if (propData[0] != null) { for (int i = 0; i < propData[0].length; i++) { if (propData[0][i].name.equals(BuiltIn.NEEDS_LOCK)) { needsLock = true; break; } } return needsLock; } return false; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_VERSIONED.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_MODIFIED_NOT_IGNORED = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return !IStateFilter.SF_IGNORED.accept(resource, state, mask) && !IStateFilter.SF_NOTMODIFIED.accept(resource, state, mask); } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return !IStateFilter.SF_IGNORED_BUT_NOT_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask) && state != IStateFilter.ST_OBSTRUCTED && state != IStateFilter.ST_LINKED; } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_EXCLUDE_PREREPLACED_AND_DELETED = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { if (IStateFilter.SF_VERSIONED.accept(resource, state, mask) && !IStateFilter.SF_PREREPLACED.accept(resource, state, mask)) { return state != IStateFilter.ST_DELETED && state != IStateFilter.ST_MISSING; } return false; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_EXCLUDE_DELETED.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_EXCLUDE_PREREPLACED_AND_DELETED_FILES = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return resource instanceof IFile && IStateFilter.SF_EXCLUDE_PREREPLACED_AND_DELETED.accept(resource, state, mask); } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_EXCLUDE_DELETED.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_VERSIONED_FOLDERS = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return resource instanceof IContainer && IStateFilter.SF_VERSIONED.accept(resource, state, mask); } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_VERSIONED.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_VERSIONED_FILES = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return resource instanceof IFile && IStateFilter.SF_VERSIONED.accept(resource, state, mask); } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_VERSIONED.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; public static final IStateFilter SF_HAS_PROPERTIES_CHANGES = new AbstractStateFilter() { protected boolean acceptImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { local = this.takeLocal(local, resource); return local.getPropStatus() == IStateFilter.ST_MODIFIED || local.getPropStatus() == IStateFilter.ST_CONFLICTING; } protected boolean allowsRecursionImpl(ILocalResource local, IResource resource, String state, int mask) { return IStateFilter.SF_ONREPOSITORY.accept(resource, state, mask) || IStateFilter.SF_UNVERSIONED_EXTERNAL.accept(resource, state, mask); } }; }