#operation ID's range: 0x00400000..0x00499999 #error ID's range: 0x00400000..0x00499999 SetPropertyAction_label = Set Property... ShowAnnotationAction_label = Show &Annotation... BranchAction_label = &Branch... EditConflictsAction_label = Edit Conflicts EditTreeConflictsAction_label = Edit Tree Conflicts LockAction_label = &Lock... UnlockAction_label = U&nlock... CompareWithWorkingCopyAction_label = &Base from Working Copy CompareWithLatestRevisionAction_label = &Latest from Repository CompareWithRevisionAction_label = Revision or &URL... ReplaceWithLatestRevisionAction_label = &Latest from Repository ReplaceWithRevisionAction_label = Revision or &URL... CleanupCommand_label = Cleanup BreakLockAction_label = Break Lock BreakLockAction_label2 = Break Lock... ShowPropertiesAction_label = Show Properties ShowAnnotationCommand_label = Show Annotation... ExportCommand_label = Export... CreatePatchCommand_label = Create Patch... AddRevisionLinkAction_label = &Add Revision Link... ShowResourceHistoryCommand_label = Show History Operation_PreCloseDeleteClean = Pre-close/Pre-delete Clean Operation_PreCloseDeleteClean_Id = 0x00400000 Operation_DropSVNMeta = Drop SVN Meta Information Operation_DropSVNMeta_Id = 0x00400001 Operation_PrepareCommit = Prepare Commit Operation_PrepareCommit_Id = 0x00400002 Operation_CheckoutAsFolder = Checkout as Folder Operation_CheckoutAsFolder_Id = 0x00400003 Operation_CheckoutProjects = Check Out Projects Operation_CheckoutProjects_Title = Check Out Projects Operation_CheckoutProjects_Message = There are no projects found. Operation_CheckoutProjects_Id = 0x00400004 Operation_CommitLocationChanges = Commit Repository Location Changes Operation_CommitLocationChanges_Id = 0x00400005 Operation_ValidateLocation = Validate Repository Location Operation_ValidateLocation_Id = 0x00400006 Operation_FetchChanges = Fetch Revision Information Operation_FetchChanges_Id = 0x00400007 Operation_UpdateStatus = Synchronizing Operation_UpdateStatus_Id = 0x00400008 Operation_UpdateStatus_Error = Synchronize operation failed. Operation_UOverrideAndUpdate = Override and Update Operation_UOverrideAndUpdate_Id = 0x0040000b Operation_UOverrideAndCommit = Override and Commit Operation_UOverrideAndCommit_Id = 0x0040000c Operation_UNodeKindChanged = Node Kind Changed Notification Operation_UNodeKindChanged_Id = 0x0040000d Operation_UExpandAll = Expand All Operation_UExpandAll_Id = 0x0040000d Operation_MOverrideAndUpdate = Override and Update Operation_MOverrideAndUpdate_Id = 0x00400010 Operation_ShowBrowser = Show Repository Browser Part Operation_ShowBrowser_Id = 0x00400012 Operation_RefreshView = Refresh View Operation_RefreshView_Id = 0x00400013 Operation_ShowProperties = Show Properties Operation_ShowProperties_Id = 0x00400014 Operation_SetKeywords = Set Keywords Property Operation_SetKeywords_Id = 0x00400015 Operation_ParseFile = Parse File Operation_ParseFile_Id = 0x00400016 Operation_ScanForProperties = Scan for Properties Operation_ScanForProperties_Id = 0x00400017 Operation_CollectLogTemplates = Collecting Log Templates Operation_CollectLogTemplates_Id = 0x00400018 Operation_CollectBugTraq = Collecting Bugtraq Properties Operation_CollectBugTraq_Id = 0x00400019 Operation_ShowMessages = Show Messages Operation_ShowMessages_Id = 0x0040001a Operation_HShowHistory = Show History Operation_HShowHistory_Id = 0x0040001e Operation_HAddSelectedRevision = Add Selected Revisions Operation_HAddSelectedRevision_Id = 0x00400020 Operation_HUpdateTo = Update To Operation Operation_HUpdateTo_Id = 0x00400021 Operation_ChangeRepositoryLocation = Change Repository Location Operation_ChangeRepositoryLocation_Id = 0x00400023 Operation_CheckRelocationState = Check Relocation State Operation_CheckRelocationState_Id = 0x00400024 Operation_PShowProperties = Show Properties Operation_PShowProperties_Id = 0x00400025 Operation_PRefresh = Refresh Operation_PRefresh_Id = 0x00400026 Operation_PRemoveProperty = Remove Property Operation_PRemoveProperty_Id = 0x00400027 Operation_PSaveValueToFile = Save Value To File Operation_PSaveValueToFile_Id = 0x00400028 Operation_PRefreshView = Refresh View Operation_PRefreshView_Id = 0x00400029 Operation_GetResourcesToCompare = Get Resources To Compare Operation_GetResourcesToCompare_Id = 0x0040002a Operation_GetRepositoryResource = Get Repository Resource Operation_GetRepositoryResource_Id = 0x0040002b Operation_GetResourceInfo = Get Resource Info Operation_GetResourceInfo_Id = 0x0040002c Operation_FetchContent = Fetch Content Operation_FetchContent_Id = 0x0040002d Operation_SaveChanges = Save Changes Operation_SaveChanges_Id = 0x0040002e Operation_QuickDiff = Quick-diff Background Thread Operation_QuickDiff_Id = 0x0040002f Operation_PrepareQuickDiff = Prepare Quick-diff Operation_PrepareQuickDiff_Id = 0x00400030 Operation_InitializeDocument = Initialize Document Operation_InitializeDocument_Id = 0x00400031 Operation_BuiltInShowAnnotation = Show Annotation Operation_BuiltInShowAnnotation_Id = 0x00400032 Operation_PrepareRevisions = Prepare Revisions Operation_PrepareRevisions_Id = 0x00400033 Operation_BuiltInShowView = Show View Operation_BuiltInShowView_Id = 0x00400034 Operation_CollectingResources = Collecting Resources Operation_CollectingResources_Id = 0x00400039 Operation_CopyURL = Copy URL Operation_CopyURL_Id = 0x0040003a Operation_CheckRelocationState = Check Relocation State Operation_CheckRelocationState_Id = 0x0040003b Operation_RemoveRevisionLinks = Remove Revision Links Operation_RemoveRevisionLinks_Id = 0x0040003c Operation_ReplaceWithLatest = Replace With Latest Operation_ReplaceWithLatest_Id = 0x0040003d Operation_ReplaceWithRevision = Replace With Revision Operation_ReplaceWithRevision_Id = 0x0040003e Operation_SLoadFileContent = Load File Content Operation_SLoadFileContent_Id = 0x0040003f Operation_SetKeywordsProperty = Set Keywords Property Operation_SetKeywordsProperty_Id = 0x00400040 Operation_CopyResources = Copy Operation_CopyResources_Id = 0x00400041 Operation_ConcatenatePropertyData = Concatenate Property Data Operation_ConcatenatePropertyData_Id = 0x00400042 Operation_ConcatenatePropertyData_Error = Concatenate ''{0}'' property data for ''{1}'' failed. Operation_WriteToConsoleResources = Write to Console Operation_WriteToConsoleResources_Id = 0x00400043 Operation_DeleteProjects = Delete Projects Operation_DeleteProjects_Id = 0x00400044 Operation_CollectProperties = Collecting Properties Operation_CollectProperties_Id = 0x00400045 Operation_SaveUnversioned = Save Unversioned Operation_SaveUnversioned_Id = 0x00400046 Operation_RestoreUnversioned = Restore Unversioned Operation_RestoreUnversioned_Id = 0x00400047 Operation_ExportLocalHistory = Export Local Operation_ExportLocalHistory_Id = 0x00400048 Operation_DetectStartRevision = Detect Start Revision Operation_DetectStartRevision_Id = 0x00400049 Operation_ClearMergeStatusesCache = Clear Merge Statuses Cache Operation_ClearMergeStatusesCache_Id = 0x00400100 Operation_ClearMergeStatusesCache_Error = Clear merge statuses operation failed. Operation_ClearUpdateStatusesCache = Clear Update Statuses Cache Operation_ClearUpdateStatusesCache_Id = 0x00400101 Operation_ClearUpdateStatusesCache_Error = Clear update statuses operation failed. Operation_CompareRepository = Compare Operation_CompareRepository_Id = 0x00400102 Operation_CompareRepository_Error = Compare ''{0}'' with ''{1}'' failed. Operation_CompareLocal = Compare with Revision Operation_CompareLocal_Id = 0x00400103 Operation_CorrectRevision = Check HEAD Revision Operation_CorrectRevision_Id = 0x00400104 Operation_CorrectRevision_Title_Single = Resource Does Not Exist Operation_CorrectRevision_Title_Multi = Resources Do Not Exist Operation_CorrectRevision_Message_Single = The selected resource does not exist in the HEAD revision of the repository and requested operation will be limited by the working copy revision.\n\nDo you want to continue? Operation_CorrectRevision_Message_Multi = One or more resources do not exist in the HEAD revision of the repository and requested operation will be limited by the working copy revisions.\n\nDo you want to continue? Operation_FileToClipboard = File to Clipboard Operation_FileToClipboard_Id = 0x00400105 Operation_GetRemoteRevision = Get Repository Resource Revision Operation_GetRemoteRevision_Id = 0x00400107 Operation_GetRemoteRevision_Error = Get repository resource revision operation failed. Operation_ShowAnnotation = Show Annotation Operation_ShowAnnotation_Id = 0x00400108 Operation_ShowAnnotation_Prompt_Title = Quick Diff Annotate Operation_ShowAnnotation_Prompt_Message = Do you wish to view annotations using quick diff? Operation_ShowAnnotation_Prompt_Remember = &Remember my decision Operation_MoveToWorkingSet = Move Project to Working Set Operation_MoveToWorkingSet_Id = 0x00400109 Operation_NotifyConflicts = Unresolved Conflict Notification Operation_NotifyConflicts_Id = 0x0040010a Operation_NotifyConflicts_Error = Notify unresolved conflicts failed. Operation_ObtainProjectName = Obtain Project Name Operation_ObtainProjectName_Id = 0x0040010b Operation_ObtainProjectName_Scanning = Scanning ''{0}'' Operation_OpenFile = Open Repository File Operation_OpenFile_Id = 0x0040010c Operation_OpenFile_Error = Some of selected files were not opened. Operation_PasteResources = Paste Operation_PasteResources_Id = 0x0040010d Operation_PasteResources_Error = Some of selected resources were not pasted. Operation_FillCopyPaste = Fill Copy/Paste Buffer Operation_FillCopyPaste_Id = 0x0040010e Operation_FillCopyPaste_Error = Fill Copy/Paste buffer failed. Operation_RefreshRemote = Refresh Operation_RefreshRemote_Id = 0x00400110 Operation_RefreshRemote_Error = Some of repository resources were not refreshed. Operation_RefreshLocations = Refresh Repository Locations Operation_RefreshLocations_Id = 0x00400111 Operation_RefreshLocations_Error = Some of repository locations were not refreshed. Operation_ShowAnnotationRemote = Show Annotation Operation_ShowAnnotationRemote_Id = 0x00400112 Operation_ShowConflictEditor = Show Conflict Editor Operation_ShowConflictEditor_Id = 0x00400113 Operation_ShowHistory = Show History View Operation_ShowHistory_Id = 0x00400114 Operation_ShowMergeView = Merge Operation_ShowMergeView_Id = 0x00400115 Operation_ShowMergeView_Error = Merge operation failed. Operation_ShowProperties = Show SVN Properties Operation_ShowProperties_Id = 0x00400116 Operation_ShowUpdateView = Synchronize Operation_ShowUpdateView_Id = 0x00400117 Operation_ShowUpdateView_Error = Some of selected resources were not synchronized. Operation_AddConsoleHyperlink = Add hyperlink to console Operation_AddConsoleHyperlink_Id = 0x00400118 Operation_OpenLocalFile = Open Local File Operation_OpenLocalFile_Id = 0x00400119 Operation_CallMenuAction = Call Menu Action Operation_CallMenuAction_Id = 0x0040011a Operation_CheckLayout = Check Project Layout Operation_CheckLayout_Id = 0x0040011b Operation_CheckIfWCInSync = Checking if working copy is in sync Operation_CreateRepository = Create Repository Operation_CreateRepository_Id = 0x00400204 Operation_CreateRepository_Error = Cannot create repository Operation_AddRepositoryLocation = Add Repository Location Operation_AddRepositoryLocation_Id = 0x00400205 Operation_AddRepositoryLocation_Error = Cannot add repository location Operation_ScanLocks = Scan Locks Operation_ScanLocks_Id = 0x00400206 Operation_ScanLocks_Error = Failed to scan locks Operation_CreateLockResourcesHierarchy = Create Lock Resources Hierarchy Operation_CreateLockResourcesHierarchy_Id = 0x00400207 Operation_CreateLockResourcesHierarchy_Error = Failed to create lock resources hierarchy Operation_EditRevisionLink = Edit Revision Link Operation_EditRevisionLink_Id = 0x00400208 Operation_EditRevisionLink_Error = Failed to edit revision link Operation_DiscoveryConnectors = Discovery Connectors Operation_DiscoveryConnectors_Id = 0x00400209 Operation_DiscoveryConnectors_Error = Failed to run discovery connectors Operation_GetBranchesTags = Get Branches/Tags Operation_GetBranchesTags_Id = 0x00400210 Operation_GetBranchesTags_Error = Failed to get branches/tags Operation_ShowPostCommitErrors = Post-commit hook failure notification Operation_ShowPostCommitErrors_Id = 0x00400211 Operation_ShowPostCommitErrors_Error = Post-commit hook failure notification failed. Operation_TreatAsEdits = Treat as Edits Operation_TreatAsEdits_Id = 0x00400212 Operation_TreatAsEdits_Error = Failed to convert replacement into edit ExternalsEditPanel_DialogDefaultMessage=You can configure 'svn:externals' property value. Select url, relative local path and optional revision. You can also specify format for external definition: either prior or after SVN 1.5. ExternalsEditPanel_DialogDescription=Set external definition to be included in 'svn:externals' property ExternalsEditPanel_DialogTitle=Set External Definition ExternalsEditPanel_FormatButton=Format ExternalsEditPanel_FormatUrl=Format URL: ExternalsEditPanel_IsFolder=Is Folder ExternalsEditPanel_LocalPathLabel=Local Path: ExternalsEditPanel_LocalPathLabel_Verifier = Local Path ExternalsEditPanel_PriortoSVN15=Prior to SVN 1.5 Format ExternalsEditPanel_RelativeToDirectory=Relative to the parent directory of the external ExternalsEditPanel_RelativeToHostName=Relative to the server's hostname ExternalsEditPanel_RelativeToRepositoryRoot=Relative to the repository root ExternalsEditPanel_RelativeToUrlScheme=Relative to the URL scheme ExtractToAction_Label = Extract... ExtractAllToAction_Label = Extract All... ExtractToAction_Select_Title = Extract To ExtractToAction_Select_Description = Select folder to extract to InaccessibleLocationDataHelper_Dialog_Title = Cannot Read Location Data InaccessibleLocationDataHelper_Dialog_Message = The project ''{0}'' is attached to the repository location which data is inaccessible due to unknown reason.\n\nDo you want to enter repository location data manually? DiscardedLocationHelper_Dialog_Title = Repository Location is Discarded DiscardedLocationHelper_Dialog_Message = The project ''{0}'' is attached to the discarded repository location ''{1}''.\n\nDo you want to restore repository location? RelocationChoicesPanel_Title = Repair Project RelocationChoicesPanel_Description = Project ''{0}'' is relocated RelocationChoicesPanel_Message = Project is relocated outside plug-in control. Please select which recovery action should be performed or the project will be disconnected from the source control. RelocationChoicesPanel_ChangeLocation = Change repository location URL and relocate rest of projects RelocationChoicesPanel_RelocateBack = Relocate the project back to the original URL RelocationChoicesPanel_CreateLocation = Share with another repository location ValidConnectorsSelectionPanel_Title = Repair Project ({0}) ValidConnectorsSelectionPanel_Description = Incompatible connector version ValidConnectorsSelectionPanel_Message = Active SVN connector is incompatible with the working copy version. Please select one of the compatible connectors or the project will be disconnected from the source control. If no connectors are available please check for plug-in updates and then reconnect the project. ValidConnectorsSelectionPanel_Clients = Compatible SVN Clients: UpgradeWorkingCopyDialog_Title = Upgrade Project ({0}) UpgradeWorkingCopyDialog_Message = The project has its working copy in an old format. Do you want to upgrade it in order to use with the connector you've selected? If not, the project will be disconnected from the source control. Error_SetFileContentTitle = Set File Content Error_GetImageDescriptor = Get Image Descriptor Error_GetImageDescriptor_Id = 0x00400000 #Error_CheckCache = Check cache before repaint #Error_CheckCache_Id = 0x00400001 Error_FormatLabel = Format resource label Error_FormatLabel_Id = 0x00400002 Error_GetColumnText = Get column text for element Error_GetColumnText_Id = 0x00400003 Error_DecoratorImage = Error creating decorator image Error_DecoratorImage_Id = 0x00400004 Error_ExportProperties = Export properties Error_ExportProperties_Id = 0x00400005 Error_ImportProperties = Import properties Error_ImportProperties_Id = 0x00400006 Error_FindConfigFile = Find configuration file Error_FindConfigFile_Id = 0x00400007 Error_RepositoryFileGetPath = Create temporary file Error_RepositoryFileGetPath_Id = 0x00400008 Error_LoadUIExtension = Load UI extension Error_LoadUIExtension_Id = 0x00400008 Error_InvalidLogAction = Invalid action: {0} Error_InvalidLogAction_Id = 0x00400009 Error_ResourceDoesNotExists = Resource ''{0}'' doesn''t exist in previous revision Error_ResourceDoesNotExists_Id = 0x0040000a Error_CompareUnknownNodeKind = Unknown node kind. Error_CompareUnknownNodeKind_Id = 0x0040000b Error_ActionFailed = Action failed Error_ActionFailed_Message = See 'Error Log' view for details Error_ActionFailed_Id = 0x0040000c Error_MenuEnablement = Menu enablement calculation UILoggedOperation_DontAskSend = Don't ask me to send error report in future UILoggedOperation_Cancelled = Operation was canceled. UILoggedOperation_Authentication = Authentication error. UILoggedOperation_Unknown = Unknown Error. UILoggedOperation_SendReport_Error_Title = Send Report UILoggedOperation_SendReport_Error_Message = An error occurred during sending error report.\nPerhaps, you are not able to send report due to your firewall settings. \nIn that case you can copy report content from the preview form and send it manually to\n{0} UILoggedOperation_SendReport_Error_DontShow = Don't show this message in future SVNView_ResourceNotSelected = Resource is not selected SVNView_Refresh_Label = Refresh SVNView_Refresh_ToolTip = Refresh SVNView_LinkWith_Label = Link with Editor and Selection SVNView_LinkWith_ToolTip = Link with Editor and Selection Button_Browse = Browse... Button_New = New... Button_Edit = Edit... Button_Remove = Remove Button_RemoveAll = Remove All Button_SelectAll = &Select All Button_ClearSelection = &Clear Selection Button_ClearAll = Clear &All Button_Advanced = Advanced Button_Simple = Simple Button_CheckForConnectors = Get Connectors... DeleteAction_Comment_Title = Commit Deletion PasteAction_Comment_Title = Paste Content Comment ShowBrowsingErrorAction_Dialog_Title = Accessing Repository Entry CopyToAction_Select_Title = Copy To CopyToAction_Comment_Title = Copy content comment MoveToAction_Select_Title = Move To MoveToAction_Comment_Title = Move content comment CopyMove_Comment_Message = Empty comments are allowed, but filling a comment message would help other people to understand the changes. CopyMove_SubFolder_One = Rename to: CopyMove_SubFolder_Multi = Create path: BranchTagAction_Error_Branch = Branch Error BranchTagAction_Error_Tag = Tag Error BranchTagAction_Error_NotInSync = One or more of selected resources are not in sync with the repository. Please perform synchronize first. SelectResourceLocationPage_Description=Select a repository resource to set external definition url. SelectResourceLocationPage_Title=Select Resource MergeAction_MergeError = Merge Error ReplaceWithRevisionAction_InputRevisionPanel_Title = Replace With Revision UpdateAction_List_Title = Missing Resources UpdateAction_List_Description = Update missing resources UpdateAction_List_Message = The following resources are deleted outside SVN control and update will restore them. If you do not want to restore these resources, please commit resources deletion first. Do you want to continue? ExportAction_Select_Title = Export To ExportAction_Select_Description = Select folder to export to CopyAction_Conflict_Title = Conflict Found CopyAction_Conflict_Message = All of the selected resources have duplicate names. Copy operation cannot be performed. SwitchAction_Error = Switch Error CheckoutAction_Type1 = Eclipse project CheckoutAction_Type2 = Eclipse project and data folder CheckoutAction_Type3 = External folder CheckoutAction_Type4 = External file CheckoutAction_Selection_Message_Single = Select the project or data folder to overwrite. Please note, that all local data for the selected resource will be lost. CheckoutAction_Selection_Message_Multi = Select the projects or data folders to overwrite. Please note, that all local data for the selected resources will be lost. CheckoutAction_Selection_Title_Single = Override Project/Data Folder CheckoutAction_Selection_Title_Multi = Override Projects/Data Folders CheckoutAction_Selection_Description_Single = This project already exists in the workspace or there is a data folder in the checkout destination CheckoutAction_Selection_Description_Multi = These projects already exist in the workspace or there are data folders in the checkout destination RepositoriesView_ShowBrowser_Label = Show Repository Browser RepositoriesView_ShowBrowser_ToolTip = Show Repository Browser RepositoriesView_NewLocation_Label = New Repository Location RepositoriesView_NewRepository_ToolTip = New Repository RepositoriesView_NewRepository_Label = New Repository RepositoriesView_NewLocation_ToolTip = New Repository Location RepositoriesView_CollapseAll_Label = Collapse All RepositoriesView_CollapseAll_ToolTip = Collapse All RepositoriesView_Refactor = &Refactor RepositoriesView_OpenWith = Open Wit&h RepositoriesView_New = &New RepositoriesView_CompareWith = Compare With RepositoriesView_RepositoryLocation = Repository &Location... RepositoriesView_Repository = Repository... RepositoriesView_Model_Root = ROOT RepositoriesView_Model_Revisions = REVISIONS RepositoriesView_Model_Pending = Pending... RepositoriesView_Model_Error = < An error occurred while accessing the repository entry > RepositoriesView_Browser_Name = Name RepositoriesView_Browser_Revision = Revision RepositoriesView_Browser_LastChangedAt = Last Changed At RepositoriesView_Browser_LastChangedBy = Last Changed By RepositoriesView_Browser_Size = Size RepositoriesView_Browser_HasProperties = Has Properties RepositoriesView_Browser_LockOwner = Lock Owner RepositoriesView_Browser_HasProps = Yes RepositoriesView_Browser_NoProps = No RepositoriesView_Browser_Description = Browsing PropertiesView_Description = SVN Properties PropertiesEditor_Name = {0} [Rev: {1}] PropertiesEditor_PartTitle = Properties ({0}) RemoveProperty_Title_Single = Confirm Property Remove RemoveProperty_Title_Multi = Confirm Properties Remove RemoveProperty_Message_Single = Are you sure you want to remove the selected property? RemoveProperty_Message_Multi = Are you sure you want to remove the selected properties? RemoveProperty_Recursively = Recursively Property_SVN_Author = If present, contains the authenticated username of the person who created the revision. If not present, then the revision was committed anonymously. Property_SVN_Log = Contains the log message describing the revision. Property_SVN_Date = Contains the UTC time the revision was created, in ISO 8601 format. The value comes from the server machine's clock, not the client's. Property_SVN_Autoversioned = If present, the revision was created via the autoversioning feature. Property_SVN_EOL = Specifies the type of end-of-line marker in file. One of 'native', 'LF' (line feed), 'CR' (carriage return), 'CRLF'. Property_SVN_Executable = Is used to control a versioned file's file system-level execute permission bit in a semi-automated way. If present, makes the file executable. Property_SVN_Externals = A newline separated list of module specifiers, each of which consists of an optional revision, an URL and a relative directory path. \ For example:\r\n\ http://svn.example.com/repos/calc calc\r\n\ -r1234 http://svn.example.com/repos/calc\r\n\r\n\ URLs must be properly escaped or they will not work, e.g. you must replace each space with %20.\r\n\ If you want the local path to include spaces or other special characters, you can enclose it in double quotes or you can use the \ (backslash) character (for SVN 1.6 and newer).\r\n\r\n\ The URLs can either be ful URLs or relative. The format for the relative URLs is:\r\n\ ../ relative to the parent directory of the external\r\n\ ^/ relative to the repository root\r\n\ // relative to the URL scheme\r\n\ / relative to the server's hostname\r\n\r\n\ You may also use # chacter to comment out a line. Property_SVN_Ignore = A newline separated list of file patterns to ignore. Property_SVN_Keywords = Keywords to be expanded. Appropriable values are \"Date\" (\"LastChangeDate\"), \"Revision\" (\"Rev\", \"LastChangedRevision\"), \"Author\" (\"LastChangedBy\"), \"HeadURL\" (\"URL\") or \"Id\". Property_SVN_NeedsLock = If present, indicates that the file should be locked, before it is modified. Property_SVN_Mimetype = The MIME type of the file. Used to determine whether to merge the file. Property_SVN_Mergeinfo = SVN Merge tracking information. Property_TSVN_LogTemplate = Holds a multiline text string which will be inserted in the commit message box when you start a commit. You can then edit it to include the required information. Property_TSVN_LogWidthMarker = Places a marker to indicate the maximum width, and it disables word wrap in the display, so that you can see whether the text you entered is too long. Property_TSVN_LogMinSize = Specifies the minimum length of a log message for a commit. If you enter a shorter message than specified here, the commit is disabled. If this property is not set, or the value is zero, empty log messages are allowed. Property_TSVN_LockMsgMinSize = Specifies the minimum length of a lock message. If you enter a shorter message than specified here, the lock is disabled. If this property is not set, or the value is zero, empty lock messages are allowed. Property_TSVN_LogFileListEnglish = Defines whether the file status is inserted in English or in the localized language. If the property is not set, the default is \"true\". Property_TSVN_ProjectLanguage = Sets the language module the spell checking engine should use when you enter a log message. Property_Bugtraq_URL = The URL pointing to the bug tracking tool. The URL string should contain the substring "%BUGID%". Property_Bugtraq_LogRegex = One or two regular expressions, separated by a newline. Property_Bugtraq_Label = GUI label describing the text box where the user has to enter the issue number. Property_Bugtraq_Message = The value string of this property is used to create an additional line added to the log message. The string must contain the substring "%BUGID%". Property_Bugtraq_Number = If this property is set to \"false\" any character is allowed to be entered in the issue text box. Property_Bugtraq_WarnIfNoIssue = If set to \"true\" the user will be warned if the issue text box is left empty. Property_Bugtraq_Append = If set to \"false\", then the bugtraq:message part is inserted at the top of the log message, if "true" or not set, then it's appended to the log message at the bottom. SVNConsole_Name = SVN SVNConsole_Error = Error SVNConsole_Warning = Warning SVNConsole_Cancelled = Canceled SVNConsole_Ok = Ok SVNConsole_Took = (took {0}) SVNConsoleRemoveAction_CloseConsole=Close SVN Console BuiltInAnnotateRevision_Revision = Revision: BuiltInAnnotateRevision_Author = Author: BuiltInAnnotateRevision_Date = Date: BuiltInAnnotateRevision_Message = Comment: BuiltInAnnotateRevision_MergedWith = Line {0} is merged from {1} ({2} at {3}) DefaultCheckoutFactory_EclipseProject = Eclipse Project DepthSelectionComposite_DepthGroup=Depth DepthSelectionComposite_PathLabel=Path: DepthSelectionComposite_RepositoryPanelDescription=Select resource name DepthSelectionComposite_RepositoryPanelMessage=Select resource name for which to update depth. This can be used to include only needed resources to project. DepthSelectionComposite_UpdateDepth=Update depth UpdateActionGroup_CommitAllOutgoingChanges = Commit All Outgoing Changes UpdateActionGroup_Commit = Commit... UpdateActionGroup_OverrideAndCommit = Override and Commit... UpdateActionGroup_EditConflicts = Edit Conflicts UpdateActionGroup_EditTreeConflicts = Edit Tree Conflicts UpdateActionGroup_AddToVersionControl = Add to Version Control... UpdateActionGroup_AddToIgnore = Add to svn:ignore... UpdateActionGroup_Lock =Lock... UpdateActionGroup_Unlock =Unlock... UpdateActionGroup_ScanLocks = Scan Locks SynchronizeActionGroup_CompareProperties = Compare Properties SynchronizeActionGroup_MergeProperties = Merge Properties SynchronizeActionGroup_Branch = Branch... SynchronizeActionGroup_Cleanup =Cleanup SynchronizeActionGroup_SetProperty = Set Property... SynchronizeActionGroup_SetKeywords = Set Keywords... SynchronizeActionGroup_UpdateAllIncomingChanges = Update All Incoming Changes SynchronizeActionGroup_AcceptAllIncomingChanges = Accept All Incoming Changes SynchronizeActionGroup_Update = Update SynchronizeActionGroup_Accept = Accept SynchronizeActionGroup_ExpandAll = Expand All SynchronizeActionGroup_OverrideAndUpdate = Override and Update... MergeActionGroup_OverrideAndUpdate = Override and Update SynchronizeActionGroup_MarkAsMerged = Mark as Merged SynchronizeActionGroup_Revert = Revert... SynchronizeActionGroup_ShowResourceHistory = Show History SynchronizeActionGroup_Outgoing = Local SynchronizeActionGroup_Incoming = Remote OptionsActionGroup_ShowInfoContiguous = Show Synchronize Info Incrementally UnlockResourcesDialog_Title = Confirm Resources Unlock UnlockResourcesDialog_Message = Are you sure you want to unlock the selected resources? UnlockResourcesDialog_Recursively = Recursively SetPropertyWithOverrideDialog_Title = Confirm Overwrite SetPropertyWithOverrideDialog_Message = The property ''{0}'' already exists in the resource properties and will be overwritten. Proceed with the overwrite of ''{0}'' property? ReplaceWarningDialog_Title = Confirm Replace ReplaceWarningDialog_Message = Are you sure you want to replace your local content with a new remote one? TagModifyWarningDialog_Title = Confirm Tag Modification TagModifyWarningDialog_Message = You are going to modify the tag on the repository. Do you want to continue? TagModifyWarningDialog_CustomText = Don't ask any more for projects which contain tag modification. OperationErrorDialog_Message_DifferentRepositories = Cannot perform operation because the selected resources refer to the different repositories. OperationErrorDialog_Message_DifferentProjects = Cannot perform operation with resources that are related to different project structures. ShowPostCommitErrorsDialog_Title = Post-commit hook failure NotifyUnresolvedConflictDialog_Title = Unresolved Conflict NotifyUnresolvedConflictDialog_Message = One or more of selected resources have unresolved conflicts. Go to the Synchronize View and do manual merge to resolve them. NotifyNodeKindChangedDialog_Title = Node Kind Is Changed NotifyNodeKindChangedDialog_Message = One or more of selected resources are overridden with resources having different node kind.\nUpdate following:\n\n{0}\nbefore commit your changes. NonValidLocationErrorDialog_Title = Validate Location NonValidLocationErrorDialog_Message = Location information has been specified incorrectly.\n\n{0}Keep location anyway? DisconnectDialog_Title = Confirm Disconnect from SVN DisconnectDialog_Message = Are you sure you want to disconnect {0} project(s) from SVN? DisconnectDialog_Option_dropSVNMeta = Also delete the SVN meta-information from the file system. DisconnectDialog_Option_leaveSVNMeta = Do not delete the SVN meta-information (e.g. .svn subdirectories). DiscardConfirmationDialog_Location_Title_Single = Confirm Discard Location DiscardConfirmationDialog_Location_Title_Multi = Confirm Discard Locations DiscardConfirmationDialog_Location_Message_Single = Are you sure you want to discard selected location? DiscardConfirmationDialog_Location_Message_Multi = Are you sure you want to discard selected locations? DiscardConfirmationDialog_RevisionLink_Title_Single = Confirm Discard Revision Link DiscardConfirmationDialog_RevisionLink_Title_Multi = Confirm Discard Revision Links DiscardConfirmationDialog_RevisionLink_Message_Single = Are you sure you want to discard selected revision link? DiscardConfirmationDialog_RevisionLink_Message_Multi = Are you sure you want to discard selected revision links? DiscardConfirmationDialog_Resource_Title_Single = Confirm Resource Deletion DiscardConfirmationDialog_Resource_Title_Multi = Confirm Resources Deletion DiscardConfirmationDialog_Resource_Message_Single = Are you sure you want to delete selected resource? DiscardConfirmationDialog_Resource_Message_Multi = Are you sure you want to delete selected resources? SVNContainerSelectionGroup_Verifier_NotSelected = Destination is not selected. SVNContainerSelectionGroup_Verifier_NonSVN = Destination directory is detached from the source control. SVNContainerSelectionGroup_Verifier_NonSVNWarning = Destination project is detached from the source control. So please take into consideration that the plug-in won't provide any SVN actions for these resources. SVNContainerSelectionGroup_Verifier_Deleted = Destination directory is in 'deleted' state. SVNContainerSelectionGroup_Verifier_Obstructed = Destination directory is in 'obstructed' state. SSLComposite_EnableAuthentication = &Enable Client Authentication SSLComposite_ClientCertificate = Client Certificate SSLComposite_File = &File: SSLComposite_File_Verifier = SSL Settings > File SSLComposite_Passphrase = Passph&rase: SSLComposite_SavePassphrase = &Save passphrase SSHComposite_Port = P&ort: SSHComposite_Port_Verifier = SSH Settings > Port SSHComposite_Authentication = Authentication SSHComposite_Password = &Password SSHComposite_PrivateKey = Private &Key: SSHComposite_File = &File: SSHComposite_File_Verifier = SSH Settings > Private Key File SSHComposite_Passphrase = Passph&rase: SSHComposite_SavePassphrase = &Save passphrase SecurityWarningComposite_Message = To manage your security data, please see ''Secure Storage'' RevisionComposite_Revision = Revision RevisionComposite_RevisionCtrl = Revision: RevisionComposite_Revisions = Revisions RevisionComposite_RevisionsCtrl = R&evisions: RevisionComposite_DateTime = Date: RevisionComposite_All = &All RevisionComposite_StartFromCopy = S&tart from copy RevisionComposite_Revision_Verifier = R&evision RevisionComposite_HeadRevision = Head Revision RevisionComposite_Reverse = Re&verse merge ResourceSelectionComposite_Resource = Resource ResourceSelectionComposite_Content = Content ResourceSelectionComposite_TreatAsEdit = Treat as Edit ResourceSelectionComposite_Properties = Properties ResourceSelectionComposite_InvalidResource = Invalid Resource ResourceSelectionComposite_Info = Selected: {0} of {1} RepositoryRootsComposite_EnableDetection = &Enable Structure Detection RepositoryRootsComposite_ResourceNames = Resource Names RepositoryRootsComposite_Trunk = Trunk: RepositoryRootsComposite_Trunk_Verifier = Advanced > Trunk RepositoryRootsComposite_Branches = Branches: RepositoryRootsComposite_Branches_Verifier = Advanced > Branches RepositoryRootsComposite_Tags = Tags: RepositoryRootsComposite_Tags_Verifier = Advanced > Tags RepositoryResourceSelectionComposite_URL = URL: RepositoryResourceSelectionComposite_URL_Verifier = URL RepositoryResourceSelectionComposite_URL_Verifier_Error = ''{0}'' location does not correspond to the ''{1}'' location RepositoryResourceSelectionComposite_Select_Title = Select Resource RepositoryResourceSelectionComposite_StartRevision = Start Revision RepositoryResourceSelectionComposite_HeadRevision = Head Revision RepositoryResourceSelectionComposite_StopRevision = Stop Revision RepositoryResourceOnlySelectionComposite_URL = URL: RepositoryResourceOnlySelectionComposite_URL_Verifier = URL RepositoryResourceOnlySelectionComposite_URL_Verifier_Error = ''{0}'' location does not correspond to the ''{1}'' location RepositoryResourceOnlySelectionComposite_Select_Title = Select Resource RepositoryPropertiesTabFolder_General = &General RepositoryPropertiesTabFolder_Advanced = &Advanced RepositoryPropertiesTabFolder_SSHSettings = SS&H Settings RepositoryPropertiesTabFolder_SSLSettings = SS&L Settings RepositoryPropertiesTabFolder_Proxy = Proxy Settings RepositoryPropertiesTabFolder_Proxy_Link = Subversive uses Eclipse IDE proxy settings to connect to repositories' server. In order to define these settings refer to 'Network Connections' preference page. RepositoryPropertiesTabFolder_ShowFor = Sho&w Credentials For: RepositoryPropertiesTabFolder_ValidateOnFinish = &Validate Repository Location on finish RepositoryPropertiesTabFolder_ResetChanges = R&eset Changes RepositoryPropertiesTabFolder_UnavailableMessage = These settings are not available for the chosen SVN connector. RepositoryPropertiesTabFolder_LinkToPreferences = See 'SVN' Preference page. RepositoryPropertiesComposite_URL = URL: RepositoryPropertiesComposite_URL_Verifier = General > URL RepositoryPropertiesComposite_URL_Verifier_Warning = The attached projects will be relocated because the repository root URL differs from the previously entered one. RepositoryPropertiesComposite_SelectNewURL = Select New Root URL RepositoryPropertiesComposite_Label = Label RepositoryPropertiesComposite_UseURL = Use the &repository URL as the label RepositoryPropertiesComposite_UseCustom = Use a &custom label: RepositoryPropertiesComposite_UseCustom_Verifier = General > Custom Label ReportingComposite_Product = Product: ReportingComposite_Hint = You can provide us your e-mail and name to let us keep you informed about the status of the occurred problem solving if you wish. No confidential information is picked from your computer. You can preview what exactly will the generated report contain. ReportingComposite_ErrorHint = You can provide us your e-mail and name to let us keep you informed about the status of the occurred problem solving if you wish. No confidential information is picked from your computer. The report contents are: the plug-in ID, JVM properties and the occurred exception stack trace. You can preview what exactly will the generated report contain. ReportingComposite_EMail = E-mail: ReportingComposite_Name = Name: ReportingComposite_Comment = Comment: ReportingComposite_Comment_Verifier = Comment ReportingComposite_Preview = &Preview ReportingComposite_Preview_Title = {0} preview ReportingComposite_Product_Verifier = No bug and tip reporters installed. If you wish to report bugs and tips please install the Subversive integration for the Mylyn project. ProxyComposite_Description = The username and password are required by ''{0}'' proxy server to connect to the repository. ProxyComposite_Authentication = Authentication ProxyComposite_Username = Username: ProxyComposite_Password = Password: ProxyComposite_SavePassword = Save password PropertiesComposite_Name = Name PropertiesComposite_Value = Value PropertiesComposite_Add = Add... PropertiesComposite_Edit = Edit... PropertiesComposite_Remove = Remove PropertiesComposite_SetKeywords = Set Keywords... PropertiesComposite_ApplyRecursively = Apply Recursively... PropertiesComposite_SaveValueToFile = Save Value To File... PropertiesComposite_Refresh = Refresh ProjectListComposite_ProjectName = Project Name ProjectListComposite_RepositoryLabel = Repository Label ProjectListComposite_RepositoryURL = Repository URL SVNLocalFileRevision_CurrentVersion = LogMessagesComposite_CurrentRevision = *({0}) LogMessagesComposite_NoLocal = No Local Revisions LogMessagesComposite_NoRemote = No Remote Revisions LogMessagesComposite_NoRevs = No Revisions LogMessagesComposite_Group_Today = Today LogMessagesComposite_Group_Yesterday = Yesterday LogMessagesComposite_Group_Week = Last Week LogMessagesComposite_Group_Month = This Month LogMessagesComposite_Group_Earlier = Older than This Month LogMessagesComposite_Add = Add LogMessagesComposite_Modify = Modify LogMessagesComposite_Delete = Delete LogMessagesComposite_Replace = Replace LogMessagesComposite_Revision = Revision LogMessagesComposite_Date = Date LogMessagesComposite_Changes = Changes LogMessagesComposite_Author = Author LogMessagesComposite_Comment = Comment CredentialsComposite_Authentication = Authentication CredentialsComposite_User = &User: CredentialsComposite_Password = &Password: CredentialsComposite_SavePassword = &Save authentication (could trigger secure storage login) CommentComposite_Previous = ------------------------------ Previous Comments ------------------------------ CommentComposite_Previous_Hint = No comments defined CommentComposite_Template = ------------------------------ Comment Templates ------------------------------ CommentComposite_Template_Hint = To define comment templates go to Window->Preferences->Team->SVN->Comments and Input History CommentComposite_LogTemplate = ------------------------------ Log Template Properties -------------------------- CommentComposite_LogTemplate_Hint = To define 'tsvn:logtemplate' property go to 'SVN Properties' view CommentComposite_BugID_Verifier_Error_Number = ''{0}'' field should contain one or more numbers, which can be separated only by commas, or the field can be left empty. CommentComposite_BugID_Verifier_Error_Text = ''{0}'' field should contain string which matches ''{1}'' regex. CommentComposite_BugID_Verifier_Warning = An issue number is not specified. CommentComposite_Comment_Verifier = Comment CommentComposite_ChooseComment = C&hoose a previously entered comment or template: ApplyPropertyMethodComposite_ResourcesOptions = Filtration options ApplyPropertyMethodComposite_AllResources = All &resources ApplyPropertyMethodComposite_FilesOnly = F&iles only ApplyPropertyMethodComposite_FoldersOnly = F&olders only ApplyPropertyMethodComposite_ResourceNameFiltration = &Use filtration by the resource name ApplyPropertyMethodComposite_Mask = &Mask: ApplyPropertyMethodComposite_Mask_Verifier = Mask AffectedPathsComposite_Name = Name AffectedPathsComposite_Path = Path AffectedPathsComposite_CopiedFrom = Copied From AffectedPathsComposite_CopiedFromRevision = Copied From Revision AffectedPathsComposite_Open_Title = Not A File AffectedPathsComposite_Open_Message = Operation can be applied to the files, not to the directories. The resource ''{0}'' is a directory. AffectedPathsComposite_NoPreviousRevision_Title = Initial Revision Selected AffectedPathsComposite_NoPreviousRevision_Message = There are no revisions to compare with. AffectedPathsActions_CantGetContent_Title = Cannot get content AffectedPathsActions_CantGetContent_Message = Get Remote Content operation cannot be performed for the selected resource. The selected resource must be a child of a history originator. PropertyCompareInput_Title2 = Properties Comparison ({0} - {1}) PropertyCompareInput_Title3 = Properties Comparison ({0} - {1} - {2}) ResourceCompareInput_Title2 = Compare ({0}-{1}) ResourceCompareInput_Title3 = Compare ({0}-{1}-{2}) ResourceCompareInput_CheckingDelta = Checking Delta: [{0}] ResourceCompareInput_ResourceIsNotAvailable = N/A ResourceCompareInput_RevisionSign = Rev:{0} ResourceCompareInput_PrejFile = Conflict file ResourceCompareInput_BaseSign = Base:{0} ResourceCompareInput_LocalSign = Local ResourceCompareInput_Fetch = Fetch Content ThreeWayResourceCompareInput_SaveChanges = Save changes... ConflictingFileEditorInput_Working = [Working] ConflictingFileEditorInput_Repository = [Repository] ConflictingFileEditorInput_Base = [Base] ConflictingFileEditorInput_EditConflicts = [Edit Conflicts] CompareLocalPanel_Save = Save CompareLocalPanel_Title = Compare CompareLocalPanel_Description = Compare local resource with... CompareLocalPanel_Message = In this dialog you can preview and edit the file content modifications and then save changes of local file or just exit without saving. ComparePropsPanel_Description = Compare resource properties ComparePropsPanel_Local_Message = In this dialog you can preview and edit the resource properties, save changes of local resource, add and remove properties of the local resource. ComparePropsPanel_Remote_Message = In this dialog you can review the resource properties for the revisions being compared. ComparePropsNoDiff_Title = Compare ComparePropsNoDiff_Message = There are no differences between the selected inputs. ChangeSet_NewSet = New Set ChangeSet_DefaultDecoration = (default) #MergeScope_Name = Merging ''{0}'' into ''{1}'' MergeView_TaskName = Merge RepositoryFileViewer_Name = {0} [Rev:{1}] AffectedPathsContentProvider_RootName = ROOT HistoryView_Name = SVN History HistoryView_Open = Open HistoryView_OpenWith = Open With HistoryView_TextEditor = Text Editor HistoryView_SystemEditor = System Editor HistoryView_InplaceEditor = In-place Editor HistoryView_DefaultEditor = Default Editor HistoryView_CompareEachOther = Compare with Each Other HistoryView_HEAD = HEAD HistoryView_CompareCurrentWith = Compare Current with {0} HistoryView_RevisionLocal = Local HistoryView_CompareWithPrevious = Compare with Previous State HistoryView_CopyHistory = Copy HistoryView_GetContents = Get Content HistoryView_UpdateTo = Update To HistoryView_BranchFrom = Branch from {0}... HistoryView_BranchFromRevision = Branch from Revision... HistoryView_TagFrom = Tag from {0}... HistoryView_TagFromRevision = Tag from Revision... HistoryView_RevisionsRange = Set Revisions Range... HistoryView_QuickFilter = Quick Filter... HistoryView_ClearFilter = Clear Filter HistoryView_ShowCommentViewer = Show Comment Viewer HistoryView_ShowAffectedPathsViewer = Show Affected Paths Viewer HistoryView_HideUnrelatedPaths = Hide Unrelated Paths HistoryView_StopOnCopy = Stop On Copy HistoryView_GroupByDate = Group By Date HistoryView_ShowBoth = Local and Remote Revisions HistoryView_ShowLocal = Local Revisions HistoryView_ShowRemote = Remote Revisions HistoryView_CompareMode = Compare Mode HistoryView_LinkEditorSelection = Link with Editor and Selection HistoryView_AffectedPathLayout = &Affected Path Layout HistoryView_Hierarchical = Hierarchical HistoryView_Flat = Flat HistoryView_Refresh = Refresh HistoryView_GetNextPage = Get Next Page HistoryView_ShowNextPage = Show Next Page HistoryView_ShowNextX = Show Next {0} HistoryView_ShowAll = Show All HistoryView_ExportLog = Export Log ExportLogDialog_Title = Save Log As Operation_ExportLog = Export History Log Operation HistoryRangePanel_Title = Revisions Range HistoryRangePanel_Description = Define a resource revisions fetch range HistoryRangePanel_Message = You can define start, stop revision or both. If the range contains more revisions than allowed to be shown on the page then please use the 'Next Page' button in order to browse the rest of history. HistoryRangePanel_StartRevision = Newest Revision HistoryRangePanel_StopRevision = Oldest Revision HistoryRangePanel_Default = Default ListSelectionPanel_Title = Selection Needed ListSelectionPanel_Resource = Resource ListSelectionPanel_LocalPresentation = Local Presentation HistoryFilterPanel_Title = Quick Filter HistoryFilterPanel_Description = Select filtration mask HistoryFilterPanel_Message = You can filter the log messages by the author and the comment fields concurrently or separately. Following wildcard characters could be used: '?' = any character, '*' = any string. HistoryFilterPanel_Author = &Author: HistoryFilterPanel_Author_Verifier = Author HistoryFilterPanel_Comment = &Comment: HistoryFilterPanel_Path = C&hanged Path: PropertyApplyPanel_Title_Single = Apply property recursively PropertyApplyPanel_Title_Multi = Apply properties recursively PropertyApplyPanel_Description_Single = Select the resources to apply the property to PropertyApplyPanel_Description_Multi = Select the resources to apply the properties to PropertyApplyPanel_Message_Single = You can choose the resources to apply the property to. They can be filtered by node kind or by mask. PropertyApplyPanel_Message_Multi = You can choose the resources to apply the properties to. They can be filtered by node kind or by mask. AbstractPropertyEditPanel_Name = &Name: AbstractPropertyEditPanel_Name_Verifier = Property Name AbstractPropertyEditPanel_Name_Verifier_IgnoreStrings = You should select one of the proposed property names or enter a new one. AbstractPropertyEditPanel_custom_description = ------------------------------ Custom properties ------------------------------ AbstractPropertyEditPanel_custom_hint = To define custom properties go to Window->Preferences->Team->SVN->Properties Configuration AbstractPropertyEditPanel_svn_description = ------------------------------ Subversion defined properties ------------------------------ AbstractPropertyEditPanel_revprop_description = ------------------------------ Revision properties ------------------------------ AbstractPropertyEditPanel_EnterValue = &Enter a property value: AbstractPropertyEditPanel_UserDefined = User defined property. AbstractPropertyEditPanel_NoDescription = No description available. AbstractPropertyEditPanel_DefaultMessage = Please follow the recommendations below while your input. AbstractPropertyEditPanel_LoadValue = &Load a property value from a file: AbstractPropertyEditPanel_File_Verifier = File Name RevisionPropertyView_Decript = The revision properties are viewed for {0} (Rev: {1}) RevisionPropertyEditPanel_Title = Modify Revision Properties RevisionPropertyEditPanel_Description = Enter a property name and value for ''{0}'' revision PropertyEditPanel_Title_Edit = Edit Property PropertyEditPanel_Title_Add = Add Property PropertyEditPanel_Description = Enter a property name and its value PropertyEditPanel_Recursively = &Apply property recursively to: PropertyEditPanel_bugtraq_description = ------------------------------ Bug tracking properties ------------------------------ PropertyEditPanel_tsvn_description = ------------------------------ TortoiseSVN defined properties ------------------------------ PropertyEditPanel_regExp_Verifier = The property value must match ''{0}'' regular expression. PropertyEditPanel_Verifier_svneol_style = The value must be only one of 'native', 'CR', 'LF' or 'CRLF'. PropertyEditPanel_Verifier_svnexternals = Wrong svn:externals property format. PropertyEditPanel_Verifier_svnignore = You should use only '?' and '*' special symbols to specify the pattern. PropertyEditPanel_Verifier_svnkeywords = Please input one of the following values: 'Date', 'Revision', 'Author', 'HeadURL', 'Id', 'LastChangedDate', 'Rev', 'LastChangedRevision' , 'LastChangedBy' or 'URL'. PropertyEditPanel_Verifier_tsvnlogwidthmarker = Please input non-negative integer value. PropertyEditPanel_Verifier_tsvnlogminsize = Please input non-negative integer value. PropertyEditPanel_Verifier_tsvnlockmsgminsize = Please input non-negative integer value. PropertyEditPanel_Verifier_tsvnlogfilelistenglish = The value must be only one of 'true' or 'false'. PropertyEditPanel_Verifier_bugtraqurl = Please input a valid URL containing '%BUGID%' substring. PropertyEditPanel_Verifier_bugtraqlogregex = The regular expression is not valid. PropertyEditPanel_Verifier_bugtraqmessage = Please ensure the message contains '%BUGID%' substring. PropertyEditPanel_Verifier_bugtraqnumber = The value must be only one of 'true' or 'false'. PropertyEditPanel_Verifier_bugtraqwarnifnoissue = The value must be only one of 'true' or 'false'. PropertyEditPanel_Verifier_bugtraqappend = The value must be only one of 'true' or 'false'. PropertyEditPanel_Verifier_svndate = The date must be inputed in the \"{0}\" format. PropertyEditPanel_Verifier_Warning_svndate = After changing of this property the original commit date is lost. PropertyEditPanel_Verifier_Warning_svnauthor = After changing of this property the original author username is lost. PropertyEditPanel_Verifier_Warning_svnlog = After changing of this property the original log message is lost. PropertyKeywordEditPanel_Title = Set Keyword Property PropertyKeywordEditPanel_Description = Select keywords to be included in 'svn:keywords' property PropertyKeywordEditPanel_Message_Single = You can configure 'svn:keywords' property value. Select the keywords to be included for the selected resource. PropertyKeywordEditPanel_Message_Multi = You can configure 'svn:keywords' property value. Select the keywords to be included for the selected resources. PropertyKeywordEditPanel_Keyword = Keyword PropertyKeywordEditPanel_Description1 = Description PropertyKeywordEditPanel_Sample = Sample PropertyKeywordEditPanel_UseMask = &Use file names filtration mask: PropertyKeywordEditPanel_Mask_Verifier = Mask PropertyKeywordEditPanel_Recursively = Set &keywords recursively SVNKeywordProperty_DATE_DESCR = The last time the file was known to have been changed in the repository SVNKeywordProperty_REVISION_DESCR = The last known revision in which the file changed in the repository SVNKeywordProperty_AUTHOR_DESCR = The last known user to change this file on the repository SVNKeywordProperty_HEAD_URL_DESCR = The full URL to the latest version of the file on the repository SVNKeywordProperty_ID_DESCR = A compressed combination of the other keywords SVNKeywordProperty_HEADER_DESCR = A compressed combination of the other keywords, but contains the full URL of the latest revision of the item. PreviewReportPanel_Title = &Preview PreviewReportPanel_Message = The exact contents of the generated report are represented below. You can send it to the plug-in developers in order to improve product quality and reliability. PreviewErrorReportPanel_Description = Problem report preview ErrorCancelPanel_Send = Send Report ErrorCancelPanel_DontSend = Don't Send ErrorCancelPanel_Title_Failed = Operation failed ErrorCancelPanel_Title_Cancelled = Operation was canceled ErrorCancelPanel_Description_Failed_Empty = Operation failed ErrorCancelPanel_Description_Cancelled_Empty = Operation was canceled ErrorCancelPanel_Description_Failed = {0} operation failed ErrorCancelPanel_Description_Cancelled = {0} operation was canceled ErrorCancelPanel_Message_Send = Errors occurred during the operation execution. You can send the error report and your comments to the plug-in developers. This is suggested in order to improve product quality and reliability. ErrorCancelPanel_Message_DontSend = For more information see the text listed below. ErrorCancelPanel_Message_DontSend_Single = 1 error occurred during the operation execution. For more information see the text listed below. ErrorCancelPanel_Message_DontSend_Multi = {0} errors occurred during the operation execution. For more information see the text listed below. ErrorCancelPanel_NoInfo = No information. ErrorCancelPanel_NoAdvancedInfo = No advanced information. ErrorCancelPanel_OriginalReport = Original Report ErrorCancelPanel_OriginalReportPreview = Original report preview RenameResourcePanel_Title = Rename Remote Resource RenameResourcePanel_Description = Enter a new resource name and a comment ImportPanel_Title = Import Folder ImportPanel_Description = Enter a local folder path to import from ImportPanel_Message = The content of the chosen local folder will be added directly to the selected repository folder located at ''{0}''. ImportPanel_Folder = Path: ImportPanel_ImportFolder = Import Folder ImportPanel_ImportFolder_Msg = Select a folder to import ImportPanel_Comment = Comment ExportPanel_Title = Export To ExportPanel_Description = Enter a local folder path to export to ExportPanel_Message = The selected repository resource will be added directly to the chosen local folder. Also you can specify a revision to be exported. ExportPanel_Folder = Path: ExportPanel_ExportFolder = Export To ExportPanel_ExportFolder_Msg = Select a folder to export to DiscardLocationFailurePanel_Title_Single = Discard Repository Location DiscardLocationFailurePanel_Title_Multi = Discard Repository Locations DiscardLocationFailurePanel_Description_Single = This location cannot be discarded DiscardLocationFailurePanel_Description_Multi = These locations cannot be discarded DiscardLocationFailurePanel_Message_Single = To discard the location you need to disconnect the following projects from this repository location. DiscardLocationFailurePanel_Message_Multi = To discard the locations you need to disconnect the following projects from these repository locations. DiscardLocationFailurePanel_Disconnect = Disconnect DiscardLocationFailurePanel_Delete = Delete CreateProjectStructurePanel_Title = Create Project Structure CreateProjectStructurePanel_Description = Enter a project name and a comment CreateProjectStructurePanel_Monolythic = &Monolithic layout CreateProjectStructurePanel_SingleOrMulti = &Single project or multiple projects layout CreateFolderPanel_Title = Create Folder CreateFolderPanel_Description = Enter a folder name and a comment CreateFilePanel_Title = Create File CreateFilePanel_Description = Enter a file name and a comment CreateFilePanel_Message = Selected local file will be created directly in the selected repository folder located at ''{0}''. CreateFilePanel_FilePath = &File Path: CreateFilePanel_FilePath_Verifier = File Path CreateFilePanel_FilePath_Verifier_Error_NotAFile = Some of resources, contained in field ''{0}'' are not files. CreateFilePanel_FilePath_Verifier_Error_Exists = Some of resources, contained in field ''{0}'' do not exist on the file system. CreateFilePanel_ImportFile = Import File CreateFilePanel_Comment = C&omment ComparePanel_Title = Compare With ComparePanel_Description = Select URL and the revision of the resource ComparePanel_Message = Select URL and the revision of the resource on the repository to compare with. ComparePanel_Selection_Title = Compare with ComparePanel_Selection_Description = Select a repository resource to compare with. ReplaceUrlPanel_Title = Replace With ReplaceUrlPanel_Description = Select URL and the revision of the resource ReplaceUrlPanel_Message = Select URL and the revision of the resource on the repository to replace with. ReplaceUrlPanel_Selection_Title = Replace with ReplaceUrlPanel_Selection_Description = Select a repository resource to replace with. AbstractGetResourceNamePanel_Message_Simple = The valid resource name should not contain wildcard characters or path separators like '?', '*', ':', '\\', '/' etc. AbstractGetResourceNamePanel_Message_MultiPart = The valid resource name should not contain wildcard characters or path separators like '?', '*', ':' etc. AbstractGetResourceNamePanel_Name = Name: AbstractGetResourceNamePanel_Name_Verifier = Name AbstractGetResourceNamePanel_Name_Verifier_Error = Field ''{0}'' shouldn''t equal ''{1}'' AbstractGetResourceNamePanel_Comment = Comment AbstractBranchTagPanel_CreationMode_AsIs = Use the working copy as it is AbstractBranchTagPanel_CreationMode_CheckRevision = Check if the working copy is in sync beforehand AbstractBranchTagPanel_CreationMode_DoUpdate = Perform update beforehand AbstractBranchTagPanel_CreationMode_Repository = Use the repository version SynchronizeParticipant = SVN SwitchPanel_Title = Switch To SwitchPanel_Description = Select URL and revision of the repository resource SwitchPanel_Message = Please note, that you can switch not only to the head revision of the selected resource, but to the one of the previous revisions as well. SwitchPanel_Selection_Title = Switch to SwitchPanel_Selection_Description = Select a repository resource to switch existing working copy to. RevertPanel_Title = Revert RevertPanel_Description = Selected resources will be reverted to the unmodified state RevertPanel_Pane_Description = Following resources will be reverted to the unmodified state RevertPanel_Message = Please note, that all local changes for the selected resources will be lost while this operation. The Revert Operation will be applied only to the resources which are selected in the list represented below. RevertPanel_Pane_Message = Please note, that all local changes for resources will be lost while this operation. The Revert Operation will be applied only to changed resources represented below. RevertPanel_Button_RemoveNonVersioned = &Remove non-versioned resources OverrideResourcesPanel_Affected = The resources shown below will be deleted by the operation: OverrideResourcesPanel_Affected_Warning = The the resources with parents not on repository are found. So the override operation will include them to its scope and their non versioned children will be deleted. Make sure that this wont damage your data before proceeding. OverrideResourcesPanel_Title = Confirm Overwrite OverrideResourcesPanel_Description_Commit = You have changes that conflict with the server. Release those changes? OverrideResourcesPanel_Description_Update = Do you want to overwrite local changes? OverrideResourcesPanel_Message = Select the resources to be overwritten from the list represented below. OverrideResourcesPanel_Pane_Message = Following resources represented below will be overwritten. LockPanel_Title = Lock LockPanel_Description_Default = Enter a lock comment LockPanel_Description_NeedsLock = The file you are trying to modify needs lock LockPanel_Message_NeedsLock = The file should be locked in order to get a possibility to modify it. This is indicated by 'svn:needs-lock' property which is set on the file. LockPanel_Comment = Comment LockPanel_Force = &Force lock LockPanel_Recursively = &Lock recursively MergePanel_Title = Merge MergePanel_Description = Select URLs and revisions of the repository resources to merge changes from MergePanel_Message = The target is the working copy. It is recommended to make it clean with no edits or mixed revisions, while for reintegrate merge it is a requirement. MergePanel_Preview = &Preview MergePanel_SourceURL1 = Source URL 1: MergePanel_SourceURL1_Verifier = Source URL 1 MergePanel_SourceURL2 = Source URL 2: MergePanel_SourceURL2_Verifier = Source URL 2 MergePanel_Selection_Title = Merge with MergePanel_Selection_Description = Select a repository resource to merge with. MergePanel_Preview_Header_Text = Operation Resource Path\n MergePanel_Preview_Header_Line = --------- -------------------------------------------------------------------\n MergePanel_Preview_Added = Added MergePanel_Preview_Deleted = Deleted MergePanel_Preview_Modified = Modified MergePanel_Preview_Default = MergePanel_Preview_Title = Merge Preview MergePanel_Preview_Description = Merge preview results MergePanel_Preview_Message = The merge operation is performed with 'Preview' option. Next time, if you run merge without 'Preview' option, you will receive changes enumerated below into your working copy. MergePanel_Button_IgnoreAncestry = &Ignore Ancestry MergePanel_Button_RecordOnly = &Record Only MergePanel_1URL = &URL MergePanel_2URL = 2 URL&s MergePanel_Reintegrate = &Reintegrate IgnoreMethodPanel_Title_Single = Add Resource To svn:ignore IgnoreMethodPanel_Title_Multi = Add Resources To svn:ignore IgnoreMethodPanel_Description_Single = Choose what ignore method you want to apply to the selected resource IgnoreMethodPanel_Description_Multi = Choose what ignore method you want to apply to the selected resources IgnoreMethodPanel_Message = While specifying custom pattern you can use the following wildcard characters: '?' = any character, '*' = any string. IgnoreMethodPanel_Name_Single = &Resource by name (For example: ''{0}'') IgnoreMethodPanel_Name_Multi = &Resources by name (For example: ''{0}'', ...) IgnoreMethodPanel_Extension_Single = &Wildcard extension (For example: ''*.{0}'') IgnoreMethodPanel_Extension_Multi = &Wildcard extension (For example: ''*.{0}'', ...) IgnoreMethodPanel_Pattern = &Custom pattern (For example: ''?{0}'') IgnoreMethodPanel_Pattern_Verifier = Pattern ContainerSelectionPanel_Title = Copy To ContainerSelectionPanel_Description = Choose a destination folder ContainerSelectionPanel_Message = Select a destination folder the resources will be copied to. Please note that this operation does not proceed for 'deleted' and 'obstructed' resources. ContainerSelectionPanel_NewName = Specify New Name: ContainerSelectionPanel_NewName_Verifier = New Name ContainerSelectionPanel_NewName_Verifier_Error = A resource with the specified name already exists in the selected container. ContainerSelectionPanel_PerformSVNCopy = Perform SVN copy ContainerSelectionPanel_CopyResourcesWithoutSVNHistory = Copy resources without SVN history ContainerSelectionPanel_ConflictMessage = There are some resources with duplicate names ({0}). These resources will not be copied. ContainerSelectionPanel_Selection_Verifier_AllInConflict = All the selected resources already exist in the destination. Specify another location. ContainerSelectionPanel_Selection_Verifier_SomeInConflict_Single = Resource {0} already exists in the destination folder. This resource will not be copied. ContainerSelectionPanel_Selection_Verifier_SomeInConflict_Multi = Resources {0} already exist in the destination folder. These resources will not be copied. CommitSetPanel_Title = Commit Set CommitSetPanel_Description_Edit = Edit change set CommitSetPanel_Description_New = Create new change set CommitSetPanel_Message_Edit = Change the name and/or comment for the change set CommitSetPanel_Message_New = Enter the name and comment for the new change set CommitSetPanel_Name = Set Name: CommitSetPanel_Name_Verifier = Set Name CommitSetPanel_Comment = Comment CommitPanel_Title = Commit CommitPanel_Description = Enter a commit comment and select resources to be overwritten CommitPanel_Message = Select the resources to be overwritten from the list represented below. In the 'Comment' field you can specify a new message or choose the previously entered one. Empty comments are allowed, but filling a comment message would help other people to understand the changes. CommitPanel_Comment = C&omment CommitPanel_KeepLocks = Keep &Locks CommitPanel_PasteNames_Button = &Paste selected names CommitPanel_NoBugId_Title = No Bug-ID CommitPanel_NoBugId_Message = The Bug-ID field is empty. Do you want to commit anyway? CommitPanel_PasteNames_Action = &Paste Selected Names CommitPanel_Revert_Action = Revert... CommitPanel_MarkAsMerged_Action = Mark as Merged CommitPanel_Ignore_Group = Add to svn:ignore CommitPanel_IgnoreByName_Multiple_Action = By names CommitPanel_IgnoreByExtension_Multiple_Action = By extensions CommitPanel_Delete_Action = Delete CommitPanel_ReplaceWith_Group = Replace With CommitPanel_CompareWith_Group = Compare With CommitPanel_Conflicting_Error = Some of the selected resources are conflicting. You should resolve the conflicts before committing. CommitPanel_Pane_Conflicting_Error = Some of the resources are conflicting. You should resolve the conflicts before committing. CommitPanel_Resource_Validation_Warning_Message = One or more of the files being committed contain warnings. CommitPanel_Resource_Validation_Error_Message = One or more of the files being committed contain errors. AddToSVNPanel_Title = Add to SVN Version Control AddToSVNPanel_Description = Selected resources will be added to the source control AddToSVNPanel_Pane_Description = Following resources will be added to the source control AddToSVNPanel_Message_Single = There is 1 resource that is not under SVN version control. Are you sure you want to add it? The operation will be applied only to the resources which are selected in the list represented below. AddToSVNPanel_Pane_Message_Single = There is 1 resource that is not under SVN version control. Are you sure you want to add it? The operation will be applied only to uncommitted resources represented below. AddToSVNPanel_Message_Multi = There are {0} resources that are not under SVN version control. Are you sure you want to add them? The operation will be applied only to the resources which are selected in the list represented below. AddToSVNPanel_Pane_Message_Multi = There are {0} resources that are not under SVN version control. Are you sure you want to add them? The operation will be applied only to uncommitted resources represented below. AddToSVNPanel_Ignore_Single = Add ''{0}'' to svn:ignore AddToSVNPanel_IgnoreByNames_Multiple = Add to svn:ignore by names AddToSVNPanel_IgnoreByExtension_Multiple = Add to svn:ignore by extensions AddToSVNPanel_Delete_Action_Lable = Delete TagPanel_Title = Create Tag TagPanel_Description = Enter a tag location and a comment TagPanel_Message = If the specified URL ends with the name of non-existent folder then the tag will be created with the name specified in the last URL segment, otherwise the original resource name will be used. TagPanel_MessageAuto = Enter the name of the folder where the tag will be created. TagPanel_Warning = Immediate switch will fails as selected resources contain added but not committed resources. TagPanel_StartsWith = S&tart working in the tag TagPanel_FreezeExternals = &Freeze svn:externals TagPanel_SelectionProposal = Select Tag Location TagPanel_NodeName = Ta&g: TagPanel_NodeName_Verifier = Tag TagPanel_NodeName_Verifier_Error_Exists = The tag with the name ''{0}'' already exists. TagPanel_Location_Group = Location TagPanel_Location_Field = Location: TagPanel_Location_Verifier = Location TagPanel_Location_Verifier_DoesNotCorresponds = ''{0}'' location does not correspond to the ''{1}'' location. TagPanel_Location_Verifier_NoTagName = Input the tag name. It should be typed at the end of the tag location URL. TagPanel_Comment = C&omment TagPanel_Exists_Verifier_Error = The tag with the name ''{0}'' already exists. SelectRevisionPanel_Title = Select Revision SelectRevisionPanel_Description = Select any of existing revisions SelectRevisionPanel_Message = You can choose any of represented revisions for the resource. Please note, that there is a possibility to filter messages by the author and the comment. SVNHistoryPanel_GroupByDate = Group by Date SVNHistoryPanel_Unrelated = Hide Unrelated Paths SVNHistoryPanel_StopOnCopy = Stop on Copy SVNHistoryPanel_QuickFilter = Quick Filter SVNHistoryPanel_ClearFilter = Clear Filter SVNHistoryPanel_ShowAll = Show All SVNHistoryPanel_Refresh = Refresh SVNHistoryPanel_ShowNextX = Show Next {0} SVNHistoryPanel_ShowNextPage = Show Next Page SVNHistoryPanel_NotSelected = Resource is not selected SVNHistoryPanel_Title = Show History SVNHistoryPanel_Description = Show history for resource SVNHistoryPanel_Message = Show history for resource RepositoryTreePanel_Description = Select a destination folder RepositoryTreePanel_Message_Single = Operation will be applied to the resource: {0}. RepositoryTreePanel_Message_UpTo4 = Operation will be applied to the following resources: {0}. RepositoryTreePanel_Message_Multi = Operation will be applied to the following resources: {0} RepositoryBrowsingPanel_Description = Select a remote resource location RepositoryBrowsingPanel_Message = The structure of the selected repository is represented below. Select the needed node in the resource tree. RepositoryBrowsingPanel_EmptyLabel = The folder is empty. RepositoryBrowsingPanel_Details = Details RepositoryBrowsingPanel_Details_Title = Accessing Repository Entry InputRevisionPanel_EditTitle = Edit Revision Link InputRevisionPanel_AddTitle = Add Revision Link InputRevisionPanel_SingleDescription = Enter revision link comment InputRevisionPanel_MultipleDescription = Select the revision and enter comment InputRevisionPanel_SingleMessage = Please specify revision link comment or choose the previously entered one. Revision link comment would help yourself understand why revision link was created. InputRevisionPanel_MultipleMessage = Please type or select one of existent revisions. You can specify revision link comment or choose the previously entered one. Revision link comment would help yourself understand why revision link was created. InputRevisionPanel_Caption_First = Revision InputRevisionPanel_Caption_Second = Head Revision InputRevisionPanel_Comment = &Comment EditCommentTemplatePanel_Title_New = New Comment Template EditCommentTemplatePanel_Title_Edit = Edit Comment Template EditCommentTemplatePanel_Description = Enter comment template EditCommentTemplatePanel_Message = Enter the string value to be added to the list of comment templates. EditCommentTemplatePanel_Template_Verifier = Template EditCustomPropertiesPanel_Title_Add = Add Custom Property EditCustomPropertiesPanel_Title_Edit = Edit Custom Property EditCustomPropertiesPanel_Description = Enter a custom property information. EditCustomPropertiesPanel_Message = Please define a custom property name, regular expression to be used for validation and property description. EditCustomPropertiesPanel_PropName = Name: EditCustomPropertiesPanel_PropName_Verifier = Name EditCustomPropertiesPanel_Optional = Optional information EditCustomPropertiesPanel_PropRegExp = Regular expression to be used for validation: EditCustomPropertiesPanel_PropDescription = Description of a property to be added: EditCustomPropertiesPanel_Validator_RegExp = Please input a valid regular expression or just leave this field empty. EditAutoPropertiesPanel_Title_Add = Add Automatic Property EditAutoPropertiesPanel_Title_Edit = Edit Automatic Property EditAutoPropertiesPanel_Description = Enter a file name template and properties EditAutoPropertiesPanel_Message = Define a file name template and a set of properties to be set for every matching file on adding that file to the version control system. EditAutoPropertiesPanel_FileName = File Name Template: EditAutoPropertiesPanel_FileName_Verifier = File Name Template EditAutoPropertiesPanel_Properties = Properties EditAutoPropertiesPanel_Properties_Verifier = Properties EditAutoPropertiesPanel_Properties_Hint = To define properties use the following format: name[=value]\nEvery property should be entered in a separate line. CommentPanel_Description = Enter a commit comment CommentPanel_Message = You can specify a new message or choose the previously entered one. Empty comments are allowed, but filling a comment message would help other people to understand the changes. BranchPanel_Title = Create Branch BranchPanel_Description = Enter a branch location and a comment BranchPanel_Message = If the specified URL ends with the name of non-existent folder then the branch will be created with the name specified in the last URL segment, otherwise the original resource name will be used. BranchPanel_MessageAuto = Enter the name of the folder where the branch will be created. AbstractBranchTagPanel_Message = The / and \\ characters are separators in path and using them will lead to creating sub-folders. Please note, that you can specify the revision for selected resources. AbstractCopyToMoveTo_Message = The / and \\ characters are separators in path and using them will lead to creating sub-folders. BranchPanel_Warning = Immediate switch will fails as selected resources contain added but not committed resources. BranchPanel_StartsWith = S&tart working in the branch BranchPanel_FreezeExternals = &Freeze svn:externals BranchPanel_SelectionProposal = Select Branch Location BranchPanel_NodeName = &Branch: BranchPanel_NodeName_Verifier = Branch BranchPanel_NodeName_Verifier_Error_Exists = The branch with the name ''{0}'' already exists. BranchPanel_Location_Group = Location BranchPanel_Location_Field = Location: BranchPanel_Location_Verifier = Location BranchPanel_Location_Verifier_DoesNotCorresponds = ''{0}'' location does not correspond to the ''{1}'' location. BranchPanel_Location_Verifier_NoTagName = Input the branch name. It should be typed at the end of the branch location URL. BranchPanel_Comment = C&omment BranchPanel_Exists_Verifier_Error = The branch with the name ''{0}'' already exists. UpdateToRevisionPanel_Title = Update To Revision UpdateToRevisionPanel_Description = Update resources UpdateToRevisionPanel_Message = Please, specify the revision to update to. Select_Branch_Title = Select Branch Location Select_Tag_Title = Select Tag Location Select_Branch_Label = Branch: Select_Tag_Label = Tag: Compare_Branch_Title = Compare With Branch Compare_Branch_Description = Select branch and revision Compare_Branch_Message = Select branch and revision to compare with. Compare_Tag_Title = Compare With Tag Compare_Tag_Description = Select tag and revision Compare_Tag_Message = Select tag and revision to compare with. CompareBranchTagPanel_ConstructResultVerifierError=Failed to construct the resource to compare with. CompareBranchTagPanel_ResultDescription=Resource with which comparing will be performed: CompareBranchTagPanel_ResultNone= Replace_Branch_Action_Label = Branch... Replace_Branch_Title = Replace With Branch Replace_Branch_Description = Select branch and revision Replace_Branch_Message = Select branch and revision to replace with. Replace_Tag_Action_Label = Tag... Replace_Tag_Title = Replace With Tag Replace_Tag_Description = Select tag and revision Replace_Tag_Message = Select tag and revision to replace with. ReplaceBranchTagPanel_ConstructResultVerifierError=Failed to construct the resource to replace with. ReplaceBranchTagPanel_ResultDescription=Resource with which replacing will be performed: ReplaceBranchTagPanel_ResultNone= PromptCredentialsPanel_Title = User Credentials PromptCredentialsPanel_Description = Provide authentication information PromptCredentialsPanel_Tab_General = General PromptCredentialsPanel_Tab_SSHSettings = SSH Settings PromptCredentialsPanel_Tab_SSLSettings = SSL Settings PromptCredentialsPanel_Tab_ProxySettings = Proxy Settings PromptCredentialsPanel_ApplyTo = Apply To: PromptCredentialsPanel_LocationRealm = AskTrustSSLServerPanel_Title = Certificate Problem AskTrustSSLServerPanel_Server = Server AskTrustSSLServerPanel_Problems = Problems AskTrustSSLServerPanel_Description = There is a problem with the site's security certificate AskTrustSSLServerPanel_Message = {0}\nCheck security information for the site and make your choice: do you want to trust the site or no. AskTrustSSLServerPanel_Trust = Trust AskTrustSSLServerPanel_TrustAlways = Trust Always AskTrustSSLServerPanel_Field = Field AskTrustSSLServerPanel_Value = Value AskTrustSSLServerPanel_MsgNotTrusted = - The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority.\n Use the fingerprint to validate the certificate manually! AskTrustSSLServerPanel_MsgHostNameDoNotMatch = - The certificate hostname does not match. AskTrustSSLServerPanel_MsgExpired = - The certificate is expired. AskTrustSSLServerPanel_MsgNotYetValid = - The certificate is not yet valid. ResourceSelectionComposite_Verifier_Error = At least one resource should be selected. ParticipantPagePane_Verifier_Error = At least one resource should be present in the pane. UpdateAll_Title = Update All Incoming Changes UpdateAll_Message_Single = Are you sure you want to update 1 resource? UpdateAll_Message_Multi = Are you sure you want to update {0} resources? AcceptAll_Title = Accept All Incoming Changes AcceptAll_Message_Single = Are you sure you want to accept 1 change? AcceptAll_Message_Multi = Are you sure you want to accept {0} changes? UnacceptableOperation_Title = Conflict UnacceptableOperation_Description_1 = The parent of the following resource is not on the repository. Do you want to continue? UnacceptableOperation_Description_2 = The parents of the following resource are not on the repository. Do you want to continue? UnacceptableOperation_Description_3 = The parent of the following resources is not on the repository. Do you want to continue? UnacceptableOperation_Description_4 = The parents of the following resources are not on the repository. Do you want to continue? UnacceptableOperation_Message_1 = The operation will be applied to the parent of this resource as well. UnacceptableOperation_Message_2 = The operation will be applied to the parents of this resource as well. UnacceptableOperation_Message_3 = The operation will be applied to the parent of these resources as well. UnacceptableOperation_Message_4 = The operation will be applied to the parents of these resources as well. Verifier_URL_NoHost = No host defined Verifier_URL_Short = Field ''{0}'' contains malformed URL. Verifier_URL_Full = Field ''{0}'' contains malformed URL: ''{1}''. Verifier_ResourcePath = Field ''{0}'' contains invalid resource path or name. Verifier_ResourceName = Field ''{0}'' contains invalid resource name. Verifier_ProxyPort_Range = Field ''{0}'' value must be in the range 0...65535. Verifier_ProxyPort_NaN = Field ''{0}'' contains not a number. Verifier_PropertyName_Letter = Field ''{0}'' should start from a letter. Verifier_PropertyName_Symbols = Field ''{0}'' contains invalid property name. Verifier_Pattern = Pattern does not match all the selected resources: e.g. {0} Verifier_NonEmpty = Field ''{0}'' cannot be empty. Verifier_MultiLineProperty_Main = Field ''{0}'' contains malformed property in line {1}. Verifier_MultiLineProperty_NameIsEmpty = Property name can not be empty. Verifier_MultiLineProperty_NotALetter = Property name should start with a letter, a colon (:) or an underscore (_). Verifier_MultiLineProperty_InvalidNameChar = Property name is allowed to use a word character (a-z A-Z 0-9), a colon (:), an underscore (_), a hyphen (-) or a period (.). Verifier_MultiLineProperty_EmptyValue = Property value can not be empty. Verifier_DateFormat_Error = Date pattern invalid. Verifier_IntegerField_NaN = Field ''{0}'' is not a valid integer. Verifier_IntegerField_Negative = Field ''{0}'' shouldn''t be a negative. Verifier_FileNameTemplate = Field ''{0}'' contains invalid file name template. Verifier_ExistingResource_NotExists = Field ''{0}'' contains the name of resource that does not exist on the file system. Verifier_ExistingResource_IsNotAFile = Field ''{0}'' contains the name of resource that is not a file. Verifier_ExistingResource_IsNotADir = Field ''{0}'' contains the name of resource that is not a directory. Verifier_Comment_Warning = Commit comment is empty. Verifier_Comment_Error = You should enter a comment that contains at least ''{0}'' symbols. Verifier_Abstract = Unsupported control: ''{0}'' Verifier_AbsolutePath = Field ''{0}'' contains relative path. Verifier_RevisionRanges = Field ''{0}'' should contain only a set of revision ranges. Correct format is: rev(-rev)?(,rev(-rev)?)*. Verifier_NoSpaces = Field ''{0}'' cannot contais spaces. Tag_Modification_Warning = You are going to perform tag modification action. SynchronizeWizard_Title = Synchronize Set Selection ShareProjectWizard_Title_Single = Share Project Wizard ShareProjectWizard_Title_Multiple = Share Projects Wizard ShareProject_Confirmation_Title_Single = Share Project ShareProject_Confirmation_Title_Multiple = Share Projects ShareProject_Confirmation_Description_Single = The project ''{0}'' already exists in repository and has some content. To connect the local project to the specified location, the repository folder content should be checked out. Please consider that applying local changes can cause resource conflicts. For example, if local file has the same name as the remote directory the working copy of the file will be obstructed.\n\nDo you wish to proceed? ShareProject_Confirmation_Description_Multiple = The projects ''{0}'' already exists in repository and has some content. To connect the local projects to the specified location, the repository folders content should be checked out. Please consider that applying local changes can cause resource conflicts. For example, if local file has the same name as the remote directory the working copy of the file will be obstructed.\n\nDo you wish to proceed? NewRepositoryLocationWizard_Title_Edit = Edit Repository Location NewRepositoryLocationWizard_Title_New = New Repository Location NewRepositoryLocationWizard_OverrideAuthor = &Override author name with represented below: NewRepositoryLocationWizard_AuthorName_Verifier = Author name can't be empty ImportFromSVNWizard_Title = Checkout from SVN CreatePatchWizard_Title = Create Patch CheckoutProjectsWizard_Title = Check Out Projects CheckoutProjectsWizard_SelectLocation_Title = Check Out Projects To... CheckoutAsWizard_Title = Check Out As SelectRepositoryLocationPage_Title_Share = Share Project with SVN repository SelectRepositoryLocationPage_Title_Import = Checkout Project from SVN repository SelectRepositoryLocationPage_Description = Select an existing repository location or create a new location. SelectRepositoryLocationPage_Hint_Share = This wizard will help you to share your files with the SVN repository for the first time. Your project will automatically be imported into the SVN repository. SelectRepositoryLocationPage_Hint_Import = This wizard will help you to checkout a project from the SVN repository. SelectRepositoryLocationPage_AddLocation = &Create a new repository location SelectRepositoryLocationPage_UseLocation = &Use existing repository location: SelectProjectsGroupPage_Title = Select a group of projects SelectProjectsGroupPage_Description = Select a group of projects to connect with SVN. SelectProjectsGroupPage_Hint = You can select 'Reconnect all from' option and you are able to define URL analysis depth. Analysis depth option defines how many segments after server name will be used in order to group projects by repository locations. SelectProjectsGroupPage_ShareNew = Share new projects SelectProjectsGroupPage_Reconnect = Reconnect all from: SelectProjectsGroupPage_ProjectsList = The projects which will be shared: SelectProjectsGroupPage_ProjectName = Project Name SelectProjectNamePage_Title = Specify the project(s) location SelectProjectNamePage_Description = Specify the project(s) location in the SVN repository. SelectProjectNamePage_NameOnRepository = Name on Repository SelectProjectNamePage_UseProjectName = Use &project name SelectProjectNamePage_UseEmptyName = Use &empty name SelectProjectNamePage_UseSpecifiedName = Use spe&cified name: SelectProjectNamePage_ProjectName = Project Name SelectProjectNamePage_ProjectLayout = Project Repository Layout SelectProjectNamePage_RepositoryLocationLayout = Use &Repository Location layout SelectProjectNamePage_SingleProjectLayout = Use s&ingle project layout SelectProjectNamePage_MultiProjectLayout = Use &multiple projects layout with the specified root name: SelectProjectNamePage_RootName = Root Name SelectProjectNamePage_UseRecommended = Use Su&bversion recommended layout ('trunk', 'branches' and 'tags') SelectProjectNamePage_Select_Title = Select project path SelectProjectNamePage_Select_Description = Select a resource where project will be shared to SelectProjectNamePage_Hint = Project files location on the repository will be different depending on the selected layout type. You can see future files location below: SelectProjectNamePage_SimpleModeButton = &Simple Mode: SelectProjectNamePage_AdvancedModeButton = &Advanced Mode: EditCommentPage_Title = Enter a commit comment EditCommentPage_Description = Type the commit comment for the Share Project operation. EditCommentPage_LaunchCommit = &Launch the Commit Dialog for the shared resources AlreadyConnectedPage_Title = Connect to SVN using project settings AlreadyConnectedPage_Description = Project is already configured with SVN repository information. AlreadyConnectedPage_ProjectURL = Project URL on the repository: AlreadyConnectedPage_RepositoryLocation = Repository location to connect project to: AlreadyConnectedPage_LocationLabel = Location Label AlreadyConnectedPage_URL = URL AlreadyConnectedPage_Kind = Kind AlreadyConnectedPage_Hint = You can connect this project to SVN repository using project settings or reconnect it to an other one (SVN meta-information for this project will be deleted while reconnecting). AlreadyConnectedPage_UseProjectSettings = Use project settings AlreadyConnectedPage_CreateLocation = Create location using project settings AlreadyConnectedPage_ReconnectToAnother = Reconnect to another repository location (drop existing SVN meta-information) AddRepositoryLocationPage_Title = Enter Repository Location Information AddRepositoryLocationPage_Description = Define the SVN repository location information. You can specify\nadditional settings for proxy and svn+ssh, https connections. AddRepositoryLocationPage_RootURL = General > Root URL AddRepositoryLocationPage_FixedURL_Verifier_Error = Field ''{0}'' contains URL that is not a part of ''{1}'' AddRepositoryLocationPage_Normalize_Title = Repository Location Properties AddRepositoryLocationPage_Normalize_Message = The repository location root URL refers to one of resources configured as a structure node (see 'Advanced' tab).\n\nDo you wish to normalize URL by cutting its last segment off? AddRepositoryLocationPage_ProjectList_Title = Edit Repository Location AddRepositoryLocationPage_ProjectList_Description = Cannot relocate the connected projects. AddRepositoryLocationPage_ProjectList_Message1 = Relocation cannot be performed because the new URL refers to the different repository. AddRepositoryLocationPage_ProjectList_Message2 = Relocation cannot be performed because the new URL refers to the repository which is not valid (incorrect URL or credentials specified). SelectRepositoryResourcePage_Title = Select Resource URL SelectRepositoryResourcePage_Description = Select an URL in compare with patch will be created. SelectRepositoryResourcePage_Select_Title = Select base resource SelectRepositoryResourcePage_Select_Description = Select a resource that will be used as a base variant in create patch operation. SelectPatchFilePage_Title = Run and save SVN diff results in a file SelectPatchFilePage_Description = The results of the SVN diff can be used as an input file for the Apply Patch wizard. SelectPatchFilePage_SaveTo = Save Patch SelectPatchFilePage_SaveToClipboard = To &clipboard SelectPatchFilePage_SaveInFS = In &file system SelectPatchFilePage_SaveInFS_Verifier = Save in file system SelectPatchFilePage_SaveInFS_Verifier_Warning = Field ''{0}'' contains name of existing file. SelectPatchFilePage_SavePatchAs = Save Patch As SelectPatchFilePage_SaveInWS = In &workspace SelectPatchFilePage_SaveInWS_Verifier = Save in workspace SelectPatchFilePage_SaveInWS_Verifier_Warning = Field ''{0}'' contains name of existing file. SelectPatchFilePage_Changes = Include changes: SavePatchInWorkspace_Title = Save Patch in Workspace SavePatchInWorkspace_Description = Select a folder then type in the file name SavePatchInWorkspace_Message = The patch will be saved at selected location in the workspace with the name specified. SavePatchInWorkspace_WorkspaceTree = Workspace Tree SavePatchInWorkspace_WorkspaceTree_Verifier_Error = Workspace location is not selected. SavePatchInWorkspace_FileName = File Name: SavePatchInWorkspace_FileName_Verifier = File Name SavePatchInWorkspace_FileName_Verifier_Warning = Field ''{0}'' contains name of existing file. PatchOptionsPage_Title = Advanced options PatchOptionsPage_Description = Configure the options used for the SVN create patch operation. PatchOptionsPage_Options = Patch Options PatchOptionsPage_Recurse = &Recurse into sub-folders PatchOptionsPage_Binary = Process &binary resources PatchOptionsPage_Deleted = Process &deleted resources PatchOptionsPage_New = Process &new resources PatchOptionsPage_Ancestry = Ignore &ancestry PatchOptionsPage_ProcessBinary_Verifier = Process binary PatchOptionsPage_ProcessBinary_Verifier_Warning = SVN does not handle the creation of patches for binary files. So, enable this option only if files marked as binary contains non-binary content. PatchOptionsPage_DiffOutputOptions = Diff output options PatchOptionsPage_IgnoreWhitespace = Ignore difference in &whitespace completely PatchOptionsPage_IgnoreSpaceChange = Ignore difference in &space numbers PatchOptionsPage_IgnoreEOLStyle = Ignore difference in &EOL style PatchOptionsPage_ShowCFunction = Show &C function name PatchOptionsPage_GITFormat = Use extended &GIT's format for patch files PatchOptionsPage_PatchRoot = Patch Root PatchOptionsPage_PatchRootWorkspace = Workspace (Multi-project Apply Patch wizard specific) PatchOptionsPage_PatchRootProject = Project PatchOptionsPage_PatchRootSelection = Selection SelectCheckoutResourcePage_Title = Select Resource SelectCheckoutResourcePage_Description = Select a resource which will be checked out as project. ProjectsSelectionPage_Title_Single = Selected project will be checked out into the workspace ProjectsSelectionPage_Title_Multi = Selected projects will be checked out into the workspace ProjectsSelectionPage_Description_Single = Following list contains the project which is automatically found on the repository.\nYou can select the project if you wish to check out it into the workspace. ProjectsSelectionPage_Description_Multi = Following list contains projects that were automatically found on the repository.\nYou can select project set you wish to be checked out into the workspace. ProjectsSelectionPage_CheckoutAsFolder_Single = Check out as a &folder into existing project ProjectsSelectionPage_CheckoutAsFolder_Multi = Check out as a &folders into existing project ProjectsSelectionPage_CheckoutAsProject_Single = Check out as a &project into workspace ProjectsSelectionPage_CheckoutAsProject_Multi = Check out as a &projects into workspace ProjectsSelectionPage_CheckoutAsProject_Verifier_Error = At least one project should be selected. ProjectsSelectionPage_RespectHierarchy = &Respect projects hierarchy ProjectsSelectionPage_RepositoryURL = Repository URL ProjectsSelectionPage_ProjectName = Project Name ProjectsSelectionPage_ProjectType = Project Type ProjectLocationSelectionPage_Title = Check Out As ProjectLocationSelectionPage_Description_Single = Select the project location. You can either use default workspace location and working set or choose the other ones. Type the name of working set if you want to create it. ProjectLocationSelectionPage_Description_Multi = Select the projects location. You can either use default workspace location and working set or choose the other ones. Type the name of working set if you want to create it. ProjectLocationSelectionPage_DefaultWS = ProjectLocationSelectionPage_Location = Location ProjectLocationSelectionPage_UseDefaultLocation = &Use default workspace location ProjectLocationSelectionPage_UseLocationFromSettings = &Use location which is specified in preferences ProjectLocationSelectionPage_Location_Verifier = Location ProjectLocationSelectionPage_Location_Verifier_Error_ExistingProject = The projects selected for the checkout overlap the existing project ''{0}''. ProjectLocationSelectionPage_SelectWS = Select &working set: ProjectLocationSelectionPage_WorkingSet_Verifier = Working Set MultipleCheckoutMethodSelectionPage_Title = Check Out As MultipleCheckoutMethodSelectionPage_Description = Choose how to check out selected folders. If you take 'Find projects...' option - selected directories\nand their subfolders will be scanned in order to find containers with '.project' file. Otherwise you will\nbe just able to choose checkout destination different from default workspace location. MultipleCheckoutMethodSelectionPage_Find = Find projects in the subdirectories of the selected resources MultipleCheckoutMethodSelectionPage_Folders = Check out as a folders into existing project MultipleCheckoutMethodSelectionPage_Projects = Check out following repository resources as projects: CheckoutMethodSelectionPage_Title = Check Out As CheckoutMethodSelectionPage_Description = You can checkout the selected repository resource by different ways. Select the method of checkout\nyou prefer to use. CheckoutMethodSelectionPage_HintHead = Choose how to check out folder ''{0}'' CheckoutMethodSelectionPage_HintTail = ('Checkout using New Project Wizard' and 'Find Projects' options are available only if there is no .project file in the resource) CheckoutMethodSelectionPage_NewWizard = Check out as a project configured using the New Project &Wizard CheckoutMethodSelectionPage_Find = F&ind projects in the children of the selected resource CheckoutMethodSelectionPage_Folder = Check out as a folder into &existing project CheckoutMethodSelectionPage_Project = Check out as a &project with the name specified: CheckoutMethodSelectionPage_ProjectName_Verifier = Project Name CheckoutAsFolderPage_Title = Check Out Into Project CheckoutAsFolderPage_Description = Select the target folder to check out the selected repository resource into. RecurseDepthSelector_Label = &Depth: RecurseDepthSelector_Infinity = Recursively RecurseDepthSelector_Files = Files in a folder RecurseDepthSelector_Empty = Only a folder RecurseDepthSelector_Immediates = Direct children RecurseDepthSelector_Unknown = Working copy RecurseDepthSelector_Exclude = Exclude LocalInfoPage_Copied=Copied: LocalInfoPage_LocalPath = Local Path: LocalInfoPage_State = State: LocalInfoPage_ResourceURL = Resource URL: LocalInfoPage_Revision = Revision: LocalInfoPage_LastChangedAuthor = Last Changed Author: LocalInfoPage_LastChangedDate = Last Changed Date: LocalInfoPage_LastChangedRevision = Last Changed Revision: LocalInfoPage_LockOwner = Lock Owner: LocalInfoPage_LockComment = Lock Comment: LocalInfoPage_LockCreationDate = Lock Creation Date: LocalInfoPage_LockExpirationDate = Lock Expiration Date: LocalInfoPage_PropertyStatus=Property Status: LocalInfoPage_TextStatus=Text Status: LocalInfoPage_TreeConflict=Tree Conflict: LocalInfoPage_TreeConflictDescription=local {0}, incoming {1} upon {2} LocalInfoPage_VerifyTagModification = Verify tag modification on commit svnPropertiesContentTypeName =SVN Properties ShowRevisionProperties_label =Show Revision Properties RemovePropertyAction_label =Remove Property AddToSVNCommand_tooltip =Add the selected resources to version control AddToSVNIgnoreCommand_tooltip =Ignore the selected resources when synchronizing BranchCommand_tooltip =Creates branch ExportCommand_tooltip =Export repository resource CopyCommand_tooltip =Copy local resource CopyUrlCommand_tooltip =Copy repository resource URL CleanupCommand_tooltip =Cleanup project after failure CommitCommand_tooltip =Commit the resources to version control CompareTwoRepositoryResourcesCommand_tooltip =Compare repository resource with URL and revision CompareRepositoryWithBranchCommand_tooltip =Compare repository resource with branch CompareRepositoryWithTagCommand_tooltip =Compare repository resource with tag CompareTwoSelectedRepositoryResourcesCommand_tooltip =Compare selected resources CompareWithLatestRevisionCommand_tooltip =Compare with latest revision on SVN Server CompareWithRevisionCommand_tooltip =Compare with selected revision on SVN Server CompareWithBranchCommand_tooltip =Compare with selected branch on SVN Server CompareWithTagCommand_tooltip =Compare with selected tag on SVN Server CompareWithWorkingCopyCommand_tooltip =Compare with working copy base revision CreatePatchCommand_tooltip =Compare your workspace contents with the server and generate a diff file that can be used as a patch file. DisconnectCommand_tooltip =Disconnect from the SVN repository ShareProjectsCommand_tooltip =Share projects into the SVN repository EditConflictsCommand_tooltip =Edit conflicts in the selected resource EditPropertiesCommand_tooltip =Show properties of the selected resources EditTreeConflictsCommand_tooltip =Edit tree conflicts in the selected resource LockCommand_tooltip =Lock resources LockResourcesPanel_StealLocks=Steal the locks LockResourcesTableLabelProvider_NoLocks=No Locks LockResourcesTableLabelProvider_BrokenLock=Local Lock is Broken LockResourcesTableLabelProvider_LocalLock=Locally Locked LockResourcesTableLabelProvider_OtherLock=Locked in Other Working Copy LockResourcesTableLabelProvider_StolenLock=Local Lock is Stolen LockResourcesTableLabelProvider_NotLocked = Not Locked LocksComposite_BreakLockDefaultMessage=The Break Lock Operation will be applied only to selected resources represented below. LocksComposite_BreakLockDescription=Break Lock for selected resources LocksComposite_BreakLockTitle=Break Lock LocksComposite_CreationDate=Creation Date LocksComposite_LockDefaultMessage=The Lock Operation will be applied only to selected resources represented below. LocksComposite_LockDescription=Lock for selected resources LocksComposite_LockTitle=Lock LocksComposite_Name=Name LocksComposite_Owner=Owner LocksComposite_Path=Path LocksComposite_Root=Root LocksComposite_State=State LocksComposite_UnlockDefaultMessage=The Unlock Operation will be applied only to selected resources represented below. LocksComposite_UnlockDescription=Selected resources will be unlocked LocksComposite_UnlockTitle=Unlock LocksView_SVNLocks=SVN Locks MarkAsMergedCommand_tooltip =Mark conflicting resource as merged and resolved MergeCommand_tooltip =Merge branches ReplaceWithLatestRevisionCommand_tooltip =Replace with latest revision on SVN Server ReplaceWithRevisionCommand_tooltip =Replace with revision on SVN Server ReplaceWithBranchCommand_tooltip =Replace with branch on SVN Server ReplaceWithTagCommand_tooltip =Replace with tag on SVN Server RevertCommand_tooltip =Restore pristine working copy file (undo all local edits) SetPropertyCommand_tooltip =Set property on the selected resources SetKeywordsCommand_tooltip =Set 'svn:keywords' property on the selected resources ShowAnnotationCommand_tooltip =Show annotation ShowAnnotationPanel_DefaultMessage=Please note, that you can select start and end revisions to show annotation. ShowAnnotationPanel_Description=Show Annotation ShowAnnotationPanel_FromRevision=From Revision: ShowAnnotationPanel_Title=Show Annotation ShowAnnotationPanel_ToRevision=To Revision: ShowResourceHistoryCommand_tooltip =Show resource modification history SynchronizeCommand_tooltip =Synchronize with Repository SwitchCommand_tooltip =Switch project to a new URL TagCommand_tooltip =Creates tag UnlockCommand_tooltip =Unlock resources UpdateCommand_tooltip =Update the resources from version control DiscardRepositoryLocationAction_tooltip =Discard this repository location NewRepositoryLocationAction_label =Repository Location... NewRepositoryLocationAction_tooltip =Add a new repository location ChangeSetModel_UnassignedChangeSetTitle = History =SVN History AnnotateView_name =SVN Annotate SvnPropertiesEditor_name =SVN Properties Editor SynchronizeDecoration_Text_PropChange = Properties' change SynchronizeDecoration_Text_PropConflict = Properties' conflict AutoPropsPreferencePage_columnHeaderFileName =File Name AutoPropsPreferencePage_columnHeaderProperties =Properties AutoPropsPreferencePage_buttonTextAdd =Add AutoPropsPreferencePage_buttonTextEdit =Edit AutoPropsPreferencePage_buttonTextRemove =Remove AutoPropsPreferencePage_buttonTextExport =Export AutoPropsPreferencePage_buttonTextImport =Import AutoPropsPreferencePage_dialogTitleExport =Export to AutoPropsPreferencePage_dialogTitleImport =Import from AutoPropsPreferencePage_forceTextMIME =Set text MIME type for all non-binary files CustomPropsPreferencePage_ignoreMaskValidation = Allow svn:ignore's mask validation CustomPropsPreferencePage_columnHeaderPropName =Property Name CustomPropsPreferencePage_columnHeaderRegexp =Validation Regular Expression CustomPropsPreferencePage_description =The description of the selected property is shown if available. MainPreferencePage_generalTabName =&General MainPreferencePage_structureGroupName =Structure Settings MainPreferencePage_checkoutGroupName =Checkout Settings MainPreferencePage_checkoutPrompt =The working copy name can be obtained from .project file or correspond to the repository folder name. Checkout action can be configured in order to check out trunk content instead of project root folder. Disabling these will improve checkout performance. MainPreferencePage_checkoutUsingDotProjectName =Use '.project' &project name for the working copy instead of repository folder name MainPreferencePage_checkoutRespectProjectStructure =Checkout &trunk content instead of project itself MainPreferencePage_branchTagGroupName =Branch and Tag Settings MainPreferencePage_branchTagPrompt =There are two ways how to define a location of a branch (tag), which is being created: the first option is to trust the plug-in to detect it respecting project structure (for repository locations with enabled structure detection) and the second one is to let a user to define URL manually. MainPreferencePage_branchTagConsiderStructureLabel = Re&spect project structure MainPreferencePage_branchTagManualLabel = &Manual specification MainPreferencePage_forceFreezeExternals = Always &freeze svn:externals for tags (workspace only) MainPreferencePage_showExternals = Show resources &linked with svn:externals MainPreferencePage_mergePrompt =SVN Merge view mode allows using of all Synchronize View features during merge: MainPreferencePage_mergeGroupName =Merge Settings MainPreferencePage_mergeUseJavaHLMerge =Use standard Subversion merge MainPreferencePage_mergeUseInteractiveMerge = &Use SVN Merge view MainPreferencePage_includeMergedRevisionsLabel ='Show merged revisions' allows you to look through revisions which took place in merge. They are linked to revisions they are merged into (requires SVN 1.5 server or higher): MainPreferencePage_includeMergedRevisions = &Show merged revisions MainPreferencePage_mailReporterGroupName = &Error Reporting MainPreferencePage_mailReporterPrompt =You can send the error report. This is suggested in order to improve product quality and reliability: MainPreferencePage_mailReporterEnabledName = E&nable error reporting MainPreferencePage_mailReporterErrorsEnabledName = &Inform me if report could not be sent MainPreferencePage_svnConnectorTabName =SVN &Connector MainPreferencePage_svnConnectorPrompt =Specify SVN connector plug-in which will be used to work with Subversive. Also you can specify connector plug-in settings: MainPreferencePage_svnConnector =SVN Co&nnector: MainPreferencePage_repositoryTabName =P&roject structure MainPreferencePage_repositoryPrompt =Specify default repository root names for trunk, branches and tags corresponding: MainPreferencePage_repositoryHeadName =Trunk: MainPreferencePage_repositoryBranchesName =Branches: MainPreferencePage_repositoryTagsName =Tags: MainPreferencePage_synchronizeGroupName =Synchronize View MainPreferencePage_synchronizePrompt =Specify Synchronize View settings: MainPreferencePage_synchronizeReportRevisionChangeName =Report revision &change for folders MainPreferencePage_synchronizeFastReportName =Show synchronize &info incrementally (disabling this will improve synchronize performance) MainPreferencePage_allowModelsName = Allow &models (e.g. Java) to participate in synchronizations MainPreferencePage_viewSettingsTabName =&View Settings MainPreferencePage_propertiesGroupName =Properties View MainPreferencePage_propertiesPrompt =Choose where to show SVN properties for the resource: MainPreferencePage_propertiesUseView =Display in Properties View MainPreferencePage_propertiesUseEditor =Display in Properties Editor MainPreferencePage_historyGroupName =History View MainPreferencePage_historyPrompt =Specify preferred History View layout and paging settings: MainPreferencePage_historyEnablePaging =Enable &paging with the following page size: MainPreferencePage_historyConnectToCompareWith =Show &History View while comparision MainPreferencePage_dateFormatGroupName =Date Formats MainPreferencePage_dateFormatPrompt =Specify preferred date format for decoration and tooltip: MainPreferencePage_dateFormatShort =Short date MainPreferencePage_dateFormatMedium =Medium date MainPreferencePage_dateFormatLong =Long date MainPreferencePage_dateFormatCustom =Custom date MainPreferencePage_consultChangeSetsGroupName =Consult change &sets when synchronizing or committing MainPreferencePage_consultChangeSetsAlways =Yes MainPreferencePage_consultChangeSetsNever =No MainPreferencePage_consultChangeSetsPrompt =Prompt MainPreferencePage_shareGroupName =&Share Settings MainPreferencePage_sharePrompt =Choose to enable automatic project share when existing project SVN info corresponds to the one of the registered locations. MainPreferencePage_shareEnableAuto = Enable a&utomatic project share MainPreferencePage_resourceSelectionGroupName =Resource Selection MainPreferencePage_resourceSelectionPrompt =Choose automatic resource selection behaviour. MainPreferencePage_resourceSelectionNew =C&heck the new resources in the commit dialog MainPreferencePage_resourceSelectionDerived =Allo&w derived resources management MainPreferencePage_resourceSelectionMissing = Don't check the &missing resources in the commit dialog MainPreferencePage_resourceSelectionExternal = Do ¬ check the external resources according to Subversion recommendation MainPreferencePage_resourceSelectionPresentation = &Show selected resources in resource changes pane. Otherwise resources are shown in table MainPreferencePage_resourceSelectionTreatAsEdit = &Treat replacement as edit MainPreferencePage_keywordsGroupName =Keywords Property Settings MainPreferencePage_keywordsPrompt =Choose if you want the keywords property values to be computed for all resources recursively before the 'Set keywords' dialog is shown. MainPreferencePage_keywordsComputeRecursively = Compute &keywords property values MainPreferencePage_tableSortingGroupName =Table Sorting Settings MainPreferencePage_tableSortingPrompt =Choose if you want the table sorting to be case-insensitive. MainPreferencePage_tableSortingCaseInsensitive =Use case-&insensitive table sorting MainPreferencePage_externalsGroupName = Externals Settings MainPreferencePage_externalsGroupPrompt = Choose if you want to ignore svn:externals in operations MainPreferencePage_ignoreExternals = Ignore e&xternals AnnotatePreferencePage_name =Annotate AnnotatePreferencePage_textViewTypeGroup =Use Quick Diff annotate mode for local file annotations AnnotatePreferencePage_textQuickDiffView =&Yes AnnotatePreferencePage_textDefaultView =&No AnnotatePreferencePage_textPromptView =&Prompt AnnotatePreferencePage_textViewTypeGroup =Use &Quick Diff annotate mode for local file annotations AnnotatePreferencePage_textUseOneRGB =Use &same color for all authors AnnotatePreferencePage_textRGB =Annotation Block &Color AnnotatePreferencePage_textPerspectiveGroup =Open perspective after a 'Show Annotations' operation AnnotatePreferencePage_textDefaultPerspective =&Yes AnnotatePreferencePage_textCurrentPerspective =&No AnnotatePreferencePage_textPromptPerspective =&Prompt AnnotatePreferencePage_textSelectPerspective =Perspective &for Annotate View: ConsolePreferencePage_textShowOnGroup =Show console automatically ConsolePreferencePage_textShowNever =&Never ConsolePreferencePage_textShowAlways =On &output ConsolePreferencePage_textShowError =On &error ConsolePreferencePage_textShowWarningError =On w&arning or error ConsolePreferencePage_textWrapEnabled =&Fixed width console ConsolePreferencePage_textWrapWidth =Line &width (characters): ConsolePreferencePage_textLimitEnabled =&Limit console output ConsolePreferencePage_textLimitValue =Console &buffer size (characters): ConsolePreferencePage_textColorsGroup =Console text color settings: ConsolePreferencePage_textCmdMessage =Command &Line: ConsolePreferencePage_textOkMessage =&Message: ConsolePreferencePage_textWrnMessage =&Warning: ConsolePreferencePage_textErrMessage =E&rror: ConsolePreferencePage_hyperlinksIsEnabled =&Match resource paths in the Console View PerformancePreferencePage_optionsDesc =The performance options allow you to set balance between performance and memory consumption in accordance with your requirements. You may switch off some minor features in order to improve performance of team menu and decoration for large projects. At the same time you may switch off SVN status cache in order to save lots of memory for very large projects, but please note that disabling of the SVN cache definitely decreases performance. In case when deep decoration and precise team menu enablement options are enabled SVN statuses cache is always active. PerformancePreferencePage_computeDeep =&Compute deep outgoing state (disabling this will improve performance) PerformancePreferencePage_preciseEnablements =Calculate &precise Team Menu enablements (disabling this will improve speed of response) PerformancePreferencePage_enableCache =&Enable SVN statuses cache (disabling this will save lots of memory) PerformancePreferencePage_enablePersistentSSHConnection =Enable persistent &SSH connections (disable this to avoid running multiple svnserve instances) PerformancePreferencePage_enableFileReplacementAutoundo = Enable automatic undo of file &replacement in case there are no actual changes (could take a lot of time for a very big file) CommentTemplatesPreferencePage_LogTemplates =Include 'tsvn:&logtemplate' property value in commit log templates CommentTemplatesPreferencePage_UserTemplates =Include &user defined templates in commit log templates CommentTemplatesPreferencePage_EditHint = &Create, edit or remove comment templates: CommentTemplatesPreferencePage_ViewHint = &Preview selected template: CommentTemplatesPreferencePage_historySavedCommentsCount =Commit comments history &depth: CommentTemplatesPreferencePage_historySavedPathsCount =Input history depth: CommentTemplatesPreferencePage_UseShiftEnter =Use Shift+Enter to confirm commit PreferencePage_desc =Use this page to specify versioned items decoration format. PreferencePage_textTabName =T&ext Decorations PreferencePage_textPrompt =Select the labels format (if "name" is not selected then it will be first by default): PreferencePage_textFileFormat =&File: PreferencePage_textFolderFormat =F&older: PreferencePage_textProjectFormat =&Project: PreferencePage_textExample =Example: PreferencePage_preview =&Preview: PreferencePage_textAddVariables =... PreferencePage_textAddVariablesPrompt =Select the variables to add to the decoration format PreferencePage_textAddVariablesMessage =If "name" is not selected then it will be first by default. PreferencePage_textOutgoingFlag =Outgoing flag: PreferencePage_textAddedFlag =Added flag: PreferencePage_textTrunkPrefix =Trunk: PreferencePage_textBranchPrefix =Branch: PreferencePage_textTagPrefix =Tag: PreferencePage_formatGroup = Format PreferencePage_rootPrefixGroup = Root prefix PreferencePage_automaticProperties = Automatic properties PreferencePage_customProperties = Custom properties PreferencePage_iconsTabName =&Icons Decorations PreferencePage_iconsPrompt =Choose which resource states should be indicated using an icon decorator: PreferencePage_iconsIndicateConflicted =C&onflicting resources PreferencePage_iconsIndicateModified =Outgoing &changes PreferencePage_iconsIndicateRemote =Remote &resources PreferencePage_iconsIndicateAdded =&Added resources PreferencePage_iconsIndicateNew =Ne&w resources PreferencePage_iconsIndicateLocked =&Locked resources PreferencePage_iconsIndicateNeedsLock =&Need lock resources PreferencePage_iconsIndicateSwitched =&Switched or svn:externals resources PreferencePage_generalTabName =&General PreferencePage_generalPrompt =Set general properties of SVN decorators: PreferencePage_demoFile =some_file.txt PreferencePage_demoFolder =some_folder PreferencePage_demoProject =some_project PreferencePage_demoFileRevision =27 PreferencePage_demoFolderRevision =1456 PreferencePage_demoProjectRevision =13847 PreferencePage_demoAuthor =author PreferencePage_demoAscendant = firstChild PreferencePage_demoDescendant = lastChild PreferencePage_demoFullname = firstChild/intermediateChild/lastChild PreferencePage_demoFullpath = firstChild/intermediateChild PreferencePage_demoLocationLabel =SVN Repository PreferencePage_demoLocationURL =http://www.eclipse.org/svn/project PreferencePage_demoResourceURL =http://www.eclipse.org/svn/project/svnteam-ui PreferencePage_demoShortURL =project/svnteam-ui PreferencePage_demoRemoteName =RemoteProject PreferencePage_generalUseFonts_1 =org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages.ColorsAndFonts PreferencePage_generalUseFonts_2 =E&nable font and color decorations PreferencePage_generalUseFonts_3 =See ''{0}'' to configure the font and color decorations. PreferencePage_generalUseLabels_1 =org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages.Decorators PreferencePage_generalUseLabels_2 =See ''{0}'' to enable SVN decorations. PreferencePage_noteLabel =You can configure resource label decorations in accordance with your own requirements. File, folder and project text labels format can be set on the 'Text Decorations' tab control. Resource states indicating with the help of icon decorator can be configured on the 'Icon Decorations' tab control. The preview of the resource decoration is represented below. TextDecoratorVariable_location_url =URL of remote repository location TextDecoratorVariable_location_label =label of remote repository location TextDecoratorVariable_root_prefix =prefix for trunk, the branched or tagged resource TextDecoratorVariable_remote_name =name of project resource on the remote repository location TextDecoratorVariable_resource_url =URL of project resource on the remote repository location TextDecoratorVariable_short_url =short URL of project resource on the remote repository location TextDecoratorVariable_date =last changed TextDecoratorVariable_name =name of the resource being decorated TextDecoratorVariable_author =name of the author TextDecoratorVariable_revision =last revision loaded into workspace TextDecoratorVariable_outgoing_flag =flag indicating that the resource has outgoing changes TextDecoratorVariable_added_flag =flag indicating that the resource has been added to the server TextDecoratorVariable_user_defined_data =user defined data TextDecoratorVariable_first_branchOrTag_child = name of the folder which is a first child of branch or tag TextDecoratorVariable_last_branchOrTag_child = name of the folder which is a last child of branch or tag TextDecoratorVariable_fullname =full name of the branched or tagged resource TextDecoratorVariable_fullpath =full path of the branched or tagged resource RepositoryInfoPage_name =Info ToolTipDecoratorVariable_name =Resource: ToolTipDecoratorVariable_URL = ToolTipDecoratorVariable_last_change_date =Last Change Date: ToolTipDecoratorVariable_last_author =Last Author: ToolTipDecoratorVariable_size =Size: ToolTipDecoratorVariable_lock_owner =Lock Owner: ToolTipDecoratorVariable_lock_creation_date =Lock Creation Date: ToolTipDecoratorVariable_lock_expiration_date =Lock Expiration Date: ToolTipDecoratorVariable_lock_comment =Lock Comment: ConsultChangeSets_toggleDialog_title =Consult Change Sets ConsultChangeSets_toggleDialog_toggleMessage =&Remember my decision ConsultChangeSets_message1 =Should change sets be consulted to determine which resources should be included in the synchronization? DiffFormatComposite_DiffFile_Name = Diff file DiffFormatComposite_GenerateDiffFile_Message = Generate Diff File: DiffFormatComposite_SaveDiffFileAs = Save Diff File As AddRepositoryPage_Title = Create Repository AddRepositoryPage_Description = Enter Repository Information AddRepositoryPage_Message = Define the SVN repository information. You can specify an option to create a repository location for just created repository. AddRepositoryPage_RepositoryPath_Label = Repository Path: AddRepositoryPage_RepositoryType_Group = Repository Type AddRepositoryPage_FileSystem_Button = File System AddRepositoryPage_BerkeleyDB_Button = Berkeley DB AddRepositoryPage_CreateRepositoryLocation_Button = Create Repository Location AddRepositoryPage_RepositoryPath_Name = Repository path AddRepositoryPage_DirectoryDialog_Title = Create Repository In Folder AddRepositoryPage_DirectoryDialog_Description = Select the folder in which to create the repository DiffViewerExternalProgramComposite_Path_LabelName = Program Path: DiffViewerExternalProgramComposite_Path_FieldName = Program path DiffViewerExternalProgramComposite_Path_BrowseDialogTitle = External Program Path DiffViewerExternalProgramComposite_DiffProgramArguments_Label = D&iff program arguments: DiffViewerExternalProgramComposite_MergeProgramArguments_Label = &Merge program arguments: DiffViewerExternalProgramComposite_Variables_Button = Variables... DiffViewerFileAssociationsComposite_Add_Button=Add... DiffViewerFileAssociationsComposite_Edit_Button=Edit... DiffViewerFileAssociationsComposite_ExtensionMimeType_Column=Extension/Mime-type DiffViewerFileAssociationsComposite_DiffProgramPath_Column=Diff Program Path DiffViewerFileAssociationsComposite_MergeProgramPath_Column=Merge Program Path DiffViewerFileAssociationsComposite_Remove_Button=Remove EditFileAssociationsPanel_AddDialogTitle=Add File Association Parameters EditFileAssociationsPanel_DialogDefaultMessage=Specify file extension or mime type and corresponding external program path and arguments. For specifying file extension use dot as a first character. For example, in order to specify file extension for doc files use .doc. Example of mime-type usage: text/plain. EditFileAssociationsPanel_DialogDescription=Enter external compare program parameters corresponding to file EditFileAssociationsPanel_EditDialogTitle=Edit File Association Parameters EditFileAssociationsPanel_ExtensionMimeType_FieldName=Extension or mime-type EditFileAssociationsPanel_ExtensionMimeType_Label=&Extension or mime-type: EditFileAssociationsPanel_DuplicateExtension_Verifier_Error = Extension or mime-type already exists. EditTreeConflictsPanel_Tip1=If resource was renamed on both sides, figure out the conflicting move target paths and decide where resource should be moved to, and delete the undesired move target path before committing. If resource was only renamed on one side, decide whether the resource at the move target path should be deleted or not. EditTreeConflictsPanel_Tip2=If resource was renamed, determine move target path and apply local modifications there first. EditTreeConflictsPanel_Tip3=If resource was renamed, decide whether the resource at the move target path should be deleted or not. EditTreeConflictsPanel_Tips_Label=Tips: EditTreeConflictsPanel_Title=Edit Tree Conflict EditTreeConflictsPanel_Add_Action=add EditTreeConflictsPanel_Add_Reason=add EditTreeConflictsPanel_ApplyIncomigChanges_Resolution=Apply incoming changes EditTreeConflictsPanel_ApplyLocalChanges_Resolution=Apply local changes as it is in the working copy now EditTreeConflictsPanel_Conflict_Resolution_Group=Conflict Resolution: EditTreeConflictsPanel_ConlictInfo_Group=Conflict Info: EditTreeConflictsPanel_DefaultMessage=Specify the steps to resolve tree conflict EditTreeConflictsPanel_Replace_Action=replace EditTreeConflictsPanel_Delete_Action=delete, rename or move EditTreeConflictsPanel_Delete_Reason=delete, rename or move EditTreeConflictsPanel_Description=Edit Tree Conflict EditTreeConflictsPanel_EndRevision_Label=End Version: EditTreeConflictsPanel_IncomingAction_Label=Incoming Action: EditTreeConflictsPanel_LocalStatus_Label=Local Status: EditTreeConflictsPanel_ManualResolution=Manual (do nothing) EditTreeConflictsPanel_Merge_Operation=merge EditTreeConflictsPanel_Missing_Reason=missing EditTreeConflictsPanel_Modified_Reason=modified EditTreeConflictsPanel_Modify_Action=modify EditTreeConflictsPanel_None_Operation=[none] EditTreeConflictsPanel_Obstructed_Reason=obstructed EditTreeConflictsPanel_Operation_Label=Operation: EditTreeConflictsPanel_revision=revision: {0} EditTreeConflictsPanel_StartVersion_Label=Start Version: EditTreeConflictsPanel_Switch_Operation=switch EditTreeConflictsPanel_Unversioned_Reason=unversioned EditTreeConflictsPanel_MovedAway_Reason=moved away EditTreeConflictsPanel_MovedHere_Reason=moved here EditTreeConflictsPanel_Replaced_Reason=replaced EditTreeConflictsPanel_Update_Operation=update EditTreeConflictsPanel_MarkAsMerged_Button = Mark as resolved DiffViewerVariablesPanel_BaseVariable_Description=The original file without your changes. DiffViewerVariablesPanel_DefaultVariable_Description=Path to a default handler for {0} files. This is a path to script file supplied with Subversive which allows to run {0} and used only on Microsoft Windows OS. DiffViewerVariablesPanel_DefaultDocVariable_Program = Microsof Word DiffViewerVariablesPanel_DefaultPptVariable_Program = Microsof PowerPoint DiffViewerVariablesPanel_DefaultXlsVariable_Program = Microsof Excel DiffViewerVariablesPanel_DefaultOdtVariable_Program = Open Office Text DiffViewerVariablesPanel_DefaultOdsVariable_Program = Open Office Calc DiffViewerVariablesPanel_DialogDefaultMessage=Choose one of the predefined variables DiffViewerVariablesPanel_DialogDescription=Select Variable DiffViewerVariablesPanel_DialogTitle=Select Variable DiffViewerVariablesPanel_MergedVariable_Description=The conflicted file, where to save. DiffViewerVariablesPanel_MineVariable_Description=Your own file, with your changes. DiffViewerVariablesPanel_TheirsVariable_Description=The file as it is in the repository. DiffViewerVariablesPanel_VariableDescriptionLabel=Variable Description: OpenInExternalCompareEditor_Action = Open In External Compare Editor SVNTeamDiffViewerPage_Description = Configure external diff/merge programs used for comparing different revisions of files based on file extension or mime type. In order to specify diff external program which can be applied for all files use an asterisk(*) in extension/mime-type field. WorkbenchUtil_Browser_Initialization_Failed=Browser initialization failed. WorkbenchUtil_Open_Location_Title=Open Location WorkbenchUtil_No_URL_Error=No URL specified when opening browser. WorkbenchUtil_Invalid_URL_Error=Invalid URL specified: ''{0}''. DiscoveryUi_seeErrorLog=\n\nSee error log for details. ConnectorDescriptorToolTip_detailsLink=Learn More ConnectorDescriptorToolTip_detailsLink_tooltip=Open {0} in an external browser ConnectorDiscoveryWizard_cannotInstall=Cannot complete installation ConnectorDiscoveryWizard_connectorDiscovery=Install Connectors ConnectorDiscoveryWizard_installProblems=Problems occurred while performing installation: {0} ConnectorDiscoveryWizardMainPage_clearButton_accessibleListener=Clear filter field ConnectorDiscoveryWizardMainPage_clearButton_toolTip=Clear ConnectorDiscoveryWizardMainPage_connectorDiscovery=Subversive Connector Discovery ConnectorDiscoveryWizardMainPage_errorTitle=Connector Discovery Error ConnectorDiscoveryWizardMainPage_filter_documents=Documents ConnectorDiscoveryWizardMainPage_filter_tasks=Tasks ConnectorDiscoveryWizardMainPage_filter_vcs=Version Control ConnectorDiscoveryWizardMainPage_filterLabel=Find: ConnectorDiscoveryWizardMainPage_message_with_cause={0}: {1} ConnectorDiscoveryWizardMainPage_noConnectorsFound=No Connectors Found ConnectorDiscoveryWizardMainPage_noConnectorsFound_description=Connector discovery completed without finding any connectors. Please check your Internet connection and try again. ConnectorDiscoveryWizardMainPage_noMatchingItems_filteredType=There are no connectors of the selected type. Please select another connector type or try again later. ConnectorDiscoveryWizardMainPage_noMatchingItems_noFilter=Sorry, there are no available connectors. Please try again later. ConnectorDiscoveryWizardMainPage_noMatchingItems_withFilterText=There are no matching connectors. Please clear the filter text or try again later. ConnectorDiscoveryWizardMainPage_pageDescription=\ Select connectors to install. Press Finish to proceed with installation.\n\ Press the information button to see a detailed overview and a link to more information. ConnectorDiscoveryWizardMainPage_provider_and_license=by {0}, {1} ConnectorDiscoveryWizardMainPage_tooltip_showOverview=Show Overview ConnectorDiscoveryWizardMainPage_unexpectedException=Unexpected exception ConnectorDiscoveryWizardMainPage_warningMessageConnectorUnavailable=Sorry, {0} is unavailable. Please try again later. ConnectorDiscoveryWizardMainPage_warningTitleConnectorUnavailable=Connector Unavailable InstallConnectorsJob_commaSeparator=, InstallConnectorsJob_connectorsNotAvailable=The following connectors are not available: {0} InstallConnectorsJob_profileProblem=Cannot determine p2 profile InstallConnectorsJob_questionProceed=Proceed With Installation? InstallConnectorsJob_questionProceed_long=The following connectors are not available: {0}\nProceed with the installation anyways? InstallConnectorsJob_task_configuring=Configuring installation selection InstallConnectorsJob_unexpectedError_url=Unexpected error handling repository URL PrepareInstallProfileJob_notFoundDescriptorDetail={0} (id={1}, site={2}) PrepareInstallProfileJob_calculatingRequirements=Calculating requirements PrepareInstallProfileJob_computeProfileChangeRequestFailed=Cannot compute profile change request PrepareInstallProfileJob_errorResolvingHostname=Error resolving hostname {1} for '{0}': please check your Internet connection and try again. PrepareInstallProfileJob_ok=OK SelectRepositoryResourceWizard_Title = Select Resource Wizard SelectSimpleRepositoryLocationPage_Description=Select an existing repository location. SelectSimpleRepositoryLocationPage_Details=This wizard will help you to select a repository resource for external definition. SelectSimpleRepositoryLocationPage_Title=Select Repository Location Action_SetExternals = Set External Definition... BranchTagSelectionComposite_NoBranches = There are no branches for resource. BranchTagSelectionComposite_NoTags = There are no tags for resource. SVNScmUrlImportWizardPage_Title = Import Projects from SVN SVNScmUrlImportWizardPage_Description = Import SVN projects corresponding to plug-ins and fragments in the file system. SVNScmUrlImportWizardPage_ImportVersion = Import the indicated &version SVNScmUrlImportWizardPage_ImportHEAD = Import from &HEAD SVNScmUrlImportWizardPage_Counter = Total: {0}