/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Polarion Software. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Alexander Gurov (Polarion Software) - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.team.svn.core.connector; /** * The basic status information container * * The JavaHL API's is the only way to interact between SVN and Java-based tools. At the same time JavaHL connector library * is not EPL compatible and we won't to pin plug-in with concrete connector implementation. So, the only way to do this is * providing our own connector interface which will be covered by concrete connector implementation. * * @author Alexander Gurov */ public abstract class SVNEntryStatus { /** * Possible SVN status kinds */ public enum Kind { /** * The entry does not exist */ NONE(0), /** * The entry exists, but uninteresting */ NORMAL(1), /** * The entry content or properties have been modified */ MODIFIED(2), /** * The entry is scheduled for addition */ ADDED(3), /** * The entry is scheduled for deletion */ DELETED(4), /** * The entry is not versioned */ UNVERSIONED(5), /** * The entry is missing (not scheduled for deletion but absent on the file system) */ MISSING(6), /** * The entry was deleted and then re-added */ REPLACED(7), /** * The entry not only locally changed but merged with the repository changes also */ MERGED(8), /** * The entry local is in conflicting state because local and repository changes cannot be merged automatically */ CONFLICTED(9), /** * An unversioned (or inconsistent working copy part) entry is in the way of the versioned entry */ OBSTRUCTED(10), /** * The entry is marked as ignored */ IGNORED(11), /** * The folder entry doesn't contain a complete child entries list */ INCOMPLETE(12), /** * An unversioned path populated by an svn:externals property */ EXTERNAL(13); public final int id; public static Kind fromId(int id) { for (Kind kind : values()) { if (kind.id == id) { return kind; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid entry status kind: " + id); //$NON-NLS-1$ } private Kind(int id) { this.id = id; } } /** * The entry kind (see {@link SVNEntry.Kind}) */ public final SVNEntry.Kind nodeKind; /** * The status of the node, based on restructuring changes; if the node * has no restructuring changes, it will be set to Kind.NONE (see {@link SVNEntryStatus.Kind}) * @since 1.9 */ //public final Kind nodeStatus; /** * The entry local content status in compare to base revision, not including restructuring changes. (see {@link SVNEntryStatus.Kind}) */ public final Kind textStatus; /** * The entry local properties status in compare to base revision (see {@link SVNEntryStatus.Kind}) */ public final Kind propStatus; /** * The {@link SVNChangeStatus} instance could be initialized only once because all fields are final * * @param nodeKind * kind of item (directory, file or unknown) (see {@link SVNEntry.Kind}) * @param textStatus * the file or directory status (see {@link SVNEntryStatus.Kind}) * @param propStatus * the property status (see {@link SVNEntryStatus.Kind}) */ public SVNEntryStatus(SVNEntry.Kind nodeKind, Kind textStatus, Kind propStatus) { this.nodeKind = nodeKind; this.textStatus = textStatus; this.propStatus = propStatus; } }