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[ve-dev] Container class path entry


How can I make a container classpath entry modifiable?

For instance, I add a jar file as class path entry. For this jar I add src
jar and javadoc path as follows:

IClasspathAttribute[] attributes = new IClasspathAttribute[]{
ATION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, ulcJavaDocLocation)};

fClasspathEntries.add(JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(devjar, devjarsrc, null,
EMPTY_RULES, attributes, false));

Now in Eclipse, I add this container to a project and view the Java Build
Path Libraries.

For my jar file I see src attachment and javadoc location but both are non

How do I make them modifiable? I am unable to find the relevant API?

BTW, for JREContainer for JRE jar files the above attributes are modifiable.
I looked up JREContainer class but did not see any special API to make these
properties modifiable.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,


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