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Re: [tycho-user] Packaging type for EMF standalone (CLI) app?

Dear all,

Is there a way to turn each plugin jar, obtained from my Eclipse product [1], into a separate maven artifact (rather than a fat jar), which can then be referenced as a (group) dependency from another maven project?

The reason is that as a (repackaged) fat jar another maven project cannot properly use the fat-jar maven artifact as a dependency: mvn compile, java:exec, test, etc. will not be aware of the jars-in-jar structure.

Thanks for any hints!


Hi Mickael!
Here is a possible way to do it:
* Create your application as an "eclipse-product" (so you get all the happiness provided by p2)
* Create a module that would be build after your eclipse-product and that would collect the content of the plugins/ folder of your eclipse-product and zip it (so you get a fat jar)
Thx for your response!

For the time being, I realized an approach which works for me (but appears most probably arcane to Maven and Tycho pros):

I am not very happy with certain decisions baked into my solution (eg. all the mess just to preserve the Jar-in-Jar loader throughout the Maven processing chain). But I needed something to get started.

I had no time dig deep into the reasons why the QVTo standalone execution fails unless preserving the jars as they come in P2 etc (which is a different story, as it also fails when creating executable jars from within Eclipse also).

It will certainly improve over time. Any feedback is welcome.


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