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Re: [tycho-user] How put generated resources files (txt, properties...) on update site?

You should have a look at p2.inf file syntax and touchpoint actions.


On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 10:15 AM, Mikhail Kalkov <mikhail.kalkov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Eclipse update site is a p2 repository, which consists of three parts:
 - content.xml (or .jar, aka metadata repository)
 - artifacts.xml (or .jar, aka artifact repository)
 - OSGI bundles

I believe you cannot throw in random files into an update site, they have to be proper OSGI bundles and they have to be recorded both in the artifacts.xml and content.xml. You can, however, add a readme file if you want. Anyway, this has nothing to do with Maven or Tycho, and is a pure p2 question ( I think that if you want to use a p2 repository as a general http server, you would be better off setting up a proper web site. Otherwise, you may find it good enough to package txt files as a part of your jars.

Kind regards,
Mikhail Kalkov

----- Original Message -----
From: e92-330cd@xxxxxxxxx
To: "Tycho user list" <tycho-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 9:26:55 AM
Subject: [tycho-user] How put generated resources files (txt,   properties...) on update site?

we are building our product with tycho, and during build we generate some txt files. Than we would like to put the binary jars on the update site. To provide our product to someone else. But we need to provide also that generated txt files. Coz the other side, needs to read(access) that txt files.

If there is another way how to share the generated files, i dont mind. Is it possible to use our local m2 repository, where will be stored the txt files?

Please what is the proper steps to achieve that? Thank you
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