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[stem-dev] Agenda for STEM Community Call on Thursday, March 9

To the greater STEM community:


Below is the agenda for this week’s STEM call. As always, you are welcome to join us to learn more about STEM and to raise any questions you may have about this Open Source tool.

If you wish to join the call, please contact me at judyvdouglas@xxxxxxxxxxx for call in instructions.





Updated Agenda for the STEM Community Call

Thursday, March 9, 2017, 9 am Pacific Time



1. STEM 3.0.0 Milestone 5: Jamie/Stefan


2. Issues with STEM build on Mac and possible solutions: Jamie


3. Updates


*Jamie: Wiki on model generator and _expression_ language editor restored after hack

*Matthias: STEM training at BfR on February 6-7, 2017

*Nereyda: Pneumonic plague model, death and immunity loss rates

Movie of model; PDF of SEIR model 

*Taras: Model development with birth and death rate

*Kun: Panama CDC mobile app for disease surveillance

*Ted: Lyme disease prediction model

*Emily: Update?


4. Bugs


*See item 1

*Any new bugs?


5. Items from Participants

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