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[stem-dev] Initial Project metadata and website

I've done a first pass on the new STEM website. I didn't do too much other than change the original boilerplate to add links to the existing OHF pages.

I've also filled out a bit of the project metadata which is used to automatically populate the project summary page.

I also entered the first bug in the new STEM bugzilla.

I also created three folders in STEM's new SVN repository, "trunk","branches" and "tags", these are standard conventions for using SVN. You can connect to the repository by installing subclipse and then opening the "SVN Repositories" view. In the view select "Add SVN Repository" (little button on the top) and use the following URL.


You should be prompted for user name and password, these are the same as you use for CVS.

You should see the three folders under that location in the view. The trunk folder is intended to be the root folder for the main stream of development. By convention, all projects should appear as individual sub-folders under trunk. eg. svn+ssh:// and svn+ssh:// would be the conventional locations for new versions of the "core" and "ui" projects to be "shared".


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