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Re: [science-iwg] Introducing Jeff Carver from University of Alabama

Hi Jeffrey,

I'm staff at UC Berkeley where I work on the Ptolemy project (  In 1999, we wrote a paper about software development in an academic environment (  At the time, we found that code reviews were quite effective at teaching the art of software design to students.  Back then, most electrical engineering students had very little programming experience.  These days, they have much more.  One thing we came up with was a simple color scheme for the stability of software (red, yellow, green and blue).    We independently started doing nightly builds with a web page showing the results that included the rating, code coverage and cyclomatic complexity.  We could use this page to help determine what code should next get unit tests.  We moved from this home grown system to Hudson, then Jenkins and we are no longer doing code coverage because the build takes 5 hours as it is.

I was pretty happy when I found McConnell's Code Complete and realized that we had been doing many of his suggestions.  Unfortunately, these days we are not doing more formal code reviews, though I tend to desk check software at least once with each new student.

The Ptolemy project has a style guide, which is documented at  The abstract sums it up:

Collaborative software projects benefit when participants read code created by other participants. The objective of a coding style is to reduce the fatigue induced by unimportant formatting differences and differences in naming conventions. Although individual programmers will undoubtedly have preferences and habits that differ from the recommendations here, the benefits that flow from following these recommendations far outweigh the inconveniences. Published papers in journals are subject to similar stylistic and layout constraints, so such constraints are not new to the academic community. This document describes the coding style used in Ptolemy II, a package with 550K lines of Java and 160 contributing programmers that has been under development since 1996.
One thing I think open source has failed at is that most projects have almost no documentation for the methods.  This makes it difficult to know how to use the code.

These days, with Eclipse, I think the bottleneck is that setting up a Eclipse project like Triquetrum ( has a very high "aha!" factor, where doing simple things like setting up the Welcome window is simple, but finding out precisely which lines to add where can take quite a bit of time.  I've found that looking at Github code can help here, as does Stackoverflow.  I've been attempting to update the Eclipse wiki, or at least create pages that describe what I did so that maybe the next person might find my notes.

The other bottleneck I'm seeing is in a different project, called Accessors, (proxies for IoT services and devices).  _javascript_ was selected because it runs in the browser and has asynchronous atomic callbacks (AAC).  Unfortunately, I feel that _javascript_ is not very well designed and not suitable for large scale use.  _javascript_ made me be much more a fan of Python, which until I used _javascript_, I was no fan of Python.   Software engineering for non-trivial systems written in languages like _javascript_ that are not strongly typed is bad enough.  _javascript_ just seems to make it worse than it was say in Tcl.


On 6/12/17 2:58 PM, Jeffrey Carver wrote:



Thank you for the introduction. Look forward to learning more about this group and interacting with you. Just to provide a bit more background, I’ve been doing research for more than 10 years in understand how to best apply software engineering principles to the development of scientific software, given all of the constraints and uniqueness of this domain. If anyone here is interested in talking more with me about your experiences (either positive or negative), I would really be interested. Furthermore, if anyone is interested in collaborating to address any bottlenecks in your software processes, I would really be interested in talking more.


Thanks in advance!


Jeffrey Carver

Professor (effective 8/17)

Department of Computer Science

University of Alabama

205.348.9829 (v)


From: Jay Billings <jayjaybillings@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Monday, June 12, 2017 at 8:58 AM
To: Science Industry Working Group <science-iwg@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Jeff Carver <carver@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Introducing Jeff Carver from University of Alabama




Allow me introduce you to a colleague of mine, Professor Jeff Carver from the University of Alabama. Jeff studies software engineering and does very interesting research work on scientific software. He recently asked me about the Science Working Group and I've convinced him to join the list to learn more about your projects.


Please welcome Jeff!






Jay Jay Billings

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Twitter Handle: @jayjaybillings

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