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[science-iwg] January Project Discussion Minutes


Thanks to all who were able to join the meeting this afternoon, was a good session and nice to see so many taking an interest. 

Below are the minutes from the meeting. 


Minutes of January Project Discussion (Google Hangout 25th February 2016)

Attendees: Jay Billings, Jonah Graham, Tracy Miranda, Torkild Resheim, Christopher Brooks, Michele Gabusi, Kay Kasemir and Philip Wenig


1) Discuss scope of the project

·        Following on from discussions in the mailing list, Jonah Graham has been investigating including the ICE datastructures as part of the project initial contribution.

·        The requirement for the base data structures plug-ins is that they are free of unnecessary dependencies and can be used outside of Eclipse/osgi to maximize reusability.

·        There are a couple of dependencies on viz plugins e.g MeshComponent. Jay Billings can rework these to remove dependencies.

·        EMF related classes (e.g. EMFComponents) are all in one package which could have its own plug-in

·         The ICEJAXBClassProvider and IComponentVisitor were two classes which required references to all components. Jay Billings has since solved this to allow for extensions. For instance, in the case of the Visitor, class annotations are used.

·        MatrixComponent can be reworked to be backed by IDataset ndarray equivalent

·        There are also structures in EAVP which are not specifically for visualisation e.g. CSG trees are often done without graphics. These would also be a good fit for the January project.

·        ORNL can quickly switch to adopting January project internally once it is released therefore reducing the burden of syncing between original ICE plug-ins and ones moved to January.

·        Jonah Graham will also be reworking the fork of IDatasets for the initial contribution.

2) Discuss members of project

·        Jay Billings and Alex McCaskey will be added to the committer list

·        There was a discussion about using Gerrit on the project to ensure there are build & test runs for each commit. Github & Travis are also an option (and currently being used for the IDataset fork).


·        Jonah Graham to update project scope & committer list

·        Jonah Graham will fork ICE datastructures and submit necessary pull-requests.

·        Jay Billings to remove viz dependencies.

(Eclipsecon NA hackathon will be a good opportunity to co-ordinate these changes.) 

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