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Re: [rt-pmc] incubating projects

We would actually do the repo structure now. Note that it would actually be something more like


Some fo these may have outstanding CQs. I'm not sure. At some point we have to do a creation/move review anyway. It feels better to maintain the incubator status.


DOUGLAS.CLARKE@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:

+1 for moving the incubation work with Equinox.

Would it not make more sense to organize your CVS/SVN at the time of the move to match the future nesting of projects but then just to have a single incubation component within Equinox.


Then in the future you simply 'promote' each of these areas which for now are simply folders in the incubation component to being incubating sub-projects of equinox. The only thing you would lose in the short term is bugzilla component organization for these (which could be a showstopper if each of these incubating projects has existing bugs).


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff McAffer [mailto:jeff@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 3:04 PM
To: Runtime Project PMC mailing list
Subject: [rt-pmc] incubating projects


We are setting up to move the Equinox project to RT. We curently have an associated set of incubating work in the Eclipse/Eclipse Incubator/Equinox component. We would like to move that as well. There are a couple questions. First, we need to get approval from the two PMCs (origin and destination). So for RT, any objections to moving the Equinox incubation work along with Equinox itself?

Assuming that is good, next question

Where should we put the Equinox incubator and incubators in general? In the Eclipse project we have one "Incubator" subproject with components for platform, equinox, pde, ... The Eclipse project is however much more coherent than RT. It is not clear to me that having one global RT Incubator makes sense. The other proposal is ot create an Equinox Incubator project. This is cleaner but may set a bad precedent (i.e., we would end up with every main project and a corresponding incubator).

On reviewing this it turns out that the new development process may offer some answers. The new process (to be reviewed by the board later i nthe summer) allows for deep nesting of projects. So in the future we could have RT/Equinox/Incubator/... rather than RT/Equinox Incubator/... (note the missing / in the second example).

Concretely then the proposal is to make RT/Equinox Incubator now (by moving over the current work) and then when the new process kicks in, we would just do a paper move to get the Equionx incubator under the equinox project.

I know that this is a lot of process administrivia but we want to start RT off clean and keep it that way. That means paying attention to these kinds of details. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

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