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Re: [recommenders-dev] [snipmatch] headless API for generating code snippets?

Hi Fabian,

On Aug 30, 2013, at 11:50 PM, Fabian Steeg <fsteeg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Basically, the current setup already implements the separation into headless/core and UI/editor bundles. What's currently called 'org.eclipse.recommenders.snipeditor' is actually only the language bundle, while all UI/editor-specific stuff and its dependencies are in 'org.eclipse.recommenders.snipeditor.ui'.

Okay, than I'd vote for a renaming of the plugins into o.e.r.templates, o.e.r.templates.rcp and o.e.r.snipmatch.rcp (see the backlog for more details on the proposed names).

I looked into making the generator bundles optional in 'org.eclipse.recommenders.snipeditor', but the core Xtext dependency will transitively pull them in. Also, they are all resolved from the single Xtext feature, so I don't think it would make any difference in practice, since that one feature will be installed in any case.

Or am I missing something?

As long as this does not draw in any ui dependencies I think this would be fine. I want to make use of this API in a headless server environment which makes this a hard requirement.

Thanks for looking into this!

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