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Re: [recommenders-dev] Weekly GSOC status reports

I'm sorry, I've totally forgotten my weekly report this time. You didn't miss anything, my apologies!

What I had planned for this week:
- Major refactorings in core classes (especially the cli application)
- Pretty print of overrides taglet
- Start a calls taglet

What I have done this week:

- Refactorings are done, I'm quite happy now with the main code base, its easier to maintain and debug.
- The overrides taglet output is now more clearly, check out the resuts.
- Started using the headless api for a calls taglet plugin
- Using of the o.e.r.utils.Names 'api' (src2vm name conversion etc. I've actually got some ideas on this and found some bugs, especially in combination with the headless api for release 2.0. Can we discuss this on a bugtracker entry?)
- Re-enable the maven built, so CLI is working fine again with the new dependencies (thx to Andreas!)

What I have planned for the next week:

Indeed, this time I need a prioritization from you, whether I should spend some more time on the overrides taglet, or develop the calls taglet or maybe we should start talking about an api for using livedoc as a headless osgi bundle. Or entirely else? I'd like to talk about this on wednesday in the office (yes, I will hobble to you guys ;) )

Current progress is available under

For using this, you'll need a m2 source code repository and an appropriate (with fitting maven coordinates) m2 models repository.
(@Marcel: Am I allowed to publish my own mined repository to this mailing list?)

Example usage:

./livedoc org.apache.lucene:org.apache.lucene.core:3.5.0 -sr "C:\Users\PaddyG\Code\m2_eclipse-modeling-kepler_source"  -mr "C:\Users\PaddyG\Code\m2_eclipse-modeling-kepler_models\models"  -d "C:\Users\PaddyG\Code\LiveDocOutput"

-sr: source code repo
-mr: models repo
-d output directory

Best regards

On Mon, 12 Aug 2013 10:32:37 +0200, Marcel Bruch <marcel.bruch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks Stefan, Olav, Madhuranga, and Tim for your updates. You may have seen that I integrated your projects as planned items to the next recommenders 2.0 release. I would be very proud and happy if we could make this happen (thought there will be a lot of work that will fall outside of the GSOC period).

Patrick, can you please give a brief weekly report - or did I just miss it?

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