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[recommenders-dev] [GSOC 2013] SnipEditor Weekly report

This is the weekly report for the snip editor:
What I planed to do:
-> include code completion for java methods
->  make the editor aware of elements declared inside the method bodies. Currently, it is only aware of elements declared inside the class body(attributes and methods). Also i'd like to extend this awareness to the whole file, s.t. it will recognize declared attributes and methods not only if they are in the body of a class (as it can be seen in most of the snippets).

What was accomplished:
-> the editor offers code completion and suggestions for java methods, as well as some extension methods, similar with those in XTend, for some basic operations.  e.g.: printing something to the standard output could look like: var.print(). In order to do this, it is necessary to import the corresponding org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib library with extensions. Note: i set the round brackets to be mandatory, as if not, all methods that do not have parameters could be called without the round brackets, including those from java. This is something that could change if it is not pleasing. :)
-> The editor is now aware of elements inside the method bodies. I did not expand this to the file level as there still are some errors and i'd like to correct them first. Also, i'm having second thoughts if this is necessary. In order to have an element recognized by the editor, it needs to be declared first, so if i do extend awareness to the file level, simple snippets like ${some_var}.doSomeMethod() will not be allowed anymore. 
-> Thanks to Andreas and Fabian, the project is now integrated in the main o.e.r build. :)
-> I enabled translation to java code from the editor, so any .cSnip file with a class will have a src-gen .java file containing the java code :) 

What the plan for the next week is:
First of all, I will be out of the country for a few days (28.07 -> 02.08). I will make a google document with the mid-term evaluation today to have it prepared.
So, for the next week i'd like to:
 ->solve the remaining errors in the editor. This includes some problems with array assignments, calls to the method from its own body can be made(which should not be possible), etc.
 ->set up a selective list of code proposals. At the moment it proposes everything it can find. 

Best regards, Stefan.

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